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the condition of things; how something is done or how it happens; a pathway: This is the way you get to the pool.
Not to be confused with:
weigh – determine the weight of something; to ponder and consider: Weigh your decision before going forward.; to consider one’s words carefully: Weigh your words before you speak.
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree


a. A road, path, or highway affording passage from one place to another.
b. An opening affording passage: This door is the only way into the attic.
a. Space to proceed: cleared the way for the parade.
b. Opportunity to advance: opened the way to peace.
a. A course that is or may be used in going from one place to another: tried to find the shortest way home.
b. Progress or travel along a certain route or in a specific direction: on her way north.
c. often ways(Used with a sing. verb) Informal Distance: The travelers have come a long way. That village is a good ways off.
a. A course of conduct or action: tried to take the easy way out of the mess he was in.
b. A manner or method of doing something: several ways of solving this problem; had no way to reach her. See Synonyms at method.
c. Used with a personal pronoun as the object of various verbs to indicate progress toward an objective: elbowed his way through the crowd; talked my way into the club; worked his way into a better job.
d. A usual or habitual manner or mode of being, living, or acting: the American way of life.
e. An individual or personal manner of behaving, acting, or doing: Have it your own way.
a. A specific direction: He glanced my way.
b. A participant. Often used in combination: a three-way conversation.
a. An aspect, particular, or feature: resembles his father in many ways; in no way comparable.
b. Nature or category: not much in the way of a plot.
7. Freedom to do as one wishes: if I had my way.
8. An aptitude or facility: She certainly does have a way with words.
9. A state or condition: He is in a bad way financially.
10. Vicinity: Drop in when you're out our way.
11. often ways A longitudinal strip on a surface that serves to guide a moving machine part.
12. ways(used with a sing. or pl. verb) Nautical The structure on which a ship is built and from which it slides when launched.
1. Informal By a great distance or to a great degree; far: way off base; way too expensive.
2. Slang Very; extremely: "Can they really make a car that's way cool?" (Fortune).
3. Informal From this place; away: Go way.
4. Informal Used in response to no way to indicate affirmation contradicting a negative assertion.
all the way
From beginning to end; completely: drove all the way from Detroit to Pittsburgh.
by the way
Incidentally: By the way, you forgot to cash that check.
by way of
1. Through; via: flew to the Far East by way of the polar route.
2. As a means of: made no comment by way of apology.
go out of (one's)/the way
To inconvenience oneself in doing something beyond what is required.
in a way
1. To a certain extent; with reservations: I like the new styles, in a way.
2. From one point of view: In a way, you're right.
in the way
In a position to obstruct, hinder, or interfere.
no way Informal
Certainly not: Did you like that movie?—No way! It was boring.
on (one's)/the way
In the process of coming, going, or traveling: She is on her way out the door. Winter is on the way.
on the way
On the route of a journey: met him on the way to town; ran into them on the way.
out of the way
1. In such a position as not to obstruct, hinder, or interfere.
2. Taken care of; disposed of: some details to get out of the way first.
3. In a remote location.
4. Of an unusual character; remarkable.
5. Improper; amiss: said nothing out of the way.
the way
In the manner that: The way he talks, you'd think he ran the company.
under way
1. In motion or operation.
2. In ongoing development; in progress.

[Middle English, from Old English weg; see wegh- in Indo-European roots.]
Usage Note: Way has long been an intensifying adverb meaning "to a great degree," as in way over budget. This usage is both acceptable and common but has an informal ring. Way is also used as a general intensifier, as in way cool and way depressing. This usage remains a hallmark of casual speech and is not appropriate for formal contexts. · In American English ways is often used as an equivalent of way in phrases such as a long ways to go. This usage is considered nonstandard by most editors, though it appears occasionally in less formal texts.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. a manner, method, or means: a way of life; a way of knowing.
2. (Navigation) a route or direction: the way home.
3. (Navigation)
a. a means or line of passage, such as a path or track
b. (in combination): waterway.
4. space or room for movement or activity (esp in the phrases make way, in the way, out of the way)
5. distance, usually distance in general: you've come a long way.
6. a passage or journey: on the way.
7. characteristic style or manner: I did it in my own way.
8. (often plural) habits; idiosyncrasies: he has some offensive ways.
9. an aspect of something; particular: in many ways he was right.
10. (Human Geography)
a. a street in or leading out of a town
b. (capital when part of a street name): Icknield Way.
11. something that one wants in a determined manner (esp in the phrases get or have one's (own) way)
12. the experience or sphere in which one comes into contact with things (esp in the phrase come one's way)
13. informal a state or condition, usually financial or concerning health (esp in the phrases in a good (or bad) way)
14. informal the area or direction of one's home: drop in if you're ever over my way.
15. (Nautical Terms) movement of a ship or other vessel
16. (Law) a right of way in law
17. (General Engineering) a guide along which something can be moved, such as the surface of a lathe along which the tailstock slides
18. (Nautical Terms) (plural) the wooden or metal tracks down which a ship slides to be launched
19. a course of life including experiences, conduct, etc: the way of sin.
20. (Professions) archaic calling or trade
21. by the way (sentence modifier) in passing or incidentally
22. by way of
a. via
b. serving as: by way of introduction.
c. in the state or condition of: by way of being an artist.
23. (Gambling, except Cards) each way (of a bet) laid on a horse, dog, etc, to win or gain a place
24. give way
a. to collapse or break down
b. to withdraw or yield
25. give way to
a. to step aside for or stop for
b. to give full rein to (emotions, etc)
26. go out of one's way to take considerable trouble or inconvenience oneself
27. have a way with to have such a manner or skill as to handle successfully
28. have it both ways to enjoy two things that would normally contradict each other or be mutually exclusive
29. in a way in some respects
30. in no way not at all
31. lead the way
a. to go first
b. to set an example or precedent
32. make one's way
a. to proceed or advance
b. to achieve success in life
33. no way informal that is impossible
34. on the way out informal
a. becoming unfashionable, obsolete, etc
b. dying
35. out of the way
a. removed or dealt with so as to be no longer a hindrance
b. remote
c. unusual and sometimes improper
36. (Commerce) pay one's way See pay111
37. see one's way see one's way clear to find it possible and be willing (to do something)
38. the way Irish so that: I left early the way I would avoid the traffic.
39. under way having started moving or making progress
40. informal
a. at a considerable distance or extent: way over yonder.
b. very far: they're way up the mountain.
41. informal by far; considerably: way better.
42. slang truly; genuinely: they have a way cool site.
[Old English weg; related to Old Frisian wei, Old Norse vegr, Gothic wigs]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. manner, mode, or fashion: to reply in a polite way.
2. characteristic or habitual manner: Her way is to work quietly and never complain.
3. a method, plan, or means for attaining a goal: to find a way to reduce costs.
4. a respect or particular: defective in several ways.
5. a direction or vicinity: There's a drought out our way.
6. passage or progress on a course: Lead the way.
7. Often, ways. distance: They've come a long way.
8. a path or course: the shortest way to town.
9. a road, passage, or channel (usu. used in combination): highway; waterway.
10. Often, ways. a habit or custom: to cling to the ways of the old country.
11. one's preferred manner of acting or doing: He always gets his own way.
12. condition; state: He's in a bad way.
13. the range or extent of one's experience or notice: the best idea that's come my way.
14. space for passing or advancing: to clear a way through the crowd.
15. a course of life, action, or experience: the way of transgressors.
16. Naut.
a. ways, two or more ramps that a hull slides along in being launched.
b. movement or passage through the water.
17. Mach. a longitudinal strip, as in a planer, guiding a moving part along a surface.
18. Slang. very; really: That car is way cool!
1. by the way, incidentally (used to introduce information that has just come to mind).
2. by way of,
a. by the route of; through; via.
b. as a method or means of.
3. give way,
a. to withdraw or retreat.
b. to collapse; break down.
4. give way to,
a. to yield to: He gave way to their entreaties.
b. to lose control of (one's temper, emotions, etc.).
5. go all the way,
a. to do or finish something completely.
b. Informal. to be in complete agreement with someone or something.
c. Slang. to engage in sexual intercourse.
6. go out of one's way, to make an extra or unusual effort, as to do someone a favor.
7. look the other way, to disregard something unpleasant.
8. have a way with, to have a charming, persuasive, or effective manner of dealing with: He has a way with children; to have a way with words.
9. have one's way with, to have sexual intercourse with, esp. through cajolery or intimidation.
10. in a way, after a fashion; to some extent.
11. in someone's or the way, forming a hindrance, impediment, or obstruction: Look out, you're in my way.
12. lead the way,
a. to go along a course in advance of others, as a guide.
b. to take the initiative; be first or most prominent: In fashion she has always led the way.
13. make one's way,
a. to go forward along a course; proceed.
b. to achieve recognition or success; advance.
14. make way,
a. to remove obstructions to passage.
b. to relinquish a place or position; stand aside: Make way for the motorcade.
15. no way, Informal. not under any circumstances; no: Apologize? No way!
16. out of the way,
a. in a state or condition so as not to obstruct or hinder.
b. dealt with; disposed of: One problem is out of the way.
c. at a distance from the usual route.
d. improper; amiss.
e. extraordinary; unusual.
17. see one's way (clear), to discern no impediment to doing something: Can you see your way clear to giving me $100?
18. under way,
a. in motion; traveling: The ship is under way.
b. proceeding; in progress: Now that the project is under way, I'm free to talk about it.
19. Slang. very; really: Her new bike is way cool!
[before 900; Middle English wei(gh)e, wai, Old English weg, c. Old Saxon, Old High German weg, Old Norse vegr, Gothic wigs; akin to wain, weigh]
way′less, adj.
syn: See method.



