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v. looked, look·ing, looks
a. To employ one's sight, especially in a given direction or on a given object: looking out the window; looked at the floor.
b. To search: We looked all afternoon but could not find it.
a. To turn one's glance or gaze: looked to the right.
b. To turn one's attention; attend: looked to his neglected guitar during vacation; looked at the evidence.
c. To turn one's expectations: looked to us for a solution.
3. To seem or appear to be: look morose.
4. To face in a specified direction: The cottage looks on the river.
1. To turn one's eyes on: looked him in the eye.
2. To convey by one's expression: looked annoyance at the judge; looked his devotion to me.
a. To have an appearance of conformity with: He looks his age. She dressed up to look the part.
b. To appear to be: looked the fool in one version of the story.
a. The act or instance of looking: I took just one look and I was sure.
b. A gaze or glance expressive of something: gave her a mournful look.
a. Appearance or aspect: a look of great age.
b. looks Physical appearance, especially when pleasing.
c. A distinctive, unified manner of dress or fashion: the preferred look for this fall.
Phrasal Verbs:
look after
To take care of: looked after his younger brother.
look for
1. To search for; seek: looking for my gloves.
2. To expect: Look for a change of weather in March.
look into
To inquire into; investigate: The police looked into the disturbance.
look on (or upon)
To regard in a certain way: looked on them as incompetents.
look out
To be watchful or careful; take care: If you don't look out, you may fall on the ice. We looked out for each other on the trip.
look over
To examine or inspect, often in hasty fashion: looked over the proposal before the meeting.
look to Usage Problem
1. To expect or hope to: He looked to hear from her within a week.
2. To seem about to; promise to: "an 'Action Program,' which ... looked to reduce tariffs on over 1,800 items" (Alan D. Romberg).
look up
1. To search for and find, as in a reference book.
2. To visit: look up an old friend.
3. To become better; improve: Things are at last looking up.
look a gift horse in the mouth
To be critical or suspicious of something one has received without expense.
look alive/sharp Informal
To act or respond quickly: Look alive! We leave in five minutes.
look down on/upon
To regard with contempt or condescension.
look down (one's) nose at/on
To regard with contempt or condescension.
look forward to
To think of (a future event) with pleasurable, eager anticipation: looking forward to graduation.
look in on
To visit: I look in on my grandparents each weekend.
look the other way
To deliberately overlook something: knew the student was cheating but decided to look the other way.
look up to
To admire: looked up to her mother.

[Middle English loken, from Old English lōcian.]
Usage Note: When followed by an infinitive, look often means "expect" or "hope," as in The executives look to increase sales once the economy improves or I'm looking to sell my car in July. In our 1997 survey, the Usage Panel was divided almost evenly on this usage, with 52 percent of the Panelists finding it acceptable and 48 percent rejecting it. In 2008, 55 percent rejected it, suggesting that resistance is not eroding, at least not for use in more formal contexts. The usage has an informal flavor and is popular among sports writers: The Spartans are looking to improve their offensive production. The Cubs look to continue their dominance of their division.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb (mainly intr)
1. (often foll by at) to direct the eyes (towards): to look at the sea.
2. (often foll by at) to direct one's attention (towards): let's look at the circumstances.
3. (often foll by to) to turn one's interests or expectations (towards): to look to the future.
4. (copula) to give the impression of being by appearance to the eye or mind; seem: that looks interesting.
5. to face in a particular direction: the house looks north.
6. to expect, hope, or plan (to do something): I look to hear from you soon; he's looking to get rich.
7. (foll by for)
a. to search or seek: I looked for you everywhere.
b. to cherish the expectation (of); hope (for): I look for success.
8. (foll by to)
a. to be mindful (of): to look to the promise one has made.
b. to have recourse (to): look to your swords, men!.
9. to be a pointer or sign: these early inventions looked towards the development of industry.
10. (foll by into) to carry out an investigation: to look into a mystery.
11. (tr) to direct a look at (someone) in a specified way: she looked her rival up and down.
12. (tr) to accord in appearance with (something): to look one's age.
13. look alive look lively hurry up; get busy
14. look daggers See dagger4
15. look here an expression used to attract someone's attention, add emphasis to a statement, etc
16. look sharp look smart (imperative) to hurry up; make haste
17. not look at to refuse to consider: they won't even look at my offer of £5000.
18. not much to look at unattractive; plain
19. the act or an instance of looking: a look of despair.
20. a view or sight (of something): let's have a look.
21. (often plural) appearance to the eye or mind; aspect: the look of innocence; I don't like the looks of this place.
22. (Clothing & Fashion) style; fashion: the new look for summer.
sentence connector
an expression demanding attention or showing annoyance, determination, etc: look, I've had enough of this.
[Old English lōcian; related to Middle Dutch læken, Old High German luogen to look out]
Usage: See at like1
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


1. to turn one's eyes toward something or in some direction in order to see.
2. to use one's sight in seeking, searching, examining, watching, etc.: to look through the papers.
3. to glance or gaze in a manner specified: to look questioningly at a person.
4. to appear to the eye as specified: to look pale.
5. to appear to the mind; seem: The case looks promising.
6. to direct attention or consideration: Let's look at the facts.
7. to face or afford a view: The room looks out on the garden.
8. to tend, as in bearing or significance: Conditions look toward war.
9. to give (someone) a look: Can you look me in the eye and say that?
10. to have an appearance appropriate to or befitting: to look one's age.
11. to observe or pay attention to: Now look what you've done!
12. to express or suggest by looks: to look one's annoyance at a person.
13. to appear to be; look like: I'm sure I looked a perfect fool.
14. Archaic. to bring, put, etc., by looks.
15. look after, to take care of; attend to.
16. look back, to review past events; return in thought.
17. look down on or upon, to regard with a feeling of superiority or contempt.
18. look for,
a. to seek; search for.
b. to anticipate; expect.
19. look forward to, to anticipate with eagerness or pleasure.
20. look in (on), to visit briefly.
21. look into, to inquire into; investigate; examine.
22. look on,
a. to be a spectator; watch.
b. Also, look upon. to consider; regard.
23. look out, to be alert to danger; be careful.
24. look out for, to take watchful care of.
25. look over, to examine, esp. briefly.
26. look to,
a. to pay attention to.
b. to direct one's expectations or hopes to; depend on.
c. to expect or anticipate.
27. look up,
a. to become better or more prosperous; improve.
b. to search for, as an item of information, in a reference book or the like.
c. to seek out, esp. to visit: to look up an old friend.
28. look up to, to regard with admiration or respect; esteem.
29. the act of looking.
30. a visual search or examination.
31. the way in which a person or thing appears; aspect: the look of an honest man.
32. an expressive glance: to give someone a sharp look.
33. fashion; style: the latest look in furniture.
34. looks,
a. general aspect; appearance: to like the looks of a place.
b. attractive, pleasing appearance.
[before 900; Middle English lōk(i)en, Old English lōcian, c. Old Saxon lōkon, Middle Dutch loeken; akin to Old High German luogēn]
syn: See seem.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


In mine warfare, a period during which a mine circuit is receptive of an influence.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.


1. 'look at'

If someone directs their eyes towards something, you say that they look at it.

Lang looked at his watch.
She looked at the people around her.

When look has this meaning, it must be followed by at. Don't say, for example, 'Lang looked his watch'.

Be Careful!
Don't confuse look with see or watch.

If you want to say that someone shows a particular feeling when they look at someone or something, use an adverb, not an adjective. For example, you say 'She looked sadly at her husband'. Don't say 'She looked sad at her husband'.

