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Related to come up with the goods: come off, in favor of, set about, in line with, on the part of


adj. bet·ter (bĕt′ər), best (bĕst)
1. Being positive or desirable in nature; not bad or poor: a good experience; good news from the hospital.
a. Having the qualities that are desirable or distinguishing in a particular thing: a good exterior paint; a good joke.
b. Serving the desired purpose or end; suitable: Is this a good dress for the party?
a. Not spoiled or ruined: The milk is still good.
b. In excellent condition; sound: a good tooth.
a. Superior to the average; satisfactory: a good student.
b. Used formerly to refer to the US Government grade of meat higher than standard and lower than choice.
a. Of high quality: good books.
b. Discriminating: good taste.
a. Of moral excellence; upright: a good person.
b. Benevolent; kind: a good soul; a good heart.
c. Loyal; staunch: a good Republican.
d. Well-behaved; obedient: a good child.
e. Socially correct; proper: good manners.
7. Worthy of respect; honorable: ruined the family's good name.
8. Attractive; handsome: good looks.
9. Beneficial to health; salutary: a good night's rest.
10. Competent; skilled: a good machinist.
11. Complete; thorough: a good workout.
a. Reliable; sure: a good investment.
b. Valid or true: a good reason.
c. Genuine; real: a good dollar bill.
a. In effect; operative: a warranty good for two years; a driver's license that is still good.
b. Ready or able for a specified or assumed activity: I'm good for another round of golf.
a. Able to pay or contribute: Is she good for the money that you lent her?
b. Able to elicit a specified reaction: He is always good for a laugh.
a. Ample; substantial: a good income.
b. Bountiful: a good table.
16. Full: It is a good mile from here.
a. Pleasant; enjoyable: had a good time at the party.
b. Propitious; favorable: good weather; a good omen.
18. Sports
a. Landing within bounds or within a particular area of a court and therefore in play: The first serve was wide, but the second was good.
b. Passing between the uprights of the goal and therefore scoring, as a field goal in football.
19. Used to form exclamatory phrases expressing surprise or dismay: Good heavens! Good grief!
a. Something that is good.
b. A good, valuable, or useful part or aspect.
2. Welfare; benefit: for the common good.
3. Goodness; virtue: There is much good to be found in people.
a. A product that is bought and sold: frozen goods.
b. goods Portable personal property.
c. (used with a sing. or pl. verb) Fabric; material.
5. goods Slang Incriminating information or evidence: tried to get the goods on the crook.
adv. Informal
as good as
Practically; nearly: as good as new.
but good
Informal Used as an intensive: The pipe started to leak but good.
for good
Permanently; forever: I'm moving to Europe for good.
good and
Informal Very; thoroughly: I'll do it when I'm good and ready.
no good Informal
1. Worthless.
2. Futile; useless: It's no good arguing with them.
to the good
1. For the best; advantageous.
2. In an advantageous financial position: ended up to the good.

[Middle English, from Old English gōd; see ghedh- in Indo-European roots.]
Usage Note: In standard usage, good is an adjective, and the only verbs it should be used with are linking verbs such as be, seem, or appear: The future looks good. The soup tastes good. It should not be used as an adverb with other verbs: The car runs well (not good). Thus, The dress fits well and looks good. See Usage Note at well2.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


adj, better or best
1. having admirable, pleasing, superior, or positive qualities; not negative, bad, or mediocre: a good idea; a good teacher.
a. morally excellent or admirable; virtuous; righteous: a good man.
b. (as collective noun; preceded by the): the good.
3. suitable or efficient for a purpose: a good secretary; a good winter coat.
4. beneficial or advantageous: vegetables are good for you.
5. not ruined or decayed; sound or whole: the meat is still good.
6. kindly, generous, or approving: you are good to him.
7. right or acceptable: your qualifications are good for the job.
8. rich and fertile: good land.
9. valid or genuine: I would not do this without good reason.
10. honourable or held in high esteem: a good family.
11. commercially or financially secure, sound, or safe: good securities; a good investment.
12. (Banking & Finance) (of a draft) drawn for a stated sum
13. (Banking & Finance) (of debts) expected to be fully paid
14. clever, competent, or talented: he's good at science.
15. obedient or well-behaved: a good dog.
16. reliable, safe, or recommended: a good make of clothes.
17. affording material pleasure or indulgence: the good things in life; the good life.
18. having a well-proportioned, beautiful, or generally fine appearance: a good figure; a good complexion.
19. complete; full: I took a good look round the house.
20. propitious; opportune: a good time to ask the manager for a rise.
21. satisfying or gratifying: a good rest.
22. comfortable: did you have a good night?.
23. newest or of the best quality: to keep the good plates for important guests.
24. fairly large, extensive, or long: a good distance away.
25. sufficient; ample: we have a good supply of food.
26. (Cookery) US (of meat) of the third government grade, above standard and below choice
27. serious or intellectual: good music.
28. used in a traditional description: the good ship 'America'.
29. used in polite or patronizing phrases or to express anger (often intended ironically): how is your good lady?; look here, my good man!.
30. a good one
a. an unbelievable assertion
b. a very funny joke
31. as good as virtually; practically: it's as good as finished.
32. as good as gold excellent; very good indeed
33. be as good as to be so good as to would you please
34. come good to recover and perform well after a bad start or setback
35. good and informal (intensifier): good and mad.
36. (intensifier; used in mild oaths): good grief!; good heavens!.
an exclamation of approval, agreement, pleasure, etc
37. moral or material advantage or use; benefit or profit: for the good of our workers; what is the good of worrying?.
38. positive moral qualities; goodness; virtue; righteousness; piety
39. (sometimes capital) moral qualities seen as a single abstract entity: we must pursue the Good.
40. a good thing
41. (Economics) economics a commodity or service that satisfies a human need
42. for good for good and all for ever; permanently: I have left them for good.
43. make good
a. to recompense or repair damage or injury
b. to be successful
c. to demonstrate or prove the truth of (a statement or accusation)
d. to secure and retain (a position)
e. to effect or fulfil (something intended or promised)
44. good on you good for you well done, well said, etc: a term of congratulation
45. get any good of get some good of
a. to handle to good effect: I never got any good of this machine.
b. to understand properly: I could never get any good of him.
c. to receive cooperation from
[Old English gōd; related to Old Norse gōthr, Old High German guot good]
ˈgoodish adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