1. Also, 'way. away; from this or that place: Go way.
2. to a great degree or at quite a distance; far: way too heavy; way down the road.
[1175–1225; Middle English, aph. variant of away]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. 'way'

You use way to refer to the thing or series of things that someone does in order to achieve a particular result. You can talk about a way of doing something or a way to do it. There is no difference in meaning.

This is the most effective way of helping the unemployed.
What is the best way to help a child with reading problems?

Be Careful!
If you use a possessive with way, you must use of and an -ing form after it.

I have to fit in with her way of doing things.
They are part of the author's way of telling his story.

Be Careful!
Don't use a to-infinitive. Don't say, for example, 'I have to fit in with her way to do things'.

2. 'means'

You don't usually use a noun after 'way of' when you are saying how something is done or achieved. For example, you don't refer to something as a 'way of transport'. The word you use is means.

The main means of transport on the island was the donkey.
Drums can be used as a means of communication.
3. used for describing manner

You can say that something is done in a particular way.

The play was performed in a very interesting way.
She smiled in a friendly way.

You usually say this way or that way without using 'in'.

Let's do it this way.
It's easier to do it that way.

You can also omit 'in' when you are using the or a possessive.

We don't look at things the same way.
I'm going to handle this my way.
4. used with relative clauses

When the way is followed by a defining relative clause, this clause can be either a that-clause or a clause beginning with in which. For example, you can say 'the way she told the story', 'the way that she told the story', or 'the way in which she told the story'. There is no difference in meaning.

It's the way they used to do it.
I was shocked by the way in which they treated their animals.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.way - how something is done or how it happensway - how something is done or how it happens; "her dignified manner"; "his rapid manner of talking"; "their nomadic mode of existence"; "in the characteristic New York style"; "a lonely way of life"; "in an abrasive fashion"
property - a basic or essential attribute shared by all members of a class; "a study of the physical properties of atomic particles"
artistic style, idiom - the style of a particular artist or school or movement; "an imaginative orchestral idiom"
drape - the manner in which fabric hangs or falls; "she adjusted the drape of her skirt"
fit - the manner in which something fits; "I admired the fit of her coat"
form - a particular mode in which something is manifested; "his resentment took the form of extreme hostility"
life style, lifestyle, life-style, modus vivendi - a manner of living that reflects the person's values and attitudes
setup - the way something is organized or arranged; "it takes time to learn the setup around here"
signature, touch - a distinguishing style; "this room needs a woman's touch"
wise - a way of doing or being; "in no wise"; "in this wise"
response - the manner in which an electrical or mechanical device responds to an input signal or a range of input signals
2.way - how a result is obtained or an end is achieved; "a means of control"; "an example is the best agency of instruction"; "the true way to success"
effectuation, implementation - the act of implementing (providing a practical means for accomplishing something); carrying into effect
dint - interchangeable with `means' in the expression `by means of'
escape - a means or way of escaping; "hard work was his escape from worry"; "they installed a second hatch as an escape"; "their escape route"
fast track - a rapid means of achieving a goal; "they saw independence as the fast track to democracy"; "he took a fast track to the top of the corporate ladder"; "the company went off the fast track when the stock market dropped"
instrument, tool - the means whereby some act is accomplished; "my greed was the instrument of my destruction"; "science has given us new tools to fight disease"
road - a way or means to achieve something; "the road to fame"
stepping stone - any means of advancement; "the job was just a stepping stone on his way to fame and riches"
expedient - a means to an end; not necessarily a principled or ethical one
desperate measure - desperate actions taken as a means to an end; "he had to resort to desperate measures"
open sesame - any very successful means of achieving a result
salvation - a means of preserving from harm or unpleasantness; "tourism was their economic salvation"; "they turned to individualism as their salvation"
tooth - a means of enforcement; "the treaty had no teeth in it"
voice - a means or agency by which something is expressed or communicated; "the voice of the law"; "the Times is not the voice of New York"; "conservatism has many voices"
wings - a means of flight or ascent; "necessity lends wings to inspiration"
3.way - a line leading to a place or pointway - a line leading to a place or point; "he looked the other direction"; "didn't know the way home"
itinerary, route, path - an established line of travel or access
bearing, heading, aim - the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies
trend, course - general line of orientation; "the river takes a southern course"; "the northeastern trend of the coast"
east-west direction - in a direction parallel with lines of latitude
north-south direction - in a direction parallel with lines of longitude
qibla - the direction of the Kaaba toward which Muslims turn for their daily prayers
trend, tendency - a general direction in which something tends to move; "the shoreward tendency of the current"; "the trend of the stock market"
4.way - the condition of things generally; "that's the way it is"; "I felt the same way"
condition, status - a state at a particular time; "a condition (or state) of disrepair"; "the current status of the arms negotiations"
5.way - a course of conductway - a course of conduct; "the path of virtue"; "we went our separate ways"; "our paths in life led us apart"; "genius usually follows a revolutionary path"
course of action, course - a mode of action; "if you persist in that course you will surely fail"; "once a nation is embarked on a course of action it becomes extremely difficult for any retraction to take place"
ambages - (archaic) roundabout or mysterious ways of action
primrose path - a life of ease and pleasure
straight and narrow, strait and narrow - the way of proper and honest behavior; "he taught his children to keep strictly to the straight and narrow"
Sunna, Sunnah, hadith - (Islam) the way of life prescribed as normative for Muslims on the basis of the teachings and practices of Muhammad and interpretations of the Koran
warpath - a course leading to warfare or battle
6.way - any artifact consisting of a road or path affording passage from one place to another; "he said he was looking for the way out"
artefact, artifact - a man-made object taken as a whole
access, approach - a way of entering or leaving; "he took a wrong turn on the access to the bridge"
lane - a narrow way or road
passage - a way through or along which someone or something may pass
path - a way especially designed for a particular use
road, route - an open way (generally public) for travel or transportation
staircase, stairway - a way of access (upward and downward) consisting of a set of steps
transportation, transportation system, transit - a facility consisting of the means and equipment necessary for the movement of passengers or goods
waterway, watercourse - a conduit through which water flows
roadside, wayside - edge of a way or road or path; "flowers along the wayside"
7.way - a journey or passageway - a journey or passage; "they are on the way"
journey, journeying - the act of traveling from one place to another
8.way - space for movement; "room to pass"; "make way for"; "hardly enough elbow room to turn around"
seating, seating area, seating room, seats - an area that includes places where several people can sit; "there is seating for 40 students in this classroom"
standing room - room for passengers or spectators to stand; "there was standing room for thousands more people"
spatial relation, position - the spatial property of a place where or way in which something is situated; "the position of the hands on the clock"; "he specified the spatial relations of every piece of furniture on the stage"
breathing room, breathing space - sufficient room for easy breathing or movement; "moved to the country to find breathing room"
headroom, headway, clearance - vertical space available to allow easy passage under something
houseroom - space for accommodation in a house; "I wouldn't give that table houseroom"
lebensraum, living space - space sought for occupation by a nation whose population is expanding
parking - space in which vehicles can be parked; "there is plenty of parking behind the store"
sea room - space for maneuver at sea
9.way - the property of distance in general; "it's a long way to Moscow"; "he went a long ways"
distance - the property created by the space between two objects or points
colloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech
10.way - doing as one pleases or chooses; "if I had my way"
choice, pick, selection - the person or thing chosen or selected; "he was my pick for mayor"
11.way - a general category of things; used in the expression `in the way of'; "they didn't have much in the way of clothing"
category - a general concept that marks divisions or coordinations in a conceptual scheme
12.way - a portion of something divided into shares; "they split the loot three ways"
share, percentage, portion, part - assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group; "he wanted his share in cash"
Adv.1.way - to a great degree or by a great distance; very much (`right smart' is regional in the United States); "way over budget"; "way off base"; "the other side of the hill is right smart steeper than the side we are on"
colloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. method, means, system, process, approach, practice, scheme, technique, manner, plan, procedure, mode, course of action Freezing is a great way to preserve most foods.
2. manner, style, fashion, mode He had a strange way of talking.
3. aspect, point, sense, detail, feature, particular, regard, respect, characteristic, facet In some ways, we are better off than we were before.
4. (often plural) custom, manner, habit, idiosyncrasy, style, practice, nature, conduct, personality, characteristic, trait, usage, wont You'll have to get used to my mother's odd little ways.
5. route, direction, course, road, path Can you tell me the way to the station?
6. access, street, road, track, channel, route, path, lane, trail, avenue, highway, pathway, thoroughfare He came round the back way.
7. journey, approach, advance, progress, passage She said she'd pick me up on her way to work.
8. room, opening, space, elbowroom The ranks of soldiers parted and made way for her.
9. distance, length, stretch, journey, trail We've a long way to go yet.
10. condition, state, shape (informal), situation, status, circumstances, plight, predicament, fettle He's in a bad way, but he'll live.
11. will, demand, wish, desire, choice, aim, pleasure, ambition It's bad for a child to get its own way all the time.
by the way incidentally, in passing, in parenthesis, en passant, by the bye By the way, how did your seminar go?
get in the way of something interfere with, hamper, hinder, obstruct, impede, be a drag upon (informal) She never let her feelings get in the way of her job.
give way collapse, give, fall, crack, break down, subside, cave in, crumple, fall to pieces, go to pieces The whole ceiling gave way and fell in on us.
give way to something
1. be replaced by, be succeeded by, be supplanted by The numbness gave way to anger
2. concede, yield, back down, make concessions, accede, acquiesce, acknowledge defeat The President has given way to pressure from his opponents.
on the way or on your way coming, approaching, en route, in transit, close, near, travelling, proceeding, imminent He's on his way here now.
under way in progress, going, started, moving, begun, on the move, in motion, afoot, on the go (informal) A full-scale security operation is now under way.
way of life
1. customs, practices, traditions, rituals, conventions, unwritten laws the traditional way of life of the Yanomami Indians
2. habit, second nature cities where violence is a way of life
ways and means capability, methods, procedure, way, course, ability, resources, capacity, tools, wherewithal discussing ways and means of improving productivity
"The longest way round is the shortest way home"
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. A course affording passage from one place to another:
2. The approach used to do something:
3. A habitual way of behaving:
4. The manner in which one behaves:
action (often used in plural), behavior, comportment, conduct, deportment.
5. Informal. An extent, measured or unmeasured, of linear space:
Informal: piece.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
إتِّجاه، طَريقأسْلوب، طَريقَهاِتِّـجَاهبِمَسافَةٍ طَويلَه أو بِوَقْت طَويلٍسَبِيل
aîferî, leiîháttur, máti, vísalangtleiîleiî, vegur, braut
atprastiblogos būklėsbūdaidaromadaryti savaip
potsmerdati prednostnačinnapoti
cách thứcđường đi