Jack looked uncertainly at Ralph.
He looked adoringly at Keiko.
2. 'look and see'

If you intend to use your eyes to find out if something is true, you say that you will see or look and see if it is true.

Have a look at your wife's face to see if she's blushing.
Now let's look and see whether that's true or not.

Be Careful!
Don't say that you will 'look' if something is true.

You can use see to say that you will find out about something, even if you are not talking about using your eyes. For example, you can say 'I'll see if Li is in her office', and then find out whether Li is in her office by making a phone call there.

I'll just see if he's at home.
I'll see if I can borrow a car for the weekend.
3. used to mean 'seem'

Look can also be used to mean 'seem' or 'appear'. When you use look like this, you use an adjective after it, not an adverb. For example, you say 'She looked sad'. Don't say 'She looked sadly'.

You look very pale.
The place looked a bit dirty.

Be Careful!
You only use look to mean 'seem' when talking about the appearance of something.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: looked
Gerund: looking

I look
you look
he/she/it looks
we look
you look
they look
I looked
you looked
he/she/it looked
we looked
you looked
they looked
Present Continuous
I am looking
you are looking
he/she/it is looking
we are looking
you are looking
they are looking
Present Perfect
I have looked
you have looked
he/she/it has looked
we have looked
you have looked
they have looked
Past Continuous
I was looking
you were looking
he/she/it was looking
we were looking
you were looking
they were looking
Past Perfect
I had looked
you had looked
he/she/it had looked
we had looked
you had looked
they had looked
I will look
you will look
he/she/it will look
we will look
you will look
they will look
Future Perfect
I will have looked
you will have looked
he/she/it will have looked
we will have looked
you will have looked
they will have looked
Future Continuous
I will be looking
you will be looking
he/she/it will be looking
we will be looking
you will be looking
they will be looking
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been looking
you have been looking
he/she/it has been looking
we have been looking
you have been looking
they have been looking
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been looking
you will have been looking
he/she/it will have been looking
we will have been looking
you will have been looking
they will have been looking
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been looking
you had been looking
he/she/it had been looking
we had been looking
you had been looking
they had been looking
I would look
you would look
he/she/it would look
we would look
you would look
they would look
Past Conditional
I would have looked
you would have looked
he/she/it would have looked
we would have looked
you would have looked
they would have looked
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.look - the feelings expressed on a person's facelook - the feelings expressed on a person's face; "a sad expression"; "a look of triumph"; "an angry face"
countenance, visage - the appearance conveyed by a person's face; "a pleasant countenance"; "a stern visage"
leer - a suggestive or sneering look or grin
sparkle, twinkle, spark, light - merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance; "he had a sparkle in his eye"; "there's a perpetual twinkle in his eyes"
2.look - the act of directing the eyes toward something and perceiving it visuallylook - the act of directing the eyes toward something and perceiving it visually; "he went out to have a look"; "his look was fixed on her eyes"; "he gave it a good looking at"; "his camera does his looking for him"
sensing, perception - becoming aware of something via the senses
coup d'oeil, glance, glimpse - a quick look
scrutiny - a prolonged intense look
peek, peep - a secret look
squint - the act of squinting; looking with the eyes partly closed
stare - a fixed look with eyes open wide
evil eye - a look that is believed to have the power of inflicting harm
rubber-necking, sightseeing - going about to look at places of interest
observance, watching, observation - the act of observing; taking a patient look
outlook, lookout - the act of looking out
survey, view, sight - the act of looking or seeing or observing; "he tried to get a better view of it"; "his survey of the battlefield was limited"
dekko - British slang for a look
3.look - physical appearance; "I don't like the looks of this place"
appearance, visual aspect - outward or visible aspect of a person or thing
4.look - the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on peoplelook - the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people; "the feel of the city excited him"; "a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting"; "it had the smell of treason"
ambiance, ambience, atmosphere - a particular environment or surrounding influence; "there was an atmosphere of excitement"
Hollywood - a flashy vulgar tone or atmosphere believed to be characteristic of the American film industry; "some people in publishing think of theirs as a glamorous medium so they copy the glitter of Hollywood"
Zeitgeist - the spirit of the time; the spirit characteristic of an age or generation
Verb1.look - perceive with attention; direct one's gaze towards; "She looked over the expanse of land"; "Look at your child!"; "Look--a deer in the backyard!"
stare - fixate one's eyes; "The ancestor in the painting is staring down menacingly"
get a load, have a look, take a look - look at with attention; "Have a look at this!"; "Get a load of this pretty woman!"
look back, look backward - look towards one's back; "don't look back while you walk"
look away - avert one's gaze; "She looked away when the nurse pricked her arm with the needle"
look around - look about oneself; "look around to see whether you can find the missing document"
gaze, stare - look at with fixed eyes; "The students stared at the teacher with amazement"
regard, consider - look at attentively
ogle - look at with amorous intentions
give the glad eye - look seductively at someone
leer - look suggestively or obliquely; look or gaze with a sly, immodest, or malign expression; "The men leered at the young women on the beach"
gape, gawk, gawp, goggle - look with amazement; look stupidly
admire - look at with admiration
peep - look furtively; "He peeped at the woman through the window"
glance, peek, glint - throw a glance at; take a brief look at; "She only glanced at the paper"; "I only peeked--I didn't see anything interesting"
gloat - gaze at or think about something with great self-satisfaction, gratification, or joy
eye, eyeball - look at
give the eye, give the once over - look at with a critical eye; "When the movie star entered, all the women gave him the once over"
squint - be cross-eyed; have a squint or strabismus
peer - look searchingly; "We peered into the back of the shop to see whether a salesman was around"
check, check into, check out, check over, check up on, suss out, look into, go over - examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition; "check the brakes"; "Check out the engine"
retrospect, look back, review - look back upon (a period of time, sequence of events); remember; "she reviewed her achievements with pride"
look up, consult, refer - seek information from; "You should consult the dictionary"; "refer to your notes"
look for, search, seek - try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of; "The police are searching for clues"; "They are searching for the missing man in the entire county"
admire, look up to - feel admiration for