adj. bet•ter, best,
n., interj., adv. adj.
1. morally excellent; virtuous; righteous: a good man.
2. satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree: a good teacher; good health.
3. of high quality; excellent: to wear good jewelry.
4. right; proper; fit: It is good that you are here.
5. well-behaved: a good child.
6. kind or friendly: to do a good deed.
7. honorable or worthy: a good name.
8. educated and refined: a good background.
9. financially sound: His credit is good.
10. genuine; not counterfeit: a good quarter.
11. sound or valid: good judgment.
12. healthful; beneficial: Fresh fruit is good for you.
13. in excellent condition; healthy: good teeth.
14. not spoiled or tainted; edible.
15. favorable; propitious: good news.
16. cheerful; amiable: in good spirits.
17. free of distress or pain; comfortable: a patient in good condition.
18. agreeable; enjoyable: Have a good time.
19. attractive: She has a good figure.
20. (of the complexion) smooth; free from blemish.
21. close; warm: She's a good friend.
22. sufficient or ample: a good supply.
23. advantageous; satisfactory for the purpose: a good day for fishing.
24. competent or skillful; clever: good at arithmetic.
25. skillfully done: a really good job.
26. conforming to rules of grammar, usage, etc.; correct: good English.
27. socially proper: good manners.
28. comparatively new or of relatively fine quality or condition: good clothes.
29. full: a good day's journey away.
30. fairly large: a good amount.
31. free from precipitation or cloudiness: good weather.
32. fertile; rich: good soil.
33. loyal: a good Democrat.
34. (of a return or service in tennis, handball, etc.) landing within the limits of a court or section of a court.
35. (of the surface of a racetrack) drying after a rain so as to be still slightly sticky.
36. designating the grade of meat, esp. lamb or veal, below choice.
37. favorably regarded (used as an epithet): the good ship Syrena.
38. profit or advantage; benefit: What good will that do?
39. excellence or merit; kindness: to do good.
40. virtue: to be a power for good.
41. goods,
a. possessions, esp. movable effects or personal property.
b. Sometimes, good. articles of trade; merchandise: linen goods.
c. Informal. what has been promised or is expected: to deliver the goods.
d. Informal. evidence of guilt, as stolen articles: caught with the goods.
42. the good,
a. the ideal of goodness or morality.
b. good things or persons collectively.
43. (used as an expression of approval or satisfaction): Good! Now we can all go home.
44. Informal. well.
1. for good, finally and permanently; forever.
2. good and, very (used as an intensifier): The coffee is good and hot.
3. good for,
a. certain to repay (money owed).
b. the equivalent in value of: This pass is good for two free seats.
c. serviceable or useful for (a specified length of time or distance).
4. to the good,
a. generally advantageous.
b. richer in profit or gain: Afterwards, we were several thousand dollars to the good.
[before 900; Middle English; Old English gōd, c. Old Frisian, Old Saxon gōd, Old High German guot, Old Norse gōthr, Gothic goths]
good′ish, adj.
syn: See property.
usage: The use of good as an adverb, esp. after forms of do, is common only in informal speech: He did good on the test. In formal speech or edited writing the adverb well is used instead: He did well on the test. The adjective good is standard after linking verbs like taste, smell, look, feel, be, and seem: Everything tastes good. You're looking good today. When used after look or feel, good may refer to spirits as well as health. well as an adjective used after look, feel, or other linking verbs often refers to good health: You're looking well; we missed you while you were in the hospital. See also bad1.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. 'good'

Something that is good is pleasant, acceptable, or satisfactory. The comparative form of good is better. The superlative form is best.

Your French is better than mine.
This is the best cake I've ever eaten.
2. 'well'

Good is never an adverb. If you want to say that something is done to a high standard or to a great extent, you use well, not 'good'.

She speaks English well.
I don't know him very well.
See well

The comparative form of well is better. The superlative form is best.