A. N
1. (= road, lane) → camino m; (in street names) → calle f, avenida f
Way of the CrossVía f Crucis, viacrucis m
across or over the way (from)enfrente (de), frente (a)
permanent wayvía f
the public wayla vía pública
2. (= route) → camino m (to de) the way to the stationel camino de la estación
which is the way to the station?¿cómo se va or cómo se llega a la estación?
this isn't the way to Lugo!¡por aquí no se va a Lugo!
he walked all the way herevino todo el camino andando
it rained all the way therellovió durante todo el viaje
he ran all the way homehizo todo el camino a casa corriendo
to ask one's way to the stationpreguntar el camino or cómo se va a la estación
we came a back wayvinimos por los caminos vecinales
she went by way of Birminghamfue por or vía Birmingham
if the chance comes my waysi se me presenta la oportunidad
way downbajada f, ruta f para bajar
to take the easy way outoptar por la solución más fácil
to feel one's way (lit) → andar a tientas
he's still feeling his way in the new jobtodavía se está familiarizando con el nuevo trabajo
to find one's wayorientarse, ubicarse (esp LAm)
to find one's way into a buildingencontrar la entrada de un edificio, descubrir cómo entrar en un edificio
the cat found the way into the pantryel gato logró introducirse en la despensa
I had to find my own way homeme las tuve que arreglar para volver a casa
the way is hardel camino es duro
the way in (= entrance) → la entrada
I don't know the way to his houseno sé el camino a su casa, no sé cómo se va or llega a su casa
do you know the way to the hotel?¿sabes el camino del or al hotel?, ¿sabes cómo llegar al hotel?
I know my way about townconozco la ciudad
she knows her way around (fig) → tiene bastante experiencia, no es que sea una inocente
to lead the way (lit) → ir primero (fig) → marcar la pauta, abrir el camino
to go the long way roundir por el camino más largo
to lose one's wayextraviarse
to make one's way todirigirse a
to make one's way homevolver a casa
to make one's way in the worldabrirse camino en la vida
the middle wayel camino de en medio
on the way herede camino hacia aquí, mientras veníamos aquí
on the way to Londonrumbo a Londres, camino de Londres
it's on the way to Murciaestá en la carretera de Murcia
we're on our way!¡vamos para allá!
he's on his wayestá de camino
they have another child on the waytienen otro niño en camino
you pass it on your way homete pilla de camino a casa
your house is on my waytu casa me viene de camino
he is well on the way to finishing itlo tiene casi terminado
he's on the way to becoming an alcoholicva camino de hacerse un alcohólico
the way outla salida
you'll find it on the way outlo encontrarás cerca de la salida
I'll find my own way outno hace falta que me acompañen a la puerta
to find a way out of a problemencontrar una solución a un problema
there's no way out (fig) → no hay salida or solución, esto no tiene solución
there's no other way out (fig) → no hay más remedio
it's on its way outestá en camino de desaparecer, ya está pasando de moda
to go out of one's way (lit) → desviarse del camino
to go out of one's way to help sbdesvivirse por ayudar a algn
I don't want to take you out of your wayno quiero apartarle del camino
the village I live in is rather out of the waymi pueblo está un poco retirado
that's nothing out of the way these dayseso no es nada extraordinario hoy día
to pay one's way (in restaurant) → pagar su parte
the company isn't paying its wayla compañía no rinde or no da provecho
he put me in the way of some good contractsme conectó or enchufó para que consiguiera buenos contratos
to see one's way (clear) to helping sbver la forma de ayudar a algn
could you possibly see your way clear to lending him some money?¿tendrías la amabilidad de prestarle algo de dinero?
to go the shortest wayir por el camino más corto
to start on one's wayponerse en camino
way upsubida f, ruta f para subir
the way of virtueel camino de la virtud
to go the way of all fleshfenecer como todo ser humano
I'm with you all the wayte apoyo en todo
to go one's own wayseguir su propio camino
she always goes her own sweet wayhace lo que le da la gana
see also prepare A
3. (= space sb wants to go through) → camino m
to bar the wayponerse en medio del camino
to clear a way forabrir camino para
to clear the waydespejar el camino
he crawled his way to the gatellegó arrastrándose hasta la puerta
to elbow one's way through the crowdabrirse paso por la multitud a codazos
to fight one's way outlograr salir luchando
to force one's way inintroducirse a la fuerza
to hack one's way through sthabrirse paso por algo a fuerza de tajos
to be/get in sb's wayestorbar a algn
to get in the wayestorbar
am I in the way?¿estorbo?
you can watch, but don't get in the waypuedes mirar, pero no estorbes
to put difficulties in sb's waycrear dificultades a algn
to stand in sb's way (lit) → cerrar el paso a algn (fig) → ser un obstáculo para algn
now nothing stands in our wayahora no hay obstáculo alguno
to stand in the way of progressimpedir or entorpecer el progreso
to make way (for sth/sb) (lit, fig) → dejar paso (a algo/algn)
make way!¡abran paso!
to leave the way open for further talksdejar la puerta abierta a posteriores conversaciones
this law leaves the way open to abuseesta ley deja vía libre a toda clase de desafueros
to get out of the wayquitarse de en medio
out of my way!¡quítate de en medio!
I should keep out of his way if I were youyo que tú evitaría el trato con él
I try to keep out of his wayprocuro evitar cualquier contacto con él
I kept well out of the wayme mantuve muy lejos
to get or move sth out of the wayquitar algo de en medio or del camino
put it somewhere out of the wayponlo donde no estorbe
it's out of the way of the windestá al abrigo del viento
as soon as I've got this essay out of the wayen cuanto termine este ensayo
keep those matches out of his wayno dejes esas cerillas a su alcance
to push one's way through the crowdabrirse paso por la multitud a empujones
to work one's way to the frontabrirse camino hacia la primera fila
he worked his way up in the companyascendió en la compañía a fuerza de trabajo
he worked his way up from nothingempezó sin nada y fue muy lejos a fuerza de trabajo
see also give A18
4. (= direction)
down our waypor nuestra zona, en nuestro barrio
are you going my way?¿vas por dónde voy yo?
everything is going my way (fig) → todo me está saliendo a pedir de boca
to look the other way (lit) → mirar para otro lado (fig) → mirar para otro lado, hacer la vista gorda
turn it the other way roundvuélvelo al revés
it was you who invited her, not the other way rounderes tú quien la invitaste, no al revés
it's out Windsor wayestá cerca de Windsor
turn the map the right way uppon el mapa mirando hacia arriba
the car landed the right way upel coche cayó sobre las ruedas
to split sth three waysdividir algo en tres partes iguales