look on, watch - observe with attention; "They watched as the murderer was executed"
look back, look backward - look towards one's back; "don't look back while you walk"
look away - avert one's gaze; "She looked away when the nurse pricked her arm with the needle"
look after - keep under careful scrutiny; "Keep an eye on this prisoner!"
2.look - give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspectlook - give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect; "She seems to be sleeping"; "This appears to be a very difficult problem"; "This project looks fishy"; "They appeared like people who had not eaten or slept for a long time"
make - appear to begin an activity; "He made to speak but said nothing in the end"; "She made as if to say hello to us"
cut - give the appearance or impression of; "cut a nice figure"
feel - produce a certain impression; "It feels nice to be home again"
pass off - be accepted as something or somebody in a false character or identity; "She passed off as a Russian agent"
sound - appear in a certain way; "This sounds interesting"
come across - be perceived in a certain way; make a certain impression
glow, radiate, beam, shine - have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink; "Her face glowed when she came out of the sauna"
gleam, glint, glisten, glitter, shine - be shiny, as if wet; "His eyes were glistening"
be - have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer"
jump out, leap out, stand out, stick out, jump - be highly noticeable
rear, rise, lift - rise up; "The building rose before them"
loom - come into view indistinctly, often threateningly; "Another air plane loomed into the sky"
feel - be felt or perceived in a certain way; "The ground feels shaky"; "The sheets feel soft"
3.look - have a certain outward or facial expression; "How does she look?"; "The child looks unhappy"; "She looked pale after the surgery"
squint - partly close one's eyes, as when hit by direct blinding light; "The driver squinted as the sun hit his windshield"
be - have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer"
4.look - search or seek; "We looked all day and finally found the child in the forest"; "Look elsewhere for the perfect gift!"
hunt - search (an area) for prey; "The King used to hunt these forests"
examine, see - observe, check out, and look over carefully or inspect; "The customs agent examined the baggage"; "I must see your passport before you can enter the country"
cruise - look for a sexual partner in a public place; "The men were cruising the park"
prospect - search for something desirable; "prospect a job"
horn in, nose, poke, pry, intrude - search or inquire in a meddlesome way; "This guy is always nosing around the office"
5.look - be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to; "The house looks north"; "My backyard look onto the pond"; "The building faces the park"
lie - be located or situated somewhere; occupy a certain position
face - be opposite; "the facing page"; "the two sofas face each other"
confront - be face to face with; "The child screamed when he confronted the man in the Halloween costume"
6.look - take charge of or deal withlook - take charge of or deal with; "Could you see about lunch?"; "I must attend to this matter"; "She took care of this business"
minister - attend to the wants and needs of others; "I have to minister to my mother all the time"
tend - have care of or look after; "She tends to the children"
give care, care - provide care for; "The nurse was caring for the wounded"
7.look - convey by one's expression; "She looked her devotion to me"
convey - make known; pass on, of information; "She conveyed the message to me"
8.look - look forward to the probable occurrence oflook - look forward to the probable occurrence of; "We were expecting a visit from our relatives"; "She is looking to a promotion"; "he is waiting to be drafted"
expect - look forward to the birth of a child; "She is expecting in March"
anticipate, expect - regard something as probable or likely; "The meteorologists are expecting rain for tomorrow"
look forward - expect or hope for; "I look to hear from you soon"
look to - turn one's interests or expectations towards; "look to the future"; "this method looks to significant wavings"
hold the line, hang on, hold on - hold the phone line open; "Please hang on while I get your folder"
look for, look to, anticipate - be excited or anxious about
9.look - accord in appearance with; "You don't look your age!"
correspond, gibe, jibe, match, tally, agree, fit, check - be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics; "The two stories don't agree in many details"; "The handwriting checks with the signature on the check"; "The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun"
10.look - have faith or confidence in; "you can count on me to help you any time"; "Look to your friends for support"; "You can bet on that!"; "Depend on your family in times of crisis"
rely, trust, swear, bank - have confidence or faith in; "We can trust in God"; "Rely on your friends"; "bank on your good education"; "I swear by my grandmother's recipes"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. see, view, consider, watch, eye, study, check, regard, survey, clock (Brit. slang), examine, observe, stare, glance, gaze, scan, check out (informal), inspect, gape, peep, behold (archaic), goggle, eyeball (slang), scrutinize, ogle, gawp (Brit. slang), gawk, recce (slang), get a load of (informal), take a gander at (informal), rubberneck (slang), take a dekko at (Brit. slang), feast your eyes upon, l%k (S.M.S.) She turned to look at him.
2. search, seek, hunt, forage, fossick (Austral. & N.Z.), l%k (S.M.S.) Have you looked on the piano?
3. consider, contemplate, study, l%k (S.M.S.) Next term we'll be looking at the Second World War period.
4. face, overlook, front on, give onto, l%k (S.M.S.) The terrace looks onto the sea.
5. hope, expect, await, anticipate, reckon on, l%k (S.M.S.) We're not looking to make a fortune.
6. seem, appear, display, seem to be, look like, exhibit, manifest, strike you as, l%k (S.M.S.) She was looking miserable.
1. glimpse, view, glance, observation, review, survey, sight, examination, gaze, inspection, peek, squint (informal), butcher's (Brit. slang), gander (informal), once-over (informal), recce (slang), eyeful (informal), look-see (slang), shufti (Brit. slang), l%k (S.M.S.) She took a last look in the mirror.
2. appearance, effect, bearing, face, air, style, fashion, cast, aspect, manner, expression, impression, complexion, guise, countenance, semblance, demeanour, mien (literary), l%k (S.M.S.) They've opted for a rustic look in the kitchen.
look after something or someone take care of, mind, watch, protect, tend, guard, nurse, care for, supervise, sit with, attend to, keep an eye on, take charge of I love looking after the children.
look back on something remember, reflect on, think about, recall, think back on, bring to mind Looking back on it all, I'm amazed how we managed to do it on time.
look down on or upon someone disdain, despise, scorn, sneer at, spurn, hold in contempt, treat with contempt, turn your nose up (at) (informal), contemn (formal), look down your nose at (informal), misprize I wasn't successful, so they looked down on me.
look forward to something anticipate, expect, look for, wait for, await, hope for, long for, count on, count the days until, set your heart on He was looking forward to working with the new Prime Minister.
look into something investigate, study, research, go into, examine, explore, probe, follow up, check out, inspect, look over, delve into, scrutinize, inquire about, make inquiries about He had once looked into buying an island.
