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the total entity of: All of us are going.; whole number or amount: giving it all away
Not to be confused with:
awl – a pointed tool for boring holes: The carpenter used an awl to make a hole for the doorknob.
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree


1. Being or representing the entire or total number, amount, or quantity: All the windows are open. Deal all the cards. See Synonyms at whole.
2. Constituting, being, or representing the total extent or the whole: all Christendom.
3. Being the utmost possible of: argued the case in all seriousness.
4. Every: got into all manner of trouble.
5. Any whatsoever: beyond all doubt.
6. Pennsylvania Consumed; used up; gone: The apples are all.
7. Informal Being more than one: Who all came to the party? See Note at y'all.
The whole of one's fortune, resources, or energy; everything one has: The brave defenders gave their all.
1. The entire or total number, amount, or quantity; totality: All of us are sick. All that I have is yours.
2. Everyone; everything: justice for all.
a. Wholly; completely: a room painted all white.
b. So much: I am all the better for that experience.
c. Used as an intensive: Then he got all mad and left.
2. Each; apiece: a score of five all.
all along
From the beginning; throughout: saw through the disguise all along.
all but
Nearly; almost: all but crying with relief.
all in
1. Tired; exhausted.
2. Games Staking all of one's chips, as in poker.
3. Putting all of one's available resources into an effort: The governor mounted a halfhearted campaign for the presidency but didn't go all in.
all in all
Everything being taken into account: All in all, the criticism seemed fair.
all of Informal
Not more than: a conversation that took all of five minutes.
all one
Of no difference; immaterial: Whether we go out or stay in, it's all one to me.
all over
1. Completely ended or finished: Their marriage is all over.
2. In every part; everywhere: The storm swept across the island and left damage all over.
3. Typical of the person or thing just mentioned: Making wisecracks like that—that's Jim all over.
4. Showing much romantic interest or being in close contact: He was all over her during the slow dance.
5. Persistently or harshly critical or scolding: The coach was all over me about missing practice.
all out
With all one's strength, ability, or resources.
all that Informal
To the degree expected.
all there
Mentally unimpaired or competent.
all told
With everything considered; in all: All told, we won 100 games.
and all
1. And other things of the same type: "The only thing they seemed to have in common was their cowboy gear, ten-gallon hats and all" (Edward Chen).
2. Being included: devoured the peanuts, shells and all.
at all
1. In any way: unable to walk at all.
2. To any extent; whatever: not at all sorry.
be all Informal
To say or utter. Used chiefly in verbal narration: He's all, "What did you do that for?"
in all
Considering everything; all together: In all, it rained for two hours. I bought four hats, in all.

[Middle English al, from Old English eall; see al-3 in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.]
Usage Note: The construction all that is used informally in questions and negative sentences to mean "to the degree expected." In the late 1960s, the Usage Panel rejected its use, but resistance to all that has waned dramatically. In our 2016 survey, 87 percent of the Panel found the construction acceptable in the sentence The movie is not all that interesting. Some stigma lingers, however; many of the Panelists who accepted this example sentence commented that this use of all that would be much less acceptable in formal writing than in colloquial speech. · Sentences of the form All X's are not Y may be ambiguous. All of the departments did not file a report may mean that some departments did not file, or that none did. The first meaning can be expressed unambiguously by the sentence Not all of the departments filed a report. The second meaning can be more clearly phrased as None of the departments filed a report or All of the departments failed to file a report. The same problem can arise with other universal terms such as every in negated sentences, as in the ambiguous Every department did not file a report. See Usage Note at every.
Word History: In the late 17th and early 18th centuries, groups of immigrants from southwestern Germany, Alsace, and Switzerland settled in Pennsylvania. The groups spoke closely related dialects of German that eventually merged into a new, distinctly American variety of German that came to be known as Pennsylvania Dutch. (The word Dutch in this expression comes from Deitsch, the Pennsylvania German equivalent of Deutsch, the standard German word for "German." The spelling of the word as Dutch has undoubtedly been influenced by the English word Dutch. English Dutch comes from the Middle Dutch word Dūtsch, meaning "Dutch" or "German," that is the Dutch equivalent of the German word Deutsch.) Pennsylvania Dutch, which is still spoken in some communities in Pennsylvania today—notably by the Amish—has contributed a number of words to American English, including dunk, hex, smearcase, snollygoster, spritz, and perhaps snickerdoodle. The dialect has also left other traces in the grammar and usage of English in Pennsylvania. For instance, in German, the word alle, literally meaning "all," can be used idiomatically to mean "all gone, used up, at an end." The standard German sentence Der Kaffee ist alle (word for word, "The coffee is all") means "The coffee is all gone" or "The coffee has been used up," for example. Some Pennsylvanians, too, may say The coffee is all to mean "The coffee is all gone"—the use of the English word all to mean "all gone" reflects the influence of Pennsylvania Dutch and reminds us of the days when many Pennsylvanians were bilingual in English and Pennsylvania Dutch and would switch back and forth between them in their daily lives.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


