look ahead

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w>look ahead

(lit)nach vorne sehen or gucken (inf)
(fig)vorausschauen; when we look ahead to the next 30 years/the future of this countrywenn wir die nächsten 30 Jahre/die Zukunft dieses Landes betrachten; a good manager is one who can look aheadein guter Manager muss Weitblick haben
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


(luk) verb
1. to turn the eyes in a certain direction so as to see, to find, to express etc. He looked out of the window; I've looked everywhere, but I can't find him; He looked at me (angrily).
2. to seem. It looks as if it's going to rain; She looks sad.
3. to face. The house looks west.
1. the act of looking or seeing. Let me have a look!
2. a glance. a look of surprise.
3. appearance. The house had a look of neglect.
ˈlook-alike noun
a person who looks (exactly) like someone else; a double. the prince's look-alike.
having a certain appearance. good-looking; strange-looking.
looks noun plural
(attractive) appearance. She lost her looks as she grew older; good looks.
ˌlooker-ˈon noun
a person who is watching something happening; an onlooker.
ˈlooking-glass noun
a mirror.
ˈlookout noun
1. a careful watch. a sharp lookout; (also adjective) a lookout post.
2. a place from which such a watch can be kept.
3. a person who has been given the job of watching. There was a shout from the lookout.
4. concern, responsibility. If he catches you leaving early, that's your lookout!
by the look(s) of
judging from the appearance of (someone or something) it seems likely or probable. By the looks of him, he won't live much longer; It's going to rain by the look of it.
look after
to attend to or take care of. to look after the children.
look ahead
to consider what will happen in the future.
look down one's nose at
to regard with contempt.
look down on
to regard as inferior. She looks down on her husband's relations.
look for
to search for. She lost her handbag and wasted ten minutes looking for it.
look forward to
to wait with pleasure for. I am looking forward to seeing you / to the holidays.
look here!
give your attention to this. Look here! Isn't that what you wanted?; Look here, Mary, you're being unfair!
look in on
to visit briefly. I decided to look in on Paul and Carol on my way home.
look into
to inspect or investigate closely. The manager will look into your complaint.
look on
1. to watch something. No, I don't want to play – I'd rather look on.
2. (with as) to think of or consider. I have lived with my aunt since I was a baby, and I look on her as my mother.
look out
1. (usually with for) to watch. She was looking out for him from the window.
2. to find by searching. I've looked out these books for you.
look out!
beware! take care!.
look over
to examine. We have been looking over the new house.
look through
to look at or study briefly. I've looked through your notes.
look up
1. to improve. Things have been looking up lately.
2. to pay a visit to. I looked up several old friends.
3. to search for in a book of reference. You should look the word up (in a dictionary).
4. to consult (a reference book). I looked up in the encyclopedia.
look up to
to respect the conduct, opinions etc of. He has always looked up to his father.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
It just makes a boy homesick to look ahead like that and see how far off summer is.
"You can see it so plainly haunting your side when you look ahead; but when you turn and look at it--it's gone."
There she is, over an hour late; a little more an' she'd 'a' been caught in a thunder shower, but she'd never look ahead," said Miranda to Jane; "and added to all her other iniquities, if she ain't rigged out in that new dress, steppin' along with her father's dancin'-school steps, and swingin' her parasol for all the world as if she was play-actin'.
Life itself is unsatisfaction, but to look ahead to death is greater unsatisfaction."
Remember always that I look ahead. Do you think that I could stay here contented with what you call my compensations - my art, the study of beautiful things, the calm epicureanism of the sedate and simple life?
Look ahead, lad, as if ye were talking of our medicines, or perhaps praising the Teton beasts.
Madman, look ahead!" and then catching hold of Arthur, hurries him away across the field towards Rugby as hard as they can tear.
The white man turned to look ahead. The course of the boat had been altered at right-angles to the stream, and the carved dragon-head of its prow was pointing now at a gap in the fringing bushes of the bank.
"We'll look ahead." Godfrey and Norwich endured a steep learning curve against Liverpool at Anfield.
"I'm back now, that's good and I want to look ahead and hopefully help the team in the tournament.
In our first podcast of 2019 - sorry about the wait - we reflect on a disappointing week forBoroand look ahead to the crucial remaining games.
Krylon announced its 2019 color trends: Three new color palettes and a "cheerful" Color of the Year that provide an "optimistic" and "hopeful" look ahead.