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League of Legends Wiki

For the Teamfight Tactics icon Teamfight Tactics patch, see V14.10 (Teamfight Tactics).

New Cosmetics[]

The following Champion skins have been added to the store:

The following Champion skin will be distributed to players in any ranked queue:

  • Victorious Kog'Maw Victorious Kog'Maw
    Chromaskins Chromas: Bronze, Challenger, Diamond, Emerald, Gold, Grandmaster, Master, Platinum, Silver

The following Chroma sets have been added to the store:

  • Faerie Court Lillia Faerie Court Lillia
    Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite
  • Faerie Court Lux Faerie Court Lux
    Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Emerald, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite, Turquoise
  • Faerie Court Soraka Faerie Court Soraka
    Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Tanzanite, Turquoise
  • Faerie Court Tristana Faerie Court Tristana
    Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite, Turquoise

The following Summoner icons have been added to store:

The following Emotes have been added to the store:

League of Legends V14.10[]


  • Adapt to All Situations (Arena)
    • Reduced the number of champions required to score first place with in order to complete this challenge's progress track to 60 from all champions.
Champion Mastery Update[1]
  • General
    • Removed: Earn a mastery chest for achieving an S- or higher grade, up to 4 per week, with a refill period of 7 days. One chest becomes available per champion per split.
    • Removed: Earn Mastery Tokens toward Mastery levels 6 and 7 (up to two and three, respectively), which are combined with Blue Essence BE Blue Essence in order to achieve Mastery 6 then 7 on the champion.
    • Removed: If a player in your premade party earns a grade that is eligible for a mastery chest, gain the reward as well for your own champion, by proxy (if available).
    • Removed: Mastery titles according to the champion's class.
    • Updated the visuals and theme of mastery crests.
  • Levels:
    • Mastery levels and score are now fully uncapped.
    • Updated Mastery crests for levels 1–7.
    • New Mastery crests for levels 8–10.
    • Levels above 10 appear as numerals on a plate over the level 10 crest.
    • Levels 1–4 are achieved by simply accumulating the required Mastery Point threshold for a level. For levels 5–9, one Mark of Mastery is additionally required in order to level up, and for levels 10+ two Marks of Mastery are required.
      • Leveling up takes place automatically.
      • Mastery points continue to accumulate after achieving a level threshold, regardless of current level or whether the player has earned the Marks of Mastery required to level up.
    • Upon reaching Mastery level 10, permanently unlock the champion's title for use as profile title.
    • New Mastery Point (MP) thresholds:
      • Level 0: Unplayed
      • Level 1: Play 1 game with the champion
      • Level 2: 1,800 MP (1,800 total)
      • Level 3: 4,200 MP (6,000 total)
      • Level 4: 6,600 MP (12,600 total)
      • Level 5: 9,000 MP (21,600 total)
      • Level 6: 10,000 MP (31,600 total)
      • Level 7: 11,000 MP (42,600 total)
      • Level 8: 11,000 MP (53,600 total)
      • Level 9: 11,000 MP (64,600 total)
      • Level 10 and above: 11,000 MP each
    • For now, the in-game kill announcement banners and the death recap showcase banners have three separate tiers: Mastery level 4, levels 5–9, and level 10. In those two places specifically, not every single visible level (4 and above) is currently visualized, while levels above 10 are not displayed at all.
  • Mastery Milestones:
    • New: A separate Mastery tab has been added under each champion's overview, which showcases the champion's Mastery crest and points, as well as tracks Mastery Milestone progress.
    • Mastery progress is now awarded with Marks of Mastery.
      • They function as the primary Mastery reward for performing well on a certain champion.
      • One Mark of Mastery is required in order to upgrade that champion's Mastery to levels 5–9, and two for levels 10 and beyond.
    • Complete a mastery milestone by finishing a certain number of games with a certain champion where at least a specific grade is earned.
      • Only the highest-rank category available is completed per finished game.
    • Enhance the champion's Mastery crest through milestone rewards.
    • Each milestone will require earning higher grades.
    • Hextech Chest rewards are earned per-champion:
      • (First type) Earn up to 6, for the first milestone that rewards a Hextech Chest.
      • (Second type) Earn up to 25, for the second milestone that rewards a Hextech Chest.
      Milestone I
      • Requirements: One game of B- and higher; four games of C- and higher.
      • Rewards: 1 Hextech Chest (first type), 1 Mark of Mastery.
      Milestone II
      • Requirements: One game of A- and higher; four games of C- and higher.
      • Rewards: 1 Mark of Mastery.
      Milestone III
      • Requirements: One game of S- and higher; four games of C- and higher.
      • Rewards: 1 Hextech Chest (second type), 2 Marks of Mastery.
      Milestone IV
      • Requirements: One game of S- and higher; four games of C- and higher.
      • Rewards: Crest Aurora highlighting, 2 Marks of Mastery.
      Bonus Milestone, infinitely repeating
      • Requirements: Seven games of S- and higher.
      • Rewards: 1 Mark of Mastery.
    • At the start of each split, the Mastery Milestone progress track for each champion resets, which includes both the crest upgrades and the available rewards.
      • Milestones can only be achieved by playing modes where scoring is enabled.
  • Mastery Sets:
    • New: A panel for tracking the current Mastery Set and its progress has been added at the top of the player's Collection -> Champions tab.
    • An assortment of ten champions total which the player may be interested in playing and progressing Mastery Milestones on, is curated by Riot:
      • Three of the most played champions both in the recent ranked split and/or across the life-time of the player's account.
      • Four champions that strictly match the player's role/class preferences.
      • Three champions that are loosely related in play style to the player's preferred champions.
    • The current Mastery Set is shown at the top of the Collection -> Champions menu.
    • Completing milestones for champions in a Mastery Set will grant rewards specific to Mastery Sets:
      • At 12 completed Milestones, earn a Superior Mastery Chest. Its loot pool is identical to a regular Masterwork Chest, but opening it does not count toward the Masterwork Chest progress track.
      • At 24 and 40 completed Milestones, earn a raw amount of Blue Essence BE Blue Essence.
    • At the start of each split, Mastery Set progress resets and the Set is swapped with a new one.
Legends of Runeterra Portal
  • A navigation button for Legends of Runeterra icon Legends of Runeterra has been added next to the TFT button at the top left, which allows players to launch LoR from within the League Client.
    • Note that the game client for Legends of Runeterra is entirely separate from LoL and TFT. The game may normally be launched through the Riot Client.
Mythic Shop Rotation
  • The Profile navigation button at the top bar has been removed, and the customization menu no longer opens when clicking on the player banner in the social panel (top right).
    • Clicking on the player banner (top right) now opens the Profile screen.
    • The customization menu is now only accessible by clicking on the player banner within the Overview tab of the Profile screen.
  • Season 2024 Split 1 ends on May 14, 2024 (23:59:59 local server time, varies by region).
  • Season 2024 Split 2 kicks off on May 15, 2024 (12:00:00 local server time, varies by region).
  • The maximum possible rank that can be earned after finishing provisionals is now Diamond III instead of Emerald I.
  • LP now rolls over upon demoting out of a division. The LP deduction beyond 0 LP is no longer discarded, and the player no longer loses a set 50 LP for demotion between divisions.
    • As a result, all LP gains and losses within divisions and between Apex tiers are now entirely fluid.
  • Upon demoting out of a tier, the player may now lose 25, 50, or 75 LP, depending on their MMR.
    • Lose 75 LP (LP is set to 25) if your MMR is significantly lower than the visible rank's rating; lose 25 LP (LP is set to 75) if your MMR is significantly higher than the visible rank's rating; lose 50 LP in all other cases.
  • Re-added the ability to duo-queue in Masters MMR for all regions except the KR and all CN shards.
  • Similarly to previous splits, apex MMR duo restrictions are lifted for the duration of this patch cycle, 14.10. They will be re-enabled at the launch of the next patch, 14.11.