come this waypase por aquí
"this way for the lions"a los leones
this way and thatpor aquí y por allá
which way did it go?¿hacia dónde fue?, ¿por dónde se fue?
which way do we go from here? (lit, fig) → ¿desde aquí adónde vamos ahora?
which way is the wind blowing?¿de dónde sopla el viento?
she didn't know which way to lookno sabía dónde mirar, no sabía dónde poner los ojos
5. (= distance)
a little way offno muy lejos, a poca distancia
a little way down the roadbajando la calle, no muy lejos
it's a long or good way away or offestá muy lejos
spring is a long way offla primavera queda muy lejos
it's a long or good wayes mucho camino
we have a long way to gotenemos mucho camino por delante
he'll go a long way (fig) → llegará lejos
a little of that flavouring goes a long wayun poco de ese condimento cunde mucho
a little of her company goes a long way (iro) → sólo se le puede aguantar en pequeñas dosis
we've come a long way since those dayshemos avanzado mucho desde entonces
it should go a long way towards convincing him(esto) seguramente contribuirá mucho a convencerlo
that's a long way from the trutheso queda muy lejos de la verdad
better by a long waymucho mejor, mejor pero con mucho
not by a long wayni con mucho
I can swim quite a way nowahora puedo nadar bastante distancia
a short way offno muy lejos, a poca distancia
6. (= means) → manera f, forma f, modo m
we'll find a way of doing itencontraremos la manera or forma or modo de hacerlo
love will find a wayel amor encontrará el camino
it's the only way of doing ites la única manera or forma or modo de hacerlo
my way is to + INFINmi sistema consiste en + infin
that's the way!¡así!, ¡eso es!
that way it won't disturb anybodyasí no molestará a nadie
every which way (esp US) (= in every manner) → de muchísimas maneras; (= in every direction) → por todas partes
he re-ran the experiment every which way he couldreprodujo el experimento de todas las maneras habidas y por haber
ways and meansmedios mpl
that's not the right wayasí no se hace
there are no two ways about itno hay vuelta de hoja
7. (= manner) → manera f, forma f, modo m
the way things are going we shall have nothing leftsi esto continúa así nos vamos a quedar sin nada
she looked at me in a strange wayme miró de manera or forma or modo extraña
it's a strange way to thank someone¡vaya manera or forma or modo de mostrar gratitud or darle las gracias a alguien!
without in any way wishing to + INFINsin querer en lo más mínimo + infin, sin tener intención alguna de + infin
in a big wayen grande
they like to celebrate their birthdays in a big wayles gusta celebrar sus cumpleaños en grande
we lost in a really big wayperdimos de manera or forma or modo realmente espectacular
you can't have it both waystienes que optar por lo uno o lo otro
each way (Racing) → (a) ganador y colocado
either way I can't help youde todas formas no puedo ayudarle
I will help you in every way possibleharé todo lo posible por ayudarte
he insulted us in every possible waynos ha insultado en todos los sentidos
the British way of lifeel estilo de vida británico
no way!¡ni pensarlo!, ¡ni hablar!
no way was that a goal¡imposible que fuera eso un gol!
there is no way I am going to agreede ninguna manera or forma or de ningún modo lo voy a consentir
(in) one way or anotherde una u otra manera or forma or modo
it doesn't matter to me one way or the otherme es igual, me da lo mismo
a week one way or the other won't matterno importa que sea una semana más o una semana menos
in the ordinary way (of things)por lo general, en general
he has his own way of doing ittiene su manera or forma or modo de hacerlo
I'll do it (in) my own waylo haré a mi manera or forma or modo
he's a good sort in his own waytiene sus rarezas pero es buena persona
in the same wayde la misma manera or forma, del mismo modo
to go on in the same old wayseguir como siempre
we help in a small wayayudamos un poco
she's clever that waypara esas cosas es muy lista
to my way of thinkinga mi parecer, a mi manera or forma or modo de ver
do it this wayhazlo así
in this wayasí, de esta manera or forma or modo
it was this waypasó lo siguiente ...
that's always the way with himsiempre le pasa igual
8. [of will]
to get one's own waysalirse con la suya
have it your own way!¡como quieras!
they've had it all their own way too longhace tiempo que hacen lo que les da la gana
they didn't have things all their own way (in football match) → no dominaron el partido completamente
he had his wicked or evil way with her (hum) → se la llevó al huerto, la sedujo
9. (= custom) → costumbre f
the ways of the Spaniardslas costumbres de los españoles
that is our way with traitorsasí tratamos a los traidores
he has his little waystiene sus manías or rarezas
to get into the way of doing sthadquirir la costumbre de hacer algo
to be/get out of the way of doing sthhaber perdido/perder la costumbre de hacer algo
to mend one's waysenmendarse, reformarse
10. (= gift, special quality)
he has a way with peopletiene don de gentes
he has a way with childrensabe manejar a los niños
he has a way with himtiene su encanto
11. (= respect, aspect) → sentido m
in a wayen cierto sentido
in many waysen muchos sentidos
he's like his father in more ways than onese parece a su padre en muchos sentidos
in no way, not in any wayde ninguna manera, de manera alguna
in some waysen algunos sentidos
12. (= state) → estado m
the way things aretal como están or van las cosas
to leave things the way they aredejar las cosas como están
things are in a bad waylas cosas van or marchan mal
the car is in a bad wayel coche está en mal estado
he's in a bad way (= sick) → está grave; (= troubled) → está muy mal
he's in a fair way to succeedtiene buenas posibilidades de lograrlo
it looks that wayasí parece
to be in the family wayestar embarazada
13. (= speed) to gather way [ship] → empezar a moverse (fig) [enthusiasm] → encenderse
14. (in set expressions with preposition)
by the waya propósito, por cierto
how was your holiday, by the way?a próposito or por cierto, ¿qué tal tus vacaciones?
Jones, which by the way, is not his real nameJones que, a propósito or por cierto, no es su verdadero nombre
oh, and by the wayantes que se me olvide
all this is by the waytodo esto no viene al caso
by way of a warninga modo de advertencia
that was all I got by way of an answereso es todo lo que conseguí por respuesta
she's by way of being an artisttiene sus ribetes de artista
he had little in the way of formal educationtuvo poca educación formal
to be under wayestar en marcha
the job is now well under wayel trabajo ya está muy avanzado
to get under way [ship] → zarpar; [person, group] → partir, ponerse en camino; [work, project] → ponerse en marcha, empezar a moverse
things are getting under way at lastpor fin las cosas están empezando a moverse
that was way backeso fue hace mucho tiempo ya
way back in 1900allá en 1900