look like something investigate, echo, take after, remind you of, be the image of, make you think of, put you in mind of They look like stars to the naked eye.
look on or upon something or someone consider, believe in, rate, judge, regard, deem, hold to be A lot of people looked on him as a healer.
look out for something be careful of, beware, watch out for, pay attention to, be wary of, be alert to, be vigilant about, keep an eye out for, be on guard for, keep your eyes open for, keep your eyes peeled for, keep your eyes skinned for, be on the qui vive for What are the symptoms to look out for?
look over something examine, view, check, monitor, scan, check out (informal), inspect, look through, eyeball (slang), work over, flick through, peruse, cast an eye over, take a dekko at (Brit. slang) He could have looked over the papers in less than ten minutes.
look someone up visit, call on, go to see, pay a visit to, drop in on (informal), look in on She looked up some friends of bygone years.
look something up research, find, search for, hunt for, track down, seek out I looked up your name and address in the personnel file.
look to something turn your thoughts to, consider, think about, contemplate Let's look to the future now.
look to something or someone turn to, resort to, make use of, fall back on, have recourse to, avail yourself of So many of us are looking to alternative therapies.
look up improve, develop, advance, pick up, progress, come along, get better, shape up (informal), perk up, ameliorate, show improvement Things are looking up in the computer industry.
look up to someone respect, honour, admire, esteem, revere, defer to, have a high opinion of, regard highly, think highly of A lot of the younger girls look up to you.
"Look before you leap"
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. To direct the eyes on an object:
Idiom: clap one's eyes on.
2. To try to find something:
3. To have the appearance of:
Idiom: strike one as (being).
phrasal verb
look after
To have the care and supervision of:
Idioms: keep an eye on, look out for, take care of, take under one's wing.
phrasal verb
look for
To look forward to confidently:
anticipate, await, bargain for (or on), count on, depend on (or upon), expect, wait (for).
Informal: figure on.
phrasal verb
look in
To go to or seek out the company of in order to socialize:
Idiom: pay a visit.
phrasal verb
look into
To go into or through for the purpose of making discoveries or acquiring information:
phrasal verb
look on or upon
To have the face or front turned in a specific direction:
phrasal verb
look out
To be careful:
Idioms: be on guard, be on the lookout, keep an eye peeled , take care.
phrasal verb
look over
To view broadly or from a height:
phrasal verb
look up
To go to or seek out the company of in order to socialize:
Idiom: pay a visit.
1. An act of directing the eyes on an object:
2. A disposition of the facial features that conveys meaning, feeling, or mood:
3. An outward appearance:
4. The way something or someone looks:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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seblikkigkiggese ud
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~처럼 보이다보기보다
atidžiai apsvarstytiatrodantisatrodytidairytisgalvoti apie ateitį
ārienebūt vērstamizskatītiesizskatsraudzīties
byť otočený napozrieť
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blicktittase utsynasutseende
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A. N
1. (= glance) → mirada f, vistazo m
to have a look at sthechar un vistazo a algo
let me have a lookdéjame ver
have a look at this!¡mira esto!, ¡échale un vistazo a esto!
shall we have a look round the town?¿damos una vuelta por la ciudad?
to have a look round a houseinspeccionar una casa
to take a look at sthechar un vistazo a algo
take a look at this!¡míra esto!, ¡échale un vistazo a esto!
to take a good look at sthmirar algo detenidamente
to take a long hard look at o.s (fig) → examinarse a sí mismo detenidamente
take a long hard look before decidingantes de decidir conviene pensar muchísimo
do you want a look?¿quieres verlo?
2. (= expression) → mirada f
she gave me a dirty lookme echó una mirada de odio
he gave me a furious lookme miró furioso, me lanzó una mirada furiosa
a look of despairuna cara de desesperación
we got some very odd looksla gente nos miró extrañada
if looks could kill*si las miradas mataran ...
3. (= search) to have a look for sthbuscar algo
I've had a good look for it alreadylo he buscado ya en todas partes
have another look!¡vuelve a buscar!
4. (= air, appearance) → aire m, aspecto m, pinta f
there's a mischievous look about that childese niño tiene pinta de pillo
he had a sad looktenía un aspecto or aire triste
he had the look of a sailortenía aire de marinero
by the look(s) of it or thingsa juzgar por las apariencias
by the look(s) of himviéndole, se diría que ...
you can't go by looks alonees arriesgado juzgar por las apariencias nada más
to like the look of sb/sth I don't like the look of himme cae mal, no me fío de él
I don't like the look of itno me gusta nada
5. looks (= attractiveness) looks aren't everythingla belleza no lo es todo
good looksbelleza fsing
she has kept her lookssigue tan guapa como siempre
she's losing her looksno es tan guapa como antes
6. (= fashion) → moda f, estilo m
the 1999 lookla moda de 1999
the new lookla nueva moda
I need a new lookquiero cambiar de imagen
1. (= see, glance) → mirar
look here!¡oye!
just look!¡mira!, ¡fíjate!
I'll look and seevoy a ver
look how she does itfíjate cómo lo hace
look who's here!¡mira quién está aquí!
to look into sb's eyesmirarle a los ojos a algn
to look the other way (lit) → mirar para el otro lado (fig) → hacer como que no se da cuenta
to be looking over sb's shoulder (fig) → estar siempre vigilando a algn
to look down one's nose at sth/sbmenospreciar algo/a algn
look before you leapmira bien lo que haces
2. (= search) look again!¡vuelve a buscar!
you can't have looked farno has mirado mucho
you should have looked more carefullytendrías que haber mirado mejor
3. (= seem, appear) → parecer, verse (LAm)
he looks about 60 (years old)aparenta tener alrededor de los 60 años
to look one's ageaparentar or representar su edad
she doesn't look her ageno aparenta or representa la edad que tiene
it looks all right to meme parece que está bien
it will look bad (fig) → quedará mal
he wanted to look his best for the interviewquería estar lo mejor (arreglado) posible para la entrevista
I don't look my best first thing in the morningcuando me levanto por la mañana no estoy muy guapa que digamos
he just does it to look biglo hace sólo para impresionar
they made me look a foolme hicieron quedar como un idiota
they made me look foolishme hicieron quedar en ridículo
he looks good in a uniformestá muy guapo en uniforme
Manchester United are looking good for the championshipel Manchester United tiene muchas posibilidades de ganar el campeonato
it looks good on youte sienta bien
he looks happyparece contento
she wasn't looking herselfparecía otra, no parecía la misma
how does it look to you?¿qué te parece?
how do I look?¿cómo estoy?
she's 70 but doesn't look ittiene 70 años pero no los aparenta or representa
look lively!¡muévete!
that cake looks niceese pastel tiene buena pinta
that hairstyle makes her look oldese peinado la hace parece mayor
to look the part (fig) → parecerlo
she looked prettier than everestaba más guapa que nunca
how pretty you look!¡qué guapa estás!
it looks promisingparece prometedor
to make sb look small (fig) → rebajar a algn
he looked surprisedhizo un gesto de extrañeza
he looks tiredparece cansado
to look well [person] → tener buena cara
it looks wellparece muy bien, tiene buena apariencia
