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Related to away: Amway


from here or there: go away; aside; in another direction: turn away from the regular path; out of one’s possession: give away your earthly goods
Not to be confused with:
a way – a manner: He showed me a way to fix the problem.
aweigh – (of an anchor) hanging just clear of the bottom: Anchors aweigh, my boys. Anchors aweigh!
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree


1. From a particular thing or place: ran away from the lion; sent the children away to boarding school.
a. At or to a distance in space or time: We live a block away from the park.
b. At or by a considerable interval: away back in the 17th century; away off on the horizon.
a. In a different direction; aside: glanced away.
b. On the way: We want to get away early in the day.
4. In or into storage or safekeeping: put the toys away; jewels locked away in a safe.
5. Out of existence or notice: The music faded away.
6. So as to remove, separate, or eliminate: chipped the paint away; cleared away the debris.
7. From one's possession: gave the tickets away.
8. Continuously; steadily: toiled away at the project for more than a year.
9. Freely; at will: Fire away!
1. Absent: The neighbors are away.
2. Distant, as in space or time: The city is miles away. The game was still a week away.
3. Played on an opponent's field or grounds: an away game.
4. In golf, having the ball lying farthest from the hole and properly playing first among competitors.
5. Baseball Out: bases loaded, with two away.

[Middle English, from Old English aweg : a-, on; see a-1 + weg, way; see wegh- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. from a particular place; off: to swim away.
2. in or to another, usual, or proper place: to put toys away.
3. apart; at a distance: to keep away from strangers.
4. out of existence: the music faded away.
5. indicating motion, displacement, transfer, etc, from a normal or proper place, from a person's own possession, etc: to turn one's head away; to give away money.
6. indicating activity that is wasteful or designed to get rid of something: to sleep away the hours.
7. continuously: laughing away; fire away.
8. away with a command for a person to go or be removed: away with you; away with him to prison!.
9. far and away by a very great margin: far and away the biggest meal he'd ever eaten.
10. from away Canadian from a part of Canada other than Newfoundland
adj (usually postpositive)
11. not present: away from school.
12. distant: he is a good way away.
13. having started; released: he was away before sunrise; bombs away!.
14. (General Sporting Terms) (also prenominal) sport played on an opponent's ground: an away game.
15. (Golf) golf (of a ball or player) farthest from the hole
16. (Baseball) baseball (of a player) having been put out
17. (Horse Racing) horse racing relating to the outward portion or first half of a race
(General Sporting Terms) sport a game played or won at an opponent's ground
an expression of dismissal
[Old English on weg on way]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. from this or that place; off: to go away.
2. aside; to another place; in another direction: to turn one's eyes away; to turn away customers.
3. far; apart: away back; away from the subject.
4. out of one's possession or use: to give money away.
5. in or into a place for storage or safekeeping: filed away.
6. out of existence or notice; into extinction: to fade away; to idle away the morning.
7. so as to be removed or separated: to break away.
8. incessantly or relentlessly: He kept hammering away.
9. without hesitation: Fire away.
10. absent; gone: to be away from home.
11. distant in place or time: six miles away; Christmas is two months away.
12. immediately off and on one's way.
13. played in a ballpark, arena, etc., other than a team's own, usu. at the ballpark or arena of the opponent: away games.
14. Baseball. having been put out; out.
[before 950; Middle English; Old English aweg, reduction of on weg. See away]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.away - not present; having left; "he's away right now"; "you must not allow a stranger into the house when your mother is away"
absent - not being in a specified place
2.away - used of an opponent's groundaway - used of an opponent's ground; "an away game"
athletics, sport - an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition
home - used of your own ground; "a home game"
3.away - (of a baseball pitch) on the far side of home plate from the batteraway - (of a baseball pitch) on the far side of home plate from the batter; "the pitch was away (or wide)"; "an outside pitch"
baseball, baseball game - a ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players; teams take turns at bat trying to score runs; "he played baseball in high school"; "there was a baseball game on every empty lot"; "there was a desire for National League ball in the area"; "play ball!"
inaccurate - not exact; "an inaccurate translation"; "the thermometer is inaccurate"
Adv.1.away - from a particular thing or place or position (`forth' is obsolete)away - from a particular thing or place or position (`forth' is obsolete); "ran away from the lion"; "wanted to get away from there"; "sent the children away to boarding school"; "the teacher waved the children away from the dead animal"; "went off to school"; "they drove off"; "go forth and preach"
archaicism, archaism - the use of an archaic expression
2.away - from one's possessionaway - from one's possession; "he gave out money to the poor"; "gave away the tickets"
3.away - out of the way (especially away from one's thoughts); "brush the objections aside"; "pushed all doubts away"
4.away - out of existence; "the music faded away"; "tried to explain away the affair of the letter"- H.E.Scudder; "idled the hours away"; "her fingernails were worn away"
5.away - at a distance in space or timeaway - at a distance in space or time; "the boat was 5 miles off (or away)"; "the party is still 2 weeks off (or away)"; "away back in the 18th century"
6.away - indicating continuing actionaway - indicating continuing action; continuously or steadily; "he worked away at the project for more than a year"; "the child kept hammering away as if his life depended on it"
7.away - so as to be removed or gotten rid ofaway - so as to be removed or gotten rid of; "cleared the mess away"; "the rotted wood had to be cut away"
8.away - freely or at will; "fire away!"
9.away - in or into a proper place (especially for storage or safekeeping)away - in or into a proper place (especially for storage or safekeeping); "put the toys away"; "her jewels are locked away in a safe"; "filed the letter away"
10.away - in a different directionaway - in a different direction; "turn aside"; "turn away one's face"; "glanced away"
11.away - in reserve; not for immediate use; "started setting aside money to buy a car"; "put something by for her old age"; "has a nest egg tucked away for a rainy day"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. absent, out, gone, elsewhere, abroad, not there, not here, not present, on vacation, not at home She was away on a business trip.
1. off, elsewhere, abroad, hence, from here She drove away before he could speak again.
2. aside, out of the way, to one side I put my journal away and prepared for bed.
3. at a distance, far, apart, remote, isolated They live thirty miles away from town.
4. continuously, repeatedly, relentlessly, incessantly, interminably, unremittingly, uninterruptedly He would work away on his computer well into the night.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