  • The penalty/addition per positive kill bounty tier has been reduced at certain tiers, and normalized to 100 Gold 100 per tier. The following lists the new kill bounties at each positive tier:
    • +2: 400 Gold 400 from 450 Gold 450
    • +3: 500 Gold 500 from 600 Gold 600
    • +4: 600 Gold 600 from 700 Gold 700
    • +5: 700 Gold 700 from 800 Gold 800
    • +6: 800 Gold 800 from 900 Gold 900
    • +7: 900 Gold 900 from 1000 Gold 1000
    • +8: 1000 Gold 1000
    • Positive bounty is still capped at 1000 Gold 1000.
    • 100 Gold 100 addition per kill beyond the 8th instead of the 7th.
  • The penalty/deduction per negative kill bounty tier has been increased to 25% from 20%. The following lists the new kill bounties at each negative tier:
    • -1: 267 Gold 267 from 274 Gold 274
    • -2: 200 200.25 from 220 Gold 220
    • -3: 150 150.1875 from 176 Gold 176
    • -4: 112 112.640625 from 140 Gold 140
    • -5: 100 Gold 100 from 112 Gold 112
    • -6: 100 Gold 100
    • Negative bounty is still capped at 100 Gold 100.
  • The CS bounty accrued beyond the first 300 Gold 300 difference has been reduced to 50 Gold 50 per 250 Gold 250 advantage from 50 Gold 50 per 200 Gold 200 advantage.
  • All champion clones now indicate CLONE in their name.
  • Minion shared XP multiplier increased to 124% from 116%.
    • Minion solo XP unchanged at 95%.
  • Shared champion kill XP reduced to 66.6 / 82 / 90% (based on your level) from 66.6 / 82 / 100% (based on your level).
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an inconsistency for XP sharing with five teammates which resulted from an out-of-bounds value in the formula.
  • New: XP sharing now has values for sharing across 6 players.
  • Heal and shield power is now tracked as a statistic within the extended player information panel. Since the panel has not been expanded, heal and shield power has taken the spot from resource regeneration.
  • Health regeneration and resource regeneration are now consolidated into one "regeneration" tooltip within the extended player information panel. The displayed format is Health regen. | Resource regen.


Ahri Ahri
  • Star Guardian Ahri Star Guardian Ahri
    • Bug Fix: Champion model no longer disappears after dying and reviving.
Alistar Alistar
  • Headbutt Headbutt
    • Bug Fix: Hitbox is no longer extended when impacting an enemy at close range.
Ashe Ashe
Azir Azir
Cassiopeia Cassiopeia
Cho'Gath Cho'Gath
  • Vorpal Spikes Vorpal Spikes
    • Removed: Health ratio damage is no longer capped against minions.
    • Monster damage cap increased to 200 at all ranks from 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140.
Corki Corki - Gameplay Update
  • Stats
    • Base health reduced to 610 from 640.
    • Health growth reduced to 100 from 103.
    • Mana regeneration growth increased to 0.7 from 0.55
    • Base attack damage reduced to 55 from 61.
    • Base attack speed increased to 0.644 from 0.638.
    • Attack speed ratio increased to 0.644 from 0.638.
    • Attack windup increased to 11.6% from 10%.
    • Base armor increased to 30 from 28.
    • Armor growth reduced to 4.5 from 4.7.
    • Acquisition radius increased to 550 units from 500.
  • General
    • Basic attacks re-timed to launch the attack at a more appropriate frame of his attack animation. Basic attacks come out slightly more slowly.
  • Hextech Munitions Hextech Munitions
    • Removed: Corki's basic attacks are no longer modified to deal 80% AD magic damage and 20% AD physical damage.
    • New Effect: Corki's basic attacks and Sheen item Spellblade effects now deal 15% bonus true damage.
  • The Package The Package - Removed Innate
    • Removed: After 10:00, The Package The Package is delivered to both corners of the allied fountain, which can be selected by Corki to pick up after channeling for 1 second. Upon completion of the channel, Corki gains one cast of Special Delivery Special Delivery for 45 seconds, replacing Valkyrie Valkyrie for the duration. While holding the The Package The Package, Corki gains Movement speed icon 40% bonus movement speed out of combat and ghosting. Corki cannot start the channel to pick up The Package while he is unable to cast abilities.
    • Removed Ability - Special Delivery Special Delivery:
      • Active: Corki dashes with displacement immunity to the target location, knocking aside all enemies in his path 500 units and leaving behind a trail of fire for 5 seconds, which grants sight of the area for its duration and for 3 seconds afterwards. Casting Special Delivery instantly resets Valkyrie's Valkyrie's cooldown.
      • Enemies hit by Corki's dash or within the trail are burned and slowed by 90% for 2 seconds, refreshing every 0.25 seconds while inside the area. The burn deals 7.5 − 25 (based on level) (+ 50% bonus AD) (+ 6% AP) magic damage every 0.25 seconds.
  • Phosphorus Bomb Phosphorus Bomb
    • Cooldown changed to 9 / 8.5 / 8 / 7.5 / 7 seconds from 8 at all ranks.
    • Mana cost reduced to 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.
    • Missile speed increased to 1100 from 1000.
    • Minimum travel time reduced to 0.227 seconds from 0.25.
    • Base damage reduced to 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 from 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255.
    • Bonus AD ratio increased to 120% bonus AD from 70%.
    • AP ratio increased to 70% AP from 50% AP.
  • Valkyrie Valkyrie
    • Mana cost increased to 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100 from 80 at all ranks.
    • Tick rate changed to 0.5 seconds from 0.25.
    • Removed: Enemies can no longer take damage from multiple zones.
    • New Effect: Now has a minimum dash range of 300.
    • New Effect: Damage over time now lingers for 1 second after the target leaves the zone.
    • Particle effects have been scaled up to match the damage radius.
    • Damage particles have been made less spammy.
  • Gatling Gun Gatling Gun
    • Cooldown reduced to 12 seconds from 16.
    • Mana cost increased to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 50 at all ranks.
    • Damage type changed to physical from 50% physical and 50% magic.
    • Base damage per tick reduced to 6.25 / 9.375 / 12.5 / 15.625 / 18.75 from 7.5 / 10.625 / 13.75 / 16.875 / 20.
      • Maximum base damage reduced to 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 from 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 / 320.
    • Bonus AD ratio per tick reduced to 12.5% bonus AD from 15%.
      • Maximum bonus AD ratio reduced to 200% bonus AD from 240% bonus AD.
    • Maximum number of stacks reduced to 4 from 8.
    • Resistance reduction per stack increased to 3 / 3.75 / 4.5 / 5.25 / 6 from 1 / 1.375 / 1.75 / 2.125 / 2.5.
      • Maximum resistance reduction increased to 12 / 15 / 18 / 21 / 24 from 8 / 11 / 14 / 17 / 20.
  • Missile Barrage Missile Barrage
    • Recharge timer increased to 20 seconds at all ranks from 12 / 11 / 10.
    • Mana cost increased to 35 from 20.
    • Maximum ammo reduced to 4 from 7.
    • Damage type changed to physical from magic.
    • Stock upon learning the ability increased to 2 from 1.
    • New Effect: Basic attacks on-hit against champions refund 2 − 4 (based on critical strike chance) seconds of recharge time.
    • Base damage increased to 80 / 180 / 280 from 80 / 115 / 150.
      • Big One base damage increased to 160 / 360 / 560 from 160 / 230 / 300.
    • AD ratio changed to 70% bonus AD from 25 / 50 / 75% total AD.
      • Big One AD ratio changed to 140% bonus AD from 50 / 100 / 150% total AD.
    • Removed: No longer scales with 12% AP, increased to 24% AP for the Big One.
Gangplank Gangplank
  • Powder Keg Powder Keg
    • Bug Fix: Phantom barrel chaining is once again possible.
Hwei Hwei
  • Wash Brush Wash Brush
    • Bug Fix: After the Hwei player disconnects, no longer locks Hwei in a permanent state of having no abilities due to activating one of his subjects but not using an ability before disconnecting.
Jarvan IV Jarvan IV
Jax Jax
  • Grandmaster-At-Arms Grandmaster-At-Arms
    • Bug Fix: Cast indicator now matches with the correct range of 375.
    • Bug Fix: Ability power and attack damage from conversions and adaptive force is now properly included in the ratio calculations.
K'Sante K'Sante
  • Stats
    • Health growth increased to 120 from 115.
    • Health regeneration growth increased to 1 from 0.85.
  • Footwork Footwork
    • Base shield increased to 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 from 50 / 90 / 130 / 170 / 210.
Kassadin Kassadin
Katarina Katarina
  • Death Lotus Death Lotus
    • Bug Fix: No longer goes on cooldown without effect after being used, performing the intended channel and animation and throwing missiles but dealing no damage, if used after becoming affected by an immobilizing debuff without inputting a movement command first or within the first frame of the debuff expiring.
Kindred Kindred
  • General
    • Bug Fix: Restored idle VO quotes.
Lee Sin Lee Sin
  • Dragon's Rage Dragon's Rage
    • Bug Fix: No longer repeats its damage on every frame that the missile collides with another enemy unit which has crowd control immunity.
Lux Lux
  • General
    • Bug Fix: Restored Recall Recall} winddown animation for all skins.
    • Bug Fix: Restored Respawn animation for all skins.
Nidalee Nidalee
  • General
    • Updated visual effects.
  • Javelin Toss Javelin Toss
    • Added particles and coloring that increase in intensity by the missile's traveled distance.
  • Pounce Pounce
    • Added ground VFX for the damage area of effect.
Rakan Rakan
  • Star Guardian Rakan Star Guardian Rakan
    • Bug Fix: Certain VO quotes that did not play can now once again properly be triggered by their events.
Sett Sett
  • Facebreaker Facebreaker
    • New Effect: Now deals 100 bonus damage to monsters.
Shyvana Shyvana
  • Twin Bite Twin Bite
    • Bug Fix: No longer sometimes counts as one attack instead of two for specific effects.
Sion Sion
Skarner Skarner
  • General
    • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue that caused the base skin's taunt emote to play the SFX from a different skin in the Russian localization.
  • Shattered Earth Shattered Earth
    • Mana cost reduced to 30 at all ranks from 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50.
    • Health ratio per hit reduced to 4% bonus health from 5%.
    • Monster percent health damage cap reduced to 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 / 350 from 150 / 225 / 300 / 375 / 450.
    • Structure damage increased to 100% from 50%.
  • Upheaval Upheaval
    • Health ratio reduced to 4% bonus health from 5%.
    • Monster percent health damage damage cap reduced to 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 / 350 from 150 / 225 / 300 / 375 / 450.
    • Structure damage increased to 100% from 50%.
  • Ixtal's Impact Ixtal's Impact
    • Health ratio reduced to 8% of his maximum health from 10%.
  • Impale Impale
    • Cast time reduced to 0.65 seconds from 0.75.
    • Removed: No longer grants Unstoppable icon displacement immunity during the cast time.
    • New Effect: Other abilities can now be buffered during the lockout.
    • Bug Fix: Mark Mark / Dash Dash can no longer be cast during the ability.
    • Bug Fix: No longer unintentionally repeatedly displaces Urgot Urgot and Skarner in the direction of Mercy Mercy and over large distances, if Mercy is cast while Urgot Urgot simultaneously becomes affected by Impale.
      • Both users will now stay at their original location.
Sylas Sylas
  • Hijack Hijack
    • Bug Fix: No longer keeps stolen abilities if their hold timer ends during the windup or cast of Empowered Recall Empowered Recall.
Tryndamere Tryndamere
  • Battle Fury Battle Fury
    • Critical strike chance increased to 0% − 50% (based on Fury) from 0% − 40% (based on Fury).
Urgot Urgot
  • Purge Purge
    • Removed: No longer applies spell effects.
  • Fear Beyond Death Fear Beyond Death
    • Bug Fix: No longer unintentionally repeatedly displaces Urgot and Skarner Skarner in the direction of Mercy Mercy and over large distances, if Mercy is cast while Urgot simultaneously becomes affected by Skarner's Skarner's Impale Impale.
      • Both users will now stay at their original location.
Vi Vi
  • Vault Breaker Vault Breaker
    • Bug Fix: Charge VFX on her model no longer sometimes disappears.
Viego Viego
Volibear Volibear
  • Thundering Smash Thundering Smash
    • Removed: The empowered attack is no longer able to make Volibear dash over thin enough walls if his target on the other side is within his attack range.
Yasuo Yasuo
  • Way of the Wanderer Way of the Wanderer
    • Critical strike chance multiplier reduced to 2 from 2.5.
    • Bonus attack damage per excess critical strike chance increased to 0.5 from 0.4.
Yone Yone
  • Way of the Hunter Way of the Hunter
    • Critical strike chance multiplier reduced to 2 from 2.5.
    • Bonus attack damage per excess critical strike chance increased to 0.5 from 0.4.


