References in classic literature ?
"Miss Elliot, I am sure you are tired," cried Mrs Croft.
Happy indeed is he, who has his top and cares still to spin it; for to be tired of our tops is to be tired of life, saith the preacher.
He was so tired that he flopped down upon the nice soft sand on the floor of the rabbit-hole, and shut his eyes.
She was tired and panting and evidently thought of declining, but immediately put her hand gaily on the man's shoulder, smiling at Prince Andrew.
Then he made all his servants go too--his cooks and his gardeners and his barber and Prince Bumpo's tutor--even the Queen, who was tired from dancing in a pair of tight shoes, was packed off to help the soldiers in their search.
In a dozen leaps and bounds, he came to the village, tired out, puffing like a whale, and with tongue hanging.
Come right in and rest, and we'll have tea in less than no time, for you must be tired. Lizzie, you show the folks upstairs; Kitty, you fly round and help father in with the trunks; and Jenny and I will have the table all ready by the time you come down.
"I'm just tired out -- that is what is the matter with me," she said, when she thankfully found herself alone in her own room.