I changed seats so I could see better.
Use the method that works best for you.
See better
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.good - benefit; "for your own good"; "what's the good of worrying?"
advantage, vantage - the quality of having a superior or more favorable position; "the experience gave him the advantage over me"
common good, commonweal - the good of a community
2.good - moral excellence or admirableness; "there is much good to be found in people"
kindness - the quality of being warmhearted and considerate and humane and sympathetic
beneficence - the quality of being kind or helpful or generous
benignancy, benignity, graciousness - the quality of being kind and gentle
morality - concern with the distinction between good and evil or right and wrong; right or good conduct
moral excellence, virtue, virtuousness - the quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong
virtue - a particular moral excellence
saintliness - the quality of resembling a saint
summum bonum - the supreme good in which all moral values are included or from which they are derived
evilness, evil - the quality of being morally wrong in principle or practice; "attempts to explain the origin of evil in the world"
3.good - that which is pleasing or valuable or useful; "weigh the good against the bad"; "among the highest goods of all are happiness and self-realization"
quality - an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone; "the quality of mercy is not strained"--Shakespeare
worthiness - the quality or state of having merit or value
desirability, desirableness - the quality of being worthy of desiring
benefit, welfare - something that aids or promotes well-being; "for the benefit of all"
better - something superior in quality or condition or effect; "a change for the better"
better - the superior one of two alternatives; "chose the better of the two"
optimum - most favorable conditions or greatest degree or amount possible under given circumstances
wiseness, soundness, wisdom - the quality of being prudent and sensible
bad, badness - that which is below standard or expectations as of ethics or decency; "take the bad with the good"
4.good - articles of commercegood - articles of commerce      
artefact, artifact - a man-made object taken as a whole
staple, basic - (usually plural) a necessary commodity for which demand is constant
consumer goods - goods (as food or clothing) intended for direct use or consumption
drygoods, soft goods - textiles or clothing and related merchandise
entrant - a commodity that enters competition with established merchandise; "a well publicized entrant is the pocket computer"
export, exportation - commodities (goods or services) sold to a foreign country
fancy goods - goods that are chiefly ornamental
fungible - a commodity that is freely interchangeable with another in satisfying an obligation
future - bulk commodities bought or sold at an agreed price for delivery at a specified future date
import, importation - commodities (goods or services) bought from a foreign country
merchandise, product, ware - commodities offered for sale; "good business depends on having good merchandise"; "that store offers a variety of products"
middling - any commodity of intermediate quality or size (especially when coarse particles of ground wheat are mixed with bran)
shopping - the commodities purchased from stores; "she loaded her shopping into the car"women carrying home shopping didn't give me a second glance"
sporting goods - sports equipment sold as a commodity
worldly good, worldly possession - a commodity or good associated with the earthly, rather than the spiritual, existence of human beings
salvage - property or goods saved from damage or destruction
Adj.1.good - having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified; "good news from the hospital"; "a good report card"; "when she was good she was very very good"; "a good knife is one good for cutting"; "this stump will make a good picnic table"; "a good check"; "a good joke"; "a good exterior paint"; "a good secretary"; "a good dress for the office"
best - (superlative of `good') having the most positive qualities; "the best film of the year"; "the best solution"; "the best time for planting"; "wore his best suit"
better - (comparative of `good') superior to another (of the same class or set or kind) in excellence or quality or desirability or suitability; more highly skilled than another; "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din"; "a better coat"; "a better type of car"; "a suit with a better fit"; "a better chance of success"; "produced a better mousetrap"; "she's better in math than in history"
favorable, favourable - encouraging or approving or pleasing; "a favorable reply"; "he received a favorable rating"; "listened with a favorable ear"; "made a favorable impression"
good - morally admirable
obedient - dutifully complying with the commands or instructions of those in authority; "an obedient soldier"; "obedient children"; "a little man obedient to his wife"; "the obedient colonies...are heavily taxed; the refractory remain unburdened"- Edmund Burke
respectable - characterized by socially or conventionally acceptable morals; "a respectable woman"
bad - having undesirable or negative qualities; "a bad report card"; "his sloppy appearance made a bad impression"; "a bad little boy"; "clothes in bad shape"; "a bad cut"; "bad luck"; "the news was very bad"; "the reviews were bad"; "the pay is bad"; "it was a bad light for reading"; "the movie was a bad choice"
2.good - having the normally expected amount; "gives full measure"; "gives good measure"; "a good mile from here"
ample - more than enough in size or scope or capacity; "had ample food for the party"; "an ample supply"
3.good - morally admirable
good - having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified; "good news from the hospital"; "a good report card"; "when she was good she was very very good"; "a good knife is one good for cutting"; "this stump will make a good picnic table"; "a good check"; "a good joke"; "a good exterior paint"; "a good secretary"; "a good dress for the office"
moral - concerned with principles of right and wrong or conforming to standards of behavior and character based on those principles; "moral sense"; "a moral scrutiny"; "a moral lesson"; "a moral quandary"; "moral convictions"; "a moral life"
right - in conformance with justice or law or morality; "do the right thing and confess"
righteous - characterized by or proceeding from accepted standards of morality or justice; "the...prayer of a righteous man availeth much"- James 5:16
virtuous - morally excellent
worthy - having worth or merit or value; being honorable or admirable; "a worthy fellow"; "a worthy cause"
evil - morally bad or wrong; "evil purposes"; "an evil influence"; "evil deeds"
4.good - deserving of esteem and respect; "all respectable companies give guarantees"; "ruined the family's good name"
reputable - having a good reputation; "a reputable business"; "a reputable scientist"; "a reputable wine"
5.good - promoting or enhancing well-beinggood - promoting or enhancing well-being; "an arms limitation agreement beneficial to all countries"; "the beneficial effects of a temperate climate"; "the experience was good for her"
advantageous - giving an advantage; "a contract advantageous to our country"; "socially advantageous to entertain often"
6.good - agreeable or pleasing; "we all had a good time"; "good manners"
nice - pleasant or pleasing or agreeable in nature or appearance; "what a nice fellow you are and we all thought you so nasty"- George Meredith; "nice manners"; "a nice dress"; "a nice face"; "a nice day"; "had a nice time at the party"; "the corn and tomatoes are nice today"
7.good - of moral excellence; "a genuinely good person"; "a just cause"; "an upright and respectable man"
righteous - characterized by or proceeding from accepted standards of morality or justice; "the...prayer of a righteous man availeth much"- James 5:16
8.good - having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitudegood - having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude; "adept in handicrafts"; "an adept juggler"; "an expert job"; "a good mechanic"; "a practiced marksman"; "a proficient engineer"; "a lesser-known but no less skillful composer"; "the effect was achieved by skillful retouching"
skilled - having or showing or requiring special skill; "only the most skilled gymnasts make an Olympic team"; "a skilled surgeon has many years of training and experience"; "a skilled reconstruction of her damaged elbow"; "a skilled trade"
9.good - thorough; "had a good workout"; "gave the house a good cleaning"
complete - having every necessary or normal part or component or step; "a complete meal"; "a complete wardrobe"; "a complete set of the Britannica"; "a complete set of china"; "a complete defeat"; "a complete accounting"
10.good - with or in a close or intimate relationship; "a good friend"; "my sisters and brothers are near and dear"
close - close in relevance or relationship; "a close family"; "we are close sympathy with..."; "close kin"; "a close resemblance"
11.good - financially sound; "a good investment"; "a secure investment"
sound - financially secure and safe; "sound investments"; "a sound economy"