a. the whole quantity or amount of; totality of; every one of a class: all the rice; all men are mortal.
b. (as pronoun; functioning as sing or plural): all of it is nice; all are welcome.
c. (in combination with a noun used as a modifier): an all-ticket match; an all-amateur tournament; an all-night sitting.
2. the greatest possible: in all earnestness.
3. any whatever: to lose all hope of recovery; beyond all doubt.
4. above all most of all; especially
5. after all See after11
6. all along all the time
7. all but almost; nearly: all but dead.
8. all of no less or smaller than: she's all of thirteen years.
9. all over
a. finished; at an end: the affair is all over between us.
b. over the whole area (of something); everywhere (in, on, etc): all over England.
c. typically; representatively (in the phrase that's me (you, him, us, them,etc) all over). Also (Irish): all out
d. unduly effusive towards
e. sport in a dominant position over
10. See all in
11. all in all
a. everything considered: all in all, it was a great success.
b. the object of one's attention or interest: you are my all in all.
12. all that that (usually used with a negative) informal (intensifier): she's not all that intelligent.
13. all the (foll by a comparative adjective or adverb) so much (more or less) than otherwise: we must work all the faster now.
14. all too definitely but regrettably: it's all too true.
15. and all
a. Brit informal as well; too: and you can take that smile off your face and all.
b. South African a parenthetical filler phrase used at the end of a statement to make a slight pause in speaking
16. and all that informal
a. and similar or associated things; et cetera: coffee, tea, and all that will be served in the garden.
b. used as a filler or to make what precedes more vague: in this sense, it often occurs with concessive force: she was sweet and pretty and all that, but I still didn't like her.
c. See that4
17. as all that as one might expect or hope: she's not as pretty as all that, but she has personality.
18. at all
a. (used with a negative or in a question) in any way whatsoever or to any extent or degree: I didn't know that at all.
b. even so; anyway: I'm surprised you came at all.
19. be all for informal to be strongly in favour of
20. be all that informal chiefly US to be exceptionally good, talented, or attractive
21. for all
a. in so far as; to the extent that: for all anyone knows, he was a baron.
b. notwithstanding: for all my pushing, I still couldn't move it.
22. for all that in spite of that: he was a nice man for all that.
23. in all altogether: there were five of them in all.
24. (General Sporting Terms) (in scores of games) apiece; each: the score at half time was three all.
25. completely: all alone.
26. be all … informal used for emphasis when introducing direct speech or nonverbal communication: he was all, 'I'm not doing that'.
27. (preceded by: my, your, his, etc) (one's) complete effort or interest: to give your all; you are my all.
28. totality or whole
[Old English eall; related to Old High German al, Old Norse allr, Gothic alls all]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. the whole or full amount of: all the cake; all year.
2. the whole number of: all students; all kinds.
3. the greatest possible: with all speed.
4. any; any whatever: beyond all doubt.
5. entirely; purely: The coat is all wool.
6. dominated by a particular feature: The colt was all legs.
7. Pennsylvania German Area. consumed; finished: The pie is all.
8. the whole quantity or amount: Did you eat all of the peanuts?
9. the whole number; every one: all of us.
10. everything: Is that all you've got to say?
11. one's whole interest, energy, or property: Give it your all.
12. the entire area, place, environment, or the like: all is calm.
13. wholly; entirely: all alone; all for a better government.
14. each; apiece: The score was one all.
1. all but, almost; very nearly: These batteries are all but dead.
2. all in, very tired; exhausted.
3. all in all, everything considered; in general: All in all, her health is improved.
4. all out, energetically and enthusiastically: to go all out to win the game.
5. all the better, so much the better.
6. all there, mentally competent.
7. and all, and so forth: What with the late hour and all, we must leave.
8. at all,
a. in the slightest degree.
b. for any reason: Why bother at all?
9. for all (that), in spite of (that); notwithstanding: For all that, it was a good year.
10. in all, all included; all together.
11. as all get-out, Informal. to an extreme degree, condition, etc.
[before 900; Middle English al, pl. alle; Old English eal(l), c. Old Frisian al, Old Saxon, Old High German al(l), Old Norse allr, Gothic alls]
usage: Expressions like all the farther and all the higher occur chiefly in informal speech: This is all the farther the bus goes. That's all the higher she can jump. Elsewhere as far as and as high as are generally used: as far as the bus goes; as high as she can jump. The construction all of (all of the students; all of the contracts) is entirely standard. Some people object to it, however, and omit the of. See also already, alright, altogether.


var. of allo- before a vowel: allonym.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. used as a determiner

You use all immediately in front of the plural form of a noun to talk about every thing or person of a particular kind. When you use all in front of the plural form of a noun, you use a plural form of a verb after it.

There is built-in storage space in all bedrooms.
All boys like to eat.

You can use all immediately in front of an uncountable noun when you are making a general statement about something. When you use all in front of an uncountable noun, you use a singular form of a verb after it.

All research will be done by experts.
All crime is serious.
2. used with other determiners

If you want to say something about every thing or person in a group, you use all or all of, followed by the, these, those, or a possessive determiner, followed by the plural form of a noun.

Staff are checking all the books to make sure they are suitable.
All my friends came to my wedding.
All of the defendants were proved guilty.

If you want to say something about the whole of a particular thing, you use all or all of, followed by the, this, that, or a possessive determiner, followed by an uncountable noun or the singular form of a countable noun.

