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League of Legends Wiki

Mercurial Scimitar is a legendary item in League of Legends icon League of Legends.


Mercurial Scimitar item
Mercurial Scimitar
3300 Gold 3300 (225 Gold 225)
Quicksilver Sash item
1300 Gold 1300 (850 Gold 850)
Vampiric Scepter item
900 Gold 900 (550 Gold 550)

Cost Analysis

Gold Value

Gold efficiency

  • Mercurial Scimitar's Mercurial Scimitar's base stats are 85.92% gold efficient.

Similar items


Map-Specific Differences

Arena icon Arena differences edit
  • Attack damage changed to 45.
  • Quicksilver cooldown changed to 45 seconds.


  • Mercurial Scimitar Mercurial Scimitar is an upgrade for attack damage carries after having purchased Quicksilver Sash Quicksilver Sash.
  • Mercurial Scimitar's Mercurial Scimitar's active is a great escape tool with the increased movement speed upon removal of the crowd control effects.
    • This becomes even more effective when using a dash or blink spell to create more distance from enemies.

Old icons


Shadow Isles Crest icon


Sound Effects


Patch History

  • Magic resistance increased to 50 from 40.
  • Magic resistance increased to 40 from 30.
  • Bonus movement speed duration increased to 1.5 seconds from 1.
  • Total cost increased to 3000 Gold 3000 from 2900 Gold 2900.
    • Combine cost increased to 225 Gold 225 from 125 Gold 125.
  • Attack damage increased to 40 from 30.
  • Updated icon.
  • New:
    • Recipe: Quicksilver Sash Quicksilver Sash + Cloak of Agility Cloak of Agility + Pickaxe Pickaxe + 125 Gold 125 = 2900 Gold 2900.
    • Stats: 30 attack damage, 30 magic resistance, 20% critical strike chance.
    • Unique Active - Quicksilver: Removes all Stun icon crowd control debuffs (except Airborne icon Airborne) from your champion and grants +50% movement speed and Ghost ghosting for 1 second (90 second cooldown).
    • Limited to 1 Quicksilver item.
  • Old:
  • Total cost reduced to 3400 Gold 3400 from 3600 Gold 3600.
    • Combine cost reduced to 325 Gold 325 from 525 Gold 525.
  • Attack damage reduced to 50 from 65.
  • Unique Active - Quicksilver now only cleanses Crowd control debuffs.
  • AD reduced to 65 from 75.
  • Combine cost reduced to 525 Gold 525 from 625 Gold 625.
    • Total cost reduced to 3600 Gold 3600 from 3700 Gold 3700.
  • Combine cost increased to 900 Gold 900 from 700 Gold 700.
    • Total cost reduced to 3700 Gold 3700 from 3800 Gold 3800.
  • Magic resistance reduced to 35 from 45.
  • Combine cost increased to 700 Gold 700 from 600 Gold 600.
    • Total cost increased to 3800 Gold 3800 from 3700 Gold 3700.
  • AD increased to 80 from 60.
  • Movement speed on active now also applies to ranged champions.
  • Item cost reduced to 3700 Gold 3700 from 3810 Gold 3810.
V1.0.0.152 Added
  • Recipe: Quicksilver Sash Quicksilver Sash + B. F B. F. Sword + 600 Gold 600 = 3810 Gold 3810
  • +60 attack damage
  • +45 magic resist
  • Unique Active – Quicksilver: Removes all debuffs from your champion. If your champion is Melee, this item also grants 50% bonus Movement Speed for 1 second - 90 second cooldown.


List of Items