Abyssal Mask Abyssal Mask
  • Total cost reduced to 2300 Gold 2300 from 2400 Gold 2400.
    • Combine cost reduced to 600 Gold 600 from 700 Gold 700.
  • Magic resistance reduced to 50 from 60.
  • Unmake radius increased to 600 from 550.
  • Unmake magic resistance reduction changed to 20% from 5 (+ 1.2% of user's bonus health), capped at a reduction of 25.
  • Unmake bonus magic resistance per enemy increased to 10 from 9.
  • Now limits the user to 1 Blight item.
Amplifying Tome Amplifying Tome
Anathema's Chains Anathema's Chains - Removed
  • Removed from Summoner's Rift and Howling Abyss.
B. F B. F. Sword
Bami's Cinder Bami's Cinder
Bandleglass Mirror Bandleglass Mirror
Banshee's Veil Banshee's Veil
  • Combine cost increased to 250 Gold 250 from 150 Gold 150.
    • Total cost unchanged.
Berserker's Greaves Berserker's Greaves
Black Cleaver Black Cleaver
  • Carve armor reduction per stack increased to 6% from 5%.
    • Carve maximum armor reduction increased to 30% from 25%.
Blackfire Torch Blackfire Torch - Re-added
  • Updated icon.
  • Recipe: Lost Chapter Lost Chapter + Fated Ashes Fated Ashes + 700 Gold 700 = 2800 Gold 2800.
  • Stats: 90 ability power, 25 ability haste, 600 mana.
  • Unique Passive - Baleful Blaze: Dealing ability damage burns enemies, causing them to take 10 magic damage (+ 2% AP) every 0.5 seconds over 3 seconds, for a total of 60 (+ 12% AP). Against monsters, the burn deals 10 bonus magic damage per tick, dealing a total of 20 magic damage (+ 2% AP) per tick for up to 120 (+ 12% AP).
  • Unique Passive - Blackfire: For each champion, epic monster, and large monster afflicted with Baleful Blaze's burn, increase your ability power by 4%.
  • Caption: "The Black Mist needs a flame of equal pitch."
  • Limited to 1 Blackfire Torch.
Blade of the Ruined King Blade of the Ruined King
  • Attack damage increased to 55 from 40.
  • Attack speed increased to 30% from 25%.
  • Life steal increased to 10% from 8%.
  • Mist's Edge damage reduced to (Melee role 9% / Ranged role 6%) of target's current health from (Melee role 12% / Ranged role 9%).
  • Mist's Edge monster damage cap increased to 100 from 60.
  • Unique Passive - Clawing Shadows:
    • New Effect: Basic attacks on-hit against enemy champions apply a stack for 6 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. The third stack consumes them all to slow the target by 30% for 1 second (15 second cooldown).
    • Old Effect: Your next basic attack on-hit against an enemy champion is empowered to slow them by (Melee role 30% / Ranged role 15%) for 1 second (15 second cooldown).
Blasting Wand Blasting Wand
Bloodthirster Bloodthirster
  • New:
    • Recipe: B. F B. F. Sword + Pickaxe Pickaxe + Vampiric Scepter Vampiric Scepter + 325 Gold 325 = 3400 Gold 3400.
    • Stats: 80 attack damage, 18% life steal.
    • Unique Passive - Ichorshield: Convert excess healing from Life steal icon life steal into a shield for up to 50 − 400 (based on level).
    • Limited to 1 Bloodthirster.
  • Old:
    • Recipe: B. F B. F. Sword + Cloak of Agility Cloak of Agility + Vampiric Scepter Vampiric Scepter + 600 Gold 600 = 3400 Gold 3400.
    • Stats: 55 attack damage, 20% critical strike chance, 18% life steal.
    • Unique Passive - Engorge: While above 70% maximum health, gain 10 − 40 (based on level) bonus attack damage.
    • Limited to 1 Bloodthirster.
Boots Boots
Caulfield's Warhammer Caulfield's Warhammer
Cloak of Agility Cloak of Agility
Cloth Armor Cloth Armor
Corrupting Potion Corrupting Potion - Removed
  • Removed from the game.
Dagger Dagger
Dawncore Dawncore
  • New:
    • Recipe: Blasting Wand Blasting Wand + Forbidden Idol Forbidden Idol + Forbidden Idol Forbidden Idol + 250 Gold 250 = 2700 Gold 2700.
    • Stats: 60 ability power, 100% base mana regeneration, 16% heal and shield power.
    • Unique Passive - First Light: Gain 2% heal and shield power and 10 ability power for every additional 100% base mana regeneration.
    • Caption: "All the power in the world came from the stars—or so it is said."
    • Daybreak Daybreak stats: 70 ability power, 250% base mana regeneration, 16% heal and shield power.
    • Limited to 1 Dawncore.
  • Old:
    • Recipe: Bandleglass Mirror Bandleglass Mirror + Bandleglass Mirror Bandleglass Mirror + 700 Gold 700 = 2700 Gold 2700.
    • Stats: 40 ability power, 20 ability haste, 150% base mana regeneration.
    • Unique Passive - First Light: Gain 3% heal and shield power and 5 ability power for every additional 100% base mana regeneration.
    • Unique Passive - Radiance: Gain 18 summoner spell haste.
    • Caption: "All the power in the world came from the stars—or so it is said."
    • Daybreak Daybreak stats: 60 ability power, 30 ability haste, 225% base mana regeneration.
    • Limited to 1 Dawncore.
Echoes of Helia Echoes of Helia
  • Soul Siphon maximum shards reduced to 2 from 3.
  • Soul Siphon healing per shard increased to 75 from 40.
    • Maximum healing increased to 150 from 120.
  • Soul Siphon damage per shard increased to 60 from 45.
    • Maximum damage reduced to 120 from 135.
  • Bug Fix: Soul Siphon's damage is now mitigated by spell shields before the missile consumes them.
Essence Reaver Essence Reaver
  • New:
    • Recipe: B. F B. F. Sword + Caulfield's Warhammer Caulfield's Warhammer + Cloak of Agility Cloak of Agility + 200 Gold 200 = 3200 Gold 3200.
    • Stats: 65 attack damage, 25 ability haste, 25% critical strike chance.
    • Unique Passive - Essence Drain: Basic attacks on-hit restore 15 (+ 10% bonus AD) mana.
    • Limited to 1 Essence Reaver.
  • Old:
    • Recipe: Sheen Sheen + Caulfield's Warhammer Caulfield's Warhammer + Cloak of Agility Cloak of Agility + 300 Gold 300 = 2900 Gold 2900.
    • Stats: 60 attack damage, 20 ability haste, 20% critical strike chance.
    • Unique Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, your next basic attack on-hit within 10 seconds deals 140% base AD (+ 20% bonus AD) bonus physical damage and restores mana equal to「 40% of that amount 」「 56% base AD (+ 8% bonus AD) 」 1.5 (begins after using the empowered attack).
    • Limited to 1 Spellblade item.
Experimental Hexplate Experimental Hexplate
  • Combine cost reduced to 550 Gold 550 from 700 Gold 700.
    • Total cost unchanged.
Fated Ashes Fated Ashes - New Item
  • Recipe: Amplifying Tome Amplifying Tome + 500 Gold 500 = 900 Gold 900.
  • Stats: 40 ability power.
  • Unique Passive - Inflame: Dealing ability damage burns enemies, causing them to take 3.5 magic damage every 0.5 seconds over 3 seconds, for a total of 21. Against monsters, the burn deals 10 bonus magic damage per tick, dealing a total of 13.5 magic damage per tick for up to 81.
  • Builds Into: Blackfire Torch Blackfire Torch and Liandry's Torment Liandry's Torment.
Fimbulwinter Fimbulwinter
  • Health increased to 550 from 400.
  • Awe mana ratio changed to 15% bonus mana from 8% maximum mana.
Forbidden Idol Forbidden Idol
Giant's Belt Giant's Belt
Glacial Buckler Glacial Buckler
Glowing Mote Glowing Mote
Hearthbound Axe Hearthbound Axe
Hollow Radiance Hollow Radiance
  • Combine cost increased to 650 Gold 650 from 550 Gold 550.
    • Total cost unchanged.
  • Health reduced to 450 from 600.
  • Ability haste increased to 10 from 0.
Immortal Shieldbow Immortal Shieldbow
Infinity Edge Infinity Edge
  • Total cost increased to 3400 Gold 3400 from 3300 Gold 3300.
    • Combine cost increased to 625 Gold 625 from 525 Gold 525.
  • Attack damage increased to 80 from 65.
  • Critical strike chance increased to 25% from 20%.
  • Edge of Finality Edge of Finality critical strike chance increased to 25% from 20%.
  • No longer limited to 1 Unbounded item.
Kindlegem Kindlegem
Kircheis Shard Kircheis Shard - Removed
  • Removed from the game.
Knight's Vow Knight's Vow
  • New:
    • Recipe: Kindlegem Kindlegem + Chain Vest Chain Vest + Rejuvenation Bead Rejuvenation Bead + 300 Gold 300 = 2200 Gold 2200.
    • Stats: 15 ability haste, 40 armor, 300 health, 100% base health regeneration.
    • Unique Passive - Pledge: Designate the target allied champion as being Worthy, forming a Focused Resolve tether between you and them. Champions can only be designated as Worthy by one Knight's Vow at a time. You cannot be designated as Worthy by an ally's Knight's Vow (60 second cooldown; Range center 1250 range).
    • Unique Passive - Sacrifice: While your Worthy ally is tethered to you and you are above 30% of your maximum health, redirect 12% of the pre-mitigation physical and magic damage they take to you as the respective damage type. Additionally, you Heal power icon heal for 10% of the damage dealt by your Worthy ally to champions.
    • Limited to 1 Knight's Vow.
  • Old:
    • Recipe: Kindlegem Kindlegem + Chain Vest Chain Vest + 600 Gold 600 = 2200 Gold 2200.
    • Stats: 15 ability haste, 45 armor, 300 health.
    • Unique Passive - Pledge: Designate the target allied champion as being Worthy, forming a Focused Resolve tether between you and them. Champions can only be designated as Worthy by one Knight's Vow at a time. You cannot be designated as Worthy by an ally's Knight's Vow (60 second cooldown; Range center 1250 range).
    • Unique Passive - Sacrifice: While your Worthy ally is tethered to you and you are above 30% of your maximum health, redirect 10% of the pre-mitigation physical and magic damage they take to you as true damage. If they are below 30% maximum health, the damage redirection is increased to 20%. Additionally, you Heal power icon heal for 10% of the damage dealt by your Worthy ally to champions.
    • Limited to 1 Knight's Vow.
Kraken Slayer Kraken Slayer
  • New:
    • Recipe: Rectrix Rectrix + Hearthbound Axe Hearthbound Axe + Recurve Bow Recurve Bow + 200 Gold 200 = 3100 Gold 3100.
    • Stats: 50 attack damage, 40% attack speed, 7% movement speed.
    • Unique Passive - Bring It Down: Basic attacks on-hit grant a stack for 3 seconds, up to 2 stacks. At 2 stacks, the next basic attack consumes all stacks to deal 140 − 310 (based on level) bonus physical damage on-hit, increased by 0% − 50% (based on target's missing health), for up to 210 − 465 (based on level) bonus physical damage.
    • Limited to 1 Kraken Slayer.
    • Wyrmfallen Sacrifice Wyrmfallen Sacrifice stats: 60 attack damage, 55% attack speed, 7% movement speed.
  • Old:
    • Recipe: Noonquiver Noonquiver + Cloak of Agility Cloak of Agility + Recurve Bow Recurve Bow + 400 Gold 400 = 3000 Gold 3000.
    • Stats: 40 attack damage, 35% attack speed, 20% critical strike chance.
    • Unique Passive - Bring It Down: Basic attacks on-hit grant a stack for 3 seconds, up to 2 stacks. At 2 stacks, the next basic attack consumes all stacks to deal 140 − 310 (based on level) bonus physical damage on-hit. Consuming stacks on the same target within 6 seconds increases the damage by 50%, up to 100% for a maximum of 280 − 620 (based on level) bonus physical damage.
    • Limited to 1 Kraken Slayer.
    • Wyrmfallen Sacrifice Wyrmfallen Sacrifice stats: 60 attack damage, 45% attack speed, 20% critical strike chance.
Liandry's Torment Liandry's Torment
Long Sword Long Sword
Lord Dominik's Regards Lord Dominik's Regards
  • Attack damage increased to 45 from 40.
  • Armor penetration increased to 40% from 35%.
  • Critical strike chance increased to 25% from 20%.
  • Removed Unique Passive - Giant Slayer: Deal 0% − 15% (based on maximum health difference) bonus damage against enemy champions with greater maximum health than you.
Lost Chapter Lost Chapter
Luden's Companion Luden's Companion
  • Removed Unique Passive - Load: Gain a Shot Charge stack every 3 seconds, up to a maximum of 6.
    • This effect is now consolidated into Fire.
  • Fire - New Effect: Gain 6 Shot Charge stacks to Fire (12 second cooldown).
  • Fire primary base damage increased to 60 from 45.
  • Fire secondary damage increased to 50% of primary from 35%.
  • Fire secondary base damage increased to 30 − 150 (based on remaining Shot Charges) from 15.75 − 78.75 (based on remaining Shot Charges).
    • Fire total single-target base damage increased to 90 − 210 from 60.75 − 123.75.
  • Fire secondary damage AP ratio increased to 2% − 10% AP from 1.4% − 7% AP
    • Fire total single-target damage AP ratio increased to 6% − 14% AP from 5.4% − 11% AP.
Mercurial Scimitar Mercurial Scimitar
Mobility Boots Mobility Boots - Removed
Mortal Reminder Mortal Reminder
  • Critical strike chance increased to 25% from 20%.
Navori Flickerblade Navori Flickerblade - New Item
  • Replaces Navori Quickblades Navori Quickblades.
  • Recipe: Dagger Dagger + Zeal Zeal + Dagger Dagger + 900 Gold 900 = 2600 Gold 2600.
  • Stats: 40% attack speed, 25% critical strike chance, 7% movement speed.
  • Unique Passive - Transcendence: Basic attacks on-attack reduce the remaining cooldowns of your basic abilities by 15%.
  • Limited to 1 Navori Flickerblade.
Navori Quickblades Navori Quickblades - Removed
Noonquiver Noonquiver
Null-Magic Mantle Null-Magic Mantle
Overlord's Bloodmail Overlord's Bloodmail - Re-added
  • Updated icon.
  • Recipe: Tunneler Tunneler + Tunneler Tunneler + 1000 Gold 1000 = 3300 Gold 3300.
  • Stats: 500 health, 40 attack damage.
  • Unique Passive - Tyranny: Gain bonus attack damage equal to 2% of your bonus health.
  • Unique Passive - Retribution: Gain 0% − 10% (based on missing health) bonus attack damage.
  • Caption: "Only between life and death did he find a way to settle the score."
  • Limited to 1 Overlord's Bloodmail.
Phantom Dancer Phantom Dancer
  • New:
    • Recipe: Dagger Dagger + Zeal Zeal + Dagger Dagger + 900 Gold 900 = 2600 Gold 2600.
    • Stats: 60% attack speed, 25% critical strike chance, 12% movement speed.
    • Unique Passive - Spectral Waltz: Become permanently Ghost ghosted.
    • Limited 1 Phantom Dancer.
  • Old:
    • Recipe: Zeal Zeal + Rectrix Rectrix + 800 Gold 800 = 2800 Gold 2800.
    • Stats: 20 attack damage, 30% attack speed, 20% critical strike chance, 10% movement speed.
    • Unique Passive - Spectral Waltz: Basic attacks on-attack grant ghosting and a stack of Spectral Waltz for 3 seconds, up to 5 stacks. For each stack, gain 7% bonus attack speed, for a total of 35% at maximum stacks.
    • Limited 1 Phantom Dancer.
Pickaxe Pickaxe
Plated Steelcaps Plated Steelcaps
  • Total cost reduced to 1000 Gold 1000 from 1100 Gold 1100.
    • Combine cost reduced to 400 Gold 400 from 500 Gold 500.
  • Armor increased to 25 from 20.
  • Damage reduction reduced to 8% from 12%.
Rapid Firecannon Rapid Firecannon
Randuin's Omen Randuin's Omen
  • Health reduced to 350 from 400.
  • Armor increased to 75 from 55.
  • Removed Unique Passive - Rock Solid: Every first incoming instance of post-mitigation basic damage per cast instance is reduced by 5 (+ 3.5 per 1000 maximum health), maximum 20% reduction each.
  • Humility cooldown increased to 90 seconds from 60.
  • Humility slow increased to 70% from 55%.
Ravenous Hydra Ravenous Hydra
  • Bug Fix: Increased the indicator's radius to properly match Ravenous Crescent's cast radius.
Rectrix Rectrix
Recurve Bow Recurve Bow
  • Sting damage type changed to physical from magic.
  • No longer builds into Runaan's Hurricane Runaan's Hurricane.
Refillable Potion Refillable Potion
Rejuvenation Bead Rejuvenation Bead
Ruby Crystal Ruby Crystal
Runaan's Hurricane Runaan's Hurricane
  • New Recipe: Zeal Zeal + Scout's Slingshot Scout's Slingshot + 600 Gold 600 = 2600 Gold 2600.
  • Critical strike chance increased to 25% from 20%.
  • Removed Unique Passive - Peck: Basic attacks deal 30 bonus magic damage on-hit.
  • Wind's Fury bolt AD ratio increased to 55% AD from 40% AD.
Scout's Slingshot Scout's Slingshot - New Item
Serrated Dirk Serrated Dirk
  • Undocumented: Lethality increased to 10 from 0.
  • Undocumented/Removed Unique Passive - Gouge: Gain 10 lethality.
Sheen Sheen
Shurelya's Battlesong Shurelya's Battlesong
  • Ability power reduced to 50 from 55.
  • Movement speed reduced to 5% from 8%.
  • Shurelya's Requiem Shurelya's Requiem ability power reduced to 65 from 70.
  • Shurelya's Requiem Shurelya's Requiem movement speed reduced to 7% from 10%.
Statikk Shiv Statikk Shiv
  • New:
    • Recipe: Scout's Slingshot Scout's Slingshot + Hearthbound Axe Hearthbound Axe + 700 Gold 700 = 2900 Gold 2900.
    • Stats: 50 attack damage, 40% attack speed.
    • Unique Passive - Electrospark: Upon killing a minion or monster, unleash an electric spark at the location of their death which chains to the closest target within 500 units, repeating from the new one to strike up to 6 targets, dealing 90 magic damage to each (3 second cooldown).
    • Unique Passive - Electroshock: Scoring a Damage rating takedown against an enemy champion unleashes a lightning shock at the location of their death which chains to the closest target within 650 units, repeating from the new one to strike up to 186 targets, dealing 270 magic damage to each.
    • Limited to 1 Statikk Shiv.
  • Old:
    • Recipe: Noonquiver Noonquiver + Cloak of Agility Cloak of Agility + Kircheis Shard Kircheis Shard + 300 Gold 300 = 2900 Gold 2900.
    • Stats: 50 attack damage, 30% attack speed, 20% critical strike chance.
    • Unique Passive - Energized: Moving and basic attacking generates Energize stacks, up to 100.
    • Unique Passive - Electroshock: When fully Energized, your next basic attack deals 90 bonus magic damage, increased to 150 against minions. Energized attacks bounce their additional effect to the closest target within 500 units, repeating from the new target to strike up to 6 targets.
    • Limited to 1 Statikk Shiv.
Stormrazor Stormrazor - Removed
  • Removed from Summoner's Rift and Howling Abyss.
Sunfire Aegis Sunfire Aegis
  • Combine cost increased to 1000 Gold 1000 from 900 Gold 900.
    • Total cost unchanged.
  • Health reduced to 350 from 500.
  • Ability haste increased to 10 from 0.
Symbiotic Soles Symbiotic Soles - New Item
  • Tier 2 Boots.
  • Recipe: Boots Boots + 600 Gold 600 = 900 Gold 900.
  • Stats: 35 movement speed.
  • Unique Passive: Gain Empowered Recall Empowered Recall.
  • Unique Passive: After traveling for a total of 150,000 units of distance, capped at 500 at a time, upgrade this item to Synchronized Souls Synchronized Souls.
  • The item's tracker will count down the thousands of units required until upgrade.
  • Caption: "With each step, your mind slips..."
  • Limited to 1 Boots item.
Synchronized Souls Synchronized Souls - New Item
  • Tier 2 Boots.
  • Requirements: Upgrades from Symbiotic Soles' Symbiotic Soles' quest.
  • Stats: 45 movement speed.
  • Unique Passive: Gain Empowered Recall Empowered Recall.
  • Unique Passive: Gain 45 bonus movement speed while out-of-combat.
  • Caption: "... closer to perfection."
  • Limited to 1 Boots item.
Terminus Terminus
The Collector The Collector
Trinity Force Trinity Force
  • Combine cost reduced to 33 Gold 33 from 183 Gold 183.
    • Total cost unchanged.
Tunneler Tunneler
Unending Despair Unending Despair
  • Anguish cooldown reduced to 5 seconds from 7.
Vampiric Scepter Vampiric Scepter
Verdant Barrier Verdant Barrier
  • Total cost reduced to 1600 Gold 1600 from 1700 Gold 1700.
    • Combine cost reduced to 350 Gold 350 from 450 Gold 450.
Voltaic Cyclosword Voltaic Cyclosword
Warmog's Armor Warmog's Armor
  • Health increased to 1000 from 750.
  • Base health regeneration reduced to 100% from 200%.
Winter's Approach Winter's Approach
Yun Tal Wildarrows Yun Tal Wildarrows - New Item
  • Recipe: Pickaxe Pickaxe + Noonquiver Noonquiver + 925 Gold 925 = 3200 Gold 3200.
  • Stats: 65 attack damage, 25% critical strike chance.
  • Unique Passive - Serrated Edge: Basic Attack Basic damage that Critical strike icon critically strikes on-hit inflicts a bleed on the target, causing them to take「 8.75% AD bonus physical damage every 0.5 seconds over 2 seconds. 」「 35% AD bonus physical damage over 2 seconds. 」Subsequent applications of the bleed can stack, but do not refresh the duration of the previous bleed.
  • Caption: "Passed from Huntress to Huntress, to fell foe after foe."
  • Limited to 1 Yun Tal Wildarrows.
  • Has the following keywords: "yuntal", "arrow".
Zeal Zeal
Zeke's Convergence Zeke's Convergence
Zephyr Zephyr - Re-added
  • Updated icon.
  • Tier 3 Boots.
  • Requirements: Requires level 15 to purchase.
  • Recipe: Berserker's Greaves Berserker's Greaves + 2000 Gold 2000 = 3100 Gold 3100.
  • Stats: 45% attack speed, 45 movement speed.
  • Unique Passive - Like The Wind: Basic attacks on-hit grant a stack of Like The Wind for 6 seconds, refreshing on subsequent attacks. For each stack, gain 5% bonus movement speed, stacking up to 3 times for a total of 15%.
  • Limited to 1 Boots item.
  • Removed from Arena.


