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League of Legends Wiki
Master Yi OriginalCentered
Master Yi
Master Yi (Universe)Master Yi (Universe)
Master Yi (League of Legends)Master Yi (League of Legends)
Master Yi (Esports)Master Yi (Esports)
Master Yi (Teamfight Tactics)Master Yi (Teamfight Tactics)
Master Yi (Legends of Runeterra)Master Yi (Legends of Runeterra)
Master Yi (Wild Rift)Master Yi (Wild Rift)
Master Yi (Development)Master Yi (Development)
Master Yi (Trivia)Master Yi (Trivia)

Master Yi is a champion in League of Legends.[1]



Double Strike

Double Strike

Innate: Master Yi's basic attacks On-hit icon on-hit generate a stack of Double Strike for 4 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits and stacking up to 3 times. At 3 stacks, Master Yi's next basic attack on-attack is empowered to consume the stacks to strike twice, the second strike dealing 50% AD physical damage.

The second strike applies On-hit icon on-hit and on-attack effects at 100% effectiveness and is affected by Critical strike icon critical strike modifiers.

If Master Yi's primary target is killed before the second strike, he automatically attacks another enemy within 300 range.

The second strike can Critical strike icon critically strike Turret icon structures.

  • Since Double Strike resets the counter on-attack and the second strike applies on-hit effects, the second strike is able to add a stack for the next Double Strike activation.
  • If Double Strike's target becomes Untargetable icon untargetable shortly after the triggering attack, it will still occur and deal its effects as usual.
  • The second strike will trigger but not consume Double Strike stacks if the primary attack is Jax Counter Strike old dodged.
    • PENDING FOR TEST:: Blind icon Blind


Alpha Strike

Alpha Strike

Active: Master Yi Hallucinate vanishes and becomes Lockout icon 2 unable to act. After 0.231 seconds, he marks the target enemy and then proceeds to mark the nearest Sight icon visible un-marked enemy within 600 units, recurring every 0.231 seconds「 up to 3 times. 」「 for a total of 4 marks. 」If there are no other un-marked targets before then, Master Yi can mark the same enemies again. During Alpha Strike, Master Yi can select a direction from the primary target.

Upon finishing marking, Master Yi Flash reappears 75 units in the targeted direction, or in front of the target otherwise, and then becomes able to act again「 after 0.165 seconds. 」「 1.087 seconds total after the start of the cast with 4 bounces. 」If the primary target Death dies or is too far away during the delay, Master Yi will reappear at the initial cast location instead.

Master Yi then detonates the marks, dealing physical damage and applying On-hit icon on-hit effects at 75% effectiveness. Marks after the first on the same target instantly deal 25% damage and apply On-hit icon on-hit effects at 18.75% effectiveness. Alpha Strike deals bonus physical damage to Monster icon monsters per hit.

Physical Damage:
30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 (+ 50% AD)
Reduced Damage per hit:
7.5 / 15 / 22.5 / 30 / 37.5 (+ 12.5% AD)
Maximum Single-Target Damage:
52.5 / 105 / 157.5 / 210 / 262.5 (+ 87.5% AD)
Monster Bonus Damage:
65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165
Monster Total Damage:
95 / 150 / 205 / 260 / 315 (+ 50% AD)
Reduced Monster Damage per hit:
23.75 / 37.5 / 51.25 / 65 / 78.75 (+ 12.5% AD)
Max Monster Single-Target Damage:
166.25 / 262.5 / 358.75 / 455 / 551.25 (+ 87.5% AD)

Alpha Strike's primary and lesser damage can Critical strike icon critically strike for bonus physical damage equal to (17.5% + 7% 7%) AD and (4.375% + 1 1.75%) AD respectively.

Basic attacks On-hit icon on-hit reduce Alpha Strike's Cooldown icon current cooldown by 1 second.

Wuju Style Wuju Style and Highlander Highlander can be cast during Alpha Strike. Each time Alpha Strike hits a target, the durations of Wuju Style Wuju Style and Highlander Highlander are refreshed by their current duration. Alpha Strike does not trigger its cooldown reduction nor grant a stack of Double Strike Double Strike when applying on-hit effects.

▶️   "Many foes, one strike!"