way down (below)muy abajo
it's way out in Nevadaestá allá en Nevada
way out to seamar afuera
he was way out in his estimatese equivocó (en) mucho en su presupuesto
it's way past your bedtimehace rato que deberías estar en la cama
it's way too biges demasiado grande
way up highmuy alto
way up in the skymuy alto en el cielo
C. CPD way station N (US) → apeadero m (fig) → paso m intermedio
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= route) → chemin m
I don't know the way → Je ne connais pas le chemin.
The way was blocked
BUT Le passage était bloqué.
We couldn't find a way across the stream
BUT Nous ne trouvions pas d'endroit où traverser le ruisseau.
We'll go out the back way
BUT On va sortir par derrière.
"way in" (British)"entrée"
This is the way in → Voici l'entrée.
"way out" (British)"sortie"
the way back → le chemin du retour
on the way → en chemin
We stopped for lunch on the way → Nous nous sommes arrêtés pour déjeuner en chemin.
on the way to sth → en route pour qch
(following possessive: my, your, his, her etc) to be on one's way (= going) → être en route
He's on his way → Il est en route.
to be on one's way home → être sur le chemin du retour
Lynn was on her way home → Lynn était sur le chemin du retour.
to lose one's way → se perdre
to make one's way to sth → se frayer un chemin jusqu'à qch
to fight one's way through a crowd → se débattre dans la foule pour se frayer un chemin
to elbow one's way to → jouer des coudes pour aller à
He elbowed his way to the bar → Il joua des coudes pour aller au bar.
to lie one's way out of it → s'en sortir par un mensonge
to be in the way (= block path) → être dans le chemin
you're in my way → tu es dans le chemin, tu es dans mon passage
to get in sb's way → se mettre en travers de la route de qn
He will kill anyone who gets in his way → Il tuera quiconque se met en travers de sa route.
to keep out of sb's way → éviter qn
to be in the way (= cause annoyance) → gêner
to be out of the way (= not being a nuisance) → ne pas être dans le passage (= done, over) → être fini(e) (= distant) → être isolé(e)
to get sth out of the way → en avoir fini avec qch
He was glad to get his exams out of the way → Il était content d'en avoir fini avec ses examens.
The village is rather out of the way → Le village est plutôt isolé.
(= distance) → bout m de chemin
We've a fair way to go yet → On a encore un bon bout de chemin à faire.
We walked a long way → On a fait un long bout de chemin à pied.
I can swim quite a way now
BUT Je peux nager une bonne distance maintenant.
it's a long way → c'est loin
Paris is a long way from London → Paris est loin de Londres.
it's a long way away → c'est loin d'ici, c'est loin
(= direction) which way? - this way → par où? - par ici
which way is it? → c'est par où?
this way → par ici
The supermarket is this way → Le supermarché est par ici.
do you know the way to the station? → est-ce que vous savez aller à la gare?
this way and that → par-ci par-là
(= orientation) → sens m
to be the right way up (British)être à l'endroit, être dans le bon sens
to be the wrong way round [garment] → être à l'envers; [words, letters] → être inversé(e)
to get sth the wrong way round → inverser qch
I keep getting their names the wrong way round → Je n'arrête pas d'inverser leurs noms.
to put sth the wrong way round → mettre qch à l'envers
the wrong way up (= upside down) → à l'envers, Certains spectateurs tenaient le drapeau à l'envers.
(= manner) → façon f, manière f
Do it this way → Faites-le de cette manière.
This book tells you the right way to do it → Ce livre vous explique la bonne manière de s'y prendre.
You're doing it the wrong way → Tu ne t'y prends pas de la bonne manière.
She looked at me in a strange way
BUT Elle m'a regardé d'un drôle d'air.
She smiled in a friendly way
BUT Elle sourit amicalement.
the way sb does sth → la manière dont qn fait qch, la manière que qn a de faire qch
I don't like the way doctors speak to you → Je n'aime pas la manière dont les médecins te parlent.
a way of doing sth → une manière de faire qch
different ways of cooking fish → les différentes manières d'accommoder le poisson
Is there a way of finding out the truth?
BUT Y-a-t-il un moyen de découvrir la vérité?; Y-a-t-il moyen de découvrir la vérité?.
a way to do sth → une façon de faire qch
I can't think of a worse way to spend my time → Je ne peux imaginer pire façon de passer mon temps.
a way of life → un mode de vie
(= respect) in a way → dans un sens
in some ways → par certains côtés
in the same way → de la même manière
(= habit) → habitude f
She did it quickly, as was her way → Elle le fit rapidement, comme à son habitude.
to have a way of doing sth → trouver le moyen de faire qch
(= condition) he's in a bad way → il va mal
(= will) sb's way, sb's own way → sa guise
She always wants her own way → Elle veut toujours en faire à sa guise.
to get one's way, to get one's own way → parvenir à ses fins
As long as she got her own way, she was a happy child → Tant qu'on la laissait agir à sa guise, c'était une enfant heureuse.
to let sb have their own way, to let sb have their way → laisser qn agir à sa guise
all the way [walk, run] → d'un bout à l'autre
I support you all the way → Je suis à fond derrière toi.
all the way through → jusqu'au bout
by the way → au fait
by way of (= through) → en passant par, via (= as a sort of) → en guise de
to clear the way for sth, to open the way for sth → ouvrir la voie à qch
either way (= in both cases) → dans les deux cas
the way forward → la bonne voie
to go out of one's way to do sth → se donner beaucoup de mal pour faire qch
to have a way with sth/sb → avoir le chic avec qch/qn
in no way, not in any way → en aucune façon
something in the way of ... → quelque chose qui pourrait servir de ...
to make way for sb/sth → laisser place à qn/qch
no way → pas question
no way am I doing sth → il est hors de question que je fasse qch
one way or another, one way or the other → d'une manière ou d'une autre
to be on the way out (fig)être sur le départ
a way out (= solution) → une issue
We are desperately looking for a way out of this crisis → Nous cherchons désespérément une issue à cette crise.
to be under way [work, project] → être en cours ways
nplfaçon f d'être, manière f d'être
the ways of country folk → la façon d'être des gens de la campagne
to change one's ways → changer sa manière d'être
(= far) (for emphasis) way in advance → longtemps à l'avance
We'll have to decide way in advance → Nous devrons décider longtemps à l'avance.
way over
They live way over the other side of town → Ils vivent complètement à l'autre bout de la ville.
way down
Way down in the valley is the town of Freiburg → Tout au fond de la vallée se trouve la ville de Fribourg.
way above average → bien au-dessus de la moyenne
(= very) → trop
way cool → trop mortel
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


