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League of Legends Wiki

New Skins in the Store[]

The following skin was added along with this patch.

League of Legends V3.02[]


Akali Akali
These changes are to open up additional rune and mastery setups for Akali players. They’re intended to be a small change for those players who choose to stick with the setups they currently use.
  • Twin Disciplines Twin Disciplines
    • Discipline of Force Discipline of Force
      • Now takes effect immediately instead of requiring 19.5 Ability Power.
      • Base damage bonus reduced to 6% from 8%.
    • Discipline of Might Discipline of Might
      • Now takes effect immediately instead of requiring 9.5 Attack Damage.
      • Base spell vamp bonus reduced to 6% from 8%.
Anivia Anivia
  • Rebirth Rebirth
    • Chat messages from Anivia will now have a custom champion name Eggnivia while she's in egg form.
Janna Janna
  • General
    • Janna's basic attack should now feel more responsive.
Jarvan IV Jarvan IV
  • Martial Cadence Martial Cadence
    • Fixed a bug where Martial Cadence was dealing more damage than intended to minions and monsters.
Lulu Lulu
Master Yi Master Yi
  • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
    • Fixed a bug that caused Alpha Strike to appear available when it was on cooldown.
Morgana Morgana
  • Soul Shackles Soul Shackles
    • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the Soul Shackles sound and spell effect to play even when the target wasn't stunned.
Nami Nami
These changes are aimed at improving Nami's early laning phase by giving her a movement speed advantage and enabling her to play more aggressively.
  • General
    • Nami's basic attack should now feel more responsive.
  • Stats
    • Base movement speed increased to 340 from 335.
Nasus Nasus
The changes to Siphoning Strike help alleviate some of Nasus' weak laning phase, and the changes to Fury of the Sands improve his ability to close on targets in team fights.
  • Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike
    • Fixed a bug where Siphoning Strike critical strikes were dealing more damage than intended.
    • Mana cost reduced to 20 at all ranks from 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40.
  • Fury of the Sands Fury of the Sands
    • Now increases attack range by 50 and cast range by 100 while active.
    • Mana cost reduced to 100 from 150.
Nocturne Nocturne
  • Paranoia Paranoia
    • Fixed a bug where Nocturne wouldn't automatically chase his target after using it.
Renekton Renekton
  • Slice Slice and Dice Dice
    • Fixed a bug where they wouldn't work on minion that he couldn't see.
Riven Riven
These changes should offer Riven players new rune and item choices beyond simply stacking attack damage. In addition, they should slightly reduce her early lane snowballing, but increase her ability to recover if she falls behind.
  • Runic Blade Runic Blade
    • Adjusted damage to 15-45% of her total Attack Damage (based on champion level) from 5-15 (+0.5 bonus attack damage).
  • Broken Wings Broken Wings
    • Fixed a bug that was causing Broken Wings to improperly apply its splash damage if Valor was cast too recently.
Sivir Sivir
  • Ricochet Ricochet
    • Fixed a bug where the cooldown on earlier ranks was longer than intended.
Vi Vi
  • Assault and Battery Assault and Battery
    • Fixed a bug where the crowd control component of Assault and Battery was ignoring spell shields.
Ziggs Ziggs


Athene's Unholy Grail Athene's Unholy Grail
  • Cooldown reduction increased to 20% from 15%.
Avarice Blade Avarice Blade
  • Gold per 10 seconds increased to 3 from 2.
Blade of the Ruined King Blade of the Ruined King
  • Attack damage increased to 45 from 40.
  • Current health damage increased to 5% from 4%.
Chalice of Harmony Chalice of Harmony
Deathfire Grasp Deathfire Grasp
  • Combine cost reduced to 680 from 880 (total cost reduced to 3100 from 3300).
  • Cooldown reduction reduced to 10% from 15%.
Eleisa's Miracle Eleisa's Miracle
Executioner's Calling Executioner's Calling
  • Critical strike chance increased to 20% from 15%.
Frozen Heart Frozen Heart
  • Combine cost increased to 550 from 400 (total cost unchanged).
  • Armor increased to 95 from 90.
Glacial Shroud Glacial Shroud
  • Combine cost reduced to 230 from 380 (total cost reduced to 1350 from 1500).
  • Armor increased to 45 from 40.
  • Cooldown reduction reduced to 10% from 15%.
Iceborn Gauntlet Iceborn Gauntlet
  • Total cost reduced to 3250 from 3400.
  • Cooldown reduction reduced to 10% from 15%.
  • Fixed a bug where the slow field was lasting longer than intended.
  • Fixed a bug where the slow was not being applied immediately.
  • Slow field radius for ranged champions reduced to 210 from 275.
  • Slow field radius for melee champions increased to 285 from 275.
Liandry's Torment Liandry's Torment
  • Ability power reduced to 50 from 60.
  • Damage per second increased to 2% from 1.66%.
  • Damage-over-time and multi-target spells no longer have reduced effect.
  • Fixed damage effect not being properly reapplied on targets that already have it.
Negatron Cloak Negatron Cloak
  • Cost reduced to 720 from 810.
  • Magic resist reduced to 40 from 45.
Ohmwrecker Ohmwrecker
Quicksilver Sash Quicksilver Sash
  • Combine cost reduced to 830 from 850 (total cost reduced to 1550 from 1660).
Rabadon's Deathcap Rabadon's Deathcap
    • Combine cost increased to 840 from 740 (total cost increased to 3300 from 3200).
    • Ability power bonus increased to 30% from 25%.
Shurelya's Reverie Shurelya's Reverie
  • Cooldown reduction is no longer Unique.
Spirit of the Spectral Wraith Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
  • New Unqiue Passive: Reduces the cooldown on Smite Smite by 20%.
Spirit Visage Spirit Visage
  • Combine cost increased to 630 from 540 (total cost unchanged).
  • Cooldown reduction increased to 20% from 15%.
Wit's End Wit's End
  • Magic resist increased to 25 from 20.
Zeke's Herald Zeke's Herald
  • Combine cost increased to 900 from 800 (total cost increased to 2550 from 2450).
  • Cooldown reduction increased to 20% from 15%.