to look like
4.1. (= be in appearance) what does she look like?¿cómo es físicamente?
4.2. to look like sb (= resemble) → parecerse a algn
he looks like his brotherse parece a su hermano
this photo doesn't look like himla foto no se le parece, en esta foto no parece él
4.3. (= seem) it looks like cheese to mea mí me parece (que es) queso
the festival looks like being livelyla fiesta se anuncia animada
it looks like rainparece que va a llover
it certainly looks like itparece que sí
to look as if or as though: it looks as if or as though the train will be lateparece que el tren va a llegar tarde
try to look as if or as though you're glad to see mehaz como que te alegras de verme
it doesn't look as if or as though he's comingparece que no va a venir
6. (= face)
it looks south [house] → mira hacia el sur, está orientada hacia el sur
7. (= seek)
they are looking to make a profitquieren sacar ganancias
1. (= look at) → mirar
to look sb (straight) in the eye(s) or in the facemirar directamente a los ojos de algn
I would never be able to look her in the eye(s) or face againno podría resistir su mirada, siempre me avergonzaría al verla
to look sb up and downmirar a algn de arriba abajo
2. (= pay attention to)
look what you've done now!¡mira lo que has hecho!
look where you're going!¡fíjate por donde vas!
look about VI + ADV & VI + PREP = look around
look after VI + PREP
1. (= take care of) [+ invalid, animal, plant] → cuidar, cuidar de; [+ one's possessions] → velar por
he can look after himselfsabe cuidar de or valerse por sí mismo
she can't look after herself any moreya no puede valerse por sí misma
2. (= mind) [+ child] → vigilar, cuidar; [+ shop, business] → encargarse de
3. to look after sth for sb (= watch over) [+ luggage, house] → vigilar algo a algn; (= keep temporarily) → guardar algo a algn
look ahead VI + ADV (in front) → mirar hacia delante; (to future) → hacer proyectos para el futuro
look around
A. VI + ADVechar una mirada alrededor
to look around for sthbuscar algo
we're looking around for a houseestamos buscando casa
B. VI + PREP to look around onemirar a su alrededor
look at VI + PREP
1. (= observe) → mirar
to look hard at [+ person] → observar detenidamente; [+ idea] → estudiar cuidadosamente
just look at this mess!¡mira qué desorden!
to look at him you would never think thatpor la apariencia nunca pensarías que ...
it isn't much to look at; it's nothing to look atno es muy bonito
look at how she does itfíjate cómo lo hace
2. (= consider) [+ alternatives] → considerar, examinar; [+ problem] → estudiar
it depends (on) how you look at itdepende de cómo se enfoca la cuestión, depende del punto de vista de uno
whichever way you look at itse mire por donde se mire
3. (= check) [+ patient, wound, heart] → examinar; [+ engine, spelling] → revisar
will you look at the engine?¿podría revisar el motor?
I'll look at it tomorrowlo miraré mañana
4. (= accept) I wouldn't even look at the jobno aceptaría el puesto por nada del mundo
the landlady won't look at studentsla patrona no aguanta los estudiantes
5. (= have in prospect) you're looking at a minimum of £200calcula 200 libras como mínimo
look away VI + ADVapartar la mirada (from de)
look back VI + ADV
1. (= look behind) → mirar hacia atrás
2. (= remember) → pensar en el pasado
looking back, I'm surprised I didn't suspect anythingpensándolo ahora, me sorprende que no hubiera sospechado nada
to look back on or at [+ event, period] → recordar, rememorar
after that he never looked back (fig) → desde entonces todo le ha ido sobre ruedas
look down VI + ADV (= lower eyes) → bajar la mirada; (= look downward) → mirar hacia abajo
to look down at sb/sthmirar abajo hacia algn/algo
look down on VI + PREP
1. (fig) (= despise) → despreciar
2. (= overlook) the castle looks down on the townel castillo domina la ciudad
look for VI + PREP
1. (= seek) → buscar
to be looking for troubleandar buscando camorra
2. (= expect) [+ praise, reward] → esperar
look forward VI + ADV (= plan for the future) → mirar hacia el futuro
look forward to VI + ADV + PREP [+ event] → esperar con ansia, esperar con impaciencia
we're looking forward to the journeyel viaje nos hace mucha ilusión
we had been looking forward to it for weeksdurante semanas enteras veníamos pensando en eso con mucha ilusión
I'm really looking forward to the holidaysestoy deseando que lleguen las vacaciones
I'm not looking forward to it at allno me hace ninguna ilusión
to look forward to doing sthtener muchas ganas de or estar deseando hacer algo
looking forward to hearing from you (in letter) → a la espera de sus noticias ...
look in VI + ADV
1. (= see in) → mirar por dentro
2. (= visit) → pasar por casa, caer por casa
to look in on sbpasar a ver a algn
look into VI + PREP (= examine) [+ matter, possibility] → estudiar, investigar
look on
A. VI + ADVmirar (como espectador)
B. VI + PREP (= consider) → considerar
I look on him as a friendlo considero un amigo
we do not look on it with favourno nos merece una buena opinión
to look kindly on sth/sbmirar algo/a algn con buenos ojos
to look on the bright side (of things)mirar el lado bueno (de las cosas)
look onto VI + PREP (= face) [building, room] → dar a
it looks onto the gardenda al jardín
look out
1. (= look outside) → mirar fuera
to look out of the windowmirar por la ventana
it looks out on to the gardenda al jardín
2. (= take care) → tener cuidado
look out!¡cuidado!, ¡aguas! (Mex)
B. VT + ADV (Brit) (= search for) → buscar; (= find) → encontrar
look out for VI + PREP
1. (= watch for) to look out for sth/sbesperar algo/a algn, estar atento a algo/algn
do look out for pickpocketsten mucho ojo con los carteristas
look out for special dealsestáte al tanto de las gangas
2. (= look after) [+ person] → cuidar
to look out for o.scuidar de sí mismo, cuidarse
he's only looking out for himself (pej) → sólo mira sus propios intereses
we look out for each othernos cuidamos el uno al otro, cuidamos el uno del otro
3. (= seek) → buscar
look over VT + ADV [+ document, list] → echar un vistazo a; [+ person, goods, produce] → echar un vistazo a; (carefully) → examinar; [+ town, building] → echar un vistazo a; (carefully) → inspeccionar
look round
1. (= look about one) → mirar a su alrededor
2. (= turn) → volver la cabeza, volverse
I called him and he looked roundlo llamé y volvió la cabeza, lo llamé y se volvió
3. (in shop) → mirar
we're just looking roundestamos mirando solamente
do you mind if we look round?¿le importa que echemos un vistazo?
4. (= search) to look round forbuscar
B. VI + PREP [+ town, factory] → visitar, recorrer
to look round an exhibitionvisitar una exposición
I like looking round the shopsme gusta ir a ver tiendas
look through VI + PREP
1. [+ window] → mirar por
2. (= search) → registrar; (= leaf through) → hojear; (= examine closely) → examinar detenidamente; (= re-read) [+ notes] → revisar
3. (fig) (= ignore) he looked right through meme miró sin verme, me miró como si no existiera
look to VI + PREP
1. (fig) (= turn to) → contar con, recurrir a
it's no good looking to me for helpes inútil recurrir aen busca de ayuda
to look to sb to do sthesperar que algn haga algo, contar con algn para hacer algo
2. (= think of) we must look to the futuretenemos que pensar en el futuro or mirar hacia delante
3. (= attend to) → ocuparse de, mirar por
look up
1. (= glance) → levantar la vista, alzar la vista
2. (= improve) → mejorar
things are looking uplas cosas van mejor
1. [+ information] → buscar
if you don't know a word, look it up in the dictionarysi no conoces una palabra, búscala en el diccionario
2. (= visit) [+ person] → ir a visitar
look upon VI + PREP = look on B
look up to VI + PREP to look up to sb (fig) → respetar a algn, admirar a algn