They carried all the luggage into the hall.
I want to thank you for all your help.
I lost all of my money.
3. used in front of pronouns

You can use all or all of in front of the pronouns this, that, these, and those.

Oh dear, what are we going to do about all this?
Maybe all of that is true, but that's not what I asked.

However, in front of personal pronouns you must use all of. Don't use 'all'.

Listen, all of you.
It would be impossible to list all of it in one programme.

Don't use 'we' or 'they' after all of. Instead you use us or them.

He discussed it with all of us.
All of them were tired.
4. used after the subject

All can also be used after the subject of a clause. For example, instead of saying 'All our friends came', you can say 'Our friends all came'.

When there is no auxiliary verb, all goes in front of the verb, unless the verb is be.

We all felt guilty.

If the verb is be, all goes after be.

They were all asleep.

If there is an auxiliary verb, you put all after it.

It will all be over soon.

If there is more than one auxiliary verb, you put all after the first one.

The drawers had all been opened.

All can also come after the direct or indirect object of a verb when this object is a personal pronoun.

We treat them all with care.
I admire you all.
5. used as a pronoun

All can be a pronoun meaning 'everything' or 'the only thing'. It is often used like this in front of a relative clause.

It was the result of all that had happened previously.
All I remember is his first name.
6. 'every'

Every has a similar meaning to all. 'Every teacher was at the meeting' means the same as 'All the teachers were at the meeting'.

However, there is a difference between all and every when you use them with expressions of time. For example, if you spend all day doing something, you spend the whole of one day doing it. If you do something every day, you keep doing it each day.

The airport was closed all morning after the accident.
She goes running every morning.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.all - quantifierall - quantifier; used with either mass or count nouns to indicate the whole number or amount of or every one of a class; "we sat up all night"; "ate all the food"; "all men are mortal"; "all parties are welcome"
no - quantifier; used with either mass nouns or plural count nouns for indicating a complete or almost complete lack or zero quantity of; "we have no bananas"; "no eggs left and no money to buy any"; "have you no decency?"; "did it with no help"; "I'll get you there in no time"
some - quantifier; used with either mass nouns or plural count nouns to indicate an unspecified number or quantity; "have some milk"; "some roses were still blooming"; "having some friends over"; "some apples"; "some paper"
2.all - completely given to or absorbed byall - completely given to or absorbed by; "became all attention"
complete - having every necessary or normal part or component or step; "a complete meal"; "a complete wardrobe"; "a complete set of the Britannica"; "a complete set of china"; "a complete defeat"; "a complete accounting"
Adv.1.all - to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole' is often used informally for `wholly')all - to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole' is often used informally for `wholly'); "he was wholly convinced"; "entirely satisfied with the meal"; "it was completely different from what we expected"; "was completely at fault"; "a totally new situation"; "the directions were all wrong"; "it was not altogether her fault"; "an altogether new approach"; "a whole new idea"
colloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. the whole amount, everything, the whole, the total, the sum, the total amount, the aggregate, the totality, the sum total, the entirety, the entire amount, the complete amount I'd spent all I had, every last penny.
2. every, each, every single, every one of, each and every There is built-in storage space in all bedrooms.
3. the whole lot, every one, each and every one All are based on herbal recipes.
1. each and every one, each one, every one, the whole lot He was talking to all of us.
1. complete, greatest, full, total, perfect, entire, utter In all fairness, she isn't dishonest.
1. completely, totally, fully, entirely, absolutely, altogether, wholly, utterly I ran away and left her all alone.
all along the whole time, from start to finish I've been fooling myself all along.
all in (Informal)
1. tired, exhausted, spent, done in (informal), flagging, drained, fatigued, weary, sleepy, fagged (informal), whacked (Brit. informal), worn out, drooping, knackered (slang), drowsy, clapped out (Brit., Austral., & N.Z. informal), enervated, ready to drop, dog-tired (informal), zonked (slang), dead beat (informal), asleep or dead on your feet (informal) Have you eaten? You look all in.
2. in total, in all, on aggregate, in sum, in entirety Dinner is about £25 all in.
all there (Informal) rational, normal, sane, lucid, of sound mind, compos mentis, in your right mind, mentally sound, in possession of all your faculties They get senile. They're not all there.
Related words
prefixes pan-, panto-
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


Including every constituent or individual:
An amount or quantity from which nothing is left out or held back:
Informal: work (used in plural).
Idioms: everything but the kitchen sink, lock, stock, and barrel, the whole ball of wax.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
جَمِيعكَثِيراًكُلكُل، جَمِيعكُلّ
celývšechnovšichnizcelatím lépe
algerlegaallir, hver og einnalluròeim mun
apskritaibaigtasdidžiausiasiš visoįskaitant viską
tất cảtoàn bộ