12.good - most suitable or right for a particular purpose; "a good time to plant tomatoes"; "the right time to act"; "the time is ripe for great sociological changes"
opportune - suitable or at a time that is suitable or advantageous especially for a particular purpose; "an opportune place to make camp"; "an opportune arrival"
13.good - resulting favorably; "it's a good thing that I wasn't there"; "it is good that you stayed"; "it is well that no one saw you"; "all's well that ends well"
fortunate - having unexpected good fortune; "other, less fortunate, children died"; "a fortunate choice"
14.good - exerting force or influence; "the law is effective immediately"; "a warranty good for two years"; "the law is already in effect (or in force)"
operative - being in force or having or exerting force; "operative regulations"; "the major tendencies operative in the American political system"
15.good - capable of pleasing; "good looks"
pleasing - giving pleasure and satisfaction; "a pleasing piece of news"; "pleasing in manner and appearance"
16.good - appealing to the mind; "good music"; "a serious book"
intellectual - appealing to or using the intellect; "satire is an intellectual weapon"; "intellectual workers engaged in creative literary or artistic or scientific labor"; "has tremendous intellectual sympathy for oppressed people"; "coldly intellectual"; "sort of the intellectual type"; "intellectual literature"
17.good - in excellent physical condition; "good teeth"; "I still have one good leg"; "a sound mind in a sound body"
healthy - having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease; "a rosy healthy baby"; "staying fit and healthy"
18.good - tending to promote physical well-being; beneficial to health; "beneficial effects of a balanced diet"; "a good night's sleep"; "the salutary influence of pure air"
healthful - conducive to good health of body or mind; "a healthful climate"; "a healthful environment"; "healthful nutrition"; "healthful sleep"; "Dickens's relatively healthful exuberance"
19.good - not forged; "a good dollar bill"
echt, genuine - not fake or counterfeit; "a genuine Picasso"; "genuine leather"
20.good - not left to spoilgood - not left to spoil; "the meat is still good"
fresh - recently made, produced, or harvested; "fresh bread"; "a fresh scent"; "fresh lettuce"
21.good - generally admired; "good taste"
discriminating - showing or indicating careful judgment and discernment especially in matters of taste; "the discriminating eye of the connoisseur"
Adv.1.good - (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well'); "the children behaved well"; "a task well done"; "the party went well"; "he slept well"; "a well-argued thesis"; "a well-seasoned dish"; "a well-planned party"; "the baby can walk pretty good"
combining form - a bound form used only in compounds; "`hemato-' is a combining form in words like `hematology'"
2.good - completely and absolutely (`good' is sometimes used informally for `thoroughly'); "he was soundly defeated"; "we beat him good"
colloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. excellent, great, fine, pleasing, capital, choice, crucial (slang), acceptable, pleasant, worthy, first-class, divine, splendid, satisfactory, superb, enjoyable, awesome (slang), dope (slang), world-class, admirable, agreeable, super (informal), pleasurable, wicked (slang), bad (slang), first-rate, tiptop, bitchin' (U.S. slang) You should read this book - it's really good.
excellent bad, boring, awful, dull, inadequate, unpleasant, rotten, pathetic, tedious, disagreeable
2. fine, excellent, superior, first-class, first-rate, choice He enjoys good food and fine wine.
fine terrible, inferior, lousy, bad quality
4. positive, beneficial, favourable, advantageous, auspicious, propitious Biotechnology should be good news for developing countries.
positive negative, inauspicious, unpropitious, unfavourable, disadvantageous
5. sensible, useful, wise, valuable, suitable, worthwhile, constructive, shrewd, prudent, sound, commendable, judicious, well-thought-out, well-reasoned They thought it was a good idea to make some offenders do community service.
6. desirable, pleasing, positive, productive, satisfying, beneficial, constructive, gratifying, advantageous I think it's good that some people are going.
7. clear, correct, accurate, exact, precise, definite I have a fairly good idea of what's going on.
8. profitable, fair, reasonable, adequate, lucrative I got a good price for the house.
9. beneficial, useful, healthy, helpful, favourable, wholesome, advantageous, salutary, salubrious Rain water was once considered to be good for the complexion.
beneficial damaging, harmful, detrimental, injurious
11. well-behaved, seemly, mannerly, proper, polite, orderly, obedient, dutiful, decorous, well-mannered The children have been very good all day.
well-behaved rude, naughty, mischievous, ill-mannered
12. kind, kindly, friendly, obliging, charitable, humane, gracious, benevolent, merciful, beneficent, well-disposed, kind-hearted It's very good of you to help out at such short notice.
kind mean (informal), cruel, vicious, selfish, wicked, unkind
13. cheerful, happy, pleasant, agreeable, congenial, convivial Everyone was in a pretty good mood.
14. true, real, genuine, proper, reliable, dependable, sound, trustworthy, dinkum (Austral & N.Z. informal) She's been a good friend to me over the years.
15. full, long, whole, complete, entire, solid, extensive The film lasts a good two and a half hours.
full short, scant
16. considerable, large, substantial, sufficient, adequate, ample A good number of people agree with me.
17. valid, convincing, compelling, legitimate, authentic, persuasive, sound, bona fide Can you think of one good reason why I should tell you?
valid false, invalid, fraudulent, phoney
18. best, newest, special, finest, nicest, smartest, fancy, most valuable, most precious Try not to get paint on your good clothes.
19. sunny, clear, fair, bright, calm, mild, clement, balmy, cloudless If the weather's good tomorrow, we'll go for a picnic.
20. edible, untainted, uncorrupted, eatable, fit to eat Is this fish still good, or has it gone off?
edible off, bad, decayed, rotten, mouldy
21. convenient, timely, fitting, fit, appropriate, suitable, well-timed, opportune Is this a good time for us to discuss our plans?
convenient inappropriate, unfitting, unsuitable, inconvenient, unbefitting
1. benefit, interest, gain, advantage, use, service, profit, welfare, behalf, usefulness, wellbeing I'm only doing all this for your own good.
benefit harm, loss, disadvantage, detriment, ill-fortune
2. virtue, goodness, righteousness, worth, merit, excellence, morality, probity, rectitude, uprightness Good and evil may co-exist within one family.
virtue evil, corruption, cruelty, dishonesty, wickedness, immorality, meanness, badness, baseness
for good permanently, finally, for ever, once and for all, irrevocably, never to return, sine die (Latin) A few shots of this drug cleared up the disease for good.
in good part good-naturedly, well, cheerfully, amiably, indulgently, tolerantly, without offence He took their teasing in good part.
make good make it (informal), succeed, do well, flourish, be successful, prosper, arrive (informal), make the grade (informal), turn out well, make your mark (informal), do all right for yourself (informal) Both men are poor boys who have made good.
make good on something achieve, keep, effect, complete, perform, realise, carry out, fulfil, accomplish, execute, discharge, bring to completion He was confident they would make good on their pledges.
"Mostly, we are good when it makes sense. A good society is one that makes sense of being good" [Ian McEwan Enduring Love]
"Being good is just a matter of temperament in the end" [Iris Murdoch The Nice and the Good]
"No one can be good for long if goodness is not in demand" [Bertolt Brecht The Good Woman of Setzuan]
"`For your own good' is a persuasive argument that will eventually make a man agree to his own destruction" [Janet Frame Faces in the Water]
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. Having pleasant desirable qualities:
Scots: bonny, braw.
3. Suited to one's end or purpose:
5. Well above average:
7. Having the ability to perform well:
9. Notably above average in amount, size, or scope:
Informal: tidy.
10. Not more or less:
11. Indicative of future success or full of promise:
13. Having or marked by uprightness in principle and action:
14. Characterized by kindness and concern for others:
1. Something that contributes to or increases one's well-being:
advantage, benefit, interest (often used in plural), profit.
2. The quality or state of being morally sound:
3. A product or products bought and sold in commerce.Used in plural:
4. One's portable property.Used in plural:
belonging (often used in plural), effect (used in plural), lares and penates, personal effects, personal property, possession (used in plural), property, thing (often used in plural).
Informal: stuff.
Law: chattel, movable (often used in plural).
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
إيجابي، اسْتِحْسانيالخَيْربصحَّةٍ جَيِّدَهتَعبير استِحْسانجَيِّد
góðgóðurgóîurgóîur, hæfurgóîur, hollur
모범적인잘 하는좋은
ačiū Dievuibeprasmiškabeprasmiškasdėl Dievo meilės!Didysis penktadienis


