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1. The period of light between dawn and nightfall; the interval from sunrise to sunset.
a. The 24-hour period during which the earth completes one rotation on its axis, traditionally measured from midnight to midnight.
b. The period during which a celestial body makes a similar rotation.
3. One of the numbered 24-hour periods into which a week, month, or year is divided.
4. The portion of a 24-hour period that is devoted to work, school, or business: an eight-hour day; a sale that lasted for three days.
5. A 24-hour period or a portion of it that is reserved for a certain activity: a day of rest.
a. A specific, characteristic period in one's lifetime: In Grandmother's day, skirts were long.
b. A period of opportunity or prominence: Every defendant is entitled to a day in court. That child will have her day.
7. A period of time in history; an era: We studied the tactics used in Napoleon's day. The day of computer science is well upon us.
8. days Period of life or activity: The sick cat's days will soon be over.
1. Of or relating to the day.
2. Working during the day: the day nurse.
3. Occurring before nightfall: a day hike.
day after day
For many days; continuously.
day in, day out
Every day without fail; continuously.
one day
one of these days
one of those days
A difficult or trying day.
these days
At present; nowadays.

[Middle English dai, day, from Old English dæg; see agh- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Horology) Also called: civil day the period of time, the calendar day, of 24 hours' duration reckoned from one midnight to the next
a. the period of light between sunrise and sunset, as distinguished from the night
b. (as modifier): the day shift.
3. the part of a day occupied with regular activity, esp work: he took a day off.
4. (sometimes plural) a period or point in time: he was a good singer in his day; in days gone by; any day now.
5. (Astronomy) the period of time, the sidereal day, during which the earth makes one complete revolution on its axis relative to a particular star. The mean sidereal day lasts 23 hours 56 minutes 4.1 seconds of the mean solar day
6. (Astronomy) the period of time, the solar day, during which the earth makes one complete revolution on its axis relative to the sun. The mean solar day is the average length of the apparent solar day and is some four minutes (3 minutes 56.5 seconds of sidereal time) longer than the sidereal day
7. (Astronomy) the period of time taken by a specified planet to make one complete rotation on its axis: the Martian day.
8. (often capital) a day designated for a special observance, esp a holiday: Christmas Day.
9. all in a day's work part of one's normal activity; no trouble
10. at the end of the day in the final reckoning
11. (Ecclesiastical Terms) day of rest the Sabbath; Sunday
12. end one's days to pass the end of one's life
13. every dog has his day one's luck will come
14. in this day and age nowadays
15. it's early days it's too early to tell how things will turn out
16. late in the day
a. very late (in a particular situation)
b. too late
17. that will be the day
a. I look forward to that
b. that is most unlikely to happen
18. a time of success, recognition, power, etc: his day will soon come.
19. a struggle or issue at hand: the day is lost.
20. (Mining & Quarrying)
a. the ground surface over a mine
b. (as modifier): the day level.
21. from day to day without thinking of the future
22. call it a day to stop work or other activity
23. day after day without respite; relentlessly
24. day by day gradually or progressively; daily: he weakened day by day.
25. day in, day out every day and all day long
26. from Day 1 from Day One from the very beginning
27. one of these days at some future time
28. (modifier) of, relating to, or occurring in the day: the day shift.
[Old English dæg; related to Old High German tag, Old Norse dagr]


(Biography) Sir Robin. 1923–2000, British radio and television journalist, noted esp for his political interviews
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. the interval of light between two successive nights; the time between sunrise and sunset.
2. the light of day; daylight.
a. Also called mean solar day. a division of time equal to 24 hours and representing the average length of the period during which the earth makes one rotation on its axis.
b. Also called solar day. a division of time equal to the time elapsed between two consecutive returns of the same terrestrial meridian to the sun.
c. a division of time equal to 24 hours but reckoned from one midnight to the next.
4. an analogous division of time for a planet other than the earth: the Martian day.
5. the portion of a day allotted to work: an eight-hour day.
6. (often cap.) a day having a particular purpose or observance: New Year's Day.
7. a time considered as propitious or opportune: His day will come.
8. Often, days. a particular era: in olden days.
9. Usu., days. period of life or activity: His days are numbered.
10. period of existence or influence; heyday: In my day we called them “hepcats.”
11. the contest or battle at hand: to win the day.
1. call it a day, to stop working for the rest of the day.
2. day in, day out, every day without fail; regularly. Also, day in and day out.
[before 950; Middle English; Old English dæg]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


- One of the perpendicular divisions or "lights" of a mullioned window.
See also related terms for lights.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.




  1. The afternoon droops like a hot candle —Malcolm Cowley
  2. The afternoon sways like an elephant —Babette Deutsch

    This begins a poem entitled July Day.