When all is part of a set combination, eg in all seriousness/probability, look up the noun. Note that all right has an entry to itself.
all my lifetoda mi vida
all my friendstodos mis amigos
all mentodos los hombres
they drank all the beerse bebieron toda la cerveza
all the others went hometodos los demás se fueron a casa
it rained all dayllovió todo el día, llovió el día entero
she hasn't been in all dayno ha estado en todo el día
BUT all three (of them) were found guilty → los tres fueron declarados culpables
I'll take all three (of them)me llevo los tres
40% of all marriages end in divorceel 40% de los matrimonios terminan en divorcio
it would have to rain today, of all days!¡tenía que llover hoy justamente!
for all their efforts, they didn't manage to scorea pesar de todos sus esfuerzos, no lograron marcar un tanto
they chose him, of all people!lo eligieron a él, como si no hubiera otros
all those who disobey will be punishedtodos aquéllos que desobedezcan serán castigados
all that it's not as bad as all thatno es para tanto
all that is irrelevant nowtodo eso ya no importa
and all thaty cosas así, y otras cosas por el estilo
he went on about loyalty and all thathabl�� sin parar sobre la lealtad y cosas así
sorry and all that, but that's the way it isdisculpas y todo lo demás, pero así son las cosas
of all the ... of all the luck!¡vaya suerte!
of all the tactless things to say!¡qué falta de tacto!
see also best, four B2
2. (= any)
it has been proved beyond all doubtse ha probado sin que quepa la menor duda
the town had changed beyond all recognitionla ciudad había cambiado hasta hacerse irreconocible
1. (singular)
1.1. (= everything) → todo
it's all doneestá todo hecho
we did all we could to stop himhicimos todo lo posible para detenerlo
it was all I could do not to laughapenas pude contener la risa
all is not lost (liter or hum) → aún quedan esperanzas
all of ittodo
I didn't read all of itno lo leí todo or entero
not all of it was trueno todo era cierto
you can't see all of Madrid in a dayno puedes ver todo Madrid or Madrid entero en un día
I do all of the workyo hago todo el trabajo
I do all of the cookingsiempre cocino yo
it took him all of three hours (= at least) → le llevó tres horas enteras (iro) (= only) → le llevó ni más ni menos que tres horas
she must be all of 16 (iro) → debe de tener al menos 16 años
is that all?, will that be all?¿es eso todo?, ¿nada más?
six o'clock? is that all?¿las seis? ¿nada más?
that's alleso es todo, nada más
all is welltodo está bien
when all is said and donea fin de cuentas
all's well that ends wellbien está lo que bien acaba
see also best, once A1
see also tell
1.2. (= the only thing) all I can tell you istodo lo que puedo decirte es ..., lo único que puedo decirte es ...
all I want is to sleeplo único que quiero es dormir
that was all that we managed to salvage from the fireeso fue todo lo que conseguimos rescatar del incendio
all that matters is that you're safelo único que importa es que estás a salvo
all that he did was laughlo único que hizo fue reírse
2. (plural) → todos mpl, todas fpl
they all came with their husbandstodas vinieron con sus maridos
this concerns all of youesto os afecta a todos (vosotros)
his was the worst performance of allla suya fue la peor actuación de todas
they all say thattodos dicen lo mismo
all who knew him loved himtodos los que le conocieron le querían
3. (in scores) the score is two allvan empatados a dos, el marcador es de empate a dos
to draw two allempatar a dos
it's 30 all (Tennis) → treinta iguales
4. (in set structures)
above allsobre todo
after alldespués de todo
all but all but seven/twentytodos menos siete/veinte
all for nothing I rushed to get there, all for nothingfui a toda prisa, todo para nada, fui a toda prisa, y total para nada
all in allen general
all in all, things turned out quite wellen general, las cosas salieron bastante bien
we thought, all in all, it wasn't a bad ideapensamos que, mirándolo bien, no era una mala idea
and all what with the rain and allcon la lluvia y todo lo demás
the dog ate the sausage, mustard and allel perro se comió la salchicha, mostaza incluida
for all I care you can go right now for all I carepor mí como si te vas ahora mismo
for all I know for all I know he could be deadpuede que hasta esté muerto, no lo sé
for all I know, he could be rightigual hasta tiene razón, no lo sé
if (...) at all I'll go tomorrow if I go at allsi es que voy, iré mañana
it rarely rains here, if at allaquí rara vez llueve, si es que llueve
I'd like to see him today, if (it's) at all possibleme gustaría verlo hoy, si es del todo posible
they won't attempt it, if they have any sense at allsi tienen el más mínimo sentido común, no lo intentarán
in all 50 men in all50 hombres en total
it all he ate it allse lo comió todo
it all happened so quicklysucedió todo tan rápido