Not present:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
إلى الجِهَة المُعاكِسَهبِصورَة مُسْتَمِرَّهبَعِيداًبَعيداً تَدريجِيّاًبَعيدا عَن
vækbortden anden vejderudadudebane
á útivelliaf kappi, í sífelluburtdeyja útí burtu, undan
다른 데(로)떨어져
be perstojone namiešalinsvetur
izbraukumāprojāmpromvienā laidā
bez prestanianabokpreč
uzaktabaşka tarafabaşka yerebaşka yöneboyuna
chỗ khácra xa


When away is an element in a phrasal verb, eg boil away, die away, get away, look up the verb.
1. (= at or to a distance) far away; a long way awaylejos
away in the distancea lo lejos
it's ten miles away (from here)está a diez millas (de aquí)
away from the noiselejos del ruido
keep the child away from the fireno dejes que el niño se acerque al fuego
White won with Peters only two strokes awayganó White con Peters a sólo dos golpes de distancia
away back in 1066allá en 1066
2. (= absent) to be awayestar fuera, estar ausente
to be away (from home)estar fuera, estar ausente
she's away todayhoy está fuera
he's away for a weekestá fuera una semana
he's away in Bognorestá en Bognor
she was away before I could shoutse fue antes de que yo pudiese gritar
I must away (liter or hum) → tengo que marcharme
away with you! (= go away!) → ¡vete!, ¡fuera de aquí!; (expressing disbelief) → ¡venga ya!, ¡anda ya!; (joking) → ¡no digas bobadas
away with him!¡fuera!, ¡que se lo lleven de aquí!
3. (Sport) → fuera (de casa)
they have won only two games awayhan ganado solamente dos partidos fuera (de casa)
to play away (Sport) → jugar fuera
Chelsea are away to Everton on Saturdayel Chelsea juega fuera, en campo del Everton, el sábado
4. after vb (= continuously) → sin parar
to talk awayno parar de hablar, seguir hablando
I could hear her talking awayla oía hablar sin parar
to work awayseguir trabajando, trabajar sin parar
he was working away in the gardenestaba dale que te pego en el jardín, estaba trabajando sin parar en el jardín
he was grumbling awayno paraba de refunfuñar
B. ADJ the away teamel equipo de fuera
away matchpartido m fuera de casa
away winvictoria f fuera de casa
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[əˈweɪ] adv
(in distance, time) far away → au loin
two kilometres away → à deux kilomètres
The town's 2 kilometres away → La ville est à deux kilomètres.
two hours away by car → à deux heures de route
The coast is 2 hours away by car → La côte est à deux heures de route.
two weeks away
The holiday was two weeks away → Il restait deux semaines jusqu'aux vacances.
away from → loin de
(= absent)
He's away for a week → il est parti (pour) une semaine
He's away in Milan → il est (parti) à Milan
Robbie's away today → Robbie est absent aujourd'huiaway day n (for training etc)jour m de déplacement, journée f de déplacementaway game away match n (SPORT)match m à l'extérieuraway goal n (SPORT)but m marqué à l'extérieuraway team n (SPORT)équipe f des visiteurs, visiteurs mpl
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= to or at a distance)weg; three miles away (from here)drei Meilen (entfernt) von hier; lunch seemed a long time awayes schien noch lange bis zum Mittagessen zu sein; away back in the distance/pastweit in der Ferne/vor sehr langer Zeit; they’re away behind/out in front/off coursesie sind weit zurück/voraus/ab vom Kurs
(motion) away! (old, liter)fort!, hinweg! (old, liter); away with the old philosophy, in with the new!fort mit der alten Philosophie, her mit der neuen!; come, let us away! (liter)kommt, lasst uns fort von hier (old); away with him!fort mit ihm!; but he was away before I could say a wordaber er war fort or weg, bevor ich den Mund auftun konnte; to look awaywegsehen; away we go!los (gehts)!; they’re away! (horses, runners etc)sie sind gestartet; they’re away first timegleich der erste Start hat geklappt
(= absent)fort, weg; he’s away from work (with a cold)er fehlt (wegen einer Erkältung); he’s away in Londoner ist in London; when I have to be awaywenn ich nicht da sein kann
(Sport) to play awayauswärts spielen; they’re away to Arsenalsie haben ein Auswärtsspiel bei Arsenal
(= out of existence, possession etc) to put/give awayweglegen/weggeben; to boil/gamble/die awayverkochen/verspielen/verhallen; we talked the evening awaywir haben den Abend verplaudert
(= continuously)unablässig; to work/knit etc awayvor sich (acc)hin arbeiten/stricken etc
(= forthwith) ask away!frag nur!, schieß los (inf); pull/heave away!und los(, zieht/hebt an)!; right or straight awaysofort
(inf) he’s away again (talking, giggling, drunk etc) → es geht wieder los; he’s away with the idea that …er hat den Fimmel, dass … (inf); away with you!ach wo!
adj attr (Sport) → Auswärts-; away matchAuswärtsspiel nt; away winAuswärtssieg m; away teamGastmannschaft f
n (in football pools: = away win) → Auswärtssieg m
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[əˈweɪ] adv
away from → lontano da
far away from home → molto lontano da casa
the village is 3 miles away → il paese è a 3 miglia di distanza or è lontano 3 miglia
two hours away by car → a due ore di distanza in macchina
away in the distance → in lontananza
the holiday was two weeks away → mancavano due settimane alle vacanze
b. (absent) to be awayessere via
he's away in Milan → è (andato) a Milano
he's away for a week → è andato via per una settimana
go away! → vai via (di qui)!, via di qui!
to take away → portare via
c. to turn awaygirarsi, voltarsi
to die away (sound) → spegnersi in lontananza
the snow melted away → la neve si è completamente sciolta
to play away (Sport) → giocare in trasferta or fuori casa
to talk away → parlare in continuazione
to work away → continuare a lavorare
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(əˈwei) adverb
1. to or at a distance from the person speaking or the person or thing spoken about. He lives three miles away (from the town); Go away!; Take it away!
2. in the opposite direction. She turned away so that he would not see her tears.
3. (gradually) into nothing. The noise died away.
4. continuously. They worked away until dark.
5. (of a football match etc) not on the home ground. The team is playing away this weekend; (also adjective) an away match.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