= roadWeg m; across or over the waygegenüber, vis-à-vis; (motion) → rüber; Way of the CrossKreuzweg m; to fall by the way (fig)auf der Strecke bleiben
= routeWeg m; to ask the waynach dem Weg fragen; you’ll learn new skills along the waySie werden nebenbei auch neue Fertigkeiten erlernen; to go the wrong waysich verlaufen; (in car) → sich verfahren; to go down the wrong way (food, drink) → in die falsche Kehle kommen; there’s no way out (fig)es gibt keinen Ausweg; to find a way inhineinfinden; the way up/downder Weg nach oben/unten; (climbing) → der Auf-/Abstieg; the way there/backder Hin-/Rückweg; prices are on the way up/downdie Preise steigen/fallen; the way forwardder Weg vorwärts or in die Zukunft
? by way of (= via)über (+acc); by way of an answer/excuseals Antwort/Entschuldigung; by way of illustrationzur Illustration; he’s by way of being a painter (inf)er ist eine Art Maler (inf)
? the way to the way to the stationder Weg zum Bahnhof; can you tell me the way to the town hall, please?können Sie mir bitte sagen, wie ich zum Rathaus komme?
? on the/one’s way (to) is it on the way? (place) → liegt das auf dem Weg?; (parcel etc) → ist es unterwegs?; the shop is on the/your wayder Laden liegt auf dem/deinem Weg; to stop on the wayunterwegs anhalten; on the way (here)auf dem Weg (hierher); on the way to Londonauf dem Weg nach London; you pass it on your way homedu kommst auf deinem Nachhauseweg or Heimweg daran vorbei; they’re on their way nowsie sind jetzt auf dem Weg or unterwegs; to go on one’s waysich auf den Weg machen; there’s another baby on the wayda ist wieder ein Kind unterwegs; he’s on the way to becoming an alcoholicer ist dabei or auf dem besten Weg, Alkoholiker zu werden; she’s well on the way to being a first-rate singersie ist auf dem besten Weg, eine erstklassige Sängerin zu werden; I haven’t finished it yet but it’s on the wayich bin noch nicht damit fertig, aber es ist im Werden (inf)
? out of the/sb’s way if it is out of your waywenn es ein Umweg für Sie ist; it took us out of our wayes war ein Umweg für uns; to go out of one’s way to do something (fig)sich besonders anstrengen, um etw zu tun; please, don’t go out of your way for us (fig)machen Sie sich (dat)bitte unsertwegen keine Umstände
? under way to get under wayin Gang kommen, losgehen (inf); (Naut) → Fahrt aufnehmen or machen; to be (well) under wayim Gang/in vollem Gang sein; (Naut) → in (voller) Fahrt sein; (with indication of place) → unterwegs sein
? the/one’s way in the way inder Eingang; on the way inbeim Hereingehen; (in car) → beim Hineinfahren; to be on the way in (fig inf)im Kommen sein
? the/one’s way out the way outder Ausgang; please show me the way outbitte zeigen Sie mir, wo es hinausgeht (inf)or wie ich hinauskomme; can you find your own way out?finden Sie selbst hinaus?; on the way outbeim Hinausgehen; (in car) → beim Hinausfahren; to be on the way out (fig inf)am Verschwinden or Aussterben sein ? easy
? verb + the/one’s way I know my way around the townich finde mich in der Stadt zurecht, ich kenne mich in der Stadt aus; she knows her way around the system (fig inf)sie kennt sich im System aus; can you find your way home?finden Sie nach Hause?; to lose/gather way (Naut) → Fahrt verlieren/aufnehmen; to make one’s way to somewheresich an einen Ort or irgendwohin bewegen or begeben; can you make your own way to the restaurant?kannst du allein zu dem Restaurant kommen?; to make one’s way homenach Hause gehen; (= start)sich auf den Heimweg begeben; to make/fight/push one’s way through the crowdsich einen Weg durch die Menge bahnen, sich durch die Menge (durch)drängen/-kämpfen/-schieben; to make one’s way in the worldseinen Weg machen, sich durchsetzen; to go one’s own way (fig)eigene Wege gehen; they went their separate ways (lit, fig)ihre Wege trennten sich; to pay one’s wayfür sich selbst bezahlen; (company, project, machine) → sich rentieren; can the nation pay its way?kann das Volk or Land für sich selber aufkommen?; to prepare the way (fig)den Weg bereiten (for sb/sth jdm/einer Sache) ? feel, lose
= pathWeg m; to bar or block the wayden Weg ab- or versperren; to leave the way open (fig)die Möglichkeit offenlassen, einen Weg frei lassen (for sth für etw)
? in the/sb’s way to be in somebody’s wayjdm im Weg stehen or sein; (fig also)jdn stören; to get in the wayin den Weg kommen; (fig)stören; her job gets in the way of her leisure interestsihr Beruf stört sie nur bei ihren Freizeitvergnügungen; to put difficulties in somebody’s wayjdm Hindernisse in den Weg stellen; to stand in somebody’s way (lit, fig)jdm im Weg stehen or sein; don’t let me stand in your wayich will dir nicht im Weg stehen; he lets nothing stand in his wayer lässt sich durch nichts aufhalten or beirren; now nothing stands in our wayjetzt steht uns (dat)nichts mehr im Weg, jetzt haben wir freie Bahn; to stand in the way of progressden Fortschritt aufhalten or hemmen; to put somebody in the way of something (inf)jdm zu etw verhelfen
? out of the/sb’s way get out of the/my way!(geh) aus dem Weg!, weg da!; to get somebody out of the way (= get rid of)jdn loswerden (inf); (= remove: lit, fig) → jdn aus dem Wege räumen; to want somebody out of the wayjdn aus dem Weg haben wollen; to get something out of the way (work)etw hinter sich (acc)bringen; difficulties, problems etcetw loswerden (inf), → etw aus dem Weg räumen, etw beseitigen; to get something out of the way of somebodyjdm etw aus dem Weg räumen; they got the children out of the way of the firemensie sorgten dafür, dass die Kinder den Feuerwehrleuten nicht im Weg waren; get those people out of the way of the truckssieh zu, dass die Leute den Lastwagen Platz machen or aus der Bahn gehen; to keep or stay out of somebody’s/the way (= not get in the way)jdm nicht in den Weg kommen, (jdm) aus dem Weg bleiben; (= avoid)(jdm) aus dem Weg gehen; keep or stay out of the way!weg da!, zurück!; keep or stay out of my way!komm mir nicht mehr über den Weg!; to keep somebody/something out of the way of somebodyjdn/etw nicht in jds Nähe or Reichweite (acc)kommen lassen
? to make way for sb/sth (lit, fig)für jdn/etw Platz machen; (fig also)für jdn/etw den Platz räumen; make way!mach Platz!, Platz machen!, Platz da!
= directionRichtung f; which way are you going?in welche Richtung or wohin gehen Sie?; down our way (inf)bei uns (in der Nähe), in unserer Gegend or Ecke (inf); it’s out Windsor wayes ist or liegt in Richtung Windsor; look both waysschau nach beiden Seiten; to look the other way (fig)wegschauen, wegsehen; if the chance comes your waywenn Sie (dazu) die Gelegenheit haben; if a good job comes my waywenn ein guter Job für mich auftaucht; each way, both ways (Racing) → auf Sieg und Platz; we’ll split it three/ten wayswir werden es dritteln/in zehn Teile (auf)teilen or durch zehn teilen; she didn’t know which way to look (fig)sie wusste nicht, wo sie hinschauen or hinsehen sollte
? this way this way, pleasehier(her) or hier entlang, bitte; look this wayschau hierher!; “this way for the lions”„zu den Löwen
? that way he went that wayer ging dorthin or in diese Richtung
? this way and thathierhin und dorthin
? every which wayungeordnet, durcheinander; cars parked every which wayungeordnet or durcheinander geparkte Autos
= side it’s the wrong way upes steht verkehrt herum or auf dem Kopf (inf); “this way up”hier oben; it’s the other way (a)roundes ist (genau) umgekehrt; put it the right way up/the other way (a)roundstellen Sie es richtig (herum) hin/andersherum or andersrum (inf)hin
= distanceWeg m, → Strecke f; five miles? that’s quite a way! (inf)fünf Meilen? das ist eine ganz schöne Strecke! (inf); a little/good way away or offnicht/sehr weit weg or entfernt, ein kleines/ganzes or gutes Stück weit weg or entfernt; it’s only a little way to the next stopes ist nur ein kleines Stück bis zur nächsten Haltestelle