A. ADJECTIVE (better (compar) (best (superl)))
When good is part of a set combination, eg in a good temper, a good deal of, good heavens, look up the noun.
The commonest translation of good is bueno, which must be shortened to buen before a masculine singular noun.
1. (= satisfactory)
a good bookun buen libro
at the end of the day, it's a good investmenta fin de cuentas es una buena inversión
Note that bueno/buena precede the noun in general comments where there is no attempt to compare or rank the person or thing involved:
if he set his mind to it, he could be a very good paintersi se lo propusiera podría ser muy buen pintor
she was a good wife and motherera una buena esposa y madre
she has a good figuretiene buen tipo
Bueno/buena follow the noun when there is implied or explicit comparison:
we could make a list of good teacherspodríamos hacer una lista de profesores buenos
I'm not saying it's a good thing or a bad thingno digo que sea una cosa buena, ni mala
Use ser rather than estar with bueno when translating to be good, unless describing food:
the idea is a good onela idea es buena
it's good to be aware of the views of intelligent peoplees bueno conocer los puntos de vista de la gente inteligente
the paella was very goodla paella estaba muy buena
Use estar with the adverb bien to give a general comment on a situation:
you've written a book, which is goodhas escrito un libro, lo que está bien
his hearing is gooddel oído está bien, el oído lo tiene bien
she's good at mathsse le dan bien las matemáticas, es buena en matemáticas
she's good at singingcanta bien
she's good at putting people at their easetiene la capacidad de hacer que la gente se sienta relajada
that's good enough for meeso me basta
it's just not good enough!¡esto no se puede consentir!
40% of candidates are not good enough to passel 40% de los candidatos no dan el nivel or la talla para aprobar
to feel goodsentirse bien
I started to feel good about myself againempecé a recuperar mi autoestima or la moral
I don't feel very good about that (= I'm rather ashamed) → me da bastante vergüenza
we've never had it so good! >¡nunca nos ha ido tan bien!, ¡jamás lo hemos tenido tan fácil!
how good is her eyesight?¿qué tal está de la vista?
you're looking good¡qué guapa estás!
things are looking goodlas cosas van bien, la cosa tiene buena pinta
you look good in thateso te sienta or te va bien
you can have too much of a good thinglo mucho cansa (y lo poco agrada)
it's too good to be trueno puede ser, es demasiado bueno para ser cierto
he sounds too good to be true!¡algún defecto tiene que tener!
she's good with catsentiende bien a los gatos, sabe manejarse bien con los gatos
see also good B4
see also manner 4.1
see also mood 2 A
see also time A5
2. (= of high quality) always use good ingredientsutilice siempre ingredientes de calidad or los mejores ingredientes
it's made of good leatherestá hecho con cuero del bueno
3. (= pleasant) [holiday, day] → bueno, agradable; [weather, news] → bueno
it was as good as a holidayaquello fue como unas vacaciones
have a good journey!¡buen viaje!
how good it is to know that ...!¡cuánto me alegro de saber que ...!
it's good to see youme alegro de verte, gusto en verte (LAm)
it's good to be hereda gusto estar aquí
have a good trip!¡buen viaje!
see also alive 1
see also life A3
4. (= beneficial, wholesome) [food] → bueno, sano; [air] → puro, sano
it's good for burnses bueno para las quemaduras
it's good for you or your healthte hace bien
spirits are not good for melos licores no me sientan bien
he eats more than is good for himcome más de lo que le conviene
all this excitement isn't good for me!¡a mí todas estas emociones no me vienen or sientan nada bien!
it's good for the soul! (hum) → ¡ennoblece el espíritu!, ¡te enriquece (como persona)!
if you know what's good for you you'll say yespor la cuenta que te tiene dirás que sí
some children know more than is good for themalgunos niños son demasiado listos or saben demasiado
5. (= favourable) [moment, chance] → bueno
it's a good chance to sort things outes una buena oportunidad de or para arreglar las cosas
I tried to find something good to say about himtraté de encontrar algo bueno que decir de él
it would be a good thing or idea to ask himno estaría mal or no sería mala idea preguntárselo
this is as good a time as any to do ites tan buen momento como cualquier otro para hacerlo
6. (= useful) the only good chairla única silla que está bien, la única silla servible or sana
to be good for (doing) sthservir para (hacer) algo
it'll be good for some yearsdurará todavía algunos años
he's good for ten years yettiene todavía por delante diez años de vida
John's good for a few hundred poundsJohn seguramente puede prestarnos unos cientos de libras
I'm good for another miletodavía puedo aguantar otra milla más
the ticket is good for three monthsel billete es válido or valedero para tres meses
he's good for nothinges un inútil, es completamente inútil
7. (= sound, valid) [excuse] → bueno
unless you have a good excusea menos que tengas una buena excusa
for no good reasonsin motivo alguno
he is a good risk (financially) → concederle crédito es un riesgo asumible, se le puede prestar dinero
see also word A1
8. (= kind)
that's very good of youes usted muy amable, ¡qué amable (de su parte)!
he was so good as to come with metuvo la amabilidad de acompañarme
please would you be so good as to help me down with my case?¿me hace el favor de bajarme la maleta?, ¿tendría la bondad de bajarme la maleta? (more frm)
would you be so good as to sign here?¿me hace el favor de firmar aquí?
he's a good sortes buena persona or gente
he was good to mefue muy bueno or amable conmigo, se portó bien conmigo
see also nature A2
9. (= well-behaved) [child] → bueno
be good! (morally) → ¡sé bueno!; (in behaviour) → ¡pórtate bien!; (at this moment) → ¡estáte formal!
to be as good as goldportarse como un ángel or santo
10. (= upright, virtuous) → bueno
he's a good manes una buena persona, es un buen hombre
I think I'm as good as himyo me considero tan buena persona como él
the twelve good men and truelos doce hombres justos
yes, my good mansí, mi querido amigo
send us a photo of your good self (frm) → tenga a bien enviarnos una foto suya
she's too good for himella es más de lo que él se merece
see also lady A5
11. (= close) → bueno
he's a good friend of minees un buen amigo mío
my good friend Fernandomi buen or querido amigo Fernando
12. (= middle-class, respectable)
to live at a good addressvivir en una buena zona or en un buen barrio
he's got no money but he's of good familyno tiene dinero pero es or viene de buena familia
13. (= creditable) he came in a good thirdllegó en un meritorio tercer puesto
14. (= considerable) [supply, number] → bueno
we were kept waiting for a good hour/thirty minutesnos tuvieron esperando una hora/media hora larga, nos tuvieron esperando por lo menos una hora/media hora
a good three hourstres horas largas
a good 10km10kms largos
a good £10lo menos 10 libras
a good many or few peoplebastante gente
15. (= thorough) [scolding] → bueno
to have a good cryllorar a lágrima viva, llorar a moco tendido
to have a good laughreírse mucho
to take a good look (at sth)mirar bien (algo)
to have a good washlavarse bien
16. the good ship Dominoel (buque) Domino
17. (in greetings)
good afternoon/eveningbuenas tardes
good morningbuenos días
good nightbuenas noches
with every good wish, with all good wishes (in letter) → saludos, un fuerte abrazo
Robert sends (his) good wishesRobert manda recuerdos
18. (in exclamations) good!¡muy bien!
(that's) good!¡qué bien!, ¡qué bueno! (LAm)
very good, sirsí, señor
good for YOU!¡bien hecho!; (= congratulations) → ¡enhorabuena!
good one! (= well done, well said) → ¡muy bien!, ¡sí señor!
see also old A5, A6
19. (in other set expressions)
as good as it's as good as newestá como nuevo
I'll soon be as good as newpronto estaré como nuevo
the job is as good as doneel trabajo puede darse por acabado
it's as good as lostpuede darse por perdido
they're as good as beatenpueden darse por vencidos
as good as sayingtanto como decir ...
she as good as told me sopoco menos que me lo dijo
he as good as called me a liarme llamó poco menos que mentiroso
to come good things will come good eventuallytodo se arreglará al final
good and ... good and hotbien calentito
good and strongbien fuerte
I'll do it when I'm good and readylo haré cuando a mí me parezca
to hold goodvaler (for para) the same advice holds good for usel mismo consejo vale para nosotros
it's a good job (it's a) good job he came!¡menos mal que ha venido!
see also make A3, A10, B
see also riddance, thing A2
1. (as intensifier) → bien
a good strong stickun palo bien fuerte
a good long walkun paseo bien largo, un buen paseo
to give as good as one getspagar con la misma moneda, devolver golpe por golpe
good and proper they were beaten good and properles dieron una buena paliza
they were cheated good and properles timaron bien timados, les timaron con todas las de la ley
2. (esp US) (= well) → bien
you did goodhiciste bien
"how are you?" - "thanks, I'm good"-¿cómo estás? -muy bien, gracias
1. (= virtuousness) → el bien
to do goodhacer (el) bien
good and evilel bien y el mal
he is a power for goodsu influencia es muy buena or beneficiosa, hace mucho bien
for good or illpara bien o para mal
there's some good in himtiene algo bueno
to be up to no goodestar tramando algo
2. (= advantage, benefit) → bien m
the common goodel bien común
if it's any good to yousi te sirve de algo
a rest will do you some goodun descanso te sentará bien
the sea air does you goodel aire del mar le hace or sienta a uno bien
a (fat) lot of good that will do you!¡menudo provecho te va a traer!
much good may it do you!¡no creo que te sirva de mucho!, ¡para lo que te va a servir!
it does my heart good to see himverlo me alegra la existencia
for your own goodpor tu propio bien
for the good of the countrypor el bien del país
to be in good with sbestar a bien con algn
that's all to the good!¡menos mal!
what good will that do you?¿y eso de qué te va a servir?
what's the good of worrying?¿de qué sirve or para qué preocuparse?
3. (= people of virtue) the goodlos buenos
4. (in set expressions)
any good is he any good? [worker, singer etc] → ¿qué tal lo hace?, ¿lo hace bien?
is this any good?¿sirve esto?
is she any good at cooking?¿qué tal cocina?, ¿cocina bien?
for good (and all) (= for ever) → para siempre
he's gone for goodse ha ido para siempre or para no volver
no good it's no good (= no use) → no sirve
it's no good, I'll never get it finished in timeasí no hay manera, nunca lo terminaré a tiempo
it's no good saying thatde nada sirve or vale decir eso
it's no good worryingde nada sirve or vale preocuparse, no se saca nada preocupándose
that's no goodeso no vale or sirve
I'm no good at mathslas matemáticas no se me dan nada bien
that's no good to meeso no me sirve para nada
to come to no goodacabar mal
D. COMPOUNDS the Good Book N (Rel) → la Biblia
good deeds NPL = good works good faith Nbuena fe f
in good faithde buena fe
Good Friday N (Rel) → Viernes m Santo
good looks NPLatractivo msing físico
good works NPLbuenas obras fpl
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[film, book, idea, result, job, food] → bon(ne)
It's a very good film → C'est un très bon film.
good news → une bonne nouvelle
to be good news for sb → être une bonne nouvelle pour qn
a piece of good news → une bonne nouvelle
[luck, fortune] to have the good luck to do sth → avoir la chance de faire qch
to live the good life → mener la belle vie
[weather] → beau(belle)
(= lucky) it's a good thing (that) ..., it's a good job (that) ...
It's a good thing you were there.; It's a good job you were there → Heureusement que vous étiez là.
to have a good time → bien s'amuser