بَعِيداً, في مَكَانِهِ pryč væk weg μακριά en su sitio, fuera, poner en orden pois loin, ranger dalje, pospremiti a posto, via しまって, 離れて 다른 데(로), 떨어져 weg bort, vekk daleko, nie tłumaczy się na język polski (tworzy angielski czasownik frazowy oznaczający oddalanie się czegoś) afastar, arrumar, longe отсюда, прочь borta, undan ในที่อื่น, ไปที่อื่น kaldırmak, uzakta chỗ khác, ra xa 在远处, 在适当的地方
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


adv. lejos; a. distante, ausente;
get ___ !quítese, quítate; váyase, vete.
to go ___irse, ausentarse
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
But the arrow did the bird no harm; only it dropped a golden feather from its tail, and then flew away. The golden feather was brought to the king in the morning, and all the council was called together.
Half an hour later he was disappear- ing behind the Douglas mansion on the summit of Cardiff Hill, and the school-house was hardly dis- tinguishable away off in the valley behind him.
Usually, when she visited the horde at the caves, I was away in the forest.
The frost was working out of the ground, and out of the air, too, and it was getting closer and closer onto barefoot time every day; and next it would be marble time, and next mumbletypeg, and next tops and hoops, and next kites, and then right away it would be summer and going in a-swimming.
When the waves began to tumble and toss and to grow bigger and bigger the ship rolled up and down, and tipped sidewise--first one way and then the other--and was jostled around so roughly that even the sailor-men had to hold fast to the ropes and railings to keep themselves from being swept away by the wind or pitched headlong into the sea.
He had awakened with a certain blank and childish sense of pleasure, like a man who had received a legacy overnight; but this feeling gradually died away, and was then suddenly and stunningly succeeded by a conviction of the truth.
Let us try this public opinion by another test, which is important in three points of view: first, as showing how desperately timid of the public opinion slave-owners are, in their delicate descriptions of fugitive slaves in widely circulated newspapers; secondly, as showing how perfectly contented the slaves are, and how very seldom they run away; thirdly, as exhibiting their entire freedom from scar, or blemish, or any mark of cruel infliction, as their pictures are drawn, not by lying abolitionists, but by their own truthful masters.
So he took the monkey away from the Italian, gave the man a shilling and told him to go.
Neither fairies nor fauns, dryads nor nymphs of the forest pools, have really passed away from the world.
When the old man came to take away the plate which had contained the Crab's dinner, he found it full of gold, and as the same thing happened every day he soon became very fond of the Crab.
They took care not to approach the place where they had thrown Montgomery into the water, but instead, carried the four dead Beast People slantingly along the beach for perhaps a hundred yards before they waded out and cast them away.
"Only, for God's sake, Princess dear, have them sent away and don't go out to them.