? all the way it rained all the way therees hat auf der ganzen Strecke geregnet; I’m behind you all the way (fig)ich stehe voll (und ganz) hinter Ihnen; I haven’t read it all the way through yetich habe es noch nicht ganz gelesen
? a long way that’s a long way awaybis dahin ist es weit or (time) → noch lange; a long way out of townweit von der Stadt weg; (live also) → weit draußen or außerhalb; that’s a long way backdas war schon vor einer ganzen Weile; a long way back, in 1942, when …vor langer Zeit, im Jahre 1942, als …; he’s come a long way since then (fig)er hat sich seitdem sehr gebessert; he’ll go a long way (fig)er wird es weit bringen; to have a long way to go (lit, fit)weit vom Ziel entfernt sein; (with work) → bei Weitem nicht fertig sein; it should go a long way toward(s) solving the problemdas sollte or müsste bei dem Problem schon ein gutes Stück weiterhelfen; a little goes a long wayein kleines bisschen reicht sehr lange; a little kindness goes a long wayein bisschen Freundlichkeit hilft viel; that’s a long way from the truthdas ist weit von der Wahrheit entfernt; better by a long waybei Weitem or um vieles besser; not by a long waybei Weitem nicht
= mannerArt f, → Weise f; I’d rather do it my wayich möchte es lieber auf meine (eigene) Art or Weise machen; that’s his way of saying thank youdas ist seine Art, sich zu bedanken; the French way of doing it(die Art,) wie man es in Frankreich macht; a funny way of talkingeine komische Art zu reden; to learn the hard wayaus dem eigenen Schaden lernen; way of thinkingDenk(ungs)art f, → Denkweise f; to my way of thinkingmeiner Meinung or Auffassung or Anschauung nach; to go on in the same old waywie vorher weitermachen, auf die alte Tour weitermachen (inf); in a general way this is trueganz allgemein ist das richtig; what a way to talk!so etwas sagt man nicht!; what a way to live/die! (= unpleasant)so möchte ich nicht leben/sterben
? in a big/small way in a big wayim großen Stil; (= on a large scale)in großem Ausmaß; in a small wayin kleinem Ausmaß, im Kleinen
? one way or another/the otherso oder so; it does not matter (to me) one way or the otheres macht (mir) so oder so nichts aus, es ist mir gleich
? either wayso oder so; either way, we’re bound to lose(so oder so,) wir verlieren auf jeden Fall or auf alle Fälle
? no way (inf) no way!nichts drin! (inf), → was? (inf), → ausgeschlossen!; there’s no way I’m going to agree/you’ll persuade himauf keinen Fall werde ich zustimmen/werden Sie ihn überreden können; there’s no way that’s a Porscheausgeschlossen, dass das ein Porsche ist; that’s no way to speak to your motherso spricht man nicht mit seiner Mutter
? have/want it both ways you can’t have it both waysdu kannst nicht beides haben, beides (zugleich) geht nicht (inf); he wants it both wayser will das eine haben und das andere nicht lassen
? no two ways about it this one is better, there are no two ways about it (inf)dieses hier ist besser, da gibt es gar keinen Zweifel or das steht fest
? this way (= like this)so, auf diese (Art und) Weise; do it this waymachen Sie es so or auf diese (Art und) Weise; it was this way …es war so or folgendermaßen; this way he need never knowauf diese Weise muss er es nie erfahren
? that way (= like that)in dieser Hinsicht; I’ve always had a job, I’ve been lucky that wayich hatte immer einen Job, in dieser Hinsicht habe ich Glück gehabt
? that’s the way!ja(, so geht das)!, ja, genau!
? the way (that) …
wie; the way she walks/talks(so) wie sie geht/spricht; I don’t like the way (that) he’s looking at youich mag nicht, wie er dich ansieht, ich mag die Art nicht, wie er dich ansieht; do you understand the way things are developing?verstehst du, wie sich die Dinge entwickeln?; do you remember the way it was/we were?erinnerst du dich noch (daran), wie es war/wie wir damals waren?; that’s not the way we do things hereso or auf die Art machen wir das hier nicht; you could tell by the way he was dresseddas merkte man schon an seiner Kleidung; it’s just the way you said ites ist die Art, wie du es gesagt hast; do it any way you likemachen Sie es, wie Sie wollen; that’s the way it goes!so ist das eben, so ist das nun mal!; the way things areso, wie es ist or wie die Dinge liegen; the way things are goingso, wie die Dinge sich entwickeln; that’s the way the money goesso geht das Geld weg; it’s not what you do, it’s the way (that) you do ites kommt nicht darauf an, was man macht, sondern wie man es macht
so, wie; leave everything the way it islass alles so, wie es ist; it was all the way you said it would bees war alles so, wie du (es) gesagt hattest; do it the way I do (it)machen Sie es so or auf dieselbe Art und Weise wie ich (es mache)
? the way to do sth to show somebody the way to do somethingjdm zeigen, wie or auf welche Art und Weise etw gemacht wird; show me the way to do itzeig mir, wie (ich es machen soll); that’s not the right way to do itso geht das nicht, so kann man das nicht machen; what’s the best way to do it?wie macht man das am besten?; there is only one way to speak to himman kann mit ihm nur auf (die) eine Art und Weise reden
? ways and meansMittel und Wege pl; Ways and Means Committee (US) → Steuerausschuss m
= meansWeg m; we’ll find a waywir werden (schon) einen Weg finden; love will find a waydie Liebe überwindet jedes Hindernis or alle Schwierigkeiten
= method, techniqueArt f; he has a way of knowing what I’m thinkinger hat eine Art zu wissen, was ich denke; we have ways of making you talkwir haben gewisse Mittel, um Sie zum Reden zu bringen; there are many ways of solving the problemes gibt viele Wege or Möglichkeiten, das Problem zu lösen; ha, that’s one way of solving it!ja, so kann man das auch machen!; the best way is to put it in the freezer for ten minutesam besten legt man es für zehn Minuten ins Gefrierfach; he has a way with childrener versteht es, mit Kindern umzugehen, er hat eine geschickte Art (im Umgang) mit Kindern; he has a way with himer hat so eine (gewisse) Art
= habitArt f; it is not/only his way to …es ist nicht/eben seine Art, zu …; to get out of/into the way of doing somethingsich (dat)ab-/angewöhnen, etw zu tun; the ways of the Spaniardsdie spanische Lebensweise; the ways of Providence/Goddie Wege der Vorsehung/Gottes; the way of the worldder Lauf der Welt or der Dinge; that is our way with traitorsso machen wir das mit Verrätern; he has his little wayser hat so seine Eigenheiten or Marotten (inf); as is the way with …wie das mit … so ist; way of lifeLebensstil m; (of nation)Lebensart f
= respectHinsicht f; in a wayin gewisser Hinsicht or Weise; in no wayin keiner Weise; in many/some waysin vieler/gewisser Hinsicht; in every possible wayin jeder Hinsicht; to be better in every possible wayin jeder Hinsicht besser sein; in more ways than onein mehr als nur einer Hinsicht
? in the way of what have you got in the way of drink/food?was haben Sie an Getränken or zu trinken/an Lebensmitteln or zu essen?
= desire to get or have one’s (own) wayseinen Willen durchsetzen or bekommen; our team had it all their own way in the second halfin der zweiten Halbzeit ging für unsere Mannschaft alles nach Wunsch; have it your own way!wie du willst!
= stateZustand m; he’s in a bad wayer ist in schlechter Verfassung; things are in a bad waydie Dinge stehen schlecht; to want something in the worst way (US: = desperately) → etw unbedingt brauchen or benötigen
(Naut, = slipway)Helling f, → Ablaufbahn f
(inf) way over/upweit drüben/oben; it’s way too bigdas ist viel zu groß; way hip (US) → total hip (inf)
? way back way back whenvor langer Zeit, als; since way backseit Urzeiten; that was way backdas ist schon lange her, das war schon vor langer Zeit
? way out he was way out with his guesser hatte weit daneben- or vorbeigeraten, er hatte weit gefehlt or er lag weit daneben (inf)mit seiner Annahme; his guess was way outseine Annahme war weit gefehlt; you’re way out if you think …da liegst du aber schief (inf)or da hast du dich aber gewaltig geirrt, wenn du glaubst, …