she seemed to have it all: a good job, a happy marriageparecía tenerlo todo: un buen trabajo, un matrimonio feliz
it's all or nothinges todo o nada
most of allsobre todo, más que nada
no ... at all I have no regrets at allno me arrepiento en absoluto
it makes no difference at allda exactamente igual
not ... at all I don't feel at all wellno me siento nada bien
she wasn't at all apologeticno se disculpó para nada
I'm not at all tiredno estoy cansado en lo más mínimo or en absoluto
it was not at all niceno fue nada agradable
you mean he didn't cry at all?¿quieres decir que no lloró nada?
did you mention me at all?¿mencionaste mi nombre por casualidad?
not at all! (answer to thanks) → ¡de nada!, ¡no hay de qué!
"are you disappointed?" - "not at all!"-¿estás defraudado? -en absoluto
1. (= entirely) → todo
Make todo agree with the person or thing described:
she went all redse puso toda colorada
you're all wetestás todo mojado
it's all dirtyestá todo sucio
he was all covered in bloodestaba completamente cubierto de sangre
the children were all alonelos niños estaban completamente solos
there were insects all around ushabía insectos por todas partes
I did it all by myselflo hice completamente solo
she was dressed all in blackiba vestida completamente de negro
we shook hands all roundnos estrechamos todos las manos
2. (in set structures)
all along all along the streeta lo largo de toda la calle, por toda la calle
this is what I feared all alongesto es lo que estaba temiendo desde el primer momento or el principio
all but (= nearly) → casi
he all but diedcasi se muere, por poco se muere
he's all but forgotten nowya casi no se le recuerda
all for sth to be all for sthestar completamente a favor de algo
I'm all for itestoy completamente a favor
I'm all for giving children their independenceestoy completamente a favor de or apoyo completamente la idea de dar independencia a los niños
all in (= all inclusive) (Brit) → todo incluido (= exhausted) → hecho polvo
the trip cost £200 all inel viaje costó 200 libras, todo incluido
after a day's skiing I was all indespués de un día esquiando, estaba hecho polvo or rendido
you look all inse te ve rendido, ¡vaya cara de estar hecho polvo!
all out to go all out (= spare no expense) → tirar la casa por la ventana (Sport) → emplearse a fondo
to go all out for the prizevolcarse por conseguir el premio
we must go all out to ensure ithemos de desplegar todos nuestros medios para asegurarlo
all over all over the world you'll finden or por todo el mundo encontrarás ...
he's travelled all over the worldha viajado por todo el mundo
you've got mud all over your shoestienes los zapatos cubiertos de barro
I spilled coffee all over my shirtse me cayó el café encima y me manché toda la camisa
they were all over himle recibieron con el mayor entusiasmo
I ache all overme duele (por) todo el cuerpo
I looked all over for youte busqué por or en todas partes
it happens all overocurre en todas partes
that's him all overeso es muy típico de él
all the more ... considering his age, it's all the more remarkable that he succeededteniendo en cuenta su edad, es aún más extraordinario que lo haya logrado
she valued her freedom, all the more so because she had fought so hard for itvaloraba mucho su libertad, tanto más cuanto que había luchado tanto por conseguirla
all too ... it's all too truelamentablemente es cierto
all too soon, the holiday was overcuando quisimos darnos cuenta las vacaciones habían terminado
the evening passed all too quicklyla tarde pasó demasiado rápido
all up with it's all up with himestá acabado
all very ...
that's all very well buttodo eso está muy bien, pero ...
not all there he isn't all thereno tiene todos los tornillos bien, le falta algún tornillo
not all that ... it isn't all that farno está tan lejos
it shouldn't be all that difficultno debería resultar tan difícil
see also all-out, better B
D. NOUN (= utmost)
he had given her his all (= affection) → se había entregado completamente a ella; (= possessions) → le había dado todo lo que tenía
I really didn't give it my allno di todo lo que podía dar de mí
I decided to give it my alldecidí echarle el resto
he puts his all into every gamese da completamente en cada partido, siempre da todo lo que puede de sí en cada partido
E. COMPOUNDS the all clear N (= signal) → el cese de la alarma, el fin de la alarma (fig) → el visto bueno, luz verde
all clear!¡fin de la alerta!
to be given the all clear (to do sth) → recibir el visto bueno, recibir luz verde; (by doctor) → recibir el alta médica or definitiva
All Fools' Day Ndía m de los (Santos) Inocentes
All Hallows' (Day) Ndía m de Todos los Santos
All Saints' Day Ndía m de Todos los Santos
All Souls' Day Ndía m de (los) Difuntos (Sp), día m de (los) Muertos (LAm)
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