  3. The beauty of the morning called to her like a signal bell —R. V. Cassill
  4. Dawn came like a blanket of flowers —T. Coraghessan Boyle
  5. The dawn came up like a Have-a-Nice-Day emblem —Tom Robbins
  6. A day as fresh as spring itself —Wallace Stegner
  7. (The next) day dawned like a yawning hole —Robert Barnard
  8. The day drooped like a flag —Katherine Mansfield
  9. The day goes by like a shadow over the heart (with sorrow where all was delight) —Stephen Foster

    From Stephen Foster’s famous “My Old Kentucky Home” with ‘over’ substituted from ‘o’er’ as in the original.

  10. The day is flat and intense, like a photograph of itself —Marge Piercy
  11. The day [Sunday] is like wide water, without sound —Wallace Stevens
  12. Day like a bated breath —Sharon Sheehe Stark
  13. A day like an endless empty sea —Delmore Schwartz
  14. Days and nights were shuffling like lame and overweight cattle —Don Robertson
  15. Days are scrolls: write on them what you want to be remembered —Bahya
  16. Days … arrive like crows in a field of stubble corn —Robert Hass
  17. The days dripped away like honey off a spoon —Wallace Stegner
  18. Days … followed one another in an undistinguished series, growing and then fading like the leaves on a tree —Stefan Zweig
  19. The days go by, like caterpillars do —Johnny Mercer, opening stanza from 1947 song, “Lazy Mood”
  20. The days go by like film, like a long written scroll —Maxwell Anderson
  21. Days … like a lengthening shadow —The Holy Bible/Psalms
  22. The days, like the leaves, seemed to fly from the trees, as if this year was intent on its own destruction —Susan Fromberg Schaeffer
  23. The day smelled like clear water —Joan Chase
  24. The days pass by like a wayward tune —W. B. Yeats
  25. Days pass like papers from a press —Wallace Stevens
  26. The days slipped by … like apple parings under a knife —Stephen Vincent Benet
  27. The days walking along higher and higher, like the way teachers line you up to have pictures taken —Lee Smith
  28. The days were truly endless and seemed like a single black night —Barbara Reid
  29. The day was dry, rather misty; like a day pictured in a Japanese print —Frank Swinnerton
  30. The day was still, like a very glazed photograph —M. J. Farrell
  31. Feel the pull of the long day, like a road he dragged behind him —Sharon Sheehe Stark
  32. A fine morning makes you want to bust open like a pea pod —Joe Coomer
  33. The gray winter morning descends like the huge lead-coated balloon —Jerry Bumpus
  34. The middle of the day, like the middle of certain fruits, is good for nothing —Walter Savage Landor
  35. Morning came like a stone breaking —Madison Smartt Bell
  36. The morning crept out of a dark cloud like an unbidden guest uncertain of his welcome —W. Somerset Maugham
  37. Morning … gray like a mouse —Jessamyn West
  38. Morning hours of inactivity … like a beautiful sculpture-lined bridge across which I stroll from night into day, from dream into reality —Milan Kundera
  39. (Night had died, and the) morning lay like a corpse. Like sadness, going from one end of the world to another, without a sound —Aharon Megged
  40. My days are like a lengthening shadow —The Holy Bible/Psalms
  41. One of those days that come as a surprise in the middle of winter, like a gift sent on no anniversary, so that the pleasure takes us unaware —Jean Stafford
  42. Our days run as fast away as does the sun —Robert Herrick
  43. Over the garden, day still hung like a pink flag —Elizabeth Bowen
  44. The workday is finished, dead as the calendar page that bore its number —Beryl Markham
Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. 'day'

A day is one of the seven twenty-four hour periods in a week.

The attack occurred six days ago.
Can you go any day of the week? What about Monday?

You also use day to refer to the time when it is light and when people are awake and doing things. When day has this meaning, you can use it either as a countable noun or an uncountable noun.

The days were dry and the nights were cold.
How many meetings do you have on a typical working day?
The festivities went on all day.
2. 'today'

You refer to the actual day when you are speaking or writing as today.

I hope you're feeling better today.
I want to get to New York today.

Be Careful!
Don't use 'this day' to refer to the day when you are speaking or writing. Don't say, for example, 'I want to get to New York this day'.

3. 'the other day'

You use the other day to show that something happened fairly recently.

We had lunch the other day at our favourite restaurant.
The other day, I got a phone call from Jack.
4. referring to a particular day

If you want to refer to a particular day when something happened or will happen, you usually use a prepositional phrase beginning with on.

We didn't catch any fish on the first day.
On the day after the race you should try to rest.

If you have already been talking about events that happened during a particular day, you can say that something else happened that day.

Then I took a bath, my second that day.
Later that day Amanda drove to Leeds.

You can also say that something had happened the day before or the previous day.

Kate had met him the day before.
My mobile had been stolen the previous day.

You can also say that something happened the next day or the following day.

The next day the revolution broke out.
We were due to meet Hamish the following day.

When you have been talking about a particular day in the future, you can say that something will happen the following day or the day after.

The board will meet tomorrow evening and the team will be named the following day.
I could come the day after.
5. 'every day'

If something happens regularly on each day, you say that it happens every day.

She went running every day in the summer.
Eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day.