It's good to see you → Ça me fait plaisir de vous voir., Je suis content(e) de vous voir.
It was good to hear from you → J'étais content(e) d'avoir de vos nouvelles.
[English, French] to speak good English → bien parler anglais
(= beneficial) to be good for sb → être bon(ne) pour qn
It's good for you → C'est bon pour vous.
Vegetables are good for you → Les légumes sont bons pour la santé.
(= effective) to be good for doing sth → être pratique pour faire qch
(= happy) to feel good → se sentir bien (= attractive) to look good [person] → avoir l'air en pleine forme
(= talented) [musician, teacher, doctor, athlete] → bon(ne)
to be good at sth → être bon(ne) en qch
Jane's very good at maths → Jane est très bonne en maths.
to be good at doing sth → être doué(e) pour faire qch
to be no good at sth → être nul(le) en qch
to be no good at doing sth → ne pas savoir faire qch
I was no good at teaching
BUT Je n'étais pas un bon professeur.
to be good with people → avoir le contact facile avec les gens
She's very good with children → Elle sait bien s'y prendre avec les enfants.
I'm not very good with statistics → Je n'y connais pas grand-chose en statistiques.
to be good with one's hands → être habile de ses mains
She's good with her hands → Elle est habile de ses mains.
(morally) [man, woman, people] → bon(ne)
to set a good example → donner l'exemple
(= kind) → gentil(le)
to be good to sb → être gentil(le) avec qn
They were very good to me → Ils ont été très gentils avec moi.
to be good of sb
That's very good of you → C'est très gentil de votre part.
would you be good enough to (formal) (= please) → auriez-vous l'amabilité de
[child] → sage
Be good! → Sois sage!
(= careful) to take a good look → bien regarder
Take a good look and see if you recognise his face → Regardez-le bien pour voir si vous reconnaissez son visage.
I've given it a good clean → Je l'ai bien nettoyé.
(= dear) good old Jack → ce bon vieux Jack
(= considerable) a good while ago → il y a pas mal de temps
a good deal → beaucoup
a good deal of → beaucoup de
a good many → beaucoup
a good many reasons → beaucoup de raisons
as good as (= almost) → pratiquement
to be as good as new, to be as new [thing] → être comme neuf; [person] (= fully recovered) → être complètement rétabli(e)
to be good and ready (= quite ready) → être prêt(e)
not until I'm good and ready → pas avant que ça me chante
(moral)bien m
the battle between good and evil → la bataille entre le bien et le mal
(= benefit) → bien m
for the good of sb → pour le bien de qn
for the common good → dans l'intérêt commun
it's for your own good → c'est pour ton bien
to do sb good → faire du bien à qn
(= use)
Is this any good? → Est-ce que ceci fera l'affaire ?, Est-ce que cela peut vous rendre service ?
it's no good → ça ne sert à rien
to be no good doing sth
It's no good complaining → Cela ne sert à rien de se plaindre.
to do no good → ne servir à rien
It didn't do any good → Cela n'a servi à rien.
(worth watching, reading etc)
Is it any good? → Qu'est-ce que ça vaut?
to be up to no good → préparer un mauvais coup
He's up to no good → Il prépare quelque mauvais coup.
to make good [person] → réussir
to make sth good (= repair) → réparer qch
to make good a loss (= repay) → compenser une perte
for good (= for ever) → pour de bon
One day he left for good → Un jour il est parti pour de bon.
exclbien !
good for you! → bravo !good afternoon exclbonjour!
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