  • Alpha Strike's primary damage applies after Master Yi reappears.
  • Alpha Strike's Cooldown icon cooldown reduction applies on Turret icon structures.
  • When Master Yi bounces from a unit it will grant Sight icon vision in a 600 radius around it for up-to 0.627 seconds after Alpha Strike ends, including across terrain, though not into Brushmaker brushes.
    • It will always grant vision around the primary target, even if he doesn't bounce off it.
  • Alpha Strike's damage is calculated at the moment that each mark is placed. Because of this, it is possible to inflict differing amounts of damage if Master Yi's AD changes between marks.
  • Master Yi will follow all his primary target's movements.
    • Alpha Strike can only follow up-to 2000 units; If the target teleports a very long distance, it will not be followed.
  • If the primary target becomes Untargetable icon untargetable and there are no other nearby valid targets, Alpha Strike will end prematurely and will not deal the damage occurring after Master Yi's reappearance.
  • The choice of exit direction occurs through an indicator anchored to the target during the time that Master Yi is vanished. Selection commands (default: MB1/left click) and movement commands (default: MB2/right click) are both valid.
    • Multiple commands can be issued, but only the final command before exiting will determine the direction.
  • If the primary target is a champion, Master Yi will be automatically ordered to basic attack them after Alpha Strike ends.
    • Master Yi will not be able to buffer other abilities.(bug)
  • Spell Shield Spell shield will only block a single instance of damage.
  • On-hit damage applied by Alpha Strike will be negated by Jax Counter Strike old dodge and Spirit's Refuge block, but not while Master Yi is Blind icon blinded.
    • Alpha Strike's own damage will not be negated.
  • If Master Yi Death dies during Alpha Strike and he is only focusing one target, the ability will only deal the reduced damage strikes and not the final tick of damage from reappearing.
    • If he is striking multiple targets the damage will be dealt immediately when dying, and if he dies before the bounce from the last target, Alpha Strike will deal reduced damage only to all units he already bounced from.(bug)
  • If Master Yi enters Revival icon resurrection during Alpha Strike and he is only focusing one target, the ability will deal the reduced damage strikes as normal and the final tick of damage after being resurrected.
    • If he is striking multiple targets, Alpha Strike will sometimes deal the reduced damage from repeated bounces and the main damage after being resurrected, and sometimes only the reduced damage, unrelated to the number of targets available.(bug)
  • The following table refers for interactions while Master Yi is performing Alpha Strike:
Attacking Disabled
Abilities Wuju Style Wuju Style and Highlander Highlander are usable. Meditate Meditate is disabled.
Movement Disabled
Items Usable N/A
Disabled All items are disabled
Interrupted by N/A
Consumables Disabled
Spells Usable Barrier Barrier Clarity Clarity Cleanse Cleanse Exhaust Exhaust Ghost Ghost Heal Heal Ignite Ignite Smite Smite
Disabled Flash Flash Teleport Teleport Recall Recall Hexflash Hexflash
Interrupted by N/A
Interrupted by
  • Death
  • Map-Specific Differences
    ProfileIcon0785 The Thinking Manatee Ultra Rapid Fire differences edit
    • Cooldown begins after the blink.
    Arena icon Arena differences edit
    • Base damage changed to 20 / 45 / 70 / 95 / 120.
    • AD ratio changed to 40% AD.




    Active: Master Yi Channeling icon channels for up to 4 seconds, Heal power icon healing himself every 0.5 seconds, increased by 0% − 100% (based on missing health).

    Minimum Heal Per Tick:
    15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 (+ 12.5% AP)
    Maximum Heal Per Tick:
    30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 (+ 25% AP)
    Minimum Total Heal:
    120 / 200 / 280 / 360 / 440 (+ 100% AP)
    Maximum Total Heal:
    240 / 400 / 560 / 720 / 880 (+ 200% AP)

    While channeling, Master Yi gains 70% damage reduction for the first 0.5 seconds, which is then modified to a reduced amount for the remaining duration of the channel. Meditate's damage reduction is halved against Turret icon turrets and lingers for 0.5 seconds after the channel ends.

    Modified Damage Reduction:
    45 / 47.5 / 50 / 52.5 / 55%
    Turret Modified Damage Reduction:
    22.5 / 23.75 / 25 / 26.25 / 27.5%

    Meditate Bladework resets Master Yi's basic attack timer, pauses Wuju Style's Wuju Style's and Highlander's Highlander's duration, and grants one stack of Double Strike Double Strike per second during the channel.

    ▶️   "Mind and body."