Be Careful!
Don't confuse every day with the adjective everyday.

6. 'these days' and 'nowadays'

You use these days or nowadays when you are talking about things that are happening now, in contrast to things that happened in the past.

These days, more women become managers.
Why don't we ever see Jim nowadays?
7. 'one day'

You use one day to say that something will happen at some time in the future.

Maybe he'll be Prime Minister one day.
I'll come back one day, I promise.

In stories, one day is used when a writer has just described a situation and is mentioning the first of a series of events.

One day a man called Carl came in to pay his electricity bill.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: - time for Earth to make a complete rotation on its axisday - time for Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis; "two days later they left"; "they put on two performances every day"; "there are 30,000 passengers per day"
time unit, unit of time - a unit for measuring time periods
tomorrow - the day after today; "what are our tasks for tomorrow?"
today - the day that includes the present moment (as opposed to yesterday or tomorrow); "Today is beautiful"; "did you see today's newspaper?"
yesterday - the day immediately before today; "it was in yesterday's newspapers"
morrow - the next day; "whenever he arrives she leaves on the morrow"
eve - the day before; "he always arrives on the eve of her departure"
date, day of the month - the specified day of the month; "what is the date today?"
date - a particular day specified as the time something happens; "the date of the election is set by law"
daylight, daytime, day - the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside; "the dawn turned night into day"; "it is easier to make the repairs in the daytime"
high noon, midday, noon, noonday, noontide, twelve noon - the middle of the day
night, nighttime, dark - the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outside
60 minutes, hour, hr - a period of time equal to 1/24th of a day; "the job will take more than an hour" - some point or period in time; "it should arrive any day now"; "after that day she never trusted him again"; "those were the days"; "these days it is not unusual"
time - an indefinite period (usually marked by specific attributes or activities); "he waited a long time"; "the time of year for planting"; "he was a great actor in his time"
crack of doom, Day of Judgement, Day of Judgment, day of reckoning, doomsday, end of the world, eschaton, Judgement Day, Judgment Day, Last Day, Last Judgement, Last Judgment - (New Testament) day at the end of time following Armageddon when God will decree the fates of all individual humans according to the good and evil of their earthly lives
off-day - a day when things go poorly; "I guess this is one of my off-days" - a day assigned to a particular purpose or observance; "Mother's Day"
calendar day, civil day - a day reckoned from midnight to midnight
Admission Day - in some states of the United States: a legal holiday commemorating the day the state was admitted to the Union
Arbor Day - a day designated for planting trees
Cinco de Mayo - the fifth of May which is observed in Mexico and Mexican-American communities in the United States to commemorate the Mexican victory over the French in the Battle of Puebla in 1862
commencement day, degree day - the day on which university degrees are conferred
November 5 - anniversary of the discovery of the Gunpowder Plot
Inauguration Day, January 20 - the day designated for inauguration of the United States President
bissextile day, February 29, leap day - the name of the day that is added during a leap year
V-day, Victory Day - the day of a victory
rag day - a day on which university students hold a rag
red-letter day - a memorably happy or noteworthy day (from the custom of marking holy days in red on church calendars)
payday - the day on which you receive pay for your work
election day, polling day - the day appointed for an election; in the United States it is the 1st Tuesday after the 1st Monday in November
field day - a day for outdoor athletic competition
field day - (military) a day for military exercises and display
ides - in the Roman calendar: the 15th of March or May or July or October or the 13th of any other month
market day - a fixed day for holding a public market
Walpurgis Night - eve of May Day
December 31, New Year's Eve - the last day of the year
January 19, Lee's Birthday, Robert E Lee Day, Robert E Lee's Birthday - celebrated in southern United States
Tet - the New Year in Vietnam; observed for three days after the first full moon after January 20th
holiday - a day on which work is suspended by law or custom; "no mail is delivered on federal holidays"; "it's a good thing that New Year's was a holiday because everyone had a hangover"
February 2, Groundhog Day - if the ground hog emerges and sees his shadow on this day, there will be 6 more weeks of winter
February 12, Lincoln's Birthday - the day on which President Abraham Lincoln is remembered
February 14, Saint Valentine's Day, St Valentine's Day, Valentine Day, Valentine's Day - a day for the exchange of tokens of affection
February 22, Washington's Birthday - the day on which George Washington is remembered
March 2, Texas Independence Day - Texans celebrate the anniversary of Texas' declaration of independence from Mexico in 1836
March 17, Saint Patrick's Day, St Patrick's Day - a day observed by the Irish to commemorate the patron saint of Ireland
All Fools' day, April Fools', April Fools' day - the first day of April which is celebrated by playing practical jokes
April 14, Pan American Day - a day celebrating political and economic unity among American countries
Patriot's Day - the 3rd Monday in April; Massachusetts and Maine celebrate the battle of Lexington and Concord in 1775
First of May, May 1, May Day - observed in many countries to celebrate the coming of spring; observed in Russia and related countries in honor of labor
Mother's Day - second Sunday in May
Armed Forces Day - the 3rd Saturday in May