Omission of article
 Don't translate the article "a" in sentences like I'm looking for a flat, when the number of such things is not significant since people normally only look for one at a time:
I'm looking for a flat Estoy buscando piso He's looking for a secretary Busca secretaria
NOTE The personal a is not used before people when the article is omitted as above.
 Do translate the article when the thing or person is qualified:
He's looking for a little flat Busca un piso pequeño
! When translating examples like I'm looking for someone to... translate the English to-infinitive using que + ((subjunctive)):
I'm looking for someone to help with the children Busco a alguien que me ayude con los niños I'm looking for a mechanic to repair my car Busco a un mecánico que me arregle el coche
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= glance, gaze) → regarder
look! (expressing surprise)regardez!
Look! A rainbow! → Regardez ! Un arc-en-ciel !
to look the other way (= ignore what is happening) → fermer les yeux
see also look at, look through
(= search) → regarder
Have you looked behind the sofa? → Tu as regardé derrière le canapé ?
(= seem) (with adj)avoir l'air
to look worried → avoir l'air inquiet
She looks surprised → Elle a l'air surprise.
That cake looks nice → Ce gâteau a l'air bon.
It looks fine → Ça a l'air bien.
It looks all right to me
BUT Ça me paraît bien.
It looks about 4 metres long
BUT Je dirais que ça fait 4 mètres de long.
it looks as if ... (= seems as though) → on dirait que ...
It looks as if they are going to lose the election → On dirait qu'il vont perdre les élections.
He looked as if he was going to smile → On aurait dit qu'il allait sourire.
it looks like rain → on dirait qu'il va pleuvoir
it looks like him (= seems to be him) → on dirait que c'est lui
(= resemble) to look like sb/sth → ressembler à qn/qch
He looks like his brother → Il ressemble à son frère.
What does she look like?
BUT Comment est-elle physiquement?.
(= face towards) [building, window, garden] to look south → donner au sud
to look on to the sea → donner sur la mer
(expressing annoyance, exasperation) look!, look here! → écoutez !
to look sb in the eye, to look sb in the face → regarder qn droit dans les yeux
to look sb up and down → toiser qn
(= glance) to have a look at sth (briefly)jeter un coup d'œil à qch; (more carefully)regarder
Have a look at this! → Regardez ceci!
Let me have a look → Fais voir.
Can I have a look? → Je peux regarder ?
to give sb a puzzled look → regarder qn d'un air perplexe
to take a long hard look at sth → examiner qch de près
to take a long hard look at o.s. (psychologically)faire son autocritique
(= search) to have a look for sb/sth → chercher qn/qch
I had a quick look round for her
BUT J'ai jeté un coup d'œil pour voir si elle était là.
(= facial expression) → air m, expression f
There was a worried look on his face → Il avait l'air inquiet.
(= appearance) the punk look → le look punk
a room with a traditional look → une pièce de style traditionnel
to not like the look of sth
I don't like the look of it → Ça ne me dit rien qui vaille.
by the look of it, by the looks of it → à ce qu'on dirait
He was not a well man by the look of him → Il n'avait pas l'air en bonne santé.
looks nplphysique m, beauté f
to lose one's looks → ne plus être aussi beau qu'autrefois(belle)
look after
vt fus
(= take care of) [+ person] → s'occuper de
I look after my little sister → Je m'occupe de ma petite sœur.
to look after o.s.
He's old enough to look after himself → Il est assez grand pour se débrouiller tout seul.
Look after yourself! → Prends bien soin de toi !
(= see to) [+ task] → s'occuper de
You go on out. I'll look after the cooking → Sors, je m'occupe de la cuisine.
We'll help you look after your finances
BUT Nous vous aiderons à mettre vos finances en ordre.
(= watch over) [+ luggage etc] → garder, surveiller
look ahead
(lit) (in front of oneself)regarder devant soi
(fig) (to the future)penser à l'avenir
We need to look ahead → Il nous faut penser à l'avenir.
You'll need to look ahead four or five years → Vous devez vous projeter quatre ou cinq ans en avant.
to look ahead to sth → envisager qch
We can look ahead to the next match with confidence → Nous pouvons envisager le prochain match avec confiance.
look around
vi (= glance round) → regarder autour de soi
look at
vt fus
(= glance at) → regarder
Look at the picture → Regardez cette image.
Look at me! → Regarde-moi !
Look at the time! → Tu as vu l'heure !
(= consider) [+ situation, problem, subject] → examiner
The situation must be looked at more closely → Il faut examiner la situation de plus près.
Let's look at the implications of this
BUT Voyons ce que ceci implique.
Look at what we have achieved over the past two years
BUT Voyez où nous sommes arrivés en deux ans.
look back
(= glance backwards) → regarder derrière soi
to look back at sth/sb → se retourner pour regarder qch/qn
(on the past)revenir sur le passé
looking back, ... → rétrospectivement, ...
Looking back, I think I did the best I could → Rétrospectivement, je pense que j'ai fait de mon mieux.
to look back on sth [+ event, period] → repenser à qch
to look back on sth with regret → repenser à qch avec regret
I never looked back (was successful from then on)à partir de ce moment-là, tout m'a réussi
look down
vi (= glance downwards) → regarder en bas (= lower one's eyes) → baisser les yeux
Don't look down! → Ne regarde pas !
to look down from an upstairs window → regarder par une fenêtre du haut
to look down at the ground → regarder par terre
look down on
vt fus
(= despise) → regarder de haut
(= have a view of) → donner sur
The house looks down on the river → La maison donne sur la rivière.
look for
vt fus
(= search for, person, object) → chercher
I'm looking for my passport → Je cherche mon passeport.
to be looking for work → chercher du travail
look forward to
vt fusattendre avec impatience
I'm looking forward to the holidays → J'attends les vacances avec impatience.
I'm not looking forward to it → Cette perspective ne me réjouit guère.
to look forward to doing sth
I'm really looking forward to going on holiday → Il me tarde vraiment de partir en vacances., J'ai vraiment hâte de partir en vacances.
I'm looking forward to seeing you → Il me tarde de te revoir.
The team is looking forward to playing there → L'équipe a hâte de jouer là-bas.
looking forward to hearing from you (in informal letter)j'espère avoir bientôt de tes nouvelles
We look forward to hearing from you → Dans l'attente de vous lire ...
look in
(= glance inside) → regarder à l'intérieur
(= go to see) to look in on sb → passer voir qn
look into
vt fus [+ matter, possibility] → examiner, étudier
to look into doing sth → étudier la possibilité de faire qch
look on
vi (= watch) → regarder (en spectateur)
People looked on in silence → Les gens regardaient, silencieux.
She told how she looked on helplessly during the terrifying ordeal
BUT Elle a raconté qu'elle n'avait pu qu'assister, impuissante, à l'affreux supplice.