nFrachtbrief m
n (liter)Wanderer m, → Wanderin f, → Wandersmann m (liter)
adj (liter)wandernd, reisend; way manWandervogel m
waylay pret, ptp <waylaid>
vt (= ambush)überfallen; (= stop)abfangen; I was waylaid by the managerder Manager hat mich abgefangen
adj (inf)irr(e) (dated inf), → extrem (dated sl)
n (of path, track)Wegrand m; (of road)Straßenrand m; by the wayam Weg(es)-/Straßenrand; to fall or go by the way (fig)auf der Strecke bleiben
adj café, innam Weg/an der Straße gelegen; way flowersBlumen, die am Weg-/Straßenrand blühen
way station
n (US) → Zwischenstation f, → Kleinbahnhof m
way train
n (US) → Personenzug m
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. n
a. (road, lane) → strada; (path, access) → passaggio; (in street names) → via
private/public way → strada privata/pubblica
the way across the fields → il sentiero attraverso i campi
the Appian Way → la via Appia
across or over the way → di fronte
b. (route) → strada
the Way of the Cross (Rel) → la via crucis
to ask one's way to the station → chiedere la strada per la stazione
can you tell me the way to the station? → mi sa indicare la strada per la stazione?
the way back → la via del ritorno
we came a back way → siamo arrivati per strade secondarie
she went by way of Birmingham → è andata passando per Birmingham
to go the wrong way → andare dalla parte sbagliata
to lose one's way → perdere la strada, perdersi
the way in → l'entrata, l'ingresso
the way out → l'uscita
to find one's way into a building → riuscire a entrare in un edificio
don't bother, I'll find my own way out → non si scomodi, troverò l'uscita
to find a way out of a problem → trovare una via d'uscita a un problema
to take the easy way out → scegliere la soluzione più facile
on the way (en route) → per strada (expected) → in arrivo
on the way to work → andando a lavorare
you pass it on your way home → ci passi davanti andando a casa
he's on his way to becoming an alcoholic → è sulla strada dell'alcolismo
to be on one's way → essere in cammino or sulla strada
economic recovery is on the way → siamo sulla strada della ripresa economica
I'm on my way → sto arrivando
it's time we were on our way → è ora di andare
all the way (here/home) → per tutta la strada (venendo qui/andando a casa)
I'm with you all the way (fig) (fam) → sono assolutamente d'accordo con te
to make one's (own) way home → andare a casa (da solo/a)
I know my way about town → sono pratico della città
to lead the way → fare strada (fig) → essere all'avanguardia
I don't want to take you out of your way → non voglio farti deviare
the village is rather out of the way → il villaggio è abbastanza fuori mano
that's nothing out of the way these days → non è nulla di eccezionale al giorno d'oggi
to go out of one's way to help sb → farsi in quattro per aiutare qn
can you see your way (clear) to helping me tomorrow? → pensi di potermi aiutare domani?
to go one's own way (fig) → fare di testa propria
to make one's way in the world → farsi strada nel mondo
he worked his way up in the company → si è fatto strada nella ditta
the company isn't paying its way → la ditta non rende più
he put me in the way of some good contracts → mi ha procurato dei buoni contratti
c. (space sb wants to go through) → strada
to be or get in the or sb's way → essere d'intralcio or d'impiccio a qn
am I in your way? (of sb watching sth) → ti tolgo la visuale?
to stand in sb's way → intralciare il passaggio a qn (fig) → essere d'ostacolo a qn
"give way" (Brit) (Aut) → "dare la precedenza"
to stand in the way of progress → ostacolare il progresso
to get out of the or sb's way → lasciare passare qn
to keep out of sb's way → evitare qn, stare alla larga da qn
to move sth out of the way → togliere di torno qc
as soon as I've got this essay out of the way → appena mi sono liberato di questo tema
keep those matches out of his way → tieni lontano da lui quei fiammiferi
to push/elbow one's way through the crowd → farsi strada a spinte/gomitate tra la folla
he lied his way out of it → se l'è cavata mentendo
he crawled/limped his way to the gate → andò a carponi/zoppicando verso il cancello
to make way (for sb/sth) → far strada (a qn/qc) (fig) → lasciare il posto or fare largo (a qn/qc)
to leave the way open for further talks → lasciare aperta la possibilità di ulteriori colloqui
d. (direction) → direzione f, parte f
which way? - this way → da che parte? - da questa (parte), in quale direzione? - per di qua
come this way → vieni da questa parte
this way for ... → da questa parte per...
which way did he go? → da che parte è andato?
which way do we go from here? → da che parte dobbiamo andare da qui? (fig) → cosa facciamo adesso?
are you going my way? → fai la strada che faccio io?
everything is going my way (fig) → mi sta andando tutto liscio
this way and that → di qua e di là
down our way → dalle nostre parti
she didn't know which way to look → non sapeva da che parte guardare
put it the right way up (Brit) → mettilo in piedi dalla parte giusta
to be the wrong way round → essere al contrario
to look the other way (fig) → guardare dall'altra parte
to be in a fair way to doing sth → essere sulla strada giusta per fare qc
to split sth three ways → dividere qc in tre
e. (indicating distance, motion, progress) to come a long way (also) (fig) → fare molta strada
it's a long way away → è molto lontano da qui
a little way along the road → un po' più avanti lungo la strada
she'll go a long way (fig) → farà molta strada
we've come a long way since those days → abbiamo fatto molta strada da allora
it should go a long way towards convincing him → dovrebbe contribuire molto a convincerlo
to be under way (work, project) → essere in corso
to get under way → avviarsi
the job is now well under way → il lavoro ora è ben avviato
f. (means) → mezzo, modo; (manner) → modo
the British way of life → lo stile di vita britannico
there are ways and means → il modo per farlo si trova
we'll find a way of doing it → troveremo un modo per farlo
the only way of doing it → l'unico modo per farlo
there are no two ways about it → non ci sono dubbi
he has his own way of doing it → ha un modo tutto suo per farlo
I'll do it (in) my own way → lo farò a modo mio
they've had it all their own way too long → hanno fatto per troppo tempo a modo loro
to get one's own way → aver la vinta
I will help in every way possible → aiuterò in tutti i modi possibili
he helped in a small way → ha aiutato un pochino
in no way, not in any way → per nulla
no way! (fam) → neanche per sogno!
there's no way I'll do it → non lo farò per nessun motivo al mondo
do it this way → fallo in questo modo or così
in this way → così, in questo modo
it was this way ... → è stato così...
(in) one way or another → in un modo o nell'altro
in a way → in un certo senso
in some ways → in un certo senso, sotto certi aspetti
in many ways → per molti versi
to my way of thinking → a mio modo di vedere
either way I can't help you → non ti posso aiutare in nessun caso
to go on in the same old way → continuare nel modo di sempre
the way things are → come stanno le cose
in the ordinary way (of things) → normalmente
g. (habit) → abitudine f; (manner) → modo di fare
the ways of the Spaniards → i costumi degli Spagnoli
foreign ways → abitudini fpl forestiere
he has his little ways → ha le sue piccole abitudini
it's not my way → non è mia abitudine fare così
he has a way with people → ci sa fare con la gente
he has a way with him → ci sa fare
to get into/out of the way of doing sth → prendere/perdere l'abitudine di fare qc
h. (state) things are in a bad wayle cose si mettono male
he's in a bad way → è ridotto male
to be in the family way (fam) → aspettare un bambino
i. (with "by") by the waya proposito
but that's just by the way → ma questo è tra parentesi
by way of a warning → come avvertimento
she's by way of being an artist → è una specie di artista
2. adv (fam) it happened way backè successo molto tempo fa
way back in 1900 → nel lontano 1900
it's way out in Nevada → è nel lontano Nevada
he was way out in his estimate → la sua valutazione era decisamente errata
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(wei) noun
1. an opening or passageway. This is the way in/out; There's no way through.
2. a route, direction etc. Which way shall we go?; Which is the way to Princes Street?; His house is on the way from here to the school; Will you be able to find your/the way to my house?; Your house is on my way home; The errand took me out of my way; a motorway.
3. used in the names of roads. His address is 21 Melville Way.
4. a distance. It's a long way to the school; The nearest shops are only a short way away.
5. a method or manner. What is the easiest way to write a book?; I know a good way of doing it; He's got a funny way of talking; This is the quickest way to chop onions.
6. an aspect or side of something. In some ways this job is quite difficult; In a way I feel sorry for him.
7. a characteristic of behaviour; a habit. He has some rather unpleasant ways.
8. used with many verbs to give the idea of progressing or moving. He pushed his way through the crowd; They soon ate their way through the food.
(especially American) by a long distance or time; far. The winner finished the race way ahead of the other competitors; It's way past your bedtime.
ˈwayfarer noun
a traveller, especially on foot.
ˈwayside noun
the side of a road, path etc. We can stop by the wayside and have a picnic; (also adjective) a wayside inn.
be/get on one's way
to start or continue a walk, journey etc. Well, thanks for the cup of tea, but I must be on my way now.
by the way
incidentally, in passing, while I remember etc. By the way, did you know he was getting married?
fall by the wayside
(of projects, ideas etc) to be abandoned; to fail.
get/have one's own way
to do, get etc what one wants. You can't always have your own way.
get into / out of the way of (doing) something
to become accustomed to (not) doing; to get into / out of the habit of doing. They got into the way of waking up late when they were on holiday.
go out of one's way
to do more than is really necessary. He went out of his way to help us.
have a way with
to be good at dealing with or managing. She has a way with children.
have it one's own way
to get one's own way. Oh, have it your own way – I'm tired of arguing.
in a bad way
unwell; in poor condition. The patient is in a bad way.
in/out of the/someone's way
(not) blocking someone's progress, or occupying space that is needed by someone. Don't leave your bicycle where it will get in the way of pedestrians; Will I be in the/your way if I work at this table?; `Get out of my way!' he said rudely.
lose one's way
to stop knowing where one is, or in which direction one ought to be going. I lost my way through the city.
make one's way
1. to go. They made their way towards the centre of the town.
2. to get on in the world.
make way (for)
to stand aside and leave room (for). The crowd parted to make way for the ambulance.
under way
moving, in progress etc. Her plans are under way.
way of life
a manner of spending one's life. I enjoy farming – it's a pleasant way of life.
ways and means
methods, especially of providing money.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


اِتِّـجَاه, سَبِيل cesta, způsob vej Weg κατεύθυνση, τρόπος camino suunta, tapa chemin, façon način, put sbagliato, strada 方法, 道, 방법 manier, richting måte, vei droga caminho, maneira путь väg ทาง, วิธีหรือแนวทาง yol cách thức, đường đi 方法,
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. vía, camino; pasaje;
by the ___a propósito;
in no ___de ningún modo;
out of the ___fuera de curso, desviado-a; lejano-a;
that ___por allí;
the other ___ aroundpor el contrario;
___ of lifemanera de vivir; costumbres;
___ outsalida;
to make ___ forabrir paso.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009