  • Fixed a number of display bugs with the league system.
  • Updated the rules around displaying Season 2 loading screen borders in each queue.
    • Normal and co-op games now show the higher reward from either ranked solo or the appropriate ranked team queue.
    • Custom and Dominion games now show the best reward achieved in any queue.
    • Ranked games still show the reward from that specific queue.


  • We adjusted the matchmaking system last patch so it would account for both matchmaking rating and your total of wins in the current queue when creating matches.
  • We made some adjustments this patch to reduce average queue times.

Item Shop Optimization[]

  • We made some keyboard navigation updates to the Item Shop:
    • Ctrl + L or Ctrl + Enter focuses the search menu (You can rebind this command through the options menu).
    • Ctrl + Tab changes item shop tabs (You can rebind this command through the options menu).
    • You can now view the scoreboard while the item shop is open.
    • You can now chat while the item shop is open.
  • The search menu is now on the Recommended Items tab in addition to the All Items tab.
  • "On Hit" and "Stealth Detect" are now searchable terms within the Item Shop.
  • You can now single right click items in the item shop to purchase.
  • The item shop should now be more responsive upon buying or selling items.
  • The size of the item shop when on resolutions of 1080 pixels tall or higher has been slightly reduced.

Co-op vs. AI[]

  • Shen Shen Bot should now continue to function after the target of his ultimate ultimate is killed during the channel time.


We made a bunch of quality of life improvements to passive on-attack effects so they're no longer consumed when attacking wards.

Ashe Ashe

  • Focus Focus is no longer consumed when attacking wards.

Caitlyn Caitlyn

  • Headshot Headshot is no longer consumed when attacking wards.

Kennen Kennen

Sona Sona

  • Power Chord Power Chord is no longer consumed when attacking wards.

Twisted Fate Twisted Fate

Ziggs Ziggs

  • Short Fuse Short Fuse is no longer consumed when attacking wards.

  • The Teleport Teleport indicators on the minimap should now appear more distinct from the recall indicators.
  • The chat command system has been slightly improved behind the scenes.
    • You can type /allcommands to get a complete list of chat commands.
    • You can now type /help /command to get detailed information on that chat command.
    • You can now ignore a player who is playing a specific champion on your team by typing /ignore @ChampionName.
  • Knockups now function more consistently and should fail less frequently when close to walls.
  • Setting the DisableCameraSnapOnRespawn=1 option should no longer cause your spacebar to stop working when you respawn.
  • Muting a player will no longer mute his map pings; map pings have been throttled to prevent spam.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented some players from receiving in-game messages that included special characters.
  • Zooming the camera in and out has been smoothed.
  • Boots of Mobility Boots of Mobility will now show a cooldown for their passive effect.
  • You now have the option to display your autoattack range by pressing [A]ttack.
  • The camera should no longer pan when League of Legends is not the program of focus.
  • Kog'Maw Kog'Maw, Karthus and Zyra should no longer grant double kills when using Muramana Muramana.
  • Dragon Dragon and Baron Nashor Baron Nashor kill callouts should now display assists.
  • Nami's Nami's Aqua Prison Aqua Prison should now properly reset jungle creeps.
  • Hitting space while using a locked camera should no longer disable locked camera mode.


...These changes are intended to address some valid complaints about the harshness and frequency of demotions as well as frustrations surrounding the discrepancy between LP gains and losses for many Division I players. We've also included a few bugfixes.
  • Increased the requirements for being demoted so that demotions will happen less frequently
  • Increased the length of the demotion immunity grace period that occurs after being placed in a new division
  • Players and teams that are demoted will now have 75 LP in the new division rather than 50
  • Tweaked LP gains and losses for players and teams in Division I who haven't passed the additional checks to qualify for the next tier
    • LP changes from both wins and losses will now be reduced in this situation, rather than just wins
    • Reductions in LP changes will now kick in earlier and more gradually rather than only starting near 100 LP
  • "Loss forgiven" during server issues will now prevent demotions as well as series losses
  • Summoner name changes are now properly handled by the league system
  • Fixed a bug that could occasionally cause players to gain more LP than expected in Challenger tier

Undocumented Changes[]


  • Updated classic splash art and icon for Sona Sona.

Riven Riven

  • Runic Blade Runic Blade: adjusted damage to 20-50% of her total Attack Damage (based on champion level) from 15-45% of her total Attack Damage.


Abyssal Scepter Abyssal Scepter

  • Total cost reduced to 2560 from 2650.

Banshee's Veil Banshee's Veil

  • Total cost reduced to 2520 from 2610.

Eleisa's Miracle Eleisa's Miracle

  • Cooldown reduction of selected summoner spells increased to 30% from 25%.

Mercurial Scimitar Mercurial Scimitar

  • Total cost reduced to 3700 from 3810.

Odyn's Veil Odyn's Veil

  • Total cost reduced to 2520 from 2610.

Runic Bulwark Runic Bulwark

  • Added to Twisted Treeline

Zhonya's Hourglass Zhonya's Hourglass

  • Total cost decreased to 3260 from 3410.
  • Combine cost decreased to 500 from 650.