    • Meditate's healing amount updates dynamically as he heals himself, making Master Yi heal for less as his current health increases.
    • The following table refers for interactions while Master Yi is Channeling icon channeling:
    Type Channel
    Attacking Interrupts
    Abilities Interrupts
    Movement Interrupts
    Items Usable Shurelya's Battlesong Shurelya's Battlesong Youmuu's Ghostblade Youmuu's Ghostblade Randuin's Omen Randuin's Omen
    Disabled Hextech Rocketbelt Hextech Rocketbelt
    Interrupted by All item-actives not specified above interrupt
    Consumables Usable
    Spells Usable Barrier Barrier Clarity Clarity Cleanse Cleanse Exhaust Exhaust Ghost Ghost Heal Heal Ignite Ignite Smite Smite
    Disabled N/A
    Interrupted by Flash Flash Teleport Teleport Recall Recall Hexflash Hexflash
    Interrupted by
  • Death
  • Silence icon Cast-inhibiting effects
  • Edit

    Wuju Style

    Wuju Style

    Active: Master Yi empowers his basic attacks within the next 5 seconds to deal Hybrid penetration icon bonus true damage On-hit icon on-hit.

    Bonus True Damage:
    20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (+ 30% bonus AD)

    • Wuju Style can be cast during Alpha Strike Alpha Strike.
    • Wuju Style can't be cast while it is already active.
    • Wuju Style's bonus true damage does not interact with Critical strike icon critical strikes.
    • Wuju Style's bonus true damage cannot be Spirit's Refuge blocked but can be Jax Counter Strike old dodged and/or missed if Master Yi is Blind icon blinded.
    • The attacks do not deal the bonus damage against structures.



    Passive: Scoring a champion Damage rating takedown reduces the Cooldown icon current cooldowns of Master Yi's basic abilities by 70%.


    Active: Master Yi Remove Scurvy cleanses himself from all Slow icon slows and Cripple icon cripples. For the next 7 seconds, he gains Ghost ghosting, Attack speed icon bonus attack speed, Movement speed icon bonus movement speed, Slow immune 2 slow immunity, and Cripple immune cripple immunity.

    Bonus Attack Speed:
    25 / 35 / 45%
    Bonus Movement Speed:
    35 / 45 / 55%

    While active, scoring a champion Damage rating takedown extends Highlander's duration by 7 seconds.

    ▶️   "Speed of thought!"

    • Highlander can be cast during Alpha Strike Alpha Strike.
    • There are two situations that can happen if Master Yi uses Highlander while Highlander's buff is active.
      • If the buff's duration is under 7 seconds, the buff refreshes to 7 seconds.
      • If the buff's duration is above 7 seconds, nothing happens.

    Champion skins[]

    This article section only contains champion skins. For all associated collection items, see Master Yi (Collection).
    Master Yi OriginalSkin
    RP 260
    Master Yi has tempered his body and sharpened his mind, so that thought and action have become almost as one. Though he chooses to enter into violence only as a last resort, the grace and speed of his blade ensures resolution is always swift. As one of the last living practitioners of the Ionian art of Wuju, Yi has devoted his life to continuing the legacy of his people—scrutinizing potential new disciples with the Seven Lenses of Insight to identify the most worthy among them.
    ActorMicha Berman
    ArtistMichal Ivan, Puppetworks Animation Studio
    Loot eligible Loot eligible

    Patch history[]