Absorb Life Absorb Life - New Rune
  • Replaces Overheal Overheal.
  • Precision icon Precision Slot 1 rune.
  • Passive: Killing a unit heals you for 2 − 17 (based on level).
Cash Back Cash Back - New Rune
  • Replaces Future's Market Future's Market from slot 2.
  • Inspiration icon Inspiration Slot 1 rune.
  • Passive: You are automatically refunded 6% of any Legendary-tier item's total gold cost upon purchasing it.
Cut Down Cut Down
  • New Effect:
    • Passive: Deal 8% increased damage (except true damage) to champions above 60% maximum health.
  • Old Effect:
    • Passive: Deal 5% to 15% increased damage (except Hybrid penetration true damage) to champions, based on how much more maximum health they have than you. Bonus damage scales up linearly against enemies with 10% to 100% more maximum health than you.
First Strike First Strike
  • Bonus damage increased to 8% from 7%.
  • Base gold increased to 15 Gold 15 from 5 Gold 5.
  • Damage to gold reduced to (Melee role 50% / Ranged role 35%) of damage dealt from (Melee role 100% / Ranged role 70%).
Fleet Footwork Fleet Footwork
  • Base heal reduced to 8 − 110 (based on level) from 10 − 130 (based on level).
  • Bonus movement speed duration increased to 1.25 seconds from 1.
Font of Life Font of Life
  • New Effect:
    • Slow icon Slowing or Stun icon immobilizing an enemy Champion icon champion heals you and your nearest most wounded ally for (Melee role 10 − 50 / Ranged role 7 − 35) (based on level) (20 second cooldown).
    • No longer requires a nearby ally.
  • Old Effect:
Future's Market Future's Market - Removed
  • Removed from the game.
  • Replaced by Cash Back Cash Back in slot 1.
Hail of Blades Hail of Blades
  • Bonus attack speed for Ranged role ranged champions reduced to 80% from 110%.
Ingenious Hunter Ingenious Hunter - Removed
  • Removed from the game.
Jack of All Trades Jack of All Trades - New Rune
  • Inspiration icon Inspiration Slot 3 rune.
  • Passive: Earn 1 Jack stack for each unique stat type gained from items, stacking indefinitely.
  • Jack: For each Jack stack, gain 1 ability haste. At 5 Jack stacks, gain 10 adaptive force. At 10 Jack stacks, gain an additional 15 adaptive force, for a total of 25 adaptive force at 10 Jack stacks.
Legend: Haste Legend: Haste - New Rune
  • Replaces Legend: Tenacity Legend: Tenacity.
  • Precision icon Precision Slot 2 rune.
  • Passive: Gain Cooldown reduction icon 1.5 basic ability haste per Legend stack, up to 15 at maximum stacks.
  • Legend: Gain Legend stacks for every 100 points earned, up to 10:
    • 100 points for champion takedowns
    • 100 points for epic monster takedowns
    • 25 points for large monster kills
    • 4 points for minion kills
Legend: Tenacity Legend: Tenacity - Removed
Lethal Tempo Lethal Tempo - Removed
  • Removed from the game.
Minion Dematerializer Minion Dematerializer - Removed
  • Removed from the game.
Overheal Overheal - Removed
Predator Predator - Removed
  • Removed from the game.
Press the Attack Press the Attack
  • Base damage reduced to 40 − 160 (based on level) from 40 − 180 (based on level).
  • Removed: Stack consumption no longer renders the target Exposed for 6 seconds, causing them to take 8% increased damage (except Hybrid penetration true damage) from all sources for the duration.
  • New Effect: Stack consumption now grants the user 8% increased damage (except Hybrid penetration true damage) against champions until they leave combat with them.
Relentless Hunter Relentless Hunter
  • Base bonus movement speed reduced to 0 from 5.
Sudden Impact Sudden Impact
  • Cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 4.
  • New Effect:
    • Passive: Dealing damage to enemy Champion icon champion within 4 seconds of using a Dash dash or Flash blink, or exiting from Guerrilla Warfare stealth, deals 20 − 80 (based on level) bonus true damage.
    • This effect will trigger as soon as the conditions are met.
  • Old Effect:
    • Passive: Dealing damage to an enemy Champion icon champion within 4 seconds of using a Dash dash or Flash blink, or exiting from Guerrilla Warfare stealth, grants 9 lethality and 7 magic penetration for the next 5 seconds. The triggering damage will benefit from the penetration.
    • This effect will trigger as soon as the conditions are met.
Time Warp Tonic Time Warp Tonic
  • Moved to slot 2 from 3.
  • New Effect:
    • Passive: Upon consuming a health potion, you Heal power icon heal yourself equal to 40% of the total health it would restore.
  • Old Effect:
    • Passive: Consuming a potion or biscuit immediately restores 30% of the health and mana (if applicable) it would restore. Health/mana per tick is then reduced by 30% for the effect's regular duration. If consumables are stacked, the instant restoration is applied after the duration of the initial consumable ends.
    • Additionally, you gain Movement speed icon 2% bonus total movement speed while under the effect of a potion or biscuit.
Triple Tonic Triple Tonic
  • Moved to slot 2 from 1.