Davis' Birthday, Jefferson Davis' Birthday, June 3 - celebrated in southern United States
Flag Day, June 14 - commemorating the adoption of the United States flag in 1777
Father's Day - US: third Sunday in June
Citizenship Day, September 17 - celebrated in the United States
American Indian Day - US: the 4th Friday in September
October 24, United Nations Day - a day for celebrating the founding of the United Nations
Allhallows Eve, Halloween, Hallowe'en - the evening before All Saints' Day; often devoted to pranks played by young people
saint's day - a day commemorating a saint
school day - any day on which school is in session; "go to bed early because tomorrow is a school day" - the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outsideday - the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside; "the dawn turned night into day"; "it is easier to make the repairs in the daytime"
period, period of time, time period - an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of time of his recovery"; "Picasso's blue period"
24-hour interval, day, mean solar day, solar day, twenty-four hour period, twenty-four hours - time for Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis; "two days later they left"; "they put on two performances every day"; "there are 30,000 passengers per day"
forenoon, morn, morning, morning time - the time period between dawn and noon; "I spent the morning running errands"
afternoon - the part of the day between noon and evening; "he spent a quiet afternoon in the park"
midafternoon - the middle part of the afternoon
even, evening, eventide, eve - the latter part of the day (the period of decreasing daylight from late afternoon until nightfall); "he enjoyed the evening light across the lake"
night, nighttime, dark - the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outside - the recurring hours when you are not sleeping (especially those when you are working); "my day began early this morning"; "it was a busy day on the stock exchange"; "she called it a day and went to bed"
work time - a time period when you are required to work
workday, working day - the amount of time that a worker must work for an agreed daily wage; "they work an 8-hour day" - an era of existence or influence; "in the day of the dinosaurs"; "in the days of the Roman Empire"; "in the days of sailing ships"; "he was a successful pianist in his day"
epoch, era - a period marked by distinctive character or reckoned from a fixed point or event - the period of time taken by a particular planet (e.g. Mars) to make a complete rotation on its axis; "how long is a day on Jupiter?"
period, period of time, time period - an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of time of his recovery"; "Picasso's blue period"
lunar day - the period of time taken for the moon to make one full rotation on its axis (about 27.3 sidereal days) - the time for one complete rotation of the earth relative to a particular star, about 4 minutes shorter than a mean solar day
time unit, unit of time - a unit for measuring time periods
sidereal time - measured by the diurnal motion of stars - a period of opportunity; "he deserves his day in court"; "every dog has his day"
chance, opportunity - a possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstances; "the holiday gave us the opportunity to visit Washington"; "now is your chance"
10.Day - United States writer best known for his autobiographical works (1874-1935)
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. twenty-four hours, working day, twenty-four hour period The conference is on for three days.
2. daytime, daylight, broad daylight, waking hours, daylight hours, hours of light, hours of sunlight They sleep during the day.
3. date, particular day What day are you leaving?
4. time, age, era, prime, period, generation, heyday, epoch In my day we treated our elders with more respect.
call it a day (Informal) stop, finish, cease, pack up (informal), leave off, knock off (informal), desist, pack it in (slang), shut up shop, jack it in, chuck it in (informal), give up or over Faced with such opposition, he had no choice but to call it a day.
day after day continually, regularly, relentlessly, persistently, incessantly, nonstop, unremittingly, monotonously, twenty-four-seven (informal), unfalteringly In this job I just do the same thing day after day.
day and night constantly, all the time, continually, nonstop, without stopping, twenty-four-seven (informal) Chantal kept a fire burning day and night.
day by day gradually, slowly, progressively, daily, steadily, bit by bit, little by little, by degrees Day by day, he got weaker.
day in, day out continually, constantly, all the time, relentlessly, incessantly, nonstop, without stopping, unremittingly, twenty-four-seven (informal), unfalteringly He just sits and watches TV day in, day out.
have had its day be obsolete, be dated, be out of date, be old-fashioned, be past its prime I think the spy novel has had its day.
have seen or known better days be worn out, be frayed, be ragged, be shabby, be threadbare, be tatty, be tattered, be the worse for wear a sports jacket that had seen better days
in this day and age nowadays, now, today, these days, at the moment diseases which are unknown in this day and age
make someone's day make someone happy, delight someone, cheer someone up, hearten someone, enliven someone, gladden someone, perk someone up, gee someone up, buck someone up (informal) Seeing you has really made my day.
Related words
adjective diurnal
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. The period during which someone or something exists.Often used in plural:
2. A particular time notable for its distinctive characteristics:
age, epoch, era, period, time (often used in plural).
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
يَوْميَوْم العَمَلزَمَن، عَهْدنَهارنَهَار
denden za dnemdobačasy
dagdøgnperiodetiddag efter dag
dagursólarhringurvinnudagurblómaskeiîdag eftir dag
parasuteikti laimėssvajonėssvajotibaigti šį kartą
darba dienadienadiennaktslaika posmslaiks
dandan za dnevompojutrišnjempredvčerajšnjim
ban ngàyngày