adj (singular)tout(e); (plural)tous(toutes)
all day → toute la journée
all night → toute la nuit
all men → tous les hommes
all five → tous les cinq
all the food → toute la nourriture
all the books → tous les livres
all the apples → toutes les pommes
all the time → tout le temps
all his life → toute sa vie
of all places
They met in a supermarket, of all places → Ils se sont rencontrés dans un supermarché, aussi incroyable que cela puisse paraître.
for all ... (= despite) → malgré ...
For all his faults, he's a good father → Malgré ses défauts, c'est un bon père.
to be all things to all people, to be all things to all men → plaire à tout le monde
I ate it all, I ate all of it → j'ai tout mangé
all of us went → nous y sommes tous allés
all of the boys went → tous les garçons y sont allés
is that all? → c'est tout ?; (in shop)ce sera tout ?
above all → surtout, par-dessus tout
after all → après tout
After all, nobody can make us go → Après tout, personne ne peut nous obliger à y aller.
at all
I never really liked him at all → Je n'ai jamais eu la moindre affection pour lui à vrai dire.
There were no roads at all → Il n'y avait pas la moindre route.
not at all (in answer to question)pas du tout
"Are you tired?" - "No, not at all." → "Tu es fatigué?" - "Non, pas du tout."; (in answer to thanks)je vous en prie!
"Thank you so much!" - "Not at all!" → "Merci beaucoup!" - "Je vous en prie!"; (with adjective)
I'm not at all tired.; I'm not tired at all → Je ne suis pas du tout fatigué(e).
anything at all
Anything at all will do → N'importe quoi fera l'affaire.
in all (= in total) → en tout
That comes to fifteen dollars in all → Cela revient à quinze dollars en tout.
all in all → tout bien considéré
... and all → ... y compris(e)
The dog ate it, mustard and all → Le chien l'a mangé, moutarde y comprise.
for all I know → pour ce que j'en sais
for all I care → pour ce que ça me fait
best of all, ... → et surtout, ...
first of all → tout d'abord
of all the cheek! → quel culot!
all of ten minutes (as a long time)pas moins de dix minutes; (as a short time)pas plus de dix minutes
that's all (at end of sentence)c'est tout
I'm curious, that's all → Je suis curieux, c'est tout.
one and all (= everyone) → tous sans exception
all alone → tout(e) seul(e)
2 all (as score)2 partout
The score is 2 all → Le score est de 2 partout.
... as all that
It's not as hard as all that → Ce n'est pas si difficile que ça.
all that much
He isn't all that much older than me → Il n'est pas tellement plus âgé que moi.
all that difficult → si difficile que ça
It wasn't all that difficult → Ça n'était pas si difficile que ça.
all the more → d'autant plus
all the better → d'autant mieux
all but (= almost) → presque, pratiquement
Their water was all but gone → Ils n'avaient presque plus d'eau. (= all except) → tous sauf(toutes)
all but her closest friends → toutes sauf ses meilleures amies
all in (mainly British) (= inclusive of everything) → tout compris
£25 all in → 25 livres tout compris
to be all in (British) (= tired) → être crevé(e)
that's all very well, but ... → c'est bien beau mais ...
to give one's all → donner son maximum
to do one's all to make sure that ... → faire son maximum pour être sûr que ...
to put one's all into sth → s'investir complètement dans qch
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with nouns plural → alle; (singular) → ganze(r, s), alle(r, s)
When alle is used to translate all the it is not followed by the German article.

