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Adj.1.27th - coming next after the twenty-sixth in position27th - coming next after the twenty-sixth in position
ordinal - being or denoting a numerical order in a series; "ordinal numbers"; "held an ordinal rank of seventh"
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References in classic literature ?
As to the manner in which he (or they) obtained access to the roof of the tavern, it is to be remarked that the third house, lower down in the street, was empty, and under repair--that a long ladder was left by the workmen, leading from the pavement to the top of the house-- and that, on returning to their work, on the morning of the 27th, the men found the plank which they had tied to the ladder, to prevent anyone from using it in their absence, removed, and lying on the ground.
The 20th of July, the tropic of Capricorn was cut by 105d of longitude, and the 27th of the same month we crossed the Equator on the 110th meridian.
He did not see the Englishman fold up and place in his pocket the accusation written by Danglars under the arbor of La Reserve, and which had the postmark, "Marseilles, 27th Feb., delivery 6 o'clock, P.M." But it must be said that if he had seen it, he attached so little importance to this scrap of paper, and so much importance to his two hundred thousand francs, that he would not have opposed whatever the Englishman might do, however irregular it might be.
On the following morning, July 27th, Fontenelle moved his camp across the river; while Captain Bonneville proceeded some little distance below, where there was a small but fresh meadow yielding abundant pasturage.
On the 27th of May, at nine o'clock in the morning, the country presented an entirely different aspect.
We quitted London on the 27th of March and remained a few days at Windsor, rambling in its beautiful forest.
The prisoner at the bar is the same young woman who came, looking ill and tired, with a basket on her arm, and asked for a lodging at my house on Saturday evening, the 27th of February.
On the 27th of November the river led them into the mountains through a rocky defile where there was scarcely room to pass.
"The brig was lost on June the 27th," says he, looking in his book," and we are now at August the 24th.
Reentering his domicile, late in the evening, three days after Madame de Bellegarde had made her bargain with him--the expression is sufficiently correct--touching the entertainment at which she was to present him to the world, he found on his table a card of goodly dimensions bearing an announcement that this lady would be at home on the 27th of the month, at ten o'clock in the evening.
As fiction, those morning papers of October 27th were masterpieces.
April 27th. -- The bed of the river became rather narrower and hence the stream more rapid.