A. N
1. (= 24 hours) → día m
what day is it today?¿qué día es hoy?
he works eight hours a daytrabaja ocho horas al día
twice a daydos veces al día
the day afterel día siguiente
the day after tomorrowpasado mañana
day after daydía tras día
two days agohace dos días
any dayun día cualquiera
any day nowcualquier día de éstos
any old dayel mejor día
the day beforeel día anterior
the day before yesterdayanteayer
the day before his birthdayla víspera de su cumpleaños
two days before Christmasdos días antes de Navidad
day by dayde un día para otro, de día a día (LAm)
every daycada día, todos los días
one fine dayel día menos pensado
on the following dayal día siguiente
for days on enddurante días
from day to dayde día en día
from one day to the nextde un día a otro
to live from day to day or from one day to the nextvivir al día
day in day outun día sí y otro también
you don't look a day olderno pasan por ti los días, no pareces un día más viejo
on the day everything will be all rightpara el día en cuestión todo estará en orden
one dayun día
the other dayel otro día
every other dayun día sí y otro no
some dayun día
(on) that dayaquel día
that day when weaquel día en que nosotros ...
one of these daysun día de éstos
this day next week, this day week (Brit) → (de) hoy en ocho días
50 years ago to the day(hoy) hace exactamente 50 años
he's fifty if he's a daydebe tener cincuenta años mínimo
to carry or win the dayganar la victoria
to give sb his day in courtdar a algn la oportunidad de explicarse
to make sb's day it made my day to see him smileme hizo feliz verlo sonreír
that'll be the day, when he offers to pay!¡él nos invitará cuando las ranas críen pelo!
see also black A6
2. (= daylight hours, working hours) → jornada f
to work an eight-hour daytrabajar una jornada de ocho horas
it's a fine dayhace buen tiempo hoy
to work all daytrabajar todo el día
a day at the seasideun día de playa
to travel by day, travel during the dayviajar de día
paid by the daypagado por día
good day!¡buenos días!
to work day and nighttrabajar día y noche
a day offun día libre
to take a day offdarse un día libre, no presentarse en el trabajo
on a fine/wet dayun día bonito/lluvioso
one summer's dayun día de verano
day of reckoning (fig) → día m de ajustar cuentas
to work daystrabajar de día
it's all in a day's workson gajes del oficio
to call it a day (for good) → darse por vencido, abandonar; (for today) → dejarlo por hoy
let's call it a dayterminemos ya
3. (= period) during the early/final days of the strikedurante los primeros/últimos días de la huelga
it has seen better daysya no vale lo que antes
until my dying dayhasta la muerte
it's early days yettodavía es pronto
the happiest days of your lifelos mejores días de su vida
in those daysen aquellos tiempos
in days to comeen días venideros
in this day and age; in the present dayhoy en día
in my dayen mis tiempos
in Queen Victoria's dayen la época de la reina Victoria
he was famous in his dayfue famoso en sus tiempos
in the good old daysen los viejos tiempos
these dayshoy en día
those were the days, whenesa fue la buena época, cuando ...
to this dayhasta el día de hoy
in his younger daysen su juventud
to have had one's day he's had his daypasó de moda, está acabado
see also dog A1
see also time A1, A5
B. CPD day bed N (US) → meridiana f
day boarder N (Brit) (Scol) → alumno/a m/f de media pensión
day boy N (Brit) (Scol) → externo m
day centre N (Brit) → centro m de día
day girl N (Brit) (Scol) → externa f
day job Ntrabajo m habitual, ocupación f habitual
don't give up the day job! (hum) → ¡sigue en lo tuyo!
Day of Judgement Ndía m del Juicio Final
day labourer, day laborer (US) Njornalero m
day nurse Nenfermero/a m/f de día
day nursery Nguardería f
day release course N (Brit) (Comm, Ind) → curso m de un día a la semana (para trabajadores)
day return (ticket) N (Brit) → billete m de ida y vuelta en el día
day school Ncolegio m sin internado
day shift N (in factory etc) → turno m de día
day trip Nexcursión f (de un día)
to go on a day trip to Londonir un día de excursión or (LAm) de paseo a Londres
day tripper Nexcursionista mf
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈdeɪ] n
(gen)jour m
We stayed in Nice for three days → Nous sommes restés trois jours à Nice.
every day → tous les jours
on the day that ..., the day that ... → le jour où ...
the day that I ..., the day I ... → le jour où je ...
by day → le jour
day by day [change, develop, improve] → jour après jour; [live] → au jour le jour
from day to day → de jour en jour
one day a week → un jour par semaine
these days, in the present day → de nos jours, à l'heure actuelle
to make sb's day → faire plaisir à qn
to save the day → sauver la situation
to win the day → remporter la victoire
to carry the day → remporter la victoire
to lose the day → perdre la bataille
to be all in a day's work → faire partie de la routine
to call it a day (= stop) (on a particular day)s'arrêter pour aujourd'hui
I think it's time we called it a day → Je crois que c'est le moment de s'arrêter pour aujourd'hui.; (for ever)
I want his job when he calls it a day
BUT Je veux son travail quand il décide qu'il est temps de s'arrêter.
day after day adv (= incessantly) → jour après jour