    For the expanded patch notes, see here.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Bonus monster damage reduced to 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165 from 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175.
    • Meditate Meditate
      • Cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 9.
      • Initial damage reduction reduced to 70% from 90%.
    • Stats
      • Health growth increased to 105 from 100.
      • Attack speed growth increased to 2.5% from 2%.
      • Attack damage growth increased to 2.5 from 2.2.
      • Armor growth increased to 4.7 from 4.2.
    • Double Strike Double Strike
      • Bug Fix: The double strike attack no longer incorrectly consumes an additional Hail of Blades Hail of Blades stack.
    • Wuju Style Wuju Style
      • Base damage reduced to 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 from 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50.
    • Wuju Style Wuju Style
      • Cooldown reduced to 14 seconds from 18.
    • Stats
      • Base mana regeneration reduced to 7.25 from 7.26.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Bug Fix: No longer sometimes causes monsters to attack him but deal no damage.
    • Stats
      • Attack damage growth reduced to 2.2 from 2.5.
    • Wuju Style Wuju Style
      • Bonus AD ratio reduced to 30% bonus AD from 35%.
    • Wuju Style Wuju Style
      • Cooldown increased to 18 seconds at all ranks from 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14.
    V12.13 - July 13th Hotfix
    • Stats
      • Base attack damage reduced to 65 from 66.
      • Attack damage growth reduced to 2.5 from 3.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Cooldown increased to 20 / 19.5 / 19 / 18.5 / 18 seconds from 18 / 17.5 / 17 / 16.5 / 16.
    • Meditate Meditate
      • Damage reduction reduced to 45 / 47.5 / 50 / 52.5 / 55% from 60 / 62.5 / 65 / 67.5 / 70%.
    • Stats
      • Attack range increased to 175 units from 125.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • New Effect: Can now choose where to reposition near the initial target after the effect ends by choosing a direction around them, by default he will be placed in front of them.
    • Meditate Meditate
      • Cooldown reduced to 9 seconds from 28.
      • Mana cost reduced to 40 from 50.
      • New Effect: Now costs 6% maximum mana per second while channeling.
      • New Effect: Damage reduction is now increased to 90% for the first 0.5 seconds of the channel.
      • Damage reduction linger increased to 0.5 seconds from 0.25.
      • Bug Fix/Undocumented: Damage reduction now also lingers when the channel's duration ends, rather than only when the channel is cancelled.
      • Bug Fix/Undocumented: Damage reduction during the linger no longer has greater effectiveness against turrets and lesser effectiveness against other units.
    • Stats
      • Health growth reduced to 100 from 106.
    • Wuju Style Wuju Style
      • Base bonus true damage reduced to 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 from 30 / 38 / 46 / 54 / 62.
    • Stats
      • Base health increased to 669 from 599.
      • Health growth increased to 106 from 92.
      • Armor growth increased to 4.2 from 3.
      • Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05 from 1.25.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Bug Fix: SFX is no longer sometimes audible to enemies from the fog of war.
    • Highlander Highlander
      • Bonus attack speed reduced to 25 / 35 / 45% from 25 / 45 / 65%.
    V12.5 - March 9th Hotfix
    • Stats
      • Base health increased to 599 from 550.
    • Wuju Style Wuju Style
      • Base bonus true damage increased to 30 / 38 / 46 / 54 / 62 from 30 / 37 / 44 / 51 / 58.
    • Highlander Highlander
      • Cooldown changed to 85 seconds at all ranks from 100 / 90 / 80.
    V12.5 - March 4th Hotfix
    • Stats
      • Base health reduced to 550 from 599.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • AD ratio reduced to 50% AD from 60% AD.
        • Critical strike bonus damage AD ratio reduced to (17.5% + 6 6.125%) AD from (30% + 10 10.5%) AD.
        • Subsequent hits critical strike bonus damage AD ratio reduced to (4.375% + 1 1.53125%) AD from (7.5% + 2 2.625%) AD.
      • On-hit modifier reduced to 75% from 100%.
        • Subsequent hit on-hit modifier reduced to 18.75% from 25%.
    • Wuju Style Wuju Style
      • Base bonus true damage reduced to 30 / 37 / 44 / 51 / 58 from 30 / 38 / 46 / 54 / 62.
    • Highlander Highlander
      • Cooldown changed to 100 / 90 / 80 seconds from 85 at all ranks.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Base damage changed to 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 from 25 / 60 / 95 / 130 / 165.
      • AD ratio reduced to 60% AD from 90% AD.
        • Critical strike bonus damage AD ratio reduced to (30% + 10 10.5%) AD from (54% + 18 18.9%) AD.
        • Subsequent hits critical strike bonus damage AD ratio reduced to (7.5% + 2 2.625%) AD from (13.5% + 4 4.725%) AD.
      • New Effect: Cooldown reduction per basic attack now scales down with ability haste.
      • New Effect: Now applies on-hit effects, reduced to 25% for subsequent hits.
    • Wuju Style Wuju Style
      • Base bonus true damage reduced to 30 / 38 / 46 / 54 / 62 from 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70.
      • New Effect: Duration is now paused during Alpha Strike Alpha Strike.
      • New Effect: Can now be cast during Alpha Strike Alpha Strike.
    • Highlander Highlander