comp <better>, superl <best>
gut; good weathergutes Wetter; that’s a good one! (joke)das ist ein guter Witz; (usu iro: excuse) → wers glaubt, wird selig! (inf); you’ve done a good day’s workdu hast gute Arbeit (für einen Tag) geleistet; all I need is a good mealich brauche nur eine ordentliche or anständige Mahlzeit; this is a good firm to work forin dieser Firma lässt es sich gut arbeiten; he tells a good storyer erzählt gut; it must be good for somethingdas muss doch zu or für etwas gut sein; she looks good enough to eatsie sieht zum Anbeißen aus (inf); to be good with peoplegut mit Menschen umgehen können; good fortuneGlück nt; you’ve never had it so good!es ist euch noch nie so gut gegangen, ihr habt es noch nie so gut gehabt; it’s too good to be truees ist zu schön, um wahr zu sein; to come in a good thirdeinen guten dritten Platz belegen; this is as good as it getsbesser wirds nicht mehr
? to be good at sthgut in etw (dat)sein; to be good at sport/languagesgut im Sport/in Sprachen sein; to be good at sewing/typinggut nähen/tippen können; I’m not very good at itich kann es nicht besonders gut; he’s good at telling storieser kann gut Geschichten erzählen
? good enough that’s (not) good enoughdas reicht (nicht); that’s not good enough, you’ll have to do better than thatdas geht so nicht, du musst dich schon etwas mehr anstrengen; if he gives his word, that’s good enough for mewenn er sein Wort gibt, reicht mir das; it’s just not good enough!so geht das nicht!; his attitude is just not good enougher hat einfach nicht die richtige Einstellung; her work/conduct is just not good enoughihre Arbeit/ihr Benehmen ist einfach nicht gut genug or nicht akzeptabel; they felt he wasn’t good enough for hersie waren der Meinung, dass er nicht gut genug für sie war
? to feel goodsich wohlfühlen; I don’t feel too goodmir ist nicht gut, ich fühle mich nicht wohl; I don’t feel too good about itmir ist nicht ganz wohl dabei
? to look good you look good in thatdu siehst gut darin aus, das steht dir gut
? to make good mistake, damagewiedergutmachen; threatwahr machen; promiseerfüllen; to make good one’s lossesseine Verluste wettmachen; to make good somebody’s lossesjdm seine Verluste ausgleichen or ersetzen
? as good as (= practically)so gut wie; as good as newso gut wie neu; as good as deadso gut wie tot; he was as good as his worder hat sein Wort gehalten; he as good as called me a liar/invited me to comeer nannte mich praktisch einen Lügner/hat mich praktisch eingeladen
= beneficialgut; to be good for somebodygut für jdn sein; (= be healthy)gesund für jdn sein; milk is good for childrenMilch ist gut or gesund für Kinder; to be good for toothache/one’s healthgut gegen Zahnschmerzen/für die Gesundheit sein; to drink more than is good for onemehr trinken, als einem guttut
? what’s good for what’s good for consumers isn’t always good for the economywas gut für den Verbraucher ist, ist nicht immer gut für die Wirtschaft
= favourable moment, chance, opportunitygünstig, gut; a good day for a picnicein günstiger or guter Tag für ein Picknick; it’s a good thing or job I was there(nur) gut, dass ich dort war
= enjoyable holiday, eveningschön; the good lifedas süße Leben; did you have a good day?wie wars heute?, wie gings (dir) heute?
? a good time to have a good timesich gut amüsieren; have a good time!viel Spaß or Vergnügen!
= kindgut, lieb; good natureGutmütigkeit f; to be good to somebodygut zu jdm sein; that’s very good of youdas ist sehr lieb or nett von Ihnen; (it was) good of you to comenett, dass Sie gekommen sind; would you be good enough to tell me …wären Sie so nett, mir zu sagen (also iro); with every good wishmit den besten Wünschen
= virtuous name, manners, behaviourgut; the Good Shepherdder Gute Hirte; all good men and truealle wackeren und aufrechten Männer (old); if you can’t be good, be carefulwenn du es schon tun musst, sei wenigstens vorsichtig
= well-behavedartig, brav (inf); (as) good as goldmustergültig; be a good girl/boysei artig or lieb or brav (inf); be a good girl/boy and …sei so lieb und …; good girl/boy! (= well done)gut!; that’s a good dog!guter Hund!
= admirable your good lady (dated)Ihre werte Gemahlin (geh); my good man (dated)mein Guter (old); good man!sehr löblich!, gut gemacht!; good old Charles!der gute alte Charles!; the Good Bookdas Buch der Bücher; the good ship Santa Mariadie Santa Maria
= valid advice, excusegut; reasongut, triftig; ticketgültig; is his credit good?ist er kreditfähig?
? good for he’s good for £10,000 (= will give us)bei ihm kannst du mit £ 10.000 rechnen; (= has got)er hat gut und gern £ 10.000; he is good for another few yearsmit ihm kann man noch ein paar Jahre rechnen; the car is good for another few yearsdas Auto hält or tuts (inf)noch ein paar Jahre; she’s good for nothingsie ist ein Nichtsnutz or Taugenichts; that’s always good for a laughdarüber kann man immer lachen
= handsome looks, figure, featuresgut; legs, bodyschön; a good appearance (of person)ein gepflegtes Äußeres
= uninjured eye, leggesund
= thoroughgut, gründlich, tüchtig (inf); to give somebody a good scoldingjdn gründlich or tüchtig (inf)ausschimpfen; to give something a good cleanetw gut or gründlich reinigen; to have a good crysich ausweinen; to have a good laughordentlich or so richtig lachen (inf); to take a good look at somethingsich (dat)etw gut ansehen; to have a good grounding in somethinggute Grundkenntnisse in etw (dat)haben
= considerable hour, whilegut; amount, distance, waygut, schön; it’s a good distancees ist eine ganz schöne Strecke; it’s a good 8 kmes sind gute 8 km; he ate a good half of the cakeer hat gut und gern den halben Kuchen gegessen; a good many/few peopleziemlich viele/nicht gerade wenig Leute
in greetings → gut; good morningguten Morgen
in exclamations → gut, prima; that’s good!gut!, prima!; (it’s) good to see you/to be here(es ist) schön, dich zu sehen/hier zu sein; good enough! (= OK)schön!; good heavens or Lord or God!um Himmels willen! (inf); good grief or gracious!ach du liebe or meine Güte! (inf); very good, sirsehr wohl (old); good for or (esp Austral) on you/him etc!gut!, prima!; (iro also)das ist ja toll!
emphatic use → schön; a good strong stickein schön(er) starker Stock; a good old ageein schön(es) hohes Alter
? good and …ganz; good and hard/strong (inf)ganz schön fest/stark (inf); good and proper (inf)ganz anständig (inf)
= finegut; how are you? — good!wie gehts? — gut!
= well strictly incorrect → gut
= what is morally rightGute(s) nt; good and evilGut und Böse; to do goodGutes tun; there’s some good in everybodyin jedem steckt etwas Gutes; to be up to no good (inf)nichts Gutes im Schilde führen (inf)
= advantage, benefitWohl nt; the common gooddas Gemeinwohl; for the good of the nationzum Wohl(e) der Nation; this affects us, for good or illdas wirkt sich auf uns aus, positiv oder negativ; it’s done now, for good or illes ist nun einmal geschehen; I did it for your own goodich meine es nur gut mit dir, es war nur zu deinem Besten; for the good of one’s health etcseiner Gesundheit etc zuliebe; he’ll come to no goodmit ihm wird es noch ein böses Ende nehmen
? to do good to do (some) good(etwas) helfen or nützen; to do somebody goodjdm helfen; (rest, drink, medicine etc)jdm guttun; what good will that do you?was hast du davon?; much good may it do you (iro inf)na, dann viel Vergnügen! (iro inf); that won’t do much/any gooddas hilft auch nicht viel/auch nichts; that won’t do you much/any gooddas hilft dir auch nicht viel/auch nichts; (= will be unhealthy etc)das ist nicht gut für dich; a (fat) lot of good that will do! (iro inf)als ob das viel helfen würde! (iro); a (fat) lot of good that will do you! (iro inf)und wie dir das guttun wird! (iro inf)
= use what’s the good of hurrying?wozu eigentlich die Eile?; it would be some goodes wäre ganz nützlich; if that is any good to youwenn es dir hilft
? no/not any good that’s no gooddas ist nichts; he’s no good to user nützt uns (dat)nichts; it’s no good complaining to mees ist sinnlos or es nützt nichts, sich bei mir zu beklagen; it’s no good doing it like thates hat keinen Sinn, das so zu machen; he’s no good at iter kann es nicht; I’m no good at things like thatich bin nicht gut in solchen Dingen; the applicant was no goodder Bewerber war nicht gut; he wasn’t any good for the jober eignete sich nicht für die Arbeit; he wasn’t any good at the jober machte die Arbeit nicht gut
set structures
? for good (= for ever) for good (and all)für immer (und ewig)
? to the good we were 5 points/£5 to the goodwir hatten 5 Punkte zu viel/£ 5 plus; that’s all to the goodauch gut!