vt fus (= consider) to look on sb as sth → considérer qn comme qch
I look on him as a brother → Je le considère comme mon frère.
to look favourably on sb → voir qn d'un œil favorable
look out
(= look outside) → regarder dehors
to look out of the window → regarder par la fenêtre
(= beware) → prendre garde, faire attention
look out! → attention!
look out for
vt fus (= watch out for) [+ expected visitor, postman] → guetter
Look out for somewhere we can stop → Essaie de repérer un endroit pour nous arrêter.
Look out for special deals → Soyez à l'affût des bonnes affaires.
look over
vt fus [+ essay, piece of work] → jeter un coup d'œil à; [+ town, building] → visiter; [+ person] (quickly)jeter un coup d'œil à; (carefully)examiner de la tête aux pieds
look round
(= turn to look backwards) → regarder derrière soi, se retourner
I shouted and he looked round → J'ai crié et il s'est retourné.
(= have a look around) → jeter un coup d'œil
I'm just looking round → Je jette simplement un coup d'œil.
(= search) to look round for sth → chercher qch
vt fus [+ house, museum, town] → visiter
to look round the shops → faire les magasins
look through
vt fus
(= examine) [+ papers, book] → examiner; (briefly)parcourir
[+ telescope] → regarder à travers
look to
vt fus
(= rely on) → compter sur
to look to sb for sth
The people look to us for guidance → Le peuple compte sur nous pour le guider.
Continental designers are looking to Britain for inspiration this season → Cette saison, les designers européens cherchent l'inspiration en Grande-Bretagne.
to look to sb to do sth → compter sur qn pour faire qch
(= seek to) to be looking to do sth → chercher à faire qch
look up
(= glance upwards) → lever les yeux
He looked up from his newspaper → Il leva les yeux de son journal.
(= improve) [situation] → s'améliorer
Things are looking up for us → Ça va mieux pour nous.
vt sep
[+ word] → chercher
If you don't know a word, look it up in the dictionary → Si vous ne connaissez pas un mot, cherchez-le dans le dictionnaire.
[+ friend] → passer voir
look up to
vt fus (= admire) → avoir du respect pour
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= glance)Blick m; she gave me a dirty look, I got a dirty look from hersie warf mir einen vernichtenden Blick zu; she gave me a look of disbeliefsie sah mich ungläubig an; he gave me such a look!er hat mir (vielleicht) einen Blick zugeworfen!; we got some very odd lookswir wurden komisch angesehen; to have or take a look at somethingsich (dat)etw ansehen; he had a quick look at his watcher sah kurz auf die Uhr; can I have a look?darf ich mal sehen or gucken (inf)?; have a look at this!sieh or guck (inf)dir das mal an!; is it in the dictionary? — have a look (and see)steht das im Wörterbuch? — sieh or guck (inf)mal nach; let’s have a looklass mal sehen, zeig mal her; let’s have a look at itlass mal sehen, zeig mal; let’s have a look at youlass dich mal ansehen; do you want a look?willst du mal sehen?; (at the paper) → willst du mal hineinsehen or einen Blick hineinwerfen?; to take a good look at somethingsich (dat)etw genau ansehen; take or have a good looksehen or gucken (inf)Sie genau hin; to have a look for somethingsich nach etw umsehen; I can’t find it — have another lookich finde es nichtsieh or guck (inf)noch mal nach; to have a look (a)roundsich umsehen; shall we have a look (a)round the town?sollen wir uns (dat)die Stadt ansehen?
(= air, appearance)Aussehen nt; there was a look of despair in his eyesein verzweifelter Blick war in seinen Augen; he put on a serious looker machte ein ernstes Gesicht; he had the look of a sailorer sah wie ein Seeman aus; I don’t like the look of him/this wounder/die Wunde gefällt mir gar nicht; by the look of himso, wie er aussieht; judging by the look of the skywenn man sich (dat)den Himmel ansieht, so, wie der Himmel aussieht; to give something a new lookeiner Sache (dat)ein neues Aussehen verleihen or Gesicht geben; the town has now taken on a new lookdie Stadt hat ein neues Gesicht bekommen
looks plAussehen nt; good looksgutes Aussehen; looks aren’t everythingauf das Aussehen allein kommt es nicht an; you can’t judge by looks aloneman kann nicht nur nach dem Aussehen or Äußeren urteilen; she began to lose her lookssie verlor allmählich ihr gutes Aussehen
vt he looks his ageman sieht ihm sein Alter an; he’s not looking himself these dayser sieht in letzter Zeit ganz verändert aus; he’s looking his old self againer ist wieder ganz der Alte; to look one’s bestsehr vorteilhaft aussehen; I want to look my best tonightich möchte heute Abend besonders gut aussehen; she looks best in redRot steht ihr am besten; he looked death in the faceer sah dem Tod ins Angesicht (geh)or Auge; look what you’ve done!sieh or guck (inf)dir mal an, was du da angestellt hast!; look what you’ve done, now she’s offendedjetzt hast dus geschafft, nun ist sie beleidigt; look what you’ve made me do (→ sieh or schau (dial) → or guck (inf)mal,) daran bist du schuld; can’t you look what you’re doing?kannst du nicht aufpassen, was du machst?; look where you’re going!pass auf, wo du hintrittst!; just look where he’s put the car!sieh or schau (dial)or guck (inf)dir bloß mal an, wo er das Auto abgestellt hat!; look who’s here!guck (inf)or schau (dial)mal or sieh doch, wer da ist!
(= see, glance)gucken (inf), → schauen (liter, dial); to look (a)roundsich umsehen; he looked in(to) the chester sah or schaute (dial)or guckte (inf)in die Kiste (hinein); to look carefullygenau hinsehen etc; to look and seenachsehen etc; look here!hör (mal) zu!; now look here, it wasn’t my faultMoment mal, das war aber nicht meine Schuld; look, I know you’re tired, but …ich weiß ja, dass du müde bist, aber …; look, there’s a much better solutionda gibt es doch eine wesentlich bessere Lösung; just look!guck mal!; to look the other way (fig)die Augen verschließen; to look over somebody’s shoulderjdm über die Schulter sehen; to look over one’s shouldernach hinten sehen; look before you leap (Prov) → erst wägen, dann wagen (Prov)
(= search)suchen, nachsehen
(= seem)aussehen; it looks all right to mees scheint mir in Ordnung zu sein; it looks suspicious to mees kommt mir verdächtig vor, es sieht verdächtig aus; how does it look to you?was meinst du dazu?; I think the cake is done, how does it look to you?ich glaube, der Kuchen ist fertig, was meinst du?; the car looks about 10 years olddas Auto sieht so aus, als ob es 10 Jahre alt wäre; the trophy looks well on your mantelpiecedie Trophäe macht sich gut auf deinem Kaminsims
to look likeaussehen wie; the picture doesn’t look like himdas Bild sieht ihm nicht ähnlich; it looks like rain, it looks as if it will raines sieht nach Regen aus; it looks like cheese to me(ich finde,) das sieht wie Käse aus; it looks as if we’ll be latees sieht (so) aus, als würden wir zu spät kommen; the festival looks like being busyauf dem Festival wird es wahrscheinlich sehr voll (werden)
(= face)gehen nach; this window looks (toward(s) the) northdieses Fenster geht nach Norden; the village looks toward(s) the forestdas Dorf liegt dem Wald zugewendet