we have considered all the possibilitieswir haben alle Möglichkeiten in Betracht gezogen; she brought all the childrensie brachte alle Kinder mit; all the problems have been solvedalle or sämtliche Probleme wurden gelöst; all kinds or sorts of peoplealle möglichen Leute; all the tobaccoder ganze Tabak, aller Tabak; all the milkdie ganze Milch, alle Milch; all the fruitdas ganze Obst, alles Obst; all you boys can come with meihr Jungen könnt alle mit mir kommen; the money was all therealles Geld or das ganze Geld war da; where’s all that water coming from?wo kommt das ganze or all das Wasser her?; all the timedie ganze Zeit; all day (long)den ganzen Tag (lang); all Spainganz Spanien; to dislike all sportjeglichen Sport ablehnen; in all respectsin jeder Hinsicht
? all + possessive all my strengthmeine ganze Kraft; all my books/friendsalle meine Bücher/Freunde, meine ganzen Bücher/Freunde; all my lifemein ganzes Leben (lang)
? pronoun + all they all camesie sind alle gekommen; we all sat downwir setzten uns alle; I invited them allich habe sie alle eingeladen
Note that it all is usually translated by alles alone:

he took/spent it aller hat alles genommen/ausgegeben; it all happened so quicklyalles geschah so schnell, es geschah alles so schnell; he’s seen/done it allfür ihn gibt es nichts Neues mehr, ihn kann nichts mehr erschüttern (inf)
? all this/that I don’t understand all thatich verstehe das alles nicht; what’s all this/that about?was soll das Ganze?; what’s all this/that?was ist denn das?; (annoyed) → was soll denn das!; what’s all this I hear about you leaving?was höre ich da! Sie wollen gehen?
? all possible/due with all possible speedso schnell wie möglich; with all due caremit angemessener Sorgfalt; with all due speedin angemessenem Tempo; they will take all possible precautionssie werden alle möglichen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen treffen
= everythingalles; all is wellalles ist gut; I’m just curious, that’s allich bin nur neugierig, das ist alles; that’s all that mattersdarauf allein kommt es an; that’s all he saiddas ist alles, was er gesagt hat, mehr hat er nicht gesagt; that is all (that) I can tell youmehr kann ich Ihnen nicht sagen; it was all I could do not to laughich musste an mich halten, um nicht zu lachen
? all of all of Paris/of the houseganz Paris/das ganze Haus; all of italles; I don’t need all of itich brauche nicht alles; all of 5 kms/£5ganze 5 km/£ 5; it took him all of three hourser brauchte ganze drei Stunden
? all or nothingalles oder nichts
= everybodyalle pl; all who knew himalle, die ihn kannten; all of them(sie) alle; the score was two alles stand zwei zu zwei
(= quite, entirely)ganz; dressed all in white, all dressed in whiteganz in Weiß (gekleidet); all womanganz Frau; all dirty/excited etcganz schmutzig/aufgeregt etc; that’s all very fine or welldas ist alles ganz schön und gut; all woolreine Wolle; an all wool carpetein reinwollener Teppich, ein Teppich aus reiner Wolle
? all + adverb/preposition it was red all overes war ganz rot; that’s Dave all overdas ist typisch Dave; all down the front of her dressüberall vorn auf ihrem Kleid; all along the roaddie ganze Straße entlang; there were chairs all around the roomrundum im Zimmer standen Stühle; he ordered whiskies/drinks all rounder hat für alle Whisky/Getränke bestellt; what’s the film all about?wovon handelt der Film überhaupt?; I’ll tell you all about itich erzähl dir alles; it was all about a little girles handelte von einem kleinen Mädchen
? one’s allalles; he staked his all on this race/dealer setzte alles auf dieses Rennen/Unternehmen; the horses were giving their alldie Pferde gaben ihr Letztes
? all along (= from the start)von Anfang an, die ganze Zeit (über); I feared that all alongdas habe ich von Anfang an befürchtet, das habe ich schon die ganze Zeit (über) befürchtet
? all butfast; he all but dieder wäre fast gestorben; he all but lost iter hätte es fast verloren; the party won all but six of the seatsdie Partei hat alle außer sechs Sitzen or alle bis auf sechs Sitze gewonnen
? all for (= in favour of) I’m all for it!ich bin ganz dafür
? all foundinsgesamt, alles in allem
? all in (inf: = exhausted) to be or feel all intotal erledigt sein (inf)
? all in allalles in allem
? all one (= indifferent) it’s all one to medas ist mir (ganz) egal or einerlei
? all the + comparative all the hotter/prettier/happier etcnoch heißer/hübscher/glücklicher etc; all the funnier because …umso lustiger, weil …; I feel all the better for my holiday (esp Brit) or vacation (US) → jetzt, wo ich Urlaub gemacht habe, gehts mir viel besser; all the more so since …besonders weil …; all the better to see you withdamit ich dich besser sehen kann
? all the sametrotzdem, trotz allem; all the same, it’s a pitytrotzdem ist es schade; it’s all the same to medas ist mir (ganz) egal or einerlei; if it’s all the same to youwenn es Ihnen egal ist
? all there/not all there (inf: person) he’s all there/not all thereer ist voll da/nicht ganz da (inf)
? all too + adjective/adverbviel zu, allzu; all too soon/quicklyviel zu or allzu früh/schnell
? … and all he ate the orange, peel and aller hat die ganze Orange gegessen, samt der Schale; the whole family came, children and alldie Familie kam mit Kind und Kegel; what with the snow and all (inf)mit dem ganzen Schnee und so (inf)
? at all (= whatsoever)überhaupt; nothing at allüberhaupt or gar nichts; did/didn’t you say anything at all?haben Sie überhaupt etwas gesagt/gar or überhaupt nichts gesagt?; (= in the least) I’m not at all sure, I’m not sure at allich bin mir ganz und gar nicht sicher, ich bin gar nicht ganz sicher; I’m not at all angry etc, I’m not angry etc at allich bin überhaupt nicht wütend etc, ich bin ganz und gar nicht wütend etc; it’s not bad at alldas ist gar nicht schlecht; I don’t know at allich weiß es überhaupt nicht; if at all possiblewenn irgend möglich
? for all (= despite)trotz; for all his wealthtrotz (all) seines Reichtums; for all thattrotz allem, trotzdem
? for all I know for all I know she could be illwas weiß ich, vielleicht ist sie krank; is he in Paris? — for all I know he could beist er in Paris? — schon möglich, was weiß ich!
? in allinsgesamt; ten people in allinsgesamt zehn Personen
? all that (US inf) → einfach super (inf)
? not all that it’s not all that bad, it’s not as bad as all thatso schlimm ist es nun auch wieder nicht; it isn’t all THAT expensive!so teuer ist es nun wieder auch nicht
? of all …! of all the idiots!so ein Idiot!; of all the stupid things to do!so was Dummes!; why me of all people?warum ausgerechnet ich?
? superlative + of all happiest/earliest/clearest etc of allam glücklichsten/frühsten/klarsten etc; that would be best of alldas wäre am besten; I like him best of allvon allen mag ich ihn am liebsten; most of allam meisten; most of all I’d like to be …am liebsten wäre ich …; the best car of alldas allerbeste Auto
? to be all things to all men (person)sich mit jedem gutstellen; (thing, invention, new software etc)das Ideale sein; a party which claims to be all things to all meneine Partei, die behauptet, allen etwas zu bieten
? you all (US inf) → ihr (alle); (to two people) → ihr (beide)


adj team, playeruramerikanisch; an all boyein durch und durch amerikanischer Junge
adj (US) = all-round


all clear
nEntwarnung f; to give/sound the allEntwarnung geben, entwarnen
adj hero, teamalle besiegend
adj passion, interestüberwältigend
adjganztägig; it was an all meetingdie Sitzung dauerte den ganzen Tag


adj (US inf) → furchtbar (inf), → schrecklich (inf)
All Fools’ Day
n der erste April
All Hallows’ (Day)
n (Brit) = All SaintsDay


adjaußerordentlich wichtig; the all questiondie Frage, auf die es ankommt
adj attr, all in
adj pred (= inclusive)Inklusiv-; all priceInklusivpreis m ? also all 5
nEinteiler m
adj sleepsuit, wetsuiteinteilig
all-in wrestling
n (Sport) → Freistilringen nt