Summoner Spells[]

Barrier Barrier
  • Duration increased to 2.5 seconds from 2.
  • Shield increased to 120 − 480 (based on level) from 105 − 411 (based on level).
Cleanse Cleanse
  • Cooldown increased to 240 seconds from 210.
  • Tenacity increased to 75% from 65%.
Exhaust Exhaust
  • Cooldown increased to 240 seconds from 210.
  • Slow increased to 40% from 30%.
Ghost Ghost
  • Cooldown increased to 240 seconds from 210.
  • Duration reduced to 10 seconds from 15.
Heal Heal
  • Target range increased to 900 units from 850.
  • Range changed to Range center center from Range model edge.
  • Bug Fix: Automatic target lock-on range now matches the cast range. [Prior to these changes, it was 835 instead of 850.]


Blue Sentinel Blue Sentinel
  • Experience changed to 95 − 142.5 (based on monster's level) from 95 − 137.75 (based on monster's level).
Gromp Gromp
  • Experience changed to 120 − 180 (based on monster's level) from 120 − 174 (based on monster's level).
Ancient KrugSquare Krug camp
  • Ancient Krug Ancient Krug
    • Experience changed to 15 − 22.5 (based on monster's level) from 15 − 21.75 (based on monster's level).
  • Krug Krug
    • Experience changed to 10 − 15 (based on monster's level) from 10 − 14.5 (based on monster's level).
  • Mini Krug Mini Krug
    • Experience changed to 16 − 24 (based on monster's level) from 16 − 23.2 (based on monster's level).
Greater Murk WolfSquare Murk Wolf camp
  • Greater Murk Wolf Greater Murk Wolf
    • Experience changed to 50 − 75 (based on monster's level) from 50 − 72.5 (based on monster's level).
  • Murk Wolf Murk Wolf
    • Experience changed to 15 − 22.5 (based on monster's level) from 15 − 21.75 (based on monster's level).
Crimson RaptorSquare Raptor camp
  • Crimson Raptor Crimson Raptor
    • Experience changed to 20 − 30 (based on monster's level) from 20 − 29 (based on monster's level).
  • Raptor Raptor
    • Experience changed to 10 − 15 (based on monster's level) from 10 − 14.5 (based on monster's level).
Red Brambleback Red Brambleback
  • Experience changed to 95 − 142.5 (based on monster's level) from 95 − 137.75 (based on monster's level).
Rift Scuttler Rift Scuttler
  • Experience changed to 100 − 150 (based on monster's level) from 100 − 220 (based on monster's level).
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue that prevented Scuttle Crabs from auto-transforming after Baron Nashor Baron Nashor spawns.

Jungle plants[]

Blast Cone Blast Cone
  • Bug Fix: Chemtech Blast Cones no longer sometimes spawn twice on top of each other despite the intended plant at that location not having been used.