day and night adv (= constantly) → jour et nuit
day in, day out adv (= always) → jour après jour
one day adv (= some time) → un jour
one of these days adv (= some time) → un de ces jours
Some day I hope to meet you → J'espère te rencontrer un de ces jours.
the day before n (= eve) → la veille, le jour précédent
the day before sth → la veille de qch
the day before my birthday → la veille de mon anniversaire; adv (= on the day before) → la veille, le jour précédent
the day after → le lendemain, le jour suivant
the following day nle lendemain, le jour suivant; adv (= on the next day) → le lendemain, le jour suivant
the day before yesterday advavant-hier
He arrived the day before yesterday → Il est arrivé avant-hier.
the day after tomorrow advaprès-demain
We're leaving the day after tomorrow → Nous partons après-demain.
the other day adv (= recently) → l'autre jour
to the day adv (= exactly) → jour pour jour
to this day adv (= still) → encore aujourd'hui
(as duration)journée f
during the day → dans la journée
by the day → à la journée
paid by the day → payé(e) à la journée
to work an 8 hour day → faire une journée de huit heures
all day → toute la journée
I stayed at home all day → Je suis resté à la maison toute la journée.
all day long → toute la journée
(= period of time, age) → époque f, temps m
in this day and age (= in modern times) → de nos jours
to have seen better days → avoir connu des jours meilleurs
to have had its day (= lose popularity) → avoir fait son temps working dayday boy n (at boarding school)externe m
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Tag m; he’s coming in three days’ time or in three dayser kommt in drei Tagen; it will arrive any day nowes muss jeden Tag kommen; what day is it today?welcher Tag ist heute?, was haben wir heute?; what day of the month is it?der Wievielte ist heute?; twice a dayzweimal täglich or am Tag; the day before yesterdayvorgestern; the day after/before, the following/previous dayam Tag danach/zuvor, am (darauf)folgenden/vorhergehenden Tag; the day after tomorrowübermorgen; this day week (Brit inf) → heute in acht Tagen (inf); from that day on(wards)von dem Tag an; from this day forth (old)von diesem Tage an; two years ago to the dayauf den Tag genau vor zwei Jahren; one dayeines Tages; one day we went swimming, and the next …einen Tag gingen wir schwimmen, und den nächsten; one of these daysirgendwann (einmal), eines Tages; day in, day outtagein, tagaus; they went to London for the daysie machten einen Tagesausflug nach London; for days on endtagelang; day after dayTag für Tag, tagtäglich; day by dayjeden Tag, täglich; the other dayneulich; at the end of the day (fig)letzten Endes; to live from day to dayvon einem Tag auf den andern leben; today of all daysausgerechnet heute; some day soondemnächst; I remember it to this daydaran erinnere ich mich noch heute; he’s fifty if he’s a day (esp Brit) → er ist mindestens or wenigstens fünfzig; all dayden ganzen Tag; to travel during the day or by daytagsüber or während des Tages reisen; at that time of dayzu der Tageszeit; to work day and nightTag und Nacht arbeiten; good day!guten Tag!; (= goodbye)auf Wiedersehen!; (the) day is done (liter)der Tag ist vorüber; to be paid by the daytageweise bezahlt werden; let’s call it a daymachen wir Schluss; some time during the dayirgendwann im Laufe des Tages; to have a nice dayeinen schönen Tag verbringen; to have a lazy dayeinen Tag faulenzen; have a nice day!viel Spaß!; (esp US, said by storekeeper etc) → schönen Tag noch!; did you have a nice day?wars schön?; did you have a good day at the office?wie wars im Büro?; to have a good/bad dayeinen guten/schlechten Tag haben; what a day! (terrible) → so ein fürchterlicher Tag!; (lovely) → so ein herrlicher Tag!; on a wet/dry dayan einem regnerischen/trockenen Tag; to work an eight-hour dayeinen Achtstundentag haben, acht Stunden am Tag arbeiten; it’s all in the or a day’s work!das ist (doch) selbstverständlich; that’ll be the daydas möcht ich sehen or erleben ? make 1 g
(period of time: often pl) these daysheute, heutzutage; what are you doing these days?was machst or treibst du denn so?; in this day and ageheutzutage; the talking point of the daydas Tagesgespräch; in days to comekünftig, in künftigen Zeiten or Tagen (geh); from his young daysvon Kindesbeinen or frühester Jugend an; in his younger daysals er noch jünger war; in Queen Victoria’s day, in the days of Queen Victoriazu Königin Viktorias Zeiten; the happiest days of my lifedie glücklichste Zeit meines Lebens; those were the daysdas waren noch Zeiten; in the old daysfrüher; in the good old daysin der guten alten Zeit; it’s early days yetes ist noch zu früh; during the early days of the warin den ersten Kriegstagen; he/this material has seen better dayser/dieser Stoff hat (auch) schon bessere Zeiten or Tage gesehen; to end one’s days in miseryim Elend sterben
(with poss adj: = lifetime, best time) famous in her dayin ihrer Zeit berühmt; it has had its daydas hat seine Glanzzeit überschritten; his day will comesein Tag wird kommen; everything has its dayfür alles kommt einmal die richtige Zeit
no pl (= contest, battle) to win or carry the dayden Sieg bringen; to lose/save the dayden Kampf verlieren/retten