nDoppelgänger(in) m(f); a Rupert Murdoch lookein Doppelgänger von Rupert Murdoch; it’s not just another lookes sieht nicht wie all die anderen aus
n to have or take a looksich umsehen


(= tower etc) (Mil) → Ausguck m; look post/station/towerBeobachtungsposten m/-station f/-turm m
(= person) (Mil) → Wacht- or Beobachtungsposten m; the thieves had a look on the building oppositeeiner der Diebe stand auf dem gegenüberliegenden Gebäude Wache or Schmiere (inf)
to keep a lookAusschau halten; to be on the look for, to keep a look for ? look out for
(= prospect)Aussichten pl; it’s a grim look for uses sieht schlecht aus für uns
(inf: = worry) that’s his look!das ist sein Problem!
n to give something a look (→ sich dat) → etw flüchtig ansehen, einen flüchtigen Blick auf etw werfen; (= check)etw flüchtig (über)prüfen
n (inf) to have a looknachgucken (inf)or -schauen (dial)or -sehen
n (inf)Durchsicht f; would you have a look?können Sie sich das mal durchsehen?; to give something a quick looketw kurz durchsehen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. vi
a. (see, glance) → guardare
I'm just looking (in shop) → sto solo dando un'occhiata
I'll look and see → vado a vedere
look who's here! → (ma) guarda chi si vede!
to look the other way → guardare dall'altra parte (fig) → far finta di non vedere
to look ahead → guardare avanti (fig) → cominciare a pensare al futuro
to look south (building) → essere esposto/a a sud, dare a sud
look before you leap (fig) → non buttarti alla cieca
b. (seem, appear) → sembrare, aver l'aria
he looks (as if he's) happy → sembra or ha l'aria felice
she looked prettier than ever → era più graziosa che mai
he looks about 60 (years old) → dimostra una sessantina d'anni
it looks about 4 metres long → sarà lungo un 4 metri
you don't look yourself → non mi sembri in forma
you look or you're looking well → ti trovo bene
it looks good on you → ti sta bene, ti dona
it makes you look younger → ti ringiovanisce, ti fa sembrare più giovane
it looks all right to me → a me pare che vada bene
c. to look likeassomigliare a
he looks like his brother → assomiglia a suo fratello
this photo doesn't look like him → in questa foto non sembra lui
it looks like cheese to me → mi sembra formaggio
it certainly looks like it → ne ha tutta l'aria
the party looks like being fun → la festa promette bene
it looks like rain → mi sa che sta per piovere
it looks as if or as though the train will be late → mi sa tanto che il treno sarà in ritardo
2. vtguardare
to look sb (straight) in the eye or in the face → guardare qn (dritto) negli occhi or in faccia
to look sb up and down → squadrare qn da capo a piedi
look where you're going! → guarda dove vai!
to look one's best → essere in gran forma
you must look your best for this interview → dovresti cercare di presentarti a questo colloquio ben vestito e ben curato
to look one's age → dimostrare la propria età
3. n
a. (glance) → occhiata; (expression) → sguardo, aria
with a look of despair → con un'aria or un'espressione disperata
to have a look at sth → dare un'occhiata a qc
let me have a look → fammi vedere
to take a good look at sb/sth → guardare (per) bene qn/qc
to have a look for sth → cercare qc
shall we have a look round the town? → andiamo a visitare la città?
she gave me a dirty look → mi ha lanciato un'occhiataccia
b. (air, appearance) → aspetto, aria
he has a look of his mother about him → ha qualcosa di sua madre
there's a mischievous look about that child → quel bambino ha un'aria birichina
by the look of things it's going to rain → ha tutta l'aria di (voler) piovere
by the look of him → a vederlo
I don't like the look of him → ha un'aria che non mi piace
the new look for summer (Fashion) → il nuovo look m inv per l'estate
see also looks
look after vi + prep (gen) → occuparsi di; (possessions) → prendersi cura di; (keep an eye on) → guardare, badare a
to look after sth for sb → dare un'occhiata a qc per qn
he doesn't look after himself → si trascura
she's old enough to look after herself → è abbastanza grande per badare a se stessa
look around vi + advguardarsi intorno
to look around for sb/sth → cercare qn/qc
look at vi + prep (person, object) → guardare; (problem, situation) → considerare
it isn't much to look at but ... (fam) → non è bellissimo/a ma...
could you look at the engine for me? → puoi dare un'occhiata al motore?
I wouldn't even look at such a low offer → non prenderei nemmeno in considerazione un'offerta così bassa
look away vi + advdistogliere lo sguardo
look back vi + advgirarsi or voltarsi indietro; (remember) → ripensare al passato
to look back at sth/sb → voltarsi a guardare qc/qn
he's never looked back (fig) → non ha fatto che migliorare
to look back on (event, period) → ripensare a
look down vi + advabbassare gli occhi or lo sguardo; (from height) → guardare giù
to look down at sb/sth → guardare giù verso qn/qc
look down on vi + adv + prepguardare giù verso; (fig) → guardare dall'alto in basso, disprezzare
look for vi + prepcercare
to look for sb/sth → cercare qn/qc
look forward to vi + adv + prep to look forward to doing sthnon veder l'ora di fare qc
I'm looking forward to his visit/the film → non vedo l'ora che venga/di vedere il film
I'm not looking forward to it → non ne ho nessuna voglia
looking forward to hearing from you (in letter) → aspettando tue notizie
look in vi + advguardar dentro
look in on vi + adv + prep (visit) → fare un salto da
look into vi + prep (matter, possibility) → esaminare
look on
2. vi + prepconsiderare
look onto vi + prepdare su, affacciarsi su
to look onto the sea → dare sul mare
my room looks onto the garden → la mia camera si affaccia or dà sul giardino
look out
1. vi + adv
a. (watch) → guardar fuori
b. to look out (for)stare attento/a (a)
look out! → attento!
2. vt + adv (find) → tirar fuori
look out for vi + prep (seek) → cercare
to look out for sb/sth (watch out for) → guardare se arriva qn/qc
look over vt + adv (essay) → dare un'occhiata a, riguardare; (building) → ispezionare; (person) → esaminare
look upon vt + prepconsiderare, ritenere
look round
1. vi + adv (turn) → girarsi, voltarsi; (in shops) → dare un'occhiata
to look round for sb/sth → guardarsi intorno per cercare qn/qc
2. vi + prep (museum, factory) → visitare; (shops) → dare un'occhiata a
look through vi + prep
a. (papers, book) → esaminare; (briefly) → scorrere; (revise) → rivedere
b. (telescope) → guardare attraverso
look to vi + prep (turn to) → rivolgersi a; (look after) → badare a, stare attento/a a; (rely on) → contare su
look up
1. vi + adv
a. (glance) → alzare gli occhi
b. (improve, prospects) → migliorare; (business) → riprendersi; (sales) → aumentare; (shares) → essere in rialzo; (weather) → mettersi al bello
things are looking up → le cose stanno migliorando
2. vt + adv
a. (information, word) → cercare
b. (visit, friend) → andare a trovare
look up to vi + adv + prepavere rispetto per
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(luk) verb
1. to turn the eyes in a certain direction so as to see, to find, to express etc. He looked out of the window; I've looked everywhere, but I can't find him; He looked at me (angrily).
2. to seem. It looks as if it's going to rain; She looks sad.
3. to face. The house looks west.
1. the act of looking or seeing. Let me have a look!
2. a glance. a look of surprise.
3. appearance. The house had a look of neglect.
ˈlook-alike noun
a person who looks (exactly) like someone else; a double. the prince's look-alike.
having a certain appearance. good-looking; strange-looking.
looks noun plural
(attractive) appearance. She lost her looks as she grew older; good looks.
ˌlooker-ˈon noun
a person who is watching something happening; an onlooker.
ˈlooking-glass noun
a mirror.
ˈlookout noun
1. a careful watch. a sharp lookout; (also adjective) a lookout post.
2. a place from which such a watch can be kept.
3. a person who has been given the job of watching. There was a shout from the lookout.
4. concern, responsibility. If he catches you leaving early, that's your lookout!
by the look(s) of
judging from the appearance of (someone or something) it seems likely or probable. By the looks of him, he won't live much longer; It's going to rain by the look of it.
look after
to attend to or take care of. to look after the children.
look ahead
to consider what will happen in the future.
look down one's nose at
to regard with contempt.
look down on
to regard as inferior. She looks down on her husband's relations.
look for
to search for. She lost her handbag and wasted ten minutes looking for it.
look forward to
to wait with pleasure for. I am looking forward to seeing you / to the holidays.
look here!
give your attention to this. Look here! Isn't that what you wanted?; Look here, Mary, you're being unfair!
look in on
to visit briefly. I decided to look in on Paul and Carol on my way home.
look into
to inspect or investigate closely. The manager will look into your complaint.
look on
1. to watch something. No, I don't want to play – I'd rather look on.
2. (with as) to think of or consider. I have lived with my aunt since I was a baby, and I look on her as my mother.
look out
1. (usually with for) to watch. She was looking out for him from the window.
2. to find by searching. I've looked out these books for you.
look out!
beware! take care!.
look over
to examine. We have been looking over the new house.
look through
to look at or study briefly. I've looked through your notes.
look up
1. to improve. Things have been looking up lately.
2. to pay a visit to. I looked up several old friends.
3. to search for in a book of reference. You should look the word up (in a dictionary).
4. to consult (a reference book). I looked up in the encyclopedia.
look up to
to respect the conduct, opinions etc of. He has always looked up to his father.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


نَظْرَةٌ, يَبْدُو, يَنْظُرُ dívat se, pohled, vypadat blik, se, se ud aussehen, Blick, schauen ματιά, μοιάζω, φαίνομαι mirada, mirar, parecer katse, katsoa, näyttää avoir l'air, regard, regarder gledati, izgledati, pogled guardare, occhiata, sembrare ・・・のように見える, 目つき, 見る ~처럼 보이다, 보기, 보다 blik, kijken, lijken blikk, se popatrzeć, spojrzenie, wyglądać olhar, parecer взгляд, выглядеть, смотреть blick, se ut, titta การมอง, ดูท่าทาง, มองดู bakış, bakmak, görünmek cái nhìn, nhìn, trông có vẻ , 看起来,
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. [appearance] aspecto, apariencia, cara; mirada, ojeada;
v. mirar; revisar;
to ___ badtener mal aspecto;
to ___ forbuscar;
to ___ throughexaminar con cuidado;
to take a ___ atmirar, echar una mirada.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


vi mirar; Look upward..Mire hacia arriba; to — like verse, parecerse; What did this sore look like when you first noticed it?..¿Cómo se veía esta herida cuando la vió por primera vez?… She looks like her mother..Se parece a su madre.
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.