Howling Abyss[]

Map-specific balancing
  • Briar Briar
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +5% from 0%.
    • Healing modifier changed to +20% from +15%.
  • Kha'Zix Kha'Zix
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +10% from +5%.
  • LeBlanc LeBlanc
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +10% from +5%.
  • Naafiri Naafiri
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +10% from +5%.
  • Qiyana Qiyana
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +15% from +10%.
  • Rengar Rengar
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +5% from +0%.
  • Sejuani Sejuani
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to 0% from -8%.


  • Right clicking (RMB) augment or anvil selection cards no longer selects them.
  • Champion select now always randomizes pick order within each team.
  • Bug Fix: Ranked borders in the loading screen now properly update when switching the view to a different team.
  • Bug Fix: End-of-game screen once again properly displays the player's placement.
  • Revive lockout timer increased to 12 − 8 (based on round number) seconds from 11 − 8.
  • After a team wins a High Stakes round or wins against a team after having beat them in a previous round, both champions on the team are granted a free Cappa Juice Cappa Juice.
  • Spawn locations of Blast Cones Blast Cones in The Koi Pond battlefield have been moved slightly away from the center of the map.
  • Bug Fix: Icon images are no longer sometimes replaced by debug text.
  • Reduced the chances for champions to receive augments that they are unable to utilize.
  • Goliath, Mad Scientist, and Raid Boss now apply their size modifiers to clones of the champion.
  • Prismatic Item Anvil Prismatic Item Anvil
    • Slightly reduced the variance of presented items in order to trend toward statistics and effects that are more usable on the player's champion.
  • Jhin Jhin
    • Curtain Call Curtain Call missile speed reduced to 6000 from 8000.
    • While outside of the map channeling Curtain Call Curtain Call, he now positions himself at a 90-degree angle of both teams, rather than being positioned directly behind the team with more HP.
    • Bug Fix: The circle icon in the Game tab which indicates Jhin's presence is no longer sometimes replaced by debug text.
  • The ladder is being re-enabled with the start of Ranked Season 2024 Split 2.
  • All players are receiving a soft MMR reset from the provisional period on 14.9.
Arena-specific balancing
  • Aurelion Sol Aurelion Sol
    • Cosmic Creator Cosmic Creator
      • Stardust stacks per round increased to 40 from 26.66.
    • Astral Flight Astral Flight
      • Cooldown reduced to 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 seconds from 22 / 20.5 / 19 / 17.5 / 16.
  • Blitzcrank Blitzcrank
    • Mana Barrier Mana Barrier
      • Cooldown reduced to 20 seconds from 30.
    • Overdrive Overdrive
      • Self slow duration reduced to 1 second from 1.5.
      • Bonus attack speed changed to 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90% from 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80%.
  • Brand Brand
    • Blaze Blaze
      • Total damage over time reduced to 1.5% of target's maximum health from 1.75%.
    • Conflagration Conflagration
      • AP ratio reduced to 45% AP from 60% AP.
    • Pyroclasm Pyroclasm
      • Base damage reduced to 75 / 125 / 175 from 75 / 150 / 225.
  • Corki Corki
    • Valkyrie Valkyrie
      • Cooldown increased to 23 / 22 / 21 / 20 / 19 seconds from 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 / 12.
    • Gatling Gun Gatling Gun
      • Cooldown increased to 20 seconds from 12.
    • Missile Barrage Missile Barrage
      • Base damage increased to 100 / 200 / 300 from 80 / 180 / 280.
  • Galio Galio
    • Winds of War Winds of War
      • Base damage reduced to 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 from 100 / 145 / 190 / 235 / 280.
    • Shield of Durand Shield of Durand
      • Shield health ratio reduced to 7.5 / 9 / 10.5 / 12 / 13.5% of user's maximum health from 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 17.5 / 20%.
  • Gnar Gnar
    • Rage Gene Rage Gene
      • Tired cooldown reduced to 5 seconds from 8.
    • Boomerang Throw Boomerang Throw
      • Cooldown reduced to 14 / 12.5 / 11 / 9.5 / 8 seconds from 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10.
      • Slow increased to 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45% from 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35%.
    • Hop Hop
      • Cooldown reduced to 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 / 8 seconds from 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10.
    • Boulder Toss Boulder Toss
      • Cooldown reduced to 14 / 12.5 / 11 / 9.5 / 8 seconds from 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10.
      • Slow increased to 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% from 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%.
    • Crunch Crunch
      • Cooldown reduced to 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 / 8 seconds from 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10.
  • Gragas Gragas
    • Drunken Rage Drunken Rage
      • Bug Fix: Upon casting, no longer sometimes grants extra stats for the rest of the round if he has Ultimate Revolution equipped and has cast Explosive Cask Explosive Cask at least twice.
  • Illaoi Illaoi
  • Irelia Irelia
    • Stats
      • Health growth increased to 136 from 124.
    • Defiant Dance Defiant Dance
      • Cooldown reduced to 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 seconds from 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 / 12.
    • Vanguard's Edge Vanguard's Edge
      • Cooldown reduced to 40 seconds at all ranks from 125 / 105 / 85.
  • K'Sante K'Sante
    • All Out All Out
      • Bug Fix: No longer paths K'Sante and his tagged enemy out of map bounds.
  • Lee Sin Lee Sin
    • Safeguard Safeguard
      • Bug Fix: When used while Chauffeur's tether is active, dashing now properly grants a shield and breaks the tether temporarily.
  • Lillia Lillia
  • Poppy Poppy
  • Pyke Pyke
  • Rek'Sai Rek'Sai
    • Queen's Wrath Queen's Wrath
      • Bug Fix: Tooltip now once again displays the intended information.
    • Prey Seeker Prey Seeker
      • Bug Fix: Tooltip now once again displays the intended information.
  • Swain Swain
    • Demonic Ascension Demonic Ascension
      • Base heal per second reduced to 12 / 22 / 32 from 15 / 27.5 / 40.
      • Base damage per second reduced to 20 / 30 / 40 from 20 / 40 / 60.
  • Zed Zed
    • Razor Shuriken Razor Shuriken
      • Base damage reduced to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280.
    • Death Mark Death Mark
      • Percentage of damage stored reduced to 25 / 40 / 55% from 30 / 45 / 60%.
  • Zeri Zeri
  • Blackfire Torch Blackfire Torch
    • Ability power changed to 60.
    • Ability haste changed to 20.
    • Base damage per second changed to 20.
    • AP ratio per second changed to 4% AP.
    • Removed: No longer deals 10 bonus magic damage per tick to monsters.
  • Bloodthirster Bloodthirster
    • Attack damage increased to 70 from 40.
    • Life steal increased to 18% from 15%.
  • Cruelty Cruelty
    • Ability power reduced to 80 from 100.
    • Damage health ratio reduced to 4% maximum health from 5%.
  • Dawncore Dawncore
    • Ability power increased to 40 from 25.
    • Heal and shield power changed to 12%.
    • Ability power per 100% base mana regeneration changed to 5.
    • Heal and shield power per 100% base mana regeneration changed to 3%.
  • Decapitator Decapitator
    • Adaptive force increased to 80 from 70.
  • Divine Sunderer Divine Sunderer
    • Damage health ratio for Melee role melee champions reduced to 4% of target's maximum health from 5%.
    • Bug Fix: Item is now properly exclusive with other Spellblade items.
  • Eclipse Eclipse
    • Damage health ratio for Melee role melee champions reduced to 6% of target's maximum health from 8%.
  • Essence Reaver Essence Reaver
    • Ability haste changed to 20.
  • Force of Entropy Force of Entropy
    • Bug Fix: Extended displacements no longer allow enemies 1 frame of actions, toward the end of their debuff.
  • Guardian's Blade Guardian's Blade
    • Health reduced to 250 from 300.
  • Guardian's Horn Guardian's Horn
    • Health reduced to 300 from 350.
    • Flat champion damage reduction reduced to 12 from 15.
  • Hamstringer Hamstringer
    • Critical strike chance increased to 25% from 20%.
  • Hollow Radiance Hollow Radiance
    • Health reduced to 450 from 500.
  • Horizon Focus Horizon Focus
    • Ability power reduced to 80 from 100.
  • Immortal Shieldbow Immortal Shieldbow
    • Critical strike chance changed to 20%.
  • Innervating Locket Innervating Locket
    • Ability haste reduced to 20 from 25.
    • Ability power reduced to 70 from 80.
  • Knight's Vow Knight's Vow
    • Ability haste changed to 15.
    • Damage redirect for Ranged role ranged champions increased to 12% from 8%.
    • Sacrifice heal reduced to 10% of ally's damage dealt from 15%.
  • Kraken Slayer Kraken Slayer
    • Attack speed changed to 35%.
    • Bug Fix: Tooltip now displays the item's intended stats.
  • Liandry's Torment Liandry's Torment
    • Ability power reduced to 60 from 70.
  • Luden's Companion Luden's Companion
    • Fire base damage increased to 60 from 55.
    • Fire secondary damage changed to 35% of primary damage.
  • Mirage Blade Mirage Blade
    • Bug Fix: Now properly applies to item-sourced movement spells.
  • Moonflair Spellblade Moonflair Spellblade
    • Bug Fix: No longer incorrectly grants innate attack speed.
    • Bug Fix: Relentless no longer triggers from Zeri's Zeri's Living Battery Living Battery attacks.
  • Mortal Reminder Mortal Reminder
    • Attack damage changed to 30.
  • Navori Flickerblade Navori Flickerblade
    • Attack speed changed to 35%.
  • Profane Hydra Profane Hydra
    • Bug Fix: Cleave no longer triggers even after selling the item.
  • Reality Fracture Reality Fracture
    • Voidmite base damage reduced to 8 from 10.
    • Voidmite AD ratio reduced to 4% AD from 5% AD.
    • Voidmite AP ratio reduced to 8% AP from 10% AP.
  • Sanguine Gift Sanguine Gift
    • Ability power reduced to 80 from 90.
    • Damage stored increased to 15% from 10%.
  • Serpent's Fang Serpent's Fang
    • Bug Fix: No longer displays an incorrect tooltip for Shield Reaver.
  • Statikk Shiv Statikk Shiv
    • New Unique Passive: Basic attacks on-attack unleash a lightning shock which chains to the closest target, repeating from the new one to strike up to 6 targets, dealing 90 magic damage to each (6 second cooldown).
      • Removed Unique Passive - Electrospark.
      • Removed Unique Passive - Electroshock.
  • Stormrazor Stormrazor
    • Critical strike chance increased to 25% from 20%.
  • Stridebreaker Stridebreaker
    • Bug Fix: Breaking Shockwave no longer sometimes fails to trigger its effects.
    • Bug Fix: Formatting issues with the description have been fixed.
  • Sundered Sky Sundered Sky
    • Health reduced to 350 from 400.
    • Base heal reduced to (Melee role 110% base AD / Ranged role 55% base AD) from (Melee role 130% base AD / Ranged role 65% base AD).
  • Sunfire Aegis Sunfire Aegis
    • Health reduced to 400 from 450.
  • Terminus Terminus
    • Armor and magic resistance per Light stack changed to 5 / 6 / 7 (based on level).
    • Maximum resistances changed to 15 / 18 / 21 (based on level).
    • Armor and magic penetration per Dark stack changed to 8%.
    • Maximum resistances penetration changed to 24%.
  • Turbo Chemtank Turbo Chemtank
    • Bug Fix: Debuff icon is no longer missing its asset, previously causing it to be invisible.
  • Winter's Approach Winter's Approach
    • Health changed to 500.
  • Zeke's Convergence Zeke's Convergence
    • Armor reduced to 25 from 40.
    • Frostfire Tempest per second damage changed to 50 from 30 − 70 (based on level).
  • Zephyr Zephyr
    • Removed from the mode.
  • Accelerating Sorcery
    • Ability haste per ability cast increased to 10 from 9.
  • ADAPt
    • Ability power amplifier increased to 15% from 10%.
  • Defensive Maneuvers
    • Barrier Barrier shield strength increased to 110 − 440 (based on level) from 105 − 411 (based on level).
    • Barrier Barrier shield duration increased to 2.5 seconds from 2.
  • Dematerialize
    • Bug Fix: Now properly grants its bonus when taken as the second augment.
  • Earthwake
    • Base damage increased to 140 − 2000 (based on level) from 125 − 2000 (based on level).
    • Bonus AD ratio increased to 150% bonus AD from 135% bonus AD.
    • Bug Fix: Resolved certain blink spells not triggering the effect.
  • Firebrand
    • Damage per tick reduced to 0.4% of target's maximum health from 0.5%.
      • Total damage reduced to 2% of target's maximum health from 2.5%.
  • Hold Very Still
    • Bug Fix: Description is no longer sometimes replaced by debug text.
  • Holy Fire
    • Maximum damage health ratio per tick reduced to 1% of target's maximum health from 1.4%.
      • Total maximum damage health ratio reduced to 5% of target's maximum health from 7%.
  • Homeguard
    • Bug Fix: Buff icon no longer becomes invisible upon the user being hit/starting its interruption.
  • Jeweled Gauntlet
    • Critical strike chance increased to 25% from 20%.
    • Critical strike chance AP ratio reduced to 4.5% AP from 5% AP.
  • Minionmancer
    • Pet increased damage, health, and size reduced to 50% from 60%.
  • Orbital Laser
    • True damage health ratio increased to 30% of target's maximum health from 20%.
    • Cooldown reduced to 20 seconds from 30.
  • Phenomenal Evil
    • Bug Fix: Now properly grants its initial stack bonus when taken as the second augment.
  • Quantum Computing
    • Base damage increased to 200 − 350 (based on level) from 120 − 300 (based on level).
  • Quest: Wooglet's Witchcap
  • Rabble Rousing
    • Base heal reduced to 5 − 60 (based on level) from 5 − 90 (based on level).
  • Raid Boss
    • Increased attack damage, ability power, maximum health, and size reduced to 0% − 40% (based on seconds imprisoned) from 0% − 50%.
  • Soul Siphon
    • Healing from critical strikes reduced to 12% of damage dealt from 15%.
    • Critical strike chance increased to 25% from 20%.
  • Spellwake
    • Base damage reduced to 40 − 200 (based on level) from 40 − 300 (based on level).
  • Spirit Link
    • Bug Fix: Tracker now properly tracks the amount of damage redirected.
  • Symphony of War
    • Bug Fix: When equipped in combination with the 'Circle of Death' and 'From Beginning to End' augments, triggering Conqueror's Conqueror's healing no longer causes a rapid and infinite damage loop from all damaging effects combined, and the server to subsequently crash.
  • Tank It Or Leave It
    • Maximum Critical Defend Chance reduced to 50% from 60%.
    • Critical strike chance increased to 25% from 20%.
    • Critical Defend Chance damage reduction reduced to 20% from 25%.
  • Thread the Needle
    • Armor and magic penetration reduced to 20% from 25%.
  • Vulnerability
    • Critical strike damage reduced to 45% from 50%.
    • Critical strike chance increased to 25% from 20%.