day bed
nRuhebett nt
day boarder
n (Brit Sch) → Externe(r) mf
n (Comm) → Journal nt, → Tagebuch nt
day boy
n (Sch) → Externe(r) m
nTagesanbruch m; at daybei Tagesanbruch
n to be in day (child)in einer Tagesstätte untergebracht sein; (old person)in einer Altentagesstätte untergebracht sein
day(care) centre, (US) day(care) center
n (for children) → Tagesstätte f; (for old people) → Altentagesstätte f
day coach
n (US) → (Eisenbahn)personenwagen m
nTagtraum m, → Träumerei f
vi(mit offenen Augen) träumen
day excursion
nTagesausflug m
day girl
n (Sch) → Externe f
day hospital
nTagesklinik f
day job
nHauptberuf m; don’t give up the day (hum)häng deinen Beruf nicht gleich an den Nagel (inf)
day labourer, (US) day laborer
nTagelöhner(in) m(f)


adjden ganzen Tag dauernd
day nurse
nTagesschwester f
day nursery
nKindertagesstätte f; (in private house) → Kinderzimmer nt
adj babyeinen Tag alt; strike, ceasefireseit einem Tag andauernd; food, newspapervom Vortag
day pupil
n (Sch) → Externe(r) mf
nTagessatz m
day release
n (Brit) tageweise Freistellung von Angestellten zur Weiterbildung
day release course
n (Brit) → Tageskurs mfür Berufstätige
day return (ticket)
n (Brit Rail) → Tagesrückfahrkarte f


day school
nTagesschule f
day shift
nTagschicht f; to be on or work dayTagschicht arbeiten
day spa
nDay Spa nt, Hotel etc, das eintägige Wellnessprogramme anbietet
day ticket
n (Brit Rail) → Tagesrückfahrkarte f


adjtäglich; occurrencealltäglich; on a day basistageweise
day trader
n (St Ex) → Tagesspekulant(in) m(f), → Daytrader(in) m(f)
day trading
n (St Ex) → Tagesspekulation f, → Daytrading nt
day trip
nTagesausflug m
nTagesausflügler(in) m(f)
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[deɪ] n
a. (24 hours) → giorno
what day is it today? → che giorno è oggi?
2 days ago → 2 giorni fa
one day → un giorno
(on) the day that ... → il giorno che or in cui...
(on) that day → quel giorno
the day before → il giorno avanti or prima
the day before yesterday → l'altroieri
the day before his birthday → la vigilia del suo compleanno
the day after → il giorno dopo
the following day → il giorno seguente
the day after tomorrow → dopodomani
her mother died 3 years ago to the day → oggi sono 3 anni che è morta sua madre
he works 8 hours a day → lavora 8 ore al giorno
any day now → da un giorno all'altro
every day → ogni giorno
every other day → un giorno sì e uno no, ogni due giorni
twice a day → due volte al giorno
one of these days → uno di questi giorni, un giorno o l'altro
the other day → l'altro giorno
from one day to the next → da un giorno all'altro
day after day → giorno dopo giorno
day in day out → un giorno dopo l'altro, tutti i santi giorni
for days on end → per giorni e giorni
day by day → giorno per giorno
to live from day to day or from one day to the next → vivere alla giornata
it made my day to see him smile (fam) → mi ha fatto veramente felice vederlo sorridere
he's fifty if he's a day! (fam) → cinquant'anni li ha di sicuro!
that'll be the day, when he offers to pay! (fam) → figuriamoci se offre di pagare!
b. (daylight hours) → giorno, giornata; (working hours) → giornata
by day → di giorno
to travel by day or during the day → viaggiare di giorno or durante il giorno
to work all day → lavorare tutto il giorno
to work day and night → lavorare giorno e notte
it's a fine day → è una bella giornata
to arrive on a fine/wet day → arrivare col bel tempo/con la pioggia
one summer's day → un giorno d'estate
a day off → un giorno libero
to work an 8-hour day → avere una giornata lavorativa di 8 ore
it's all in a day's work → fa parte del mestiere
paid by the day → pagato/a a giornata
to work days → fare il turno di giorno
c. (period of time, age) → tempo, tempi mpl, epoca
in this day and age → ai nostri tempi
these days → di questi tempi, oggigiorno
to this day ... → ancor oggi...
in days to come → in futuro
in those days → a quei tempi, a quell'epoca
in the days when ... → all'epoca in cui...
in Queen Victoria's day → ai tempi della regina Vittoria
he was famous in his day → ai suoi tempi era famoso
in his younger days → quand'era (più) giovane
in the good old days → ai bei tempi
the happiest days of one's life → il periodo più felice della propria vita
during the early days of the strike → nelle prime fasi dello sciopero
it's had its day → ha fatto il suo tempo
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(dei) noun
1. the period from sunrise to sunset. She worked all day; The days are warm but the nights are cold.
2. a part of this period eg that part spent at work. How long is your working day?; The school day ends at 3 o'clock; I see him every day.
3. the period of twenty-four hours from one midnight to the next. How many days are in the month of September?
4. (often in plural) the period of, or of the greatest activity, influence, strength etc of (something or someone). in my grandfather's day; in the days of steam-power.
ˈdaybreak noun
dawn; the first appearance of light. We left at daybreak.
ˈday-dream noun
a dreaming or imagining of pleasant events; the making of unreal plans etc while awake.
She often day-dreams.
ˈdaylight noun
1. (also adjective) (of) the light given by the sun. daylight hours.
2. dawn. To get there on time we must leave before daylight.
day school
a school whose pupils attend only during the day and live at home.
ˈdaytime noun
the time when it is day.
call it a day
to bring (something) to an end; to stop (eg working). I'm so tired that I'll have to call it a day.
day by day
every day. He's getting better day by day.
day in, day outinmake someone's day
to make someone very happy. That baby's smile made my day.
one day
1. at some time in the future. He hopes to go to America one day.
2. on a day in the past. I saw him one day last week.
some day
at some time in the future. She hopes to get married some day.
the other day
not long ago. I saw Mr Smith the other day.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


