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League of Legends Wiki
For restoring a champion's health in general, see Healing.

Heal is an auto-targeted summoner spell that instantly restores health to your champion and an ally while also granting a small burst of movement speed.


  • Heal searches in a Range center 200 units radius around the cursor for its intended allied target, if none is targeted directly. If it finds none, it targets the most wounded allied champion in the cast range, if no such distinction then the closest one.
    • "Most wounded" means the champion with the least current %HP.
    • PENDING FOR TEST: Interactions with Command Hallucinate clones.
    • PENDING FOR TEST: There is a bug causing the spell to sometimes not pick its second target successfully.
  • Heal is affected by any form of personal health gain modifier on yourself, but only yourself (e.g. Trundle's Trundle's Frozen Domain Frozen Domain and Spirit Visage Spirit Visage).
  • Using or being affected by Heal if you were already Healed in the last 35 seconds heals for 45 − 172.5 (based on champion level).


  • This spell can be used to save a life when low on health and under attack. It is commonly used to get an early first blood by healing oneself for more than one's opponent expects. It is also a skill used for "baiting," where you make your champion appear weaker than it actually is, to lure your enemies out of position or to get them to tower dive you. A similar baiting tactic is also commonly used withBarrier Barrier.
  • This summoner spell is considered by many to be vastly superior toBarrier Barrier for a number of reasons - the heal is permanent, affects two people instead of one, and gives a 30% speed boost to yourself and your ally. However, Barrier is not affected by Grievous Wounds icon Grievous Wounds, has a shorter cooldown, blocks more damage (against a single target), and can be used while you're still at full health (good against 100-to-0 burst).

Effectiveness comparison[]

The following table compares the effectiveness of Barrier Barrier vs Heal Heal on a target affected by Ignite Ignite.

  • Barrier Barrier will always negate 40% of Ignite's Ignite's damage if it is activated while under the effect of Ignite Ignite for at least 2 seconds.
  • Heal Heal will always negate more damage than Barrier Barrier.
  • The cooldown of this spell can be reduced by summoner spell cooldown reduction.
Summoner spell haste
Summoner's Rift icon Summoner's Rift
Base cooldown ▶ 360s
(ClarityCleanseExhaustGhostHealUnleashed Teleport)
Cooldown reduction icon Haste
12 (Ionian Boots of Lucidity item) 321.43s 267.86s 214.29s 160.71s 80.36s 17.86s
18 (Cosmic Insight rune) 305.08s 254.24s 203.39s 152.54s 76.27s 16.95s
30 (Cosmic Insight rune Ionian Boots of Lucidity item) 276.92s 230.77s 184.62s 138.46s 69.23s 15.38s
Howling Abyss icon Howling Abyss
Base cooldown ▶ 300s
Cooldown reduction icon Haste
70 (Howling Abyss aura) 176.47s 141.18s 105.88s 47.06s 11.76s
82 (Howling Abyss auraIonian Boots of Lucidity item) 164.84s 131.87s 98.9s 43.96s 10.99s
88 (Howling Abyss auraCosmic Insight rune) 159.57s 127.66s 95.74s 42.55s 10.64s
100 (Howling Abyss auraCosmic Insight runeIonian Boots of Lucidity item) 150s 120s 90s 40s 10s


  • Heal and Ghost Ghost are the only usable summoner spells in the basic tutorial.
  • The old icon for Heal Heal was the only summoner spell icon that was not edited or reused for the 2011 mastery trees.
  • The current icon for Heal is notable for being the oldest out of all currently used summoner spell icons since its inclusion in 2011.


Sound Effects[]


Patch history[]

  • Target range increased to 900 units from 850.
  • Range changed to Range center center from Range model edge.
  • Bug Fix: Automatic target lock-on range now matches the cast range. [Prior to these changes, it was 835 instead of 850.]
  • Bug Fix: