References in classic literature ?
But we must keep alive in the vernacular the distinction between fashion, a word of narrow and often sinister meaning, and the heroic character which the gentleman imports.
"For fashion!" said the old horse with a stamp of his foot; "for fashion!
Well, fashion or no fashion, I don't believe there's anything prettier for a spare-room bed than a nice apple-leaf spread, that's what.
And after this fashion, adventure to seek, Was Sir Galahad made--as it might be last week!
He brought home with him a suit of clothes of such exquisite style and cut in fashion-- Eastern fashion, city fashion--that it filled everybody with anguish and was regarded as a peculiarly wanton affront.
It was the fashion to make-believe, yet, underneath all the make-believe, men were still men, not wholly good nor wholly bad.
The English fashion of the complete independence of girls was also not accepted, and not possible in Russian society.
Accordingly, for the last three years-- ever since he had superintended the building of the new barn--Adam had always been made welcome at the Hall Farm, especially of a winter evening, when the whole family, in patriarchal fashion, master and mistress, children and servants, were assembled in that glorious kitchen, at well-graduated distances from the blazing fire.
"You are good enough to say so, as a fashion of speech; but, I don't mean any fashion of speech.
Not your idea of poetry, perhaps, but, after a new and growing fashion in poetry, truly poetic.
This was the good old fashion of fireplaces when there was wood enough in the forests to keep people warm without their digging into the bowels of the earth for coal.
The jealousies and heart-burnings thus occasioned among these so-styled children of nature are equally intense with those of the rival leaders of style and fashion in the luxurious abodes of civilized life.