look like

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Verb1.look like - bear a physical resemblance to; "She looks like her mother"
resemble - appear like; be similar or bear a likeness to; "She resembles her mother very much"; "This paper resembles my own work"
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(laik) adjective
the same or similar. They're as like as two peas.
the same as or similar to; in the same or a similar way as. He climbs like a cat; She is like her mother.
someone or something which is the same or as good etc as another. You won't see his like / their like again.
(especially American) in the same or a similar way as. No-one does it like he does.
ˈlikely adjective
1. probable. the likely result; It's likely that she'll succeed.
2. looking etc as if it might be good, useful, suitable etc. a likely spot for a picnic; She's the most likely person for the job.
ˈlikelihood noun
ˈliken verb
to think or speak of as being similar; to compare. He likened the earth to an apple.
ˈlikeness noun
1. (a) similarity or resemblance. The likeness between them is amazing.
2. a representation of a a person etc in a photographic or painted portrait etc. That photo of Mary is a good likeness.
ˈlikewise adverb
1. in the same or a similar manner. He ignored her, and she ignored him likewise.
2. also. Mrs. Brown came, likewise Mrs. Smith.
like-ˈminded adjective
having a similar opinion or purpose.
a likely story!
I don't believe it!.
as likely as not
probably. As likely as not, he won't remember to come.
be like someone
to be typical of someone. It isn't like him to be late.(=Geç kalmak onun adeti değildir.)
feel like
to be inclined, willing or anxious to (do or have something). I don't feel like going out; I expect he feels like a cup of tea.
he etc is likely to
it is probable that he etc will. He is likely to fail.
look like
1. to appear similar to. She looks very like her mother.
2. to show the effects, signs or possibility of. It looks like rain.
not likely!
certainly not!. `Would you put your head in a lion's mouth?' `Me? Not likely!'
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in periodicals archive ?
I've been told I look like a young Whitney Houston if only I had the pipes to match.
She said, however, that she actually loved no matter what I looked liked and that she though that great big handle bar mustache was an improvement, and made me look like Grover Cleveland one of the hottest presidents in American History.
Going forward they look like scoring every time, but there is a slight concern over their defence and it will have to improve when they go up to the First Division.
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