adj attr an all householdein reiner Männerhaushalt
adj Godallbarmherzig, allgütig
adj attr café(die ganze Nacht) durchgehend geöffnet; vigildie ganze Nacht andauernd attr; an all partyeine Party, die die ganze Nacht durchgeht; we had an all partywir haben die ganze Nacht durchgemacht; it was an all journeywir/sie etc sind die ganze Nacht durchgefahren; we have all openingwir haben (die ganze Nacht) durchgehend geöffnet; all opening is common in some countriesin manchen Ländern sind 24-stündige Öffnungszeiten üblich; we have an all servicewir haben einen durchgehenden Nachtdienst; there is an all bus servicedie Busse verkehren die ganze Nacht über
n (inf) Veranstaltung etc, die die ganze Nacht hindurch andauert


all out
advmit aller Kraft; to go allsein Letztes or Äußerstes geben; to go all to do somethingalles daransetzen, etw zu tun; to go all for victoryalles daransetzen, (um) zu siegen
adj strike, wartotal; attackmassiv; effort, attemptäußerste(r, s); supportuneingeschränkt


adj (Pol) → Allparteien-; all governmentAllparteienregierung f
all-pervading, all-pervasive
adj influence, presencealles durchdringend
all-points bulletin
nRundruf man alle Streifen
adjAllzweck-; all roomAllzweckraum m


adj (esp Brit) → Allround-; studentvielseitig begabt; improvementin jeder Beziehung or Hinsicht; all artistAllroundkünstler(in) m(f); a good all performanceeine rundum gute Leistung
n (Brit) → Allroundmann m/-frau f; (Sport) → Allroundsportler(in) m(f)
All Saints’ Day
nAllerheiligen nt
adj (Brit Sport) stadium, standohne Stehplätze
all-seater (stadium)
n (Brit Sport) → (reines) Sitzplatzstadium
all-singing, all-dancing
adj (Brit inf) → alle Wünsche erfüllend attr
All Souls’ Day
nAllerseelen nt
nPiment m or nt
adjStar-; all castStarbesetzung f
all-terrain bike
nMountainbike nt
all-terrain vehicle
adj sports matchmit Vorverkauf
adjaller Zeiten; the all recordder Rekord aller Zeiten; an all high/lowder höchste/niedrigste Stand aller Zeiten; all greatUnvergessliche(r) mf, → Unvergessene(r) mf; to be an all favourite (Brit) or favorite (US) → seit eh und je beliebt sein
adv all best/worstbeste(r, s)/schlechteste(r, s) aller Zeiten


adjAllwetter-; all jacketAllwetterjacke f; all pitchAllwetterplatz m; all surfaceAllwetterbelag m
all-wheel drive
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


(oːl) adjective, pronoun
1. the whole (of). He ate all the cake; He has spent all of his money.
2. every one (of a group) when taken together. They were all present; All men are equal.
1. entirely. all alone; dressed all in white.
2. (with the) much; even. Your low pay is all the more reason to find a new job; I feel all the better for a shower.
ˌall-ˈclear noun
(usually with the) a signal or formal statement that a time of danger etc is over. They sounded the all-clear after the air-raid.
ˈall-out adjective
using the greatest effort possible. an all-out attempt.
ˈall-round adjective
1. including or applying to every part, person, thing etc. an all-round pay rise.
2. good at all parts of a subject etc. an all-round sportsman.
ˌall-ˈrounder noun
a person who is good at many kinds of work, sport etc.
all-terrain vehicle (ˌoːl təˈrein ˈviːəkl) noun
(also ATV) a small vehicle, looking like a small tractor, that can travel fast on rough ground.
all along
the whole time (that something was happening). I knew the answer all along.
all at once
1. all at the same time. Don't eat those cakes all at once!
2. suddenly. All at once the light went out.
all in
with everything included. Is that the price all in?
all in all
considering everything. We haven't done badly, all in all.
all over
1. over the whole of (a person, thing etc). My car is dirty all over.
2. finished. The excitement's all over now.
3. everywhere. We've been looking all over for you!
all right
1. unhurt; not ill or in difficulties etc. You look ill. Are you all right?
2. an expression of agreement to do something. `Will you come?' `Oh, all right.'
in all
in total, when everything is added up. I spent three hours in all waiting for buses last week.

Write all right (not alright).
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


جَمِيع, كُلّ veškerý, všechno alle alle, alles όλος todo kaikki tout sav, svi tutti, tutto できるかぎりの, 全部 모두, 모든 alle, allemaal all, fullstendig wszelki, wszystko todo, todos, tudo весь, все all ทั้งหมด, ทุกคน bütün, hepsi tất cả, toàn bộ 大家, 所有的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. el todo, compuesto de partes iguales;
adv. todo, del todo, completamente; enteramente;
___ alongtodo el tiempo;
___ of a suddende pronto, de golpe, de repente;
___ the bettertanto mejor;
___ the worsetanto peor;
by ___ meanssin duda, por supuesto;
___ rightestá bien;
a. todo-a, todos-as; [everyone] todo el mundo;
___ daytodo el día;
___ nighttoda la noche;
at ___ risksa todo riesgo;
before ___ante todo.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009