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intr.v. came (kām), come, com·ing, comes
a. To advance toward the speaker or toward a specified place; approach: Come to me.
b. To advance in a specified manner: The children came reluctantly when I insisted.
a. To make progress; advance: a former drug addict who has come a long way.
b. To fare: How are things coming today? They're coming fine.
a. To reach a particular point in a series or as a result of orderly progression: At last we came to the chapter on ergonomics.
b. To arrive, as in due course: Dawn comes at 5 am in June.
4. To move into view; appear: The moon came over the horizon.
5. To occur in time; take place: The game will be played tomorrow, come rain or shine.
a. To arrive at a particular result or end: come to an understanding.
b. To arrive at or reach a particular state or condition: Come to your senses!
c. To move or be brought to a particular position: The convoy came to an abrupt halt.
7. To extend; reach: water that came to my waist.
8. To have priority; rank: My work comes first.
9. To happen as a result: This mess comes of your carelessness.
10. To fall to one: No good can come of this.
11. To occur in the mind: A good idea just came to me.
a. To issue forth: A cry came from the frightened child.
b. To be derived; originate: Oaks come from acorns.
c. To be descended: They come from a good family.
d. To be within a given range or spectrum of reference or application: This stipulation comes within the terms of your contract.
13. To be a native or resident: My friend comes from Chicago.
14. To add up to a certain amount: Expenses came to more than income.
a. To become: The knot came loose. This is a dream that has come true.
b. To turn out to be: A good education doesn't come cheap.
16. To be available or obtainable: shoes that come in all sizes.
17. Vulgar Slang To experience orgasm.
n. also cum (kŭm) Vulgar Slang
Semen ejaculated during orgasm.
Phrasal Verbs:
come about
1. To take place; happen.
2. To turn around.
3. Nautical To change tack.
come across
1. To meet or find by chance: came across my old college roommate in town today.
2. Slang
a. To do what is wanted.
b. To pay over money that is demanded: came across with the check.
3. To give an impression: "He comes across as a very sincere, religious individual" (William L. Clay).
come along
1. To make advances to a goal; progress: Things are coming along fine.
2. To go with someone else who takes the lead: I'll come along on the hike.
3. To show up; appear: Don't take the first offer that comes along.
come around (or round)
1. To recover, revive: fainted but soon came around.
2. To change one's opinion or position: You'll come around after you hear the whole story.
come at
1. To obtain; get: come at an education through study.
2. To rush at; attack.
come back
1. To return to or regain past success after a period of misfortune.
2. To retort; reply: came back with a sharp riposte.
3. To recur to the memory: It's all coming back to me now.
come between
To cause to be in conflict or estrangement.
come by
1. To gain possession of; acquire: Mortgages are hard to come by.
2. To pay a visit.
come down
1. To lose wealth or position: He has really come down in the world.
a. To pass or be handed down by tradition: customs that come down from colonial times.
b. To be handed down from a higher authority: An indictment finally came down.
3. Slang To happen; occur: What's coming down tonight?
4. Slang To experience diminishing effects of a recreational or hallucinogenic drug.
come in
a. To arrive: Fall clothes will be coming in soon.
b. To become available for use: New weather information just came in.
c. To start producing. Used of an oil well.
2. To arrive among those who finish a contest or race: came in fifth.
3. To perform or function in a particular way: A food processor comes in handy.
4. To reply in a specified manner to a call or signal: The pilot's voice came in loud and clear.
5. To take on a specified role: When editorial review commences, that's where you come in.
come into
To acquire, especially as an inheritance: She came into a fortune on her 21st birthday.
come off
1. To happen; occur: The trip came off on schedule.
2. To acquit oneself: She is sure to come off badly if challenged to explain.
3. To turn out to be successful: a party that came off.
come on
1. To convey a particular personal image: comes on as an old-fashioned reactionary.
2. Slang To show sexual interest in someone: trying to come on to me during the party.
a. To progress or advance in increments: Darkness came on after seven.
b. To begin in small increments or by degrees: Sleet came on after one o'clock.
4. To hurry up; move rapidly. Often used in the imperative: Would you please come on! We'll be late!
5. To stop an inappropriate behavior; abandon a position or an attitude; be obliging. Used chiefly in the imperative: You've used the same feeble excuse for weeks. Come on!
come out
1. To become known: The whole story came out at the trial.
2. To be issued or brought out: The author's new book just came out.
3. To make a formal social debut: She came out at age 18 in New York City.
4. To end up; result: Everything came out wrong.
5. To declare oneself publicly: The governor came out in favor of tax breaks.
6. To reveal that one is a gay man, a lesbian, or a bisexual.
come over
1. To change sides, as in a controversy.
2. To pay a casual visit.
come through
1. To do what is required or anticipated: I asked for their help, and they came through.
a. To become manifest: The parents' tenderness comes through in their facial expressions.
b. To be communicated: The coach's displeasure came through loud and clear.
come to
1. To recover consciousness: The fainting victim came to.
2. Nautical
a. To bring the bow into the wind.
b. To anchor.
come up
1. To manifest itself; arise: The question never came up.
2. To rise above the horizon: The sun came up.
3. To rise, as in status or rank: a general who came up from the ranks.
4. To draw near; approach: came up and said hello.
come upon
To discover or meet by accident.
come with Informal
To accompany someone; go along: I'm going to the store; do you want to come with?
come a cropper
To fail utterly.
come again
Used as a request to repeat what was said.
come clean
To confess all.
come down on
To punish, oppose, or reprimand severely and often with force: a district attorney who came down hard on drug dealers.
come down to
1. To confront or deal with forthrightly: When you come right down to it, you have to admit I'm correct.
2. To amount to in essence: It comes down to this: the man is a cheat.
come down with
To become sick with (an illness): came down with the flu.
come in for
To receive; be subjected to: came in for harsh criticism.
come into (one's) own
1. To get possession of what belongs to one.
2. To obtain rightful recognition or prosperity: a concert pianist who has at last come into his own.
come off it Slang
To stop acting or speaking foolishly or pretentiously. Often used in the imperative.
come out with
1. To put into words; say: always comes out with the truth.
2. To reveal publicly: came out with a new tax package.
come to blows
To begin a physical fight.
come to grief
To meet with disaster; fail.
come to grips with
To confront squarely and attempt to deal decisively with: "He had to come to grips with the proposition" (Louis Auchincloss).
come to light/hand
To be clearly revealed or disclosed: "A further problem ... came to light last summer as a result of post-flight inspections" (John Noble Wilford).
come to terms with
1. To come to accept; become reconciled to: finally came to terms with his lack of talent.
2. To reach mutual agreement: The warring factions have at last come to terms.
come true
To happen as predicted: My fondest dreams have at last come true.
come up against
To encounter, especially a difficulty or major problem.
come up with
To bring forth, discover, or produce: came up with a cure for the disease.

[Middle English comen, from Old English cuman; see gwā- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb (mainly intr) , comes, coming, came or come
1. to move towards a specified person or place: come to my desk.
2. to arrive by movement or by making progress
3. to become perceptible: light came into the sky.
4. to occur in the course of time: Christmas comes but once a year.
5. to exist or occur at a specific point in a series: your turn comes next.
6. to happen as a result: no good will come of this.
7. to originate or be derived: good may come of evil.
8. to occur to the mind: the truth suddenly came to me.
9. to extend or reach: she comes up to my shoulder.
10. to be produced or offered: that dress comes in red only.
11. to arrive at or be brought into a particular state or condition: you will soon come to grief; the new timetable comes into effect on Monday.
12. (foll by from) to be or have been a resident or native (of): I come from London.
13. to become: your wishes will come true.
14. (tr; takes an infinitive) to be given awareness: I came to realize its enormous value.
15. (Agriculture) (of grain) to germinate
16. (Physiology) slang to have an orgasm
17. (tr) informal Brit to play the part of: don't come the fine gentleman with me.
18. (tr) informal Brit to cause or produce: don't come that nonsense again.
19. (subjunctive use) when (a specified time or event has arrived or begun): she'll be sixteen come Sunday; come the revolution, you'll be the first to go.
20. as…as they come the most characteristic example of a class or type
21. come again? informal what did you say?
22. come and (imperative or dependent imperative) to move towards a particular person or thing or accompany a person with some specified purpose: come and see what I've found.
23. come clean informal to make a revelation or confession
24. come good informal to recover and perform well after a bad start or setback
25. come it slang
a. to pretend; act a part
b. to exaggerate
c. (often foll by over) to try to impose (upon)
d. to divulge a secret; inform the police
26. come to light to be revealed
27. come to light with informal Austral and NZ to find or produce
28. come to pass archaic to take place
29. how come? informal what is the reason that?
an exclamation expressing annoyance, irritation, etc: come now!; come come!.
(Physiology) semen
[Old English cuman; related to Old Norse koma, Gothic qiman, Old High German queman to come, Sanskrit gámati he goes]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v. came, come, com•ing,
n. v.i.
1. to approach or move toward someone or something: Come a little closer.
2. to arrive by movement or progression: The train is coming.
3. to approach or arrive in time, in succession, etc.: Christmas comes once a year.
4. to move into view; appear.
5. to extend; reach: The dress comes to her knees.
6. to take place; occur; happen: Her aria comes in the third act.
7. to be available, produced, offered, etc.: Toothpaste comes in a tube.
8. to occur to the mind: An idea came to me.
9. to befall: They promised no harm would come to us.
10. to issue; emanate; be derived: Pearls come from oysters.
11. to arrive or appear as a result: This comes of carelessness.
12. to enter or be brought into a specified state or condition: to come into popular use.
13. to do or manage; fare: How are you coming with your term paper?
14. to enter into existence; be born: The baby came at dawn.
15. to have been a resident or to be a native of (usu. fol. by from): to come from Florida.
16. to become: My shoe came untied.
17. to seem to become: His fears made the menacing statues come alive.
18. (used imperatively to call attention or to express impatience, reproof, etc.): Come, that will do!
19. Slang. to have an orgasm.
20. to assume the role or semblance of: to come the grand inquisitor.
21. come about,
a. to come to pass; happen.
b. Naut. to tack.
22. come across,
a. Also, come upon. to find or encounter, esp. by chance.
b. to do what one has promised or is expected to do.
c. to be understandable or convincing: The humor doesn't come across.
d. to make a particular impression: He comes across as a cold person.
e. Slang. (of a woman) to consent to sexual intercourse at the urging of a man.
23. come again, (used as a request to repeat a statement.)
24. come along,
a. to accompany a person or group on a trip or the like.
b. to proceed or advance: The project is coming along on schedule.
c. to appear: An opportunity came along to invest in real estate.
25. come apart, to break up; break into pieces.
26. come around or round,
a. to recover consciousness; revive.
b. to change one's opinion, decision, etc., esp. to agree with another's.
c. to visit.
d. to cease being angry, hurt, etc.
27. come at,
a. to arrive at; attain.
b. to rush at; attack.
28. come back,
a. to return, esp. to one's memory.
b. to return to a former position or state.
29. come between, to estrange; separate: Jealousy came between the brothers.
30. come by, to obtain; acquire.
31. come down,
a. to lose wealth, rank, etc.
b. to be handed down by tradition or inheritance.
c. to be relayed or passed along from a higher authority: Our orders will come down tomorrow.
d. to lead or point fundamentally: It all comes down to a sense of pride.
32. come down on or upon,
a. to voice one's opposition to.
b. to reprimand; scold.
33. come down with, to become afflicted with (an illness).
34. come in,
a. to enter.
b. to arrive.
c. to come into use or fashion.
d. to begin to produce or yield: The oil well finally came in.
e. to finish in a competition, as specified: Our team came in fifth.
35. come in for, to receive; get; be subjected to: to come in for much praise.
36. come into,
a. to acquire; get.
b. to inherit.
37. come off,
a. to happen; occur.
b. to reach the end; acquit oneself: to come off well.
c. to be effective or successful: The last chapter just doesn't come off.
38. come on,
a. Also, come upon. to meet or find unexpectedly.
b. to make progress; develop; flourish.
c. to appear on stage; make one's entrance.
d. to begin to be shown, broadcast, etc.
e. (used chiefly in the imperative) to hurry; begin: Come on, before it rains!
f. please (used as an entreaty or in persuasion): Come on, have dinner with us.
g. Slang. to make sexual advances.
39. come out,
a. to be published; appear.
b. to become known; be revealed.
c. to make a debut in society, the theater, etc.
d. to end; terminate; emerge: The lawsuit came out badly for both sides.
e. to make more or less public acknowledgment of being homosexual.
40. come out with, to reveal by stating; blurt out.
41. come over, to happen to; affect: What's come over him?
42. come round,
a. (of a sailing vessel) to head toward the wind; come to.
b. to come around.
43. come through,
a. to endure adversity, illness, etc., successfully.
b. to fulfill needs or meet demands.
44. come to,
a. to recover consciousness.
b. to amount to; total.
c. to take the way off a vessel, as by bringing her head into the wind or anchoring.
45. come under, to be the province or responsibility of: This matter comes under the State Department.
46. come up,
a. to be referred to; arise: Your name came up in conversation.
b. to be presented for action or discussion: The farm bill comes up on Monday.
47. come up against, to face; confront.
48. come up to,
a. to approach; near.
b. to compare with as to quantity, excellence, etc.; equal.
49. come up with, to produce; supply.
50. Slang. semen.
come off it, Informal. (used in the imperative) stop talking or acting foolishly.
[before 900; Middle English; Old English cuman, c. Old Saxon cuman, Old High German queman, coman, Old Norse koma, Gothic qiman; akin to Latin venīre to come, Greek baínein to go, Skt gácchati (he) goes]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. 'come'

You use come to talk about movement towards the place where you are, or towards a place where you have been or will be.

Come and look.
Eleanor had come to visit her.
You must come and see me about it.

The past tense of come is came. The -ed participle is come.

The children came along the beach towards me.
A ship had just come in from Turkey.
2. 'come' or 'go'?

When you are talking about movement away from the place where you are, you use go, not 'come'. You also use go when you are describing movement that is neither towards you nor away from you.

You use here with come and there with go.

Alfredo, come over here.
I still go there all the time.

If you invite someone to accompany you somewhere, you usually use come, not 'go'.

Will you come with me to the hospital?
Come and meet Roger.

In some situations, you can use come or go to show indirectly whether you will be in a place that you are referring to. For example, if you say 'Are you going to John's party?', you are not showing whether you yourself are going to the party. However, if you say 'Are you coming to John's party?', you are showing that you will definitely be there.

3. 'come and'

You use come and with another verb to say that someone visits you or moves towards you in order to do something.

Come and see me next time you're in London.
She would come and hold his hand.

In informal American English you can leave out and in sentences like these.

He has not had the courage to come look us in the eye.
4. used to mean 'become'

Come is sometimes used to mean become.

One of my buttons came undone.
Remember that some dreams come true.
See become
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: come
Gerund: coming

I come
you come
he/she/it comes
we come
you come
they come
I came
you came
he/she/it came
we came
you came
they came
Present Continuous
I am coming
you are coming
he/she/it is coming
we are coming
you are coming
they are coming
Present Perfect
I have come
you have come
he/she/it has come
we have come
you have come
they have come
Past Continuous
I was coming
you were coming
he/she/it was coming
we were coming
you were coming
they were coming
Past Perfect
I had come
you had come
he/she/it had come
we had come
you had come
they had come
I will come
you will come
he/she/it will come
we will come
you will come
they will come
Future Perfect
I will have come
you will have come
he/she/it will have come
we will have come
you will have come
they will have come
Future Continuous
I will be coming
you will be coming
he/she/it will be coming
we will be coming
you will be coming
they will be coming
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been coming
you have been coming
he/she/it has been coming
we have been coming
you have been coming
they have been coming
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been coming
you will have been coming
he/she/it will have been coming
we will have been coming
you will have been coming
they will have been coming
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been coming
you had been coming
he/she/it had been coming
we had been coming
you had been coming
they had been coming
I would come
you would come
he/she/it would come
we would come
you would come
they would come
Past Conditional
I would have come
you would have come
he/she/it would have come
we would have come
you would have come
they would have come
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.come - the thick white fluid containing spermatozoa that is ejaculated by the male genital tractcome - the thick white fluid containing spermatozoa that is ejaculated by the male genital tract
milt - seminal fluid produced by male fish
bodily fluid, body fluid, liquid body substance, humour, humor - the liquid parts of the body
sperm, sperm cell, spermatozoan, spermatozoon - the male reproductive cell; the male gamete; "a sperm is mostly a nucleus surrounded by little other cellular material"
Verb1.come - move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody; "He came singing down the road"; "Come with me to the Casbah"; "come down here!"; "come out of the closet!"; "come into the room"
emanate - proceed or issue forth, as from a source; "Water emanates from this hole in the ground"
accost, come up to, address - speak to someone
go, locomote, move, travel - change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast"
come near, approach - come near in time; "Winter is approaching"; "approaching old age"
approach, draw near, near, come near, come on, draw close, go up - move towards; "We were approaching our destination"; "They are drawing near"; "The enemy army came nearer and nearer"
uprise, ascend, come up, rise - come up, of celestial bodies; "The sun also rises"; "The sun uprising sees the dusk night fled..."; "Jupiter ascends"
rise up, surface, come up, rise - come to the surface
bring home the bacon, deliver the goods, succeed, win, come through - attain success or reach a desired goal; "The enterprise succeeded"; "We succeeded in getting tickets to the show"; "she struggled to overcome her handicap and won"
make it, pull round, pull through, survive, come through - continue in existence after (an adversity, etc.); "He survived the cancer against all odds"
come in - come into fashion; become fashionable
accompany, attach to, come with, go with - be present or associated with an event or entity; "French fries come with the hamburger"; "heart attacks are accompanied by distruction of heart tissue"; "fish usually goes with white wine"; "this kind of vein accompanies certain arteries"
depart, go away, go - move away from a place into another direction; "Go away before I start to cry"; "The train departs at noon"
2.come - reach a destinationcome - reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress; "She arrived home at 7 o'clock"; "She didn't get to Chicago until after midnight"
land, set down - reach or come to rest; "The bird landed on the highest branch"; "The plane landed in Istanbul"
drive in - arrive by motorcar; "The star and her manager drive in today from their motor tour across the country"
land, put down, bring down - cause to come to the ground; "the pilot managed to land the airplane safely"
set ashore, shore, land - arrive on shore; "The ship landed in Pearl Harbor"
roll up - arrive in a vehicle: "He rolled up in a black Mercedes"
get - reach and board; "She got the bus just as it was leaving"
come in, come - be received; "News came in of the massacre in Rwanda"
attain, reach, hit - reach a point in time, or a certain state or level; "The thermometer hit 100 degrees"; "This car can reach a speed of 140 miles per hour"
flood in - arrive in great numbers
move in, pull in, get in, draw in - of trains; move into (a station); "The bullet train drew into Tokyo Station"
plump in - arrive suddenly and unannounced; "He plumped in on a Sunday morning"
3.come - come to pass; arrive, as in due course; "The first success came three days later"; "It came as a shock"; "Dawn comes early in June"
hap, happen, occur, come about, take place, go on, pass off, fall out, pass - come to pass; "What is happening?"; "The meeting took place off without an incidence"; "Nothing occurred that seemed important"
descend, settle, fall - come as if by falling; "Night fell"; "Silence fell"
come - reach or enter a state, relation, condition, use, or position; "The water came to a boil"; "We came to understand the true meaning of life"; "Their anger came to a boil"; "I came to realize the true meaning of life"; "The shoes came untied"; "come into contact with a terrorist group"; "his face went red"; "your wish will come true"
4.come - reach or enter a state, relation, condition, use, or position; "The water came to a boil"; "We came to understand the true meaning of life"; "Their anger came to a boil"; "I came to realize the true meaning of life"; "The shoes came untied"; "come into contact with a terrorist group"; "his face went red"; "your wish will come true"
change - undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night"
come - come to pass; arrive, as in due course; "The first success came three days later"; "It came as a shock"; "Dawn comes early in June"
5.come - to be the product or result; "Melons come from a vine"; "Understanding comes from experience"
arise, originate, spring up, uprise, develop, grow, rise - come into existence; take on form or shape; "A new religious movement originated in that country"; "a love that sprang up from friendship"; "the idea for the book grew out of a short story"; "An interesting phenomenon uprose"
come - exist or occur in a certain point in a series; "Next came the student from France"
6.come - be found or available; "These shoes come in three colors; The furniture comes unassembled"
exist, be - have an existence, be extant; "Is there a God?"
7.come - come forth; "A scream came from the woman's mouth"; "His breath came hard"
8.come - be a native of; "She hails from Kalamazoo"
be - have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer"
descend, derive, come - come from; be connected by a relationship of blood, for example; "She was descended from an old Italian noble family"; "he comes from humble origins"
9.come - extend or reach; "The water came up to my waist"; "The sleeves come to your knuckles"
extend, run, lead, pass, go - stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point; "Service runs all the way to Cranbury"; "His knowledge doesn't go very far"; "My memory extends back to my fourth year of life"; "The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets"
10.come - exist or occur in a certain point in a series; "Next came the student from France"
come, follow - to be the product or result; "Melons come from a vine"; "Understanding comes from experience"
be - occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere; "Where is my umbrella?" "The toolshed is in the back"; "What is behind this behavior?"
11.come - cover a certain distance; "She came a long way"
go, locomote, move, travel - change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast"
12.come - come under, be classified or included; "fall into a category"; "This comes under a new heading"
be - have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer"
13.come - happen as a result; "Nothing good will come of this"
ensue, result - issue or terminate (in a specified way, state, etc.); end; "result in tragedy"
14.come - add up in number or quantitycome - add up in number or quantity; "The bills amounted to $2,000"; "The bill came to $2,000"
work out - be calculated; "The fees work out to less than $1,000"
be - have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer"
outnumber - be larger in number
average, average out - amount to or come to an average, without loss or gain; "The number of hours I work per work averages out to 40"
make - add up to; "four and four make eight"
15.come - develop into; "This idea will never amount to anything"; "nothing came of his grandiose plans"
become, turn - undergo a change or development; "The water turned into ice"; "Her former friend became her worst enemy"; "He turned traitor"
aggregate - amount in the aggregate to
16.come - be received; "News came in of the massacre in Rwanda"
arrive, come, get - reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress; "She arrived home at 7 o'clock"; "She didn't get to Chicago until after midnight"
17.come - come to one's mind; suggest itself; "It occurred to me that we should hire another secretary"; "A great idea then came to her"
become - come into existence; "What becomes has duration"
18.come - come from; be connected by a relationship of blood, for example; "She was descended from an old Italian noble family"; "he comes from humble origins"
derive - come from; "The present name derives from an older form"
hail, come - be a native of; "She hails from Kalamazoo"
19.come - proceed or get along; "How is she doing in her new job?"; "How are you making out in graduate school?"; "He's come a long way"
proceed, go - follow a certain course; "The inauguration went well"; "how did your interview go?"
20.come - experience orgasm; "she could not come because she was too upset"
experience, go through, see - go or live through; "We had many trials to go through"; "he saw action in Viet Nam"
21.come - have a certain priority; "My family comes first"
rank - take or have a position relative to others; "This painting ranks among the best in the Western World"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. approach, near, advance, move towards, draw near We heard the train coming. Tom, come here and look at this.
2. arrive, move, appear, enter, turn up (informal), show up (informal), materialize Two police officers came into the hall. My brother's coming from Canada tomorrow.
3. reach, extend, come up to, come as far as The water came to his chest.
4. happen, fall, occur, take place, come about, come to pass Saturday's fire-bombing came without warning.
5. be available, be made, be offered, be produced, be on offer The wallpaper comes in black and white only.
6. (Slang) climax, orgasm, ejaculate, have an orgasm, achieve orgasm My boyfriend always comes too soon when we have sex.
come about happen, result, occur, take place, arise, transpire (informal), befall, come to pass Any possible solution to the Irish question can only come about through dialogue.
come across as something or someone seem, look, seem to be, look like, appear to be, give the impression of being, have the or every appearance of being, strike you as (being) He came across as an extremely pleasant and charming young man.
come across someone meet, encounter, run into, bump into (informal) I recently came across a college friend in New York.
come across something find, discover, notice, unearth, stumble upon, hit upon, chance upon, happen upon, light upon He came across the jawbone of a 4.5 million-year-old marsupial.
come along
1. hurry, let's go, hurry up, get moving, get a move on, rattle your dags (N.Z. informal) Come along! There's no sense in hanging around.
2. progress, develop, get on, come on, go forward, roll up, make headway A spokesman says the talks are coming along well.
3. recover, improve, pick up, progress, get on, rally, mend, perk up, recuperate How's he coming along after his operation?
come apart fall to pieces, break, separate, tear, split, crumble, give way, fall apart, disintegrate The whole thing just came apart in my hands.
come at someone attack, charge, rush, go for, assault, fly at, assail, fall upon, rush at A madman came at him with an axe.
come back return, reappear, re-enter She came back half an hour later.
come between someone separate, part, divide, alienate, estrange, set at odds It's difficult to imagine anything coming between them.
come by something get, win, land, score (slang), secure, obtain, acquire, get hold of, procure, take possession of How did you come by that cheque?
come clean about something (Informal) confess to, admit, reveal, declare, acknowledge, disclose, cough (slang), divulge, own up to, come out of the closet about, spill your guts about (slang), 'fess up to (U.S.) I thought it best to come clean about our affair.
come down
1. decrease, fall, drop, reduce, go down, diminish, lessen, become lower Interest rates are coming down.
2. fall, descend The rain began to come down.
come down on someone reprimand, blast, carpet (informal), flame (informal), put down, criticize, jump on (informal), rebuke, dress down (informal), tear into (informal), diss (slang, chiefly U.S.), read the riot act, lambast(e), bawl out (informal), rap over the knuckles, chew out (U.S. & Canad. informal), tear (someone) off a strip (Brit. informal), give (someone) a rocket (Brit. & N.Z. informal) If she came down too hard on him, he would rebel.
come down on something decide on (with one or other side of an argument as object) choose, favour He clearly came down on the side of the President.
come down to something amount to, boil down to In the end it all comes down to a matter of personal preference.
come down with something catch (with illness as object) get, take, contract, fall victim to, fall ill, be stricken with, take sick, sicken with He came down with chickenpox.
come forward volunteer, step forward, present yourself, offer your services A witness came forward to say that she had seen him that night.
come from something
1. be from, originate, hail from, be a native of Nearly half the students come from France.
2. be from, issue, emerge, flow, arise, originate, be obtained, emanate Chocolate comes from the cacao tree.
come in
1. arrive, enter, appear, show up (informal), cross the threshold They were scared when they first came in.
2. finish My horse came in third in the second race.
come in for something receive (with criticism or blame as object) get, suffer, endure, be subjected to, bear the brunt of, be the object of The plans have already come in for fierce criticism.
come into something inherit (with money or property as object) be left, acquire, succeed to, be bequeathed, fall heir to My father has just come into a fortune.
come off (Informal) succeed, work out, be successful, pan out (informal), turn out well It was a good try but it didn't quite come off.
come on
1. progress, develop, improve, advance, proceed, make headway He is coming on very well at the violin.
2. begin, appear, take place Winter is coming on.
come out
1. be published, appear, be released, be issued, be launched The book comes out this week.
2. be revealed, emerge, be reported, be announced, become apparent, come to light, be divulged The truth is beginning to come out now.
3. turn out, result, end up, work out, pan out (informal) I'm sure it will come out all right in the end.
come out with something say, speak, utter, let out Everyone burst out laughing when he came out with this remark.
come round or around
1. call, visit, drop in, stop by, pop in Beryl came round last night to apologize.
2. change your opinion It looks like they're coming around to our way of thinking. yield, concede, mellow, relent, accede, acquiesce Don't worry, she'll come round eventually.
3. regain consciousness, come to, recover, rally, revive When I came round I was on the kitchen floor.
come through succeed, triumph, prevail, make the grade (informal) He's putting his job at risk if he doesn't come through.
come through something survive (with a negative or bad experience as object) overcome, endure, withstand, weather, pull through We've come through some rough times.
come to revive, recover, rally, come round, regain consciousness When he came to and raised his head he saw Barney.
come to something amount to, total, add up to The bill came to over a hundred pounds.
come up happen, occur, arise, turn up, spring up, crop up Sorry I'm late - something came up at home.
come up to something measure up to, meet, match, approach, rival, equal, compare with, resemble, admit of comparison with, stand or bear comparison with Her work did not come up to his exacting standards.
come up with something produce, offer, provide, present, suggest, advance, propose, submit, furnish Several members have come up with suggestions of their own.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. To go forward, especially toward a conclusion.Also used with along:
2. To take place at a set time:
4. To happen to one:
5. To have as a source:
6. To have as one's home or place of origin:
7. To come to be:
become, get, grow, turn (out), wax.
phrasal verb
come aboutphrasal verb
come across
1. To find or meet by chance:
bump into, chance on (or upon), come on (or upon), find, happen on (or upon), light on (or upon), run across, run into, stumble on (or upon), tumble on.
Archaic: alight on (or upon).
Idiom: meet up with.
2. Slang. To give in common with others:
Informal: kick in.
phrasal verb
come around or round
To regain one's health:
phrasal verb
come back
To go again to a former place:
phrasal verb
come by
1. To come into possession of:
Informal: land, pick up.
2. To go to or seek out the company of in order to socialize:
Idiom: pay a visit.
phrasal verb
come in
1. To come or go into (a place):
Nautical: put in.
Idioms: gain entrance, set foot in.
2. To complete a race or competition in a specified position:
phrasal verb
come into
To receive (property) from one who has died:
phrasal verb
come off
2. To turn out well:
Slang: click.
phrasal verb
come on or upon
To find or meet by chance:
bump into, chance on (or upon), come across, find, happen on (or upon), light on (or upon), run across, run into, stumble on (or upon), tumble on.
Archaic: alight on (or upon).
Idiom: meet up with.
phrasal verb
come out
1. To be made public:
Informal: leak (out).
2. To make one's formal entry, as into society:
Idiom: make one's bow.
phrasal verb
come over
To go to or seek out the company of in order to socialize:
Idiom: pay a visit.
phrasal verb
come through
To exist in spite of adversity:
phrasal verb
come to
To reach (a goal or objective):
Informal: hit on (or upon).
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
přijítspěttěsně se přiblížitudělatale
kommekomme tilnærme sigbeløbe sig til
jönközelegmenj már!összegszerűleg kitesz
fara aîkomakoma, nálgastkoma, verakomast aî
ale choďte!tesne sa priblížiť
gelmekHaydi bakalım!Haydi canım!meydana gelmekolmak


[kʌm] (came (pt) (come (pp)))
1. (gen) → venir; (= arrive) → llegar
we have come to help youhemos venido a ayudarte
when did he come?¿cuándo llegó?
they came latellegaron tarde
the letter came this morningla carta llegó esta mañana
(I'm) coming!¡voy!, ¡ya voy!
he came running/dashing inentró corriendo/volando
the day/time will come whenya llegará el día/la hora (en) que ...
it will be two years come Marchen marzo hará dos años
a week come Mondayocho diás a partir del lunes
we'll come after youte seguiremos
come and see us soonven a vernos pronto
it may come as a surprise to youpuede que te asombre or (LAm) extrañe ...
it came as a shock to herle afectó mucho
to come for sth/sbvenir por or (LAm) pasar por algo/algn
to come from (= stem from) [word, custom] → venir de, proceder de, provenir de; (= originate from) [person] → ser de
she has just come from Londonacaba de venir or (LAm) regresar de Londres
I come from Wigansoy de Wigan
where do you come from?¿de dónde eres?
this necklace comes from Spaineste collar es de España
I don't know where you're coming from (US) → no alcanzo a comprender la base de tu argumento
to come and goir y venir
people were coming and going all dayla gente iba y venía todo el día
the pain comes and goesel dolor va y viene
the picture comes and goes (TV) → un momento tenemos imagen y al siguiente no
come homeven a casa
it never came into my mindno pasó siquiera por mi mente
we came to a villagellegamos a un pueblo
to come to a decisionllegar a una decisión
the water only came to her waistel agua le llegaba sólo hasta la cintura
it came to me that there was a better way to do itse me ocurrió que había otra forma mejor de hacerlo
when it comes to choosing, I prefer winesi tengo que elegir, prefiero vino
when it comes to mathematicsen cuanto a or en lo que se refiere a las matemáticas ...
when your turn comescuando llegue tu turno
they have come a long way (lit) → han venido desde muy lejos (fig) → han llegado muy lejos
come with meven conmigo
2. (= have its place) → venir
May comes before Junemayo viene antes de junio
it comes on the next pageviene en la pagina siguiente
work comes before pleasureprimero el trabajo, luego la diversión
the adjective comes before the nounel adjetivo precede al sustantivo
he came thirdllego en tercer lugar
3. (= happen) → pasar, ocurrir
recovery came slowlyla recuperación fue lenta
how does this chair come to be broken?¿cómo es que esta silla está rota?
how come?¿cómo es eso?, ¿cómo así?, ¿por qué?
how come you don't know?¿cómo es que no lo sabes?
no good will come of itde eso no saldrá nada bueno
nothing came of ittodo quedó en nada
that's what comes of being carelesseso es lo que pasa or ocurre por la falta de cuidado
no harm will come to himno le pasará nada
come what maypase lo que pase
4. (= be, become) I have come to like herha llegado a caerme bien
I came to think it was all my faultllegué a la conclusión de que era culpa mía
now I come to think of itahora que lo pienso, pensándolo bien
it came to pass that (liter) → aconteció que ...
those shoes come in two coloursesos zapatos vienen en dos colores
the button has come looseel botón se ha soltado
it comes naturally to himlo hace sin esfuerzo, no le cuesta nada hacerlo
it'll all come right in the endal final, todo se arreglará
my dreams came truemis sueños se hicieron realidad
5. (= have orgasm) → correrse (Sp) , acabar (LAm)
6. (in phrases)
come again?¿cómo (dice)?
he's as good as they comees bueno como él solo
he's as stupid as they comees tonto de remate
I like my tea just as it comesme gusta el té hecho de cualquier modo
they don't come any better than thatmejores no los hay
to come between two people (= interfere) → meterse or entrometerse entre dos personas; (= separate) → separar a dos personas
nothing can come between usno hay nada que sea capaz de separarnos
cars like that don't come cheaplos coches así no son baratos
come, come!¡vamos!
the new ruling comes into force next yearla nueva ley entra en vigor el año que viene
I don't know whether I'm coming or goingno sé lo que me hago
he had it coming to himse lo tenía bien merecido
if it comes to itllegado el caso
oh, come now!¡vamos!
I could see it cominglo veía venir
come to thatsi vamos a eso ...
in (the) years to comeen los años venideros
B. VT don't come that game with me!¡no me vengas con esos cuentos!
that's coming it a bit strongeso me parece algo exagerado, no es para tanto
come about VI + ADVsuceder, ocurrir
how did this come about?¿cómo ha sido esto?
come across
1. (= make an impression) to come across well/badlycausar buena/mala impresión
she comes across as a nice girlda la impresión de ser una chica simpática
it didn't come across like thatno lo entendimos en ese sentido, no es ésa la impresión que nos produjo
2. (US) (= keep one's word) → cumplir la palabra
B. VI + PREP (= find) → dar con, topar con, encontrarse con
I came across a dress that I hadn't worn for yearsdi con or me encontré un vestido que hacía años que no me ponía
come across with VI + PREP [+ money] → apoquinar
to come across with the informationsoltar prenda
come along VI + ADV
1. come along! (in friendly tone) → ¡vamos!, ¡venga!, ¡ándale! (esp Mex), ¡ándele! (Mex); (impatiently) → ¡date prisa!, ¡apúrate! (LAm)
2. (= accompany) → acompañar
are you coming along?¿vienes?, ¿nos acompañas?
you'll have to come along with me to the stationusted tendrá que acompañarme a la comisaría
3. (= progress) → ir
how is the book coming along?¿qué tal va el libro?
it's coming along nicelyva bien
4. (= arrive) [chance] → presentarse
then who should come along but Alexentonces se presentó nada más ni nada menos que Alex
come apart VI + ADVdeshacerse, caer en pedazos
come around VI + ADV = come round
come at VI + PREP
1. [+ solution] → llegar a
2. (= attack) → atacar, precipitarse sobre
come away VI + ADV
1. (= leave) → marcharse, salir
come away from there!¡sal or quítate de ahí!
2. (= become detached) → separarse, desprenderse
come back VI + ADV
1. (= return) → volver, regresar (LAm)
my brother is coming back tomorrowmi hermano vuelve mañana
would you like to come back for a cup of tea?¿quieres volver a casa a tomar un té?
to come back to what we were discussingvolviendo a lo anterior ...
it all comes back to moneytodo viene a ser cuestión de dinero
2. (= reply) can I come back to you on that one?¿te importa si dejamos ese punto para mas tarde?
when accused, he came back with a counter-accusationcuando le acusaron, respondió con una contraacusación
3. (= return to mind) it's all coming back to meahora sí me acuerdo
come before VI + PREP (Jur) [person] → comparecer ante
his case came before the courtssu caso llegó a los tribunales
come by
A. VI + PREP (= obtain) → conseguir, adquirir
how did she come by that name?¿cómo adquirió ese nombre?
1. (= pass) → pasar
could I come by please?¿me permite?, ¿se puede?
2. (= visit) → visitar, entrar a ver
next time you come byla próxima vez que vengas por aquí
come down
A. VI + PREPbajar
to come down the stairsbajar las escaleras
1. (= descend) [person, prices, temperature] → bajar (from, to de a) [rain] → caer; [plane] (= land) → aterrizar; (= crash) → estrellarse
to come down in the worldvenir a menos
to come down hard on sbser duro con algn
she came down on them like a ton of bricksse les echó encima
to come down against a policydeclararse en contra de una política
so it comes down to thisasí que se reduce a esto
if it comes down to it, we'll have to movesi es necesario habrá que mudarse
to come down on sb's sidetomar partido por algn
if it comes down heads [coin] → si sale cara
2. (= be transmitted) [heirloom] → pasar; [tradition] → ser transmitido
3. [building] (= be demolished) → ser derribado/a; (= fall down) → derrumbarse
come down with VI + PREP
1. (= become ill from) → caer enfermo de, enfermar de
to come down with flucaer enfermo or enfermar de gripe
2. (= pay out) → apoquinar
come forward VI + ADV
1. (= advance) → avanzar
2. (= volunteer) → ofrecerse, presentarse
to come forward with a suggestionofrecer una sugerencia
3. (= respond) → responder
come in VI + ADV [person] → entrar; [train, person in race] → llegar; [tide] → crecer
come in!¡pase!, ¡entre!, ¡siga! (LAm)
the Tories came in at the last electionen las últimas elecciones, ganaron los conservadores
where do I come in?y yo ¿qué hago?, y yo ¿qué pinto?
they have no money coming inno tienen ingresos or (LAm) entradas
he has £500 coming in each weektiene ingresos or (LAm) entradas de 500 libras por semana
he came in last (in race) → llegó el último
it will come in handyvendrá bien
to come in for criticism/praiseser objeto de críticas/elogios
to come in on a dealtomar parte en un negocio
come into VI + PREP
1. (= inherit) [+ legacy] → heredar
he came into a fortuneheredó una fortuna, le correspondió una fortuna
2. (= be involved in) → tener que ver con, ser parte de
melons don't come into itlos melones no tienen que ver, los melones no hacen al caso
come of VI + PREP to come of a good familyser de buena familia
see also age A2
come off
1. [button] → caerse; [stain] → quitarse
does this lid come off?¿se puede quitar esta tapa?
2. (= take place, come to pass) → tener lugar, realizarse
3. (= succeed) → tener éxito, dar resultados
to come off well/badly (= turn out) → salir bien/mal
4. (= acquit o.s.) → portarse
to come off bestsalir mejor parado, salir ganando
5. (Theat) the play came off in Januaryla obra dejó de figurar en la cartelera en enero
1. (= separate from) she came off her bikese cayó de la bicicleta
the car came off the roadel coche se salió de la carretera
the label came off the bottlela etiqueta se desprendió de la botella
come off it!¡vamos, anda!, ¡venga ya!
I told him to come off itle dije que dejase de hacer el tonto
2. (= give up) → dejar
it's time you came off the pilles hora de dejar la píldora
come on
1. come on! (expressing encouragement) → ¡vamos!, ¡venga!, ¡ándale! (esp Mex), ¡ándele! (Mex); (urging haste) → ¡date prisa!, ¡apúrate! (LAm); (expressing disbelief) → ¡venga ya!
2. (= progress) → ir; [plant] → crecer, desarrollarse
how is the book coming on?¿qué tal va el libro?
it's coming on nicelyva bien
3. (= start) → empezar
winter is coming on nowya está empezando el invierno
I feel a cold coming onme está entrando un catarro
see also come on to
4. (Theat) → salir a escena
5. [light] → encenderse
6. (US) (fig) he came on sincerefingía ser sincero
B. VI + PREP = come upon
come on to VI + PREP
1. (= start discussing) [+ question, topic, issue] → pasar a
I'll come on to that in a moment; I'm coming on to that nextde eso hablaré en seguida
2. (esp US) (sexually) → tirar los tejos a, insinuarse a
come out VI + ADV
1. (= emerge) [person, object, sun, magazine] → salir (of de) [qualities] → mostrarse; [news] → divulgarse, difundirse; [scandal] → descubrirse, salir a la luz; [film] → estrenarse
we came out of the cinema at tensalimos del cine a las diez
her book comes out in Maysu libro sale en mayo
the idea came out of an experimentla idea surgió a raíz de un experimento
he came out of it with creditsalió con honor
see also closet
2. (= open) [flower] → abrirse, florecer
3. (into the open) [debutante] → ser presentada en sociedad, ponerse de largo; [homosexual] → declararse
to come out on strikedeclararse en huelga (fig) to come out for/against sthdeclararse en pro/en contra de algo
4. [stain] (= be removed) → quitarse; [dye] (= run) → desteñirse
I don't think this stain will come outno creo que esta mancha se vaya a quitar
5. (= become covered with) he came out in a rashle salió un sarpullido
he came out in spotsle salieron granos
I came out in a sweatempecé a sudar, me cubrí de sudor
6. (in conversation) to come out with a remarksalir con un comentario
you never know what he's going to come out with next!¡nunca se sabe por dónde va a salir!
7. (= turn out) → salir
it all came out righttodo salió bien
none of my photos came outno salió ninguna de mis fotos
you always come out well in photossiempre sales bien en las fotos
it comes out at £5 a headsale a 5 libras por cabeza
come over
1. (lit) → venir, venirse
they came over to England for a holidayse vinieron a Inglaterra de vacaciones
you'll soon come over to my way of thinking (fig) → ya me darás la razón
2. (= feel suddenly) → ponerse
she came over quite illse puso bastante mala
he came over all shyde repente le dio vergüenza
I came over all dizzyme mareé
3. (= give impression) how did he come over?¿qué impresión produjo?
to come over well/badlycausar buena/mala impresión
her speech came over very wellsu discurso causó buena impresión
to come over asdar la impresión de ser, dar una imagen de
B. VI + PREP I don't know what's come over him!¡no sé lo que le pasa!
a feeling of weariness came over herle invadió una sensación de cansancio
a change came over himse operó en él un cambio
come round VI + ADV
1. (= visit) come round whenever you likepasa por la casa cuando quieras
he is coming round to see us tonightviene a vernos or pasará a vernos esta noche
2. (= occur regularly) → llegar
I shall be glad when payday comes roundya estoy esperando el día de pago
3. (= make detour) → dar un rodeo, desviarse
I had to come round by the Post Office to post a lettertuve que desviarme hasta Correos para echar una carta
4. (= change one's mind) → dejarse convencer
she'll soon come round to my way of thinkingno tardará en darme la razón
he came round to our viewadoptó nuestra opinión
5. (= throw off bad mood) → tranquilizarse, calmarse; (= cheer up) → animarse
leave him alone, he'll soon come rounddéjalo en paz, ya se calmará
6. (= regain consciousness, esp after anaesthetic) → volver en sí
he came round after about ten minutesvolvió en sí después de unos diez minutos
come through
1. (= survive) → sobrevivir; (= recover) → recuperarse
he's badly injured, but he'll come through all rightestá malherido, pero se recuperará or se pondrá bien
2. [telephone call] → llegar
the call came through from France at las 10 de la noche lograron comunicar desde Francia
1. (= survive) [+ war, danger] → sobrevivir; (uninjured) → salir ileso/a de; [+ illness] → recuperarse de
2. (= pass) [+ test] → superar
come through with VI + PREP (US) = come up with
come to
A. VI + PREP [amount] → ascender a, sumar
how much does it come to?¿cuánto es en total?, ¿a cuánto asciende?
it comes to £15 altogetheren total son 15 libras
so it comes to thisasí que viene a ser esto
what are we coming to?¿adónde va a parar todo esto?
B. VI + ADV (= regain consciousness, esp after accidental knock-out) → recobrar el conocimiento
he came to in hospitalrecobró el conocimiento en el hospital
come together VI + ADV (= assemble) → reunirse, juntarse
great qualities come together in his worken su obra se dan cita grandes cualidades
it's all coming together now [project, plan] → parece que ya empieza a tomar forma
come under VI + PREP it comes under the heading of vandalismse puede clasificar de vandalismo
he came under the teacher's influencecayó bajo la influencia del profesor
to come under attacksufrir un ataque, verse atacado
come up
1. (= ascend) [person] → subir; [sun] → salir; [plant] → aparecer
come up here!¡sube aquí!
he has come up in the worldha subido mucho en la escala social
2. (= crop up) [difficulty] → surgir; [matters for discussion] → plantearse, mencionarse
something's come up so I'll be late homeha surgido algo, así es que llegaré tarde a casa
to come up for saleponerse a la venta
3. (Jur) [accused] (= appear in court) → comparecer; [lawsuit] (= be heard) → oírse, presentarse
to come up before the judgecomparecer ante el juez
his case comes up tomorrowsu proceso se verá mañana
4. (Univ) → matricularse
he came up to Oxford last year (Brit) → se matriculó en la universidad de Oxford el año pasado
B. VI + PREPsubir
to come up the stairssubir las escaleras
come up against VI + PREP [+ problem] → tropezar con; [+ enemy] → tener que habérselas con
she came up against complete opposition to her proposalstropezó con una oposición total ante sus propuestas
come upon VI + PREP (= find) [+ object, person] → topar(se) con, encontrar
come up to VI + PREP
1. (= reach) → llegar hasta
the water came up to my waistel agua me llegaba hasta la cintura
2. (= approach) → acercarse a
she came up to me and kissed mese me acercó y me besó
3. (fig) → estar a la altura de, satisfacer
it didn't come up to our expectationsno estuvo a la altura de lo que esperábamos
the goods didn't come up to the required standardla mercancía no satisfacía el nivel de calidad requerido
see also scratch A3
come up with VI + PREP
1. (= suggest, propose) [+ idea, plan] → proponer, sugerir; [+ suggestion] → hacer; [+ solution] → ofrecer, sugerir
2. (= find) [+ money] → encontrar
eventually he came up with the moneypor fin encontró el dinero
Although come and venir usually imply motion towards the speaker while go and ir imply motion away from them, there are some differences between the two languages. In English we sometimes describe movement as if from the other person's perspective. In Spanish, this is not the case.
 For example when someone calls you:
I'm coming Ya voy
 Making arrangements over the phone or in a letter:
I'll come and pick you up at four Iré a recogerte a las cuatro Can I come too? ¿Puedo ir yo también? Shall I come with you? ¿Voy contigo?
 So, use ir rather than venir when going towards someone else or when joining them to go on somewhere else.
Are you coming with us? (viewed from the speaker's perspective) ¿(Te) vienes con nosotros?
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈkʌm] [came] [ˈkeɪm] (pt) [come] [ˈkʌm] (pp) vi
(= accompany) → venir
Can I come too? → Est-ce que je peux venir aussi?
I'll come with you → Je viens avec toi.
Come with me, please → Suivez-moi, s'il vous plaît.
(= call, visit) → venir
Some friends came to see us → Quelques amis sont venus nous voir.
(= arrive) → arriver
They came late → Ils sont arrivés en retard.
The letter came this morning → La lettre est arrivée ce matin.
I'm coming!, coming! → j'arrive!
(interjections) come again? (= pardon) → comment?
come, come! (old-fashioned) (= come on) → allons donc!, mais voyons!
(= climax) (sexually)jouir
to come of sth (= result from) → résulter de qch
what might come of it → ce qui pourrait en résulter, ce qui pourrait advenir, ce qui pourrait se produire
(= become) to come undone → se défaire
to come loose → se desserrer
to be as ... as they come
He's as stupid as they come → Il n'y a pas plus stupide.
to have it coming to you (= be about to get what one deserves) → la chercher
to get what's coming to you → finir par avoir ce que l'on mérite
come to think of it → réflexion faite
come about
vi [situation] → se produire, arriver
come across
vt fus [+ person] → rencontrer par hasard, tomber sur; [+ thing] → trouver par hasard, tomber sur
the greediest creature I've ever come across → l'être le plus avide sur lequel je sois jamais tombé
vi [person] to come across well → faire une bonne impression
to come across badly → faire une mauvaise impression
to come across as sth → donner l'impression d'être qch
come along
(= improve) [pupil, work] → faire des progrès, avancer
(= hurry) come along! → allez!
Come along, children! → Allez les enfants!
come apart
(= fall to pieces) [book, clothes, shoes] → tomber en morceaux
(= break up) [marriage] → se détériorer; [coalition] → se disloquer
come away
(= depart) → partir, s'en aller
(= become detached) → se détacher
come back
(= return) → revenir
Come back! → Reviens!
(= reply later) to come back to sb on sth → répondre plus tard à qn à propos de qch
Can I come back to you on that one? → Est-ce que je peux te répondre plus tard?
come by
vt fus (= acquire) → obtenir, se procurer
come down
[person] → descendre
[prices] → baisser
[buildings] → être démoli(e)
when it comes down to it → au fond
when you come down to it → au fond
come forward
(= step forward) → s'avancer
(= make o.s. known) → se présenter, s'annoncer
come from
vt fus
(= be from) [+ place] → venir de, être originaire de; [+ family, group, tradition] → être issu(e) de
Where do you come from? → Tu viens d'où?
(= arrive from)
We've just come from Paris → Nous arrivons de Paris.
I know where you're coming from → je vois ce que tu veux dire
come in
[person] → entrer
Come in! → Entrez!
[report, information] → parvenir
[money] → rentrer
[fashion, new idea] → naître
[tide] → monter
come in for
vt fus [+ criticism, blame] → être l'objet de
come into
vt fus
(= inherit) [+ money] → hériter de
to come into sight, to come into view → apparaître
come off
[button] → se détacher
[stain] → s'enlever
(= be successful) [attempt] → réussir
(= fare) to come off best → gagner
to come off worst → s'en tirer le plus mal
vt fus
[+ drug] → décrocher de
come off it! → arrête (ton char)!
come on
[lights, electricity] → s'allumer; [central heating] → se mettre en marche
(= make progress) [pupil] → faire des progrès; [work, project] → avancer
[winter] → arriver
(= hurry) come on! → allez!
(encouraging) come on! → allez!
come out
(= leave) [person] → sortir
when we came out of the cinema → quand nous sommes sortis du cinéma
[book] → paraître; [product, film] → sortir
It's just come out on video → Ça vient de sortir en vidéo.
None of my photos came out → Mes photos n'ont rien donné.
(= strike) [workers] → cesser le travail, se mettre en grève
[gay person] → révéler son homosexualité
to come out to one's parents → révéler son homosexualité à ses parents
come over
(= visit) → passer
(= become) to come over dizzy → être pris(e) de vertige
to come over as sth → donner l'impression d'être qch
vt fus (= happen to) [+ person]
I don't know what's come over him! → Je ne sais pas ce qui lui a pris!
come round
(= visit) → passer
(after faint, operation)revenir à soi, reprendre connaissance
come through
(= survive) → s'en sortir
[telephone call]
The call came through → L'appel est bien parvenu.
come to
vi (after fainting)revenir à soi
vt fus
(= add up to) [+ amount]
How much does it come to? → Ça fait combien?
(= reach) [+ decision, conclusion] → parvenir à, arriver à
if it comes to it → s'il le faut, dans le pire des cas
when it comes to ... (= as regards) → pour ce qui est de ...
come under
vt fus
[+ heading] → se trouver sous
[+ influence] → subir
come up
(= approach) [person, animal] → s'approcher (= ascend) → monter
Come up here! → Monte!
[problem] → survenir
come up against
vt fus [+ resistance, difficulties] → rencontrer
come up to
vt fus
(= come close to) [+ person] → s'approcher de; [+ stranger] → aborder
She came up to me and kissed me → Elle s'est approchée de moi et m'a embrassé.
A man came up to me and said → Un homme m'a abordé et m'a dit ...
(= match)
The film didn't come up to our expectations → Le film nous a déçu.
come up with
vt fus
He came up with an idea → Il a eu une idée., Il a proposé quelque chose.
come upon
vt fus [+ person, thing] → tomber sur
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


pret <came>, ptp <come>
(= approach)kommen; come! (form: = come in) → herein!; come and get it!(das) Essen ist fertig!, Essen fassen! (esp Mil); to come and gokommen und gehen; (vehicle)hin- und herfahren; the picture/sound comes and goesdas Bild/der Ton geht immerzu weg; I don’t know whether I’m coming or goingich weiß nicht (mehr), wo mir der Kopf steht (inf); come and see me soonbesuchen Sie mich bald einmal; he has come a long wayer hat einen weiten Weg hinter sich; (fig)er ist weit gekommen; the project has come a long waydas Projekt ist schon ziemlich weit; he came running into the roomer kam ins Zimmer gerannt; he came hurrying into the roomer eilte ins Zimmer; he came laughing into the roomer kam lachend ins Zimmer; coming!ich komme (gleich)!, ich komm ja schon!; come come!, come now! (fig)komm(, komm)!, na, na!; Christmas is comingbald ist Weihnachten
(= arrive)kommen; (= reach, extend)reichen (→ to an/in/bis etc +acc); they came to a town/castlesie kamen in eine Stadt/zu einem Schloss; it came to me that …mir fiel ein, dass …
(= have its place)kommen; May comes before JuneMai kommt vor Juni; the adjective must come before the noundas Adjektiv muss vor dem Substantiv stehen; where does your name come in the list?an welcher Stelle auf der Liste steht Ihr Name?; that must come firstdas muss an erster Stelle kommen; all the other candidates came far behinddie anderen Bewerber waren weit abgeschlagen
(= happen)geschehen; come what mayganz gleich, was geschieht, komme, was (da) mag (geh); you could see it comingdas konnte man ja kommen sehen, das war ja zu erwarten; she had it coming to her (inf)das musste ja so kommen; you’ve got it coming to you (inf)mach dich auf was gefasst!; recovery came slowlynur allmählich trat eine Besserung ein
how come? (inf)wieso?, weshalb?; how come you’re so late?, how do you come to be so late?wieso etc kommst du so spät?
(= be, become)werden; his dreams came trueseine Träume wurden wahr; the handle has come looseder Griff hat sich gelockert; it comes less expensive to shop in townes ist or kommt billiger, wenn man in der Stadt einkauft; everything came all right in the endzuletzt or am Ende wurde doch noch alles gut
(Comm: = be available) → erhältlich sein; milk now comes in plastic bottleses gibt jetzt Milch in Plastikflaschen
(+infin: = be finally in a position to) I have come to believe himinzwischen or mittlerweile glaube ich ihm; I’m sure you will come to agree with meich bin sicher, dass du mir schließlich zustimmst; (now I) come to think of itwenn ich es mir recht überlege
the years/weeks to comedie kommenden or nächsten Jahre/Wochen; in days to comein Zukunft; in time to comein künftigen Zeiten; the life (of the world) to comedas ewige Leben
(inf uses) come next weeknächste Woche; I’ve known him for three years come Januaryim Januar kenne ich ihn drei Jahre; how long have you been away? — a week come Mondaywie lange bist du schon weg? — (am) Montag acht Tage (inf)or eine Woche; a week come Monday I’ll be …Montag in acht Tagen (inf)or in einer Woche bin ich …; come again?wie bitte?; she is as vain as they comesie ist so eingebildet wie nur was (inf)
(inf: = have orgasm) → kommen (inf)
vt (Brit inf: = act as if one were) → spielen; don’t come the innocent with mespielen Sie hier bloß nicht den Unschuldigen!, kommen Sie mir bloß nicht auf die unschuldige Tour (inf)!; he tried to come the innocent with meer hat versucht, den Unschuldigen zu markieren (inf), → er hat es auf die unschuldige Tour versucht (inf); don’t come that game or that (with me)!kommen Sie mir bloß nicht mit DER Tour! (inf), → DIE Masche zieht bei mir nicht! (inf); that’s coming it a bit strong!das ist reichlich übertrieben
n (sl: = semen) → Saft m (sl)
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[kʌm] vi (came (pt) (come (pp)))
a. (gen) → venire; (arrive) → venire, arrivare; (have its place) → venire, trovarsi
come with me → vieni con me
come home → vieni a casa
come and see us soon → vieni a trovarci presto
we have come to help you → siamo venuti ad aiutarti
she has come from London → è venuta da Londra
we've just come from Paris → siamo appena arrivati da Parigi
this necklace comes from Spain → questa collana viene dalla Spagna
they have come a long way → vengono da lontano (fig) → hanno fatto molta strada
people were coming and going all day → c'era gente che andava e veniva tutto il giorno
to come running → venire di corsa
to come for sb/sth → venire a prendere qn/qc
we'll come after you → ti seguiamo
coming! → vengo!, arrivo!
we came to a village → siamo arrivati a un paese
to come to a decision → arrivare or giungere a una decisione
the water only came to her waist → l'acqua le arrivava solo alla vita
it came to me that (idea, occur) → mi è venuto in mente che
it may come as a surprise to you ... → può sorprenderti...
it came as a shock to her → è stato un colpo per lei
when it comes to choosing → dovendo scegliere
when it comes to mathematics → quanto alla matematica
the time will come when ... → verrà il giorno in cui...
the new ruling comes into force next year → il nuovo regolamento entrerà in vigore l'anno prossimo
A comes before B → A viene prima di B
he came 3rd in the race → è arrivato 3° nella gara
b. (happen) → accadere, succedere
come what may → qualunque cosa succeda
no good will come of it → andrà a finire male
nothing came of it → non ne è saltato fuori niente, non ha portato a niente
that's what comes of being careless → ecco cosa succede a non far attenzione
how does this chair come to be broken? → come mai questa sedia è rotta?
how come? (fam) → come mai?
c. (be, become) → diventare
my dreams came true → i miei sogni si sono avverati
to come undone/loose → slacciarsi/allentarsi
my shoelaces have come undone → i lacci (delle scarpe) si sono sciolti
your zip has come undone → ti si è aperta la chiusura lampo
it comes naturally to him → gli viene spontaneo
it'll all come right in the end → tutto si accomoderà alla fine
those shoes come in two colours → quelle scarpe sono disponibili in due colori
I have come to like her → ho finito col trovarla simpatica
now I come to think of it → ora che ci penso
d. (phrases) in (the) years to comenegli anni futuri or a venire
if it comes to it → in tal caso
if it comes to that ... → se è per questo...
come again? (fam) → come?
he had it coming to him → ha avuto quello che si meritava
I could see it coming → me lo aspettavo
he's as daft as they come → è scemo come ce ne sono pochi
to come between two people → mettersi fra due persone
come about vi + advaccadere, succedere
come across
1. vi + adv
a. (gen) → attraversare
b. (fig) to come across well/badlyfare una buona/cattiva impressione
she came across as a very nice person → ha dato l'impressione di essere una persona molto simpatica
2. vi + prep (find) → trovare (per caso)
come along vi + adv
a. come along!sbrigati!, avanti!, andiamo!, forza!
b. (accompany) → venire
c. (progress) → far progressi, procedere, migliorare; (pupil, work) → fare progressi
how's your arm coming along? → come va il tuo braccio?
come apart vi + adv (break) → andare in pezzi; (become detached, sleeve, jacket) → staccarsi (scucendosi)
come at vi + prep
a. (attack) → avventarsi su
b. (reach) → arrivare
to come at the truth → arrivare alla verità
come away vi + adv (leave) → venir via; (become detached) → staccarsi
come away from there! → levati di lì!, vieni via da lì!
come back vi + adv
a. (return) → tornare
to come back to what we were discussing ... → per tornare all'argomento di prima...
b. (reply) (fam) can I come back to you on that one?possiamo riparlarne più tardi?
c. (return to mind) it's all coming back to memi sta tornando in mente
come by vi + prep to come by sthprocurarsi qc
come down
1. vi + prepscendere
2. vi + adv (person) to come down (from/to)scendere (da/a); (building) → essere demolito/a; (prices, temperature) → diminuire, calare
to come down in the world → ridursi male
she came down on him like a ton of bricks → gli ha fatto una sfuriata
to come down with a cold → prendersi un raffreddore
come down to vi + adv + prep it all comes down to ...è tutta questione di..
come for vi + prep
a. (attack) → avventarsi su
b. (collect) → passare a prendere
come forward vi + advfarsi avanti, presentarsi
come from vi + prepvenire or provenire da
come in vi + adv (person) → entrare; (train) → arrivare; (tide) → salire; (in race) → arrivare; (in election) → salire al potere
come in! → avanti!
where do I come in? → dove entro in ballo io?
they have no money coming in → non hanno entrate
come in for vi + adv + prep (criticism, blame) → essere oggetto di
come into vi + prep (inherit) → ereditare
where do I come into it? (be involved) → come vi entro io?
money doesn't come into it → i soldi non c'entrano
come off
1. vi + adv
a. (button) → staccarsi; (stain) → andare via
b. (event) → avere luogo; (plans) → attuarsi; (attempt, experiment) → riuscire
c. (acquit o.s.) to come off best/worstavere la meglio/la peggio
2. vi + prep a button came off my jacketmi si è staccato un bottone dalla giacca
she came off her bike → è caduta dalla bicicletta
come off it! (fam) → piantala!, ma va'!
come on vi + adv
a. (progress) = come along c
b. (exhortation) come on!avanti!, andiamo!, forza!
c. (protest) come on!ma dai!
d. (start) → cominciare
I feel a cold coming on → mi sta venendo un raffreddore
winter is coming on now → l'inverno si avvicina
e. (lights, electricity) → accendersi
f. (Theatre) → entrare in scena
come on to vi + adv + prep (turn to) → passare a
come out vi + adv (person, object) → uscire; (flower) → sbocciare; (sun, stars) → apparire; (news, esp scandal) → essere divulgato/a; (truth) → saltare fuori; (book, film, magazine) → uscire, essere pubblicato/a; (qualities, show) → rivelarsi, mostrarsi; (stain) → andare via; (strike) → entrare in sciopero
to come out of sth → uscire da qc
it's bound to come out in the newspapers → apparirà senz'altro sui giornali
he came out in a rash → gli è venuto uno sfogo
the dye has come out of your jumper → il tuo maglione è scolorito
to come out on strike → entrare in sciopero, fare sciopero
to come out against sth → dichiararsi decisamente contrario/a a qc
you never know what he is going to come out with next! (fam) → non si sa mai con cosa verrà fuori la prossima volta!
come over
1. vi + advvenire
they came over to England for a holiday → sono venuti in Inghilterra per una vacanza
you'll soon come over to my way of thinking → presto sarai anche tu della mia idea
I came over all dizzy → mi è venuto un giramento di testa
her speech came over very well → il suo discorso ha fatto una buona impressione, il suo discorso è riuscito bene
2. vi + prep I don't know what's come over him!non so cosa gli sia preso!
a feeling of weariness came over her → un forte senso di stanchezza la assalì
come round vi + adv
a.passare, venire
he is coming round to see us → passa da noi, viene a trovarci
b. (occur regularly) → ricorrere, venire
Christmas seems to come round earlier every year → ogni anno sembra che il Natale venga prima
c. (make detour) to come round (by)passare (per)
we came round by the longer route → abbiamo fatto la strada più lunga
d. (change one's mind) → cambiare idea
she'll soon come round to your way of thinking → presto la penserà come te
e. (throw off bad mood) leave him alone, he'll soon come roundlascialo in pace or perdere, presto gli passerà
f. (regain consciousness) → riprendere conoscenza, rinvenire
come through
1. vi + adv
a. (survive) → sopravvivere, farcela
b. (telephone call) the call came throughabbiamo ricevuto la telefonata
2. vi + prep (survive, war, danger) → superare, uscire indenne da
come to
1. vi + prep (add up to, amount) how much does it come to?quanto costa?, quanto viene?
2. vi + adv (regain consciousness) → riprendere conoscenza, rinvenire
come together vi + adv (assemble) → riunirsi; (meet) → incontrarsi
come under vi + prep (heading) → trovarsi sotto; (influence) → cadere sotto, subire
come up
1. vi + adv
he came up to us with a smile → ci si avvicinò sorridendo
b. (matters for discussion) → essere sollevato/a
to come up (before) (accused) → comparire (davanti a) (lawsuit) → essere ascoltato/a (da)
2. vi + prepvenire su, salire
come up against vi + adv + prep (resistance, difficulties) → urtare contro
she came up against complete opposition to her proposals → le sue proposte hanno incontrato la più completa opposizione
come up to vi + adv + preparrivare (fino) a
the film didn't come up to our expectations → il film ci ha deluso
come up with vi + adv + prep (suggest, idea, plan) → suggerire, proporre; (offer, money, suggestion) → offrire
he came up with an idea → venne fuori con un'idea
come upon vi + prep (object, person) → trovare per caso
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(kam) past tense came (keim) past participle come verb
1. to move etc towards the person speaking or writing, or towards the place being referred to by him. Come here!; Are you coming to the dance?; John has come to see me; Have any letters come for me?
2. to become near or close to something in time or space. Christmas is coming soon.
3. to happen or be situated. The letter `d' comes between `c' and è' in the alphabet.
4. (often with to) to happen (by accident). How did you come to break your leg?
5. to arrive at (a certain state etc). What are things coming to? We have come to an agreement.
6. (with to) (of numbers, prices etc) to amount (to). The total comes to 51.
expressing disapproval, drawing attention etc. Come, come! That was very rude of you!
ˈcomer noun
late-comers will not be admitted; We welcome all comers.
ˈcoming noun
the comings and goings of the people in the street.
ˈcomeback noun
a return (especially to show business). The actress made a comeback years after retiring.
ˈcomedown noun
a fall in dignity etc. The smaller car was a bit of a comedown after the Rolls Royce.
come about
to happen. How did that come about?
come across
to meet or find by chance. He came across some old friends.
come along
1. to come with or accompany the person speaking etc. Come along with me!
2. to progress. How are things coming along?
come by
to get. How did you come by that black eye?
come down
to decrease; to become less. Tea has come down in price.
come into one's own
to have the opportunity of showing what one can do etc. He has at last come into his own as a pop-singer.
come off
1. to fall off. Her shoe came off.
2. to turn out (well); to succeed. The gamble didn't come off.
come on
1. to appear on stage or the screen. They waited for the comedian to come on.
2. hurry up!. Come on – we'll be late for the party!
3. don't be ridiculous!. Come on, you don't really expect me to believe that!
come out
1. to become known. The truth finally came out.
2. to be published. This newspaper comes out once a week.
3. to strike. The men have come out (on strike).
4. (of a photograph) to be developed. This photograph has come out very well.
5. to be removed. This dirty mark won't come out.
come round
1. (also come around) to visit. Come round and see us soon.
2. to regain consciousness. After receiving anesthesia, don't expect to come round for at least twenty minutes.
come to
to regain consciousness. When will he come to after the operation?
come to light
to be discovered. The theft only came to light when the owners returned from holiday.
come upon
to meet, find or discover by chance. She came upon a solution to the problem.
come up with
to think of; to produce. He's come up with a great idea.
come what may
whatever happens. I'll give you my support, come what may!
to come
(in the) future. in the days to come.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


يَأْتِي přijít komme kommen έρχομαι venir tulla venir doći venire 来る 오다 komen komme przyjść vir приходить komma มา gelmek đến
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


vi venir;
___ in!pase, pasa; entre, entra;
to ___ to termsponerse de acuerdo.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


vi (pret came; pp come) venir; (fam o vulg, to have an orgasm) alcanzar el orgasmo, venirse (fam or vulg); to — and go ir y venir; Does the pain come and go?..El dolor, ¿va y viene?; to — down bajar(se); Your sugar came down..(Se) Le bajó el azúcar; to — down (fam, off a drug) recuperarse de una intoxicación; to — down with (a disease) dar(le) (a uno), pegar(le) (a uno), coger* (Esp); to — on (to begin) empezar, comenzar; Did the pain come on suddenly or gradually?..¿Empezó (Comenzó) el dolor de repente o poco a poco?; to — to (fam, regain consciousness) volver en sí
* potentially offensive in Mexico and much of Central and South America
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
You must not interfere, come what may. You understand?"