May 16th Hotfix[]

Corki Corki
  • Phosphorus Bomb Phosphorus Bomb
    • Base damage increased to 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 from 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230.
  • Gatling Gun Gatling Gun
    • Bonus AD ratio per tick increased to 15.625% bonus AD from 12.5% bonus AD.
      • Maximum bonus AD ratio increased to 250% bonus AD from 200% bonus AD.
  • Missile Barrage Missile Barrage
    • Bonus AD ratio increased to 80% bonus AD from 70% bonus AD.
      • Big One bonus AD ratio increased to 160% bonus AD from 140% bonus AD.
Draven Draven
  • League of Draven League of Draven
    • Base reduced to 10 Gold 10 from 40 Gold 40.
    • Gold per stack reduced to 2 Gold 2 from 2 2.5.
  • Spinning Axe Spinning Axe
    • Base damage reduced to 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 from 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65.
Samira Samira
  • Stats
    • Attack damage growth reduced to 3 from 3.3.
  • Blade Whirl Blade Whirl
    • Bonus AD ratio per hit reduced to 60% bonus AD from 80% bonus AD.
      • Maximum bonus AD ratio reduced to 120% bonus AD from 160% bonus AD.
  • Inferno Trigger Inferno Trigger
    • AD ratio per hit reduced to 45% AD from 50% AD.
      • Maximum AD ratio reduced to 450% AD from 500% AD.
Smolder Smolder
  • Stats
    • Base attack damage increased to 57 from 55.
    • Base health increased to 605 from 575.
    • Base health regeneration increased to 4.5 from 3.
Blackfire Torch Blackfire Torch
  • Base damage per tick reduced to 7.5 from 10.
    • Total base damage reduced to 45 from 60.
  • AP ratio per tick reduced to 1.5% AP from 2% AP.
    • Total AP ratio reduced to 9% AP from 12% AP.
Essence Reaver Essence Reaver
  • Attack damage increased to 70 from 65.
Fated Ashes Fated Ashes
  • Ability power reduced to 30 from 40.
  • Base damage per tick reduced to 2.5 from 3.5.
    • Total base damage reduced to 15 from 21.
Knight's Vow Knight's Vow
  • Ability haste reduced to 10 from 15.
  • Health reduced to 200 from 300.
Zeal Zeal
  • Critical strike chance reduced to 15% from 20%.