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • AD ratio reduced to 90% AD from 100% AD.
        • Critical strike bonus damage AD ratio reduced to 54% AD from 60% AD.
    • Wuju Style Wuju Style
      • Base bonus true damage increased to 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60.
    • Wuju Style Wuju Style
      • Base bonus true damage increased to 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 from 18 / 26 / 34 / 42 / 50.
    • Stats
      • Base magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.
      • Base health increased to 599 from 598.56.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Cooldown increased to 18 / 17.5 / 17 / 16.5 / 16 seconds from 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14.
    • Highlander Highlander
      • Bonus attack speed reduced to 25 / 45 / 65% from 30 / 55 / 80%.
    • Highlander Highlander
      • Bug Fix: No longer cancels basic attack animation.
    • General
      • Recommended items updated.
    • Double Strike Double Strike
      • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where stacks were lasting 3 seconds instead of 4.
    V9.11 - May 30th Hotfix
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Repeated strike damage increased to 25% from 15%.
    • Stats
      • No longer has 0.054 additional attack speed at level one.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Repeated strike damage reduced to 15% from 25%.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Removed: No longer has a 0.1-second cast time.
      • New Effect: If Master Yi has struck less then the maximum amount of targets and there are no eligible targets nearby, he strikes the same target for 25% damage before checking again. These minor strikes deal damage instantly.
      • New Effect: Duration is now always 0.8 seconds, rather than depending on the number of targets.
    • Meditate Meditate
      • Removed No longer has a 0.05-second cast time.
    • Wuju Style Wuju Style
      • Removed: No longer gains 10% bonus AD while off cooldown.
    • Highlander Highlander
      • Bonus movement speed changed to 35 / 45 / 55% bonus movement speed from 25 / 35 / 45% multiplicative movement speed.
    • Highlander Highlander
      • New Effect: Ability icon HUD now shows the remaining duration of the ability.
    • Double Strike Double Strike
      • Bug Fix: Basic attack no longer cancels if Double Strike's stack counter expires mid-attack.
    • Meditate Meditate
      • Cooldown reduced to 28 seconds from 35.
      • Damage reduction increased to 60 / 62.5 / 65 / 67.5 / 70% from 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70%.
        • Turret damage reduction increased to 30 / 31.25 / 32.5 / 33.75 / 35% from 25 / 27.5 / 30 / 32.5 / 35%.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Removed: No longer deals 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 bonus damage to minions.
      • Mana cost reduced to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90.
    • Stats
      • Base attack damage reduced to 66 from 68.
      • New: Now has 8% bonus attack speed at level 1.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Bug Fix: Using Alpha Strike while being alone will no longer cause Dragon to knock back and Baron to start healing.
    • Stats
      • Base health regeneration reduced to 7.5 from 7.592.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Mana cost reduced to 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90 from 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110.
    • Wuju Style Wuju Style
      • Bonus true damage increased to 18 / 26 / 34 / 42 / 50 from 14 / 23 / 32 / 41 / 50.
      • Active bonus AD ratio increased to 35% bonus AD from 25%.
      • Bug Fix: Ring VFX during his taunt no longer disappear when moving the camera away and back.
    • Stats
      • Base attack damage increased to 68 from 60.04.
      • Base armor increased to 33 from 24.04.
      • Bug Fix: Death VFX now correctly play during his death animation.
      • Meditate Meditate
        • Bug Fix: Now displays the correct particles during Meditate, not his base skin particles.
    • Double Strike Double Strike
      • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where if it killed a champion, the second hit could hit nearby invisible champions.
    • Double Strike Double Strike
      • New Effect: If Double Strike's first hit kills a unit, the second strike now searches for a new target within 300 range (prioritizes killing blows).
    • Meditate Meditate
      • New Effect: Channeling Meditate pauses the durations of Wuju Style Wuju Style and Highlander Highlander.
      • New Effect: Now grants Master Yi one stack of Double Strike Double Strike per second while channeling.
    • Double Strike Double Strike
      • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where Guinsoo's Rageblade Guinsoo's Rageblade dealt damage to Master Yi on Double Strike's second hit.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Now determines Master Yi's ending position when damage is dealt, rather than 0.05 seconds beforehand. In other words, Master Yi more reliably ends up next to his target if the target Flashes Flashes at the end of Alpha Strike. (Alpha Strike duration unchanged)
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug causing the cooldown to sometimes not display properly.
    • Double Strike Double Strike
      • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where Master Yi would not critically strike monsters after Double Striking them at certain attack speeds.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Bug Fix: Dying during Alpha Strike will properly play Master Yi's death animation, placing him where Alpha Strike was portraying him to be.
      • New Effect: Minimum untargetability of 0.25 seconds.
      • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where Alpha Strike could sometimes fail to cast but still go on cooldown, and be unable to be reset by basic attacking until Master Yi cast Alpha Strike again.
      • New Effect: Alpha Strike now also grants vision of where Master Yi will strike on his next bounce.
      • Alpha Strike won't place Master Yi on top of Baron Nashor Baron Nashor if it is the primary target.
      • Meditate Meditate is no longer momentarily locked out after a failed Alpha Strike cast.
      • Master Yi now becomes eligible for assists as soon as Alpha Strike visually bounces to a target (even though damage is only applied at the end of the animation).
    • Wuju Style Wuju Style
      • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where Wuju Style's passive attack damage bonus wasn’' counting toward the 25% bonus AD scaling of its active effect if Wuju Style was cast immediately as its cooldown expired.
    • Meditate Meditate
      • Per-second AP ratio increased to (+ 25% AP) from (+ 15% AP).
    • Wuju Style Wuju Style
      • Active bonus true damage increased to 14 / 23 / 32 / 41 / 50 from 12 / 19 / 26 / 33 / 40.
    • Highlander Highlander
      • Cooldown increased to 85 from 75
      • Duration reduced to 7 seconds from 10
      • On-kill/on-assist duration extension increased to 7 seconds from 4.
    • Wuju Style Wuju Style
      • Active bonus true damage increased to 12 / 19 / 26 / 33 / 40 from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.
      • AD ratio changed to (+ 25% Bonus AD) from (+ 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 17.5 / 20% AD).
    • Meditate Meditate
      • Tooltip updated to display correct per-second (+ 15% AP) ratio instead of (+ 30% AP).
    • Stats
      • Armor increased to 19 from 15
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Bug Fix: In-flight projectiles incorrectly dropping after becoming untargetable.
    • Meditate Meditate
      • Mana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks from 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110.
    • Stats
      • Attack speed per level reduced to 2% from 2.75.
    • Double Strike Double Strike
      • Bug Fix: Second strike damaging targets even when Master Yi is blinded.
    • Meditate Meditate
      • Damage reduction increased to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70% from 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60.
    • Wuju Style Wuju Style
      • Passive bonus attack damage changed to 10% at all ranks from 7 / 9 / 11 / 13 / 15.
    • Highlander Highlander
      • Cooldown reduction changed to 70% on kill or assists from 18 seconds on-kill and 9 on-assist.
    • General
      • New voice-over.
    • Stats
      • Health per level increased to 92 from 86.
      • Base mana reduced to 180 from 199.
      • Mana per level increased to 42 from 36.
      • Base armor reduced to 15 from 16.3.
      • Armor per level reduced to 3 from 3.7.
      • Attack speed per level reduced to 2.75% from 2.98%.
    • Double Strike Double Strike
      • New: Every 4th consecutive basic attack, Master Yi will attack twice, dealing 50% damage on the second strike.
      • Old: After 7 basic attacks, Master Yi will strike his next target twice (if the first strike doesn't kill the target). The second strike triggers on-hit effects (including Double Strike's attack counter) and can critically strike.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • New:
        • Master Yi becomes untargetable and dashes to up to 4 units, dealing 25 / 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 (+1.0 total attack damage) physical damage and 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 bonus damage to minions. Alpha Strike can critically strike for 60% of Master Yi's total attack damage.
        • Alpha Strike's cooldown is reduced by 1 second each time Master Yi basic attacks.
      • Old:
        • Active: Master Yi blinks to a target enemy, dealing magic damage to it and up to three other enemies within a small range of the target, with a 50% chance to deal additional damage to minions and monsters. Master Yi is untargetable for Alpha Strike's duration, appearing at the initial target's location after the effect ends. If the initial target dies before Alpha Strike ends, Master Yi reappears at his original location instead.
        • Magic damage: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+100% AP).
        • Additional damage to monsters: 260 / 320 / 380 / 440 / 500
      • Mana cost increased to 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.
      • Cooldown increased to 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 seconds from 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10.
    • Meditate Meditate
      • New:
        • Master Yi channels for 4 seconds, gaining 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 damage reduction and healing for 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 (+0.3 ability power) per second.
        • This heal is increased by 1% for every 1% Health Master Yi is missing. The damage reduction is halved against turrets.
      • Old:
        • Active: Master Yi channels for 5 seconds, gaining increased armor, health regeneration, and magic resistance while channeling. Master Yi also heals at the beginning and end (if it lasts for the full 5 seconds) of the channel.
        • Bonus armor/ magic resist: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300
        • Bonus health regeneration per second: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+40% AP)
        • Maximum heal: 200 / 350 / 500 / 650 / 800 (+200% AP)
    • Wuju Style Wuju Style
      • New:
        • Passive: Master Yi gains 7 / 9 / 11 / 13 / 15 attack damage.
        • Active: Master Yi deals 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+0.1 / 0.125 / 0.15 / 0.175 / 0.2 total attack damage) true damage on hit for 5 seconds. Wuju Style's passive bonus is lost while the skill is on cooldown.
      • Old:
        • Passive: Master Yi gains 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 attack damage.
        • Active: For 10 seconds, Master Yi has increased attack damage equal to double the passive bonus.
      • Mana cost reduced to 0 from 40.
      • Cooldown reduced to 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 from 25 / 23 / 21 / 19 / 17.
    • Highlander Highlander
      • New:
        • Passive: when Master Yi kills a champion, the cooldowns on his basic abilities are reduced by 18 seconds (half for assists)
        • Active: grants Master Yi 30 / 55 / 80 attack speed and 20 / 32.5 / 45 movement speed for 10 seconds. If Master Yi scores a kill or assist while Highlander is active, Highlander's duration is extended by 4 seconds.
      • Old:
        • Active: For several seconds, Master Yi gains 40% increased movement speed, increased attack speed, and immunity to movement speed slows (but remains vulnerable to other forms of crowd control). Killing a champion during Highlander will restore all of Master Yi's cooldowns, and each assist during Highlander will restore half of his base cooldowns.
        • Increased attack speed: 40 / 60 / 80
        • Duration: 8 / 10 / 12 seconds
    • Double Strike Double Strike
      • Trigger speed changed to scale with Master Yi's attack speed from 0.6 seconds at all times.
      • Bug Fix: Second strike critically striking turrets.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Bug Fix: Displaying as off cooldown when on it.
    • Meditate Meditate
      • Total heal increased to 200 / 350 / 500 / 650 / 800 from 140 / 280 / 420 / 560 / 700.
      • Total AP ratio reduced to (+ 200% AP) from (+ 400% AP).
      • Mana cost reduced to 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 from 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Initial cast time reduced.
      • Bonus minion damage chance changed to 50% at all ranks from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60.
      • Bonus minion damage changed to 260 / 320 / 380 / 440 / 500 from 400 at all ranks.
    • Meditate Meditate
      • Initial cast time reduced.
    • Wuju Style Wuju Style.
      • Cooldown reduced to 25 / 23 / 21 / 19 / 17 seconds from 25 at all ranks.
    • General
    • Stats
      • Movement speed increased to 355 from 330.
    • Meditate Meditate
      • Mana cost reduced to 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 from 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130.
    • Highlander Highlander
      • Bug Fix: Assists not reducing Alpha Strike Alpha Strike's cooldown.
      • Duration increased to 8 / 10 / 12 seconds from 6 / 9 / 12.
    • Meditate Meditate
      • Bug Fix: Tooltip displaying incorrect AP ratio (lower than intended).
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Mana cost reduced to 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 from 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120.
    • Highlander Highlander
      • Mana cost reduced to 100 from 120.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • New Effect: Master Yi can activate Wuju Style Wuju Style and Highlander Highlander while untargetable.
      • New Effect: Master Yi will attempt to attack the target champion once he reappears.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Blinking updated for consistency when near walls (to avoid Master Yi reappearing on the other side of a jungle camp).
    • Stats
      • Attack range increased to 125 from 100.
    • Double Strike Double Strike
      • Trigger changed to every 7th basic attack from 10%.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Cooldown reduced to 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 seconds from 18 at all ranks.
      • Mana cost reduced to 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 from 90 / 105 / 120 / 135 / 150.
      • Cast time reduced.
      • Speed increased.
    • Meditate Meditate
      • Cooldown reduced to 35 seconds from 45.
      • Tick rate increased to every 0.5 seconds from every 1.
      • Heal reduced to 140 / 280 / 420 / 560 / 700 from 150 / 300 / 500 / 750 / 1100.
      • Mana cost reduced to 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130 from 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160.
      • Bonus resistances increased to 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 from 30 at all ranks.
    • Wuju Style Wuju Style
      • Cooldown reduced to 25 seconds from 30.
    • Highlander Highlander
      • New Effect: Assists on enemy champions reduce Master Yi's basic abilities' cooldown by 50%.
    • Highlander Highlander
      • Bonus attack speed stacking changed to additive from multiplicative.
      • Bonus attack speed increased to 40 / 60 / 80% from 30 / 50 / 70.
      • Bonus movement speed stacking changed to additive from multiplicative.
    • Stats
      • Health increased to 530 from 480.
      • Health per level reduced to 86 from 88.
      • Attack damage increased to 55.7 from 48.7.
      • Attack damage per level increased to 3.1 from 1.775.
      • Movement speed increased to 330 from 325.
    • Stats
      • Movement speed increased to 325 from 320.
    • Meditate Meditate
      • New Effect: Master Yi gains 30 bonus armor and 30 bonus magic resistance for the duration.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Bug Fix: Master Yi sometimes canceling attack commands after reappearing.
    • Highlander Highlander
      • Bonus movement speed increased to 40% from 30 (to accommodate for movement speed soft capping).
    July 10, 2009 Patch
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • New Effect: Master Yi reappears on his target's location.
    June 26, 2009 Patch
    June 12, 2009 Patch
    • Wuju Style Wuju Style
      • Passive bonus attack damage increased to 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.
      • Active bonus attack damage reduced to double the passive one from triple.
      • Mana cost increased to 40 from 25.
      • Cooldown reduced to 30 seconds from 40.
    June 6, 2009 Patch
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Cooldown increased to 18 seconds from 16.
    • Highlander Highlander
      • Bonus attack speed changed to 30 / 50 / 70% from 25 / 50 / 75.
      • Bonus movement speed reduced to 30% from 35.
    May 29, 2009 Patch
    • Gameplay Update
      • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
        • Moved to Q from R.
        • New Effect: Has a chance to deal bonus damage to minions hit.
      • Meditate Meditate
        • Heal reduced to 150 / 300 / 500 / 750 / 1100 from 150 / 350 / 600 / 900 / 1250.
        • Mana cost reduced to 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160 from 100 / 120 / 140 / 160 / 180.
        • Cooldown reduced to 45 seconds from 60.
      • Wuju Style Wuju Style
        • Removed: Cost per attack, bonus attack speed.
        • New Effect: Passively grants Master Yi bonus attack damage.
        • New Effect: Upon activation Master Yi gains triple the bonus attack damage but loses the passive one for the duration.
      • Highlander Highlander
        • Moved to R from Q.
        • New Effect: Grants Master Yi bonus attack speed and bonus movement speed for the duration.
        • New Effect: Master Yi is immune to slows for the duration.
        • New Effect: For the duration, kills on enemy champions refresh all basic ability cooldowns.
    May 23, 2009 Patch
    May 15, 2009 Patch
    • General
      • Recommended items updated
    • Highlander Highlander
      • Duration reduced to 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 seconds from 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8.
      • Removed: Cleansing Soul Shackles Soul Shackles.
    • Meditate Meditate
      • Channel duration reduced to 5 seconds from 6
      • New Effect: Master Yi heals when he finishes channeling.
      • Tooltip updated.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
    May 9, 2009 Patch
    April 25, 2009 Patch
    • General
      • Recommended items updated.
    April 18, 2009 Patch
    • Meditate Meditate
      • Cooldown increased to 60 seconds from 50.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Base damage increased to 150 / 250 / 350 from 50 / 125 / 200.
    April 11, 2009 Patch
    • Highlander Highlander
      • Removed: Cleansing Rune Prison Rune Prison.
      • Bug Fix: Bonus movement speed stacking incorrectly (stacking type changed).
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Bounce range increased to 600 from 400.
      • Bug Fix: Enemy Highlander Highlander not cleansing the slow.
    Alpha Week 7
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • New Effect: Slows all targets hit by 60% for 4 / 5 / 6 seconds.
      • Base damage reduced to 50 / 125 / 200 from 200 / 300 / 400.
    Alpha Week 6
    • Highlander Highlander
      • Removed: Cleansing roots (Rune Prison Rune Prison).
      • Cooldown changed to 20 seconds at all ranks from 30 / 26 / 22 / 18 / 14.
    • Meditate Meditate
      • Tooltip updated
    Alpha Week 4
    • Meditate Meditate
      • Heal changed to 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 per second from 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10% maximum health.
      • Cost changed to 100 / 120 / 140 / 160 / 180 from 120 / 140 / 160 / 180 / 200.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Damage changed to 200 / 300 / 400 (+ 100% AD) from 300% AD.
      • Cooldown reduced to 90 seconds at all ranks from 210 / 150 / 120.
      • Bug Fix: Doing more damage than intended.
      • Bug Fix: Critically striking.
    Alpha Week 3
    • Double Strike Double Strike
      • Bug Fix: Not triggering when attacking inhibitors.
    • Meditate Meditate
      • Channel duration reduced to 8 seconds from 10.
      • Cooldown reduced to 50 seconds from 60.
    • Wuju Style Wuju Style
      • Base damage increased to 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.
      • Bonus attack speed increased to 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35% from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.
      • Mana cost reduced to 4 from 5.
    • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike
      • Target bounces changed to 10 at all ranks.
      • New Effect: Damage to champions has an AD ratio.
      • Mana cost reduced to 150 at all ranks from 150 / 175 / 200.
      • Cooldown changed to 150 / 120 / 90 seconds from 140 / 120 / 100.
    Alpha Week 2


    See also[]