nNichtsnutz m, → Taugenichts m
adjnichtsnutzig; his good brothersein Nichtsnutz von Bruder
Good Friday
nKarfreitag m
good-humoured, (US) good-humored
adj person (by nature) → gutmütig; (on a certain occasion) → gut gelaunt; crowdgut gelaunt; atmospherefreundlich; rivalrygutmütig; event, demonstrationfriedlich; it was a good conferencebei der Konferenz herrschte eine freundliche Atmosphäre


n (inf) to be a real goodwirklich gut or klasse (inf)aussehen


adj person (by nature) → gutmütig; (on a certain occasion) → gut gelaunt; face, smile, attitudegutmütig; crowd, demonstrationfriedlich; atmosphere, conversation, laughterfreundlich; funharmlos


adjziemlich groß; building, room alsogeräumig
adj personverträglich; animalgutartig; behaviourgutmütig
good-time Charlie
n (US inf) → Luftikus m, → (Bruder) Leichtfuß m
good-time girl
nPlaygirl nt; (= prostitute)Freudenmädchen nt
nWohlwollen nt; (between nations, Comm) → Goodwill m; a gesture of goodein Zeichen seines/ihres etc guten Willens; to gain somebody’s goodjds Gunst gewinnen; good ambassador (for UNICEF etc) → Botschafter(in) m(f)des guten Willens; good mission/tourGoodwillreise f/-tour f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. adj (better (comp) (best (superl)))
a. (gen) → buono/a
to lead a good life → condurre una vita virtuosa
he's a good man → è una brava persona (saintly) → è un sant'uomo
good manners → buona educazione f, buone maniere
he has good judgment → sa giudicare
be good! → fai il bravo!
good for you! → bravo!
she's too good for him → lui non se la merita
it's just not good enough! → è inaccettabile!
the job is as good as done → il lavoro è praticamente finito
as good as new → come nuovo/a
she has been as good as gold → è stata un angelo
(that's) good! → bene!, ottimo!
that's a good one! (iro) → questa sì che è bella!
b. (pleasant, holiday, day, weather) → bello/a; (news) → buono/a, bello/a
to feel good → sentirsi bene
have a good journey! → buon viaggio!
it's good to see you → mi fa piacere vederti
c. (handsome, looks, features) → bello/a
you look good in that dress → quel vestito ti dona or ti sta bene
she has a good figure → ha un bel personale
d. (beneficial, advantageous, wholesome) → buono/a
good to eat → buono/a da mangiare
he's on to a good thing → ha trovato una miniera d'oro
it's good for you → ti fa bene
it's a good thing you were there → meno male che c'eri
e. (child) → bravo/a; (competent, teacher, doctor) → bravo/a, buono/a
to be good at → essere bravo/a in
he's good at English/telling jokes → è bravo in inglese/a raccontare barzellette
she's good with children → ci sa fare coi bambini
to be good for → andar bene per
a ticket good for 3 months → un biglietto valido (per) 3 mesi
he's good for £10 → 10 sterline le sgancia
are you good for another kilometre? → ce la fai a fare un altro chilometro?
f. (kind) → gentile, buono/a
to be good to sb → essere gentile con or verso qn
he's a good sort (fam) → è una brava persona
would you be so good as to sign here? → avrebbe la gentilezza di firmare qui?
that's very good of you → è molto gentile da parte sua
good deeds or works → buone azioni fpl, opere fpl buone
g. (considerable, not less than) → buono/a
a good many/few people → parecchia/un bel po' di gente
a good deal of money → un bel po' di soldi
a good deal of work → parecchio lavoro
a good 3 hours → 3 ore buone
it's a good distance from here → dista parecchio or un bel po' da qui
h. (thorough) → bello/a
to give sb a good scolding → fare una bella ramanzina a qn
to have a good cry → farsi un bel pianto
to take a good look (at sth) → guardare bene (qc)
i. (in greetings) good morningbuongiorno
good afternoon → buongiorno
good evening → buonasera
good night → buonanotte
2. adv
a. a good strong stickun bel bastone robusto
good and strong (fam) → bello forte
to hold good (for) → valere (per), reggere (in)
b. (esp Am) (fam) (well) → bene
3. n
a. (what is morally right) → bene m
to do good → fare del bene
good and evil → il bene e il male
he's up to no good → ne sta combinando qualcuna
b. (advantage, benefit) → bene m, interesse m
for your own good → per il tuo bene
for the common good → nell'interesse generale, per il bene comune
to come to no good → andare a finire male
what's the good of that? → a che pro?, a che serve?
is this any good? (will it do?) → va bene questo? (what's it like?) → com'è ?
that's no good to me → non mi va bene, non fa al caso mio
that's all to the good! → tanto meglio!, tanto di guadagnato!
it's no good complaining → brontolare non serve a niente
a (fat) lot of good that will do you (iro, fam) → sai quanto ne ricavi
c. (people of virtue) the good npli buoni
d. (for ever) for good (and all)per sempre, definitivamente
see also goods
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(gud) comparative better (ˈbetə) : superlative best (best) adjective
1. well-behaved; not causing trouble etc. Be good!; She's a good baby.
2. correct, desirable etc. She was a good wife; good manners; good English.
3. of high quality. good food/literature; His singing is very good.
4. skilful; able to do something well. a good doctor; good at tennis; good with children.
5. kind. You've been very good to him; a good father.
6. helpful; beneficial. Exercise is good for you.; Cheese is good for you.
7. pleased, happy etc. I'm in a good mood today.
8. pleasant; enjoyable. to read a good book; Ice-cream is good to eat.
9. considerable; enough. a good salary; She talked a good deal of nonsense.
10. suitable. a good man for the job.
11. sound, fit. good health; good eyesight; a car in good condition.
12. sensible. Can you think of one good reason for doing that?
13. showing approval. We've had very good reports about you.
14. thorough. a good clean.
15. healthy or in a positive mood. I don't feel very good this morning.
1. advantage or benefit. He worked for the good of the poor; for your own good; What's the good of a broken-down car?
2. goodness. I always try to see the good in people.
an expression of approval, gladness etc.
ˈgoodness noun
the state of being good.
(also my goodness) an expression of surprise etc.
goods noun plural
1. objects etc for sale, products. leather goods.
2. articles sent by rail, not road, sea or air. This station is for passengers and goods; (also adjective) a goods train/station.
ˈgoodyplural ˈgoodies noun
(usually in plural) any food (eg cake, ice-cream) which is particularly enjoyable to eat. the goodies at a children's party.
goodˈbye (-ˈbai) interjection, noun
an expression used when leaving someone. Goodbye – it was good of you to visit us; sad goodbyes.
good-day, good eveninggood morninggood-for-ˈnothing adjective, noun
(a person who is) useless or lazy. That boy's a lazy good-for-nothing (rascal).
good humour , (American) good humor
kindliness and cheerfulness.
good-ˈhumoured , (American) good-humored adjective
a good-humoured smile.
good-ˈhumouredly , (American) good-humoredly adverb
good-ˈlooking adjective
handsome; attractive. a good-looking girl; He is very good-looking.
good morning, good afternoon, good-ˈday, good evening, good night interjection, nouns
words used (depending on the time of day) when meeting or leaving someone. Good morning, Mrs Brown; Good night, everyone – I'm going to bed.
good-ˈnatured adjective
pleasant; not easily made angry. a good-natured fellow.
ˌgoodˈwill, good will noun
1. the good reputation and trade with customers that a business firm has. We are selling the goodwill along with the shop.
2. friendliness. He has always shown a good deal of goodwill towards us.
good works noun plural
acts of charity. He is known throughout the city for his good works.
as good as
almost. The job's as good as done.
be as good as one's word
to keep one's promises.
be up to no good
to be doing something wrong. I'm sure he's up to no good.
deliver the goods
to do what one has promised to do.
for good (sometimes for good and all)
permanently. He's not going to France for a holiday – he's going for good.
for goodness' sake
an expression of annoyance. For goodness' sake, will you stop that noise!
good for
1. certain to last. These houses are good for another hundred years at least.
2. certain to pay (a sum of money). He's good for $50.
3. certain to cause. That story is always good for a laugh.
good for you/him etc
an expression of approval. You've passed your exam – good for you!
Good Friday (ˌgud ˈfraidi) noun
the Friday before Easter commemorating the crucifixion of Christ.
good gracious, good heavens
expressions of surprise.
goodness gracious, goodness me
expressions of surprise.
good old
an expression used to show approval etc. Good old Fred! I knew he would help us out.
make good
1. to be successful. Through hard work and ability, he soon made good.
2. to repair or compensate for (loss, damages etc). The damage you caused to my car must be made good.
no good
useless; pointless. It's no good crying for help – no-one will hear you; This penknife is no good – the blades are blunt.
put in a good word for
to praise or recommend. Put in a good word for me when you see the boss.
take (something) in good part
not to be upset, offended or annoyed (eg by a joke, remark etc). John took the jokes about his accident with the pot of paint all in good part.
thank goodness
an expression used to show that a person is glad that something is all right. Thank goodness it isn't raining.
to the good
richer. After buying and selling some of these paintings, we finished up $500 to the good.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


جَيِّد, لَطِيف, مَاهِر dobrý, hodný god, sød brav, gut καλός bueno hyvä, kunnollinen bien éduqué, bon dobar bravo, buono うまい, 良い, 行儀のよい 모범적인, 잘 하는, 좋은 goed, lief bra, flink, snill dobry, grzeczny bem, bom мастерский, хороший bra, snäll เก่ง, ดี, ประพฤติดี iyi, uslu giỏi, tốt 听话的, 好的, 擅长的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a. bueno-a;
all in ___ timetodo a su debido tiempo;
in ___ timea buen tiempo, puntual;
good!muy bien!;
___ afternoonbuenas tardes;
___ behaviorbuena conducta, buen comportamiento;
___ -byeadiós;
___ causecausa justificada;
___ luckbuena suerte;
___ morningbuenos días, buen día;
___ nightbuenas noches;
in ___ faithde___fe;
to be ___ attener talento para;
to do someone ___hacer bien a alguien;
to put in a ___ wordrecomendar.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


adj (comp better; super best) bueno (buen before masculine singular nouns); a good surgeon..un buen cirujano; n bien m; for your own — por su propio bien
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.