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League of Legends Wiki

New Cosmetics[]

The following Champion skins have been added to the store:

The following Champions and Skins have received a new splash art:

Global Splash Unification, Part 2[]

The Global Splash Unification is a project that aims to have all regions use the same artwork across all skins, namely the Chinese and Riot (NA) client versions. This is part 2 of 2. This project takes into account customs and social taboos from the major regions and includes the removal of the human skeleton, alcohol, tobacco and excessive blood/gore. This project is separate and has had no influence on the ChampUp team's Splash Art Upgrade project that aims to bring all artwork to modern standards, and the imported/updated artwork listed below can be regarded as placeholders. Listed below are only the changes to Riot's client version, although after this patch there will no longer be separate arts.

The following splash arts have receives minor updates:

The following splash arts have been updated to use the international version:

League of Legends V6.8[]


  • General
  • Stats
    • Attack range increased to 150 from 125.
    • Base health reduced to 575 from 619.2.
    • Base health regen reduced to 6 from 7.94.
    • Base mana reduced to 250 from 349.08.
    • Mana growth increased to 75 from 56.
    • Base mana regen reduced to 5 from 8.5.
    • Mana regen growth increased to 1 from 0.8.
    • Base armor reduced to 25 from 25.876.
    • Armor growth reduced to 3.4 from 3.7.
    • Base attack damage reduced to 55 from 57.88.
  • Gemcraft Gemcraft (Innate)
    • Renamed Bravado Bravado.
    • Number of empowered attacks increased to 2 from 1.
    • Damage adjusted to 22 − 90 (based on level) (+ 15% bonus Armor) from 20% total armor.
    • On-hit cooldown reduction reduced to 1 - 0.55 second from 2.
      • Removed: On-hit cooldown reduction reducing his ultimate.
      • New Effect: On-hit cooldown reduction is increased to 6 - 3.3 seconds toward his Starlight's Touch Starlight's Touch cooldown.
    • New Effect: Taric gains 100% total attack speed for the two attacks.
  • Starlight's Touch Starlight's Touch (Q)
    • New Active: Taric expends all his current charges to heal himself and surrounding allied champion, as well as those surrounding his Bastion-protected champion, for 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+ 20% AP) (+ 1.5% bonus Health) per charge. Taric can store up to 3 charges, for a maximum heal of 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+ 60% AP) (+ 4.5% bonus Health).
    • Cost: 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 mana
    • Recharge time: 15 seconds
  • Bastion Bastion (W)
    • New Passive: Taric's and Bastion-protected champion's armor are increased by 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 17.5 / 20 % of Taric's total Armor.
    • New Active: Taric shields himself and the target allied champion for 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12% of their maximum health for 2.5 seconds and grant them Bastion, which lasts so long as they remain in range or Taric selects a new champion. Taric's abilities will also cast from nearby ally protected by Bastion, but the effects do not stack.
      • Taric can target himself to gain a shield, which will remove his current Bastion.
    • Cost: 60 mana
    • Cooldown: 15 seconds
  • Dazzle Dazzle (E)
    • New Active: Taric and his Bastion-protected champion project beams of starlight toward the target location, which persists in the given direction for the next 1 second. After that time, the beams erupt dealing 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240 (+ 50% AP) (+ 30% bonus Armor) magic damage to enemies hit and stunning them for 1 / 1.125 / 1.25 / 1.375 / 1.5 seconds.
    • Cost: 60 mana
    • Cooldown: 15 seconds
  • Cosmic Radiance Cosmic Radiance (R)
    • New Active: After a 2.5 second delay, cosmic energy radiates outward from Taric and his Bastion, granting invulnerability to all allied champions hit for 2.5 seconds.
    • Cost: 100 mana
    • Cooldown: 160 / 130 / 100 seconds
Ekko Ekko
  • Parallel Convergence Parallel Convergence
    • Base damage reduced to 3% of the target's missing health from 5% of the target's missing health.
    • AP ratio increased to 「 1% per 33 AP 」「 3% per 100 AP 」 from 「 1% per 50 AP 」「 2% per 100 AP 」.
    • New Effect: Deals a minimum of 15 damage to minions and monsters.
  • Phase Dive Phase Dive
    • Base damage reduced to 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 from 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170.
    • AP ratio increased to 40% AP from 20% AP.
Galio Galio
  • Righteous Gust Righteous Gust
    • Mana cost reduced to 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 from 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90.
    • Movement speed changed to 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% from 20 / 28 / 36 / 44 / 52%.
Graves Graves
  • New Destiny New Destiny
    • First pellet damage reduced to 70-100% AD from 75-110% AD.
      • Subsequent pellets damage reduced to 23-33% AD from 24-36% AD.
    • Critical strike pellets reduced to 6 from 8.
    • Critical strike pellets spread angle reduced to 15° from 18°.
    • Removed: Bonus critical damage grants additional pellets.
    • New Effect: Critical strike pellets deal 40% × (1 + bonus critical damage) AD bonus damage.
Kog'Maw Kog'Maw
  • Caustic Spittle Caustic Spittle
    • Resistance reduction increased to 20 / 22 / 24 / 26 / 28% from 12 / 16 / 20 / 24 / 28%.
  • Bio-Arcane Barrage Bio-Arcane Barrage
    • Base damage reduced to 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.
Master Yi Master Yi
  • Highlander Highlander
  • Cooldown increased to 85 seconds at all ranks from 75.
  • Duration reduced to 7 seconds from 10.
  • Kills and assists time extension increased to 7 seconds from 4.
Miss Fortune Miss Fortune
  • Strut Strut
    • Attack speed duration increased to 4 seconds from 3.
    • Cooldown increased to 12 seconds from 8.
      • New Effect: Cooldown begins on cast rather than when the buff expires.
    • Removed: Love Tap Love Tap extends the duration.
    • New Effect: While Strut is on cooldown, applying Love Tap Love Tap reduces the remaining cooldown by 2 - 1.1 seconds.
Olaf Olaf
  • Vicious Strikes Vicious Strikes
    • Life steal increased to 14 / 16 / 18 / 20 / 22% from 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 / 21%.
  • Ragnarok Ragnarok
    • Passive armor and magic resist increased to 20 / 30 / 40 from 10 / 20 / 30.
Rumble Rumble
  • Flamespitter Flamespitter
    • Removed: 50% damage penalty against minions.
  • The Equalizer The Equalizer
    • Cooldown reduced to 110 / 100 / 90 seconds from 120 / 110 / 100.


Corrupting Potion Corrupting Potion
  • Health restore per half-second reduced to 5.20 from 6.25.
    • Total health restore reduced to 125 from 150.
  • Mana restore per half-second increased to 3.125 from 2.08.
    • Total mana restore increased to 75 from 50.
Iceborn Gauntlet Iceborn Gauntlet
  • Unique Passive - Spellblade:
    • AD ratio reduced to 100% base AD from 125% base AD.
Mercurial Scimitar Mercurial Scimitar
  • AD reduced to 65 from 75.
  • Combine cost reduced to 525 Gold 525 from 625 Gold 625.
    • Total cost reduced to 3600 Gold 3600 from 3700 Gold 3700.


Feast mastery 2016 Feast
  • Cooldown increased to 30 seconds from 25.
Grasp of the Undying mastery 2016 Grasp of the Undying
  • Life stolen reduced to 2.5% of your maximum health from 3% of your maximum health.
    • Life stolen by ranged champions reduced to 1.25% of your maximum health from 1.5% of your maximum health.
Secret Stash mastery 2016 Secret Stash
  • Biscuit instant restore changed to 15 health and mana from 20 health and 10 mana.