نَهَار, يَوْم den dag Tag ημέρα día päivä jour dan giorno 一日, 日, 하루 dag dag dzień dia световой день, сутки dag กลางวัน, วัน gün, gündüz ban ngày, ngày 白天
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. día,
all ___todo el ___;
by ___por el ___, de ___;
___ after tomorrowpasado mañana;
___ before yesterdayanteayer;
___ in ___ out___ tras ___;
each ___cada ___;
every ___todos los ___ -s;
every other ___un ___ sí y un ___ no;
three times a ___tres veces al ___;
twice a ___dos veces al ___.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n día m; every — todos los días; every other — en días alternos, cada dos días; the — after el día siguiente; the — after tomorrow pasado mañana; the — before el día anterior; the — before yesterday anteayer; the following — el día siguiente
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Year in and year out, not a day's rest, and never a Sunday with my wife and children; and never able to go to a place of worship, which I had always been used to do before I took to the driving box.
This meant longer hours of travel, and Daylight, for good measure and for a margin against accidents, hit the trail for twelve hours a day. Since three hours were consumed by making camp at night and cooking beans, by getting breakfast in the morning and breaking camp, and by thawing beans at the midday halt, nine hours were left for sleep and recuperation, and neither men nor dogs wasted many minutes of those nine hours.
The reader will remember that at five minutes past eight in the evening-- about five and twenty hours after the arrival of the travellers in London-- Passepartout had been sent by his master to engage the services of the Reverend Samuel Wilson in a certain marriage ceremony, which was to take place the next day.
There was no chance, I was glad to think, as we set out on Sunday afternoon, of meeting Eric at the Hall, as he had returned to town the day after his engagement was announced.
The participants in it, instead of freighting an ungainly steam ferry--boat with youth and beauty and pies and doughnuts, and paddling up some obscure creek to disembark upon a grassy lawn and wear themselves out with a long summer day's laborious frolicking under the impression that it was fun, were to sail away in a great steamship with flags flying and cannon pealing, and take a royal holiday beyond the broad ocean in many a strange clime and in many a land renowned in history!
Show them to the sun ten days and ten nights: then cover them over for five, and on the sixth day draw off into vessels the gifts of joyful Dionysus.
Very often they spent the day in hunting together, but after a while the wife found that she had so many things to do that she was obliged to stay at home; so he went alone, though he found that when his wife was not with him he never had any luck.
For twenty-eight miles that they travelled this day, they found it impossible to get down to the margin of the stream.
Most of the memorable events I have myself been exercised in; and, for the satisfaction of the public, will briefly relate the circumstances of my adventures, and scenes of life, from my first movement to this country until this day.
One day I was listening to some conversation upon this subject when an American student said that for some time he had been under sentence for a slight breach of the peace and had promised the constable that he would presently find an unoccupied day and betake himself to prison.
If news was received one day that the enemy had been in a certain position the day before, by the third day when something could have been done, that army was already two days' march farther on and in quite another position.
The number allotted to my stepfather was "18." At the close of the day's work the boss of the packers would come around and put "18" on each of our barrels, and I soon learned to recognize that figure wherever I saw it, and after a while got to the point where I could make that figure, though I knew nothing about any other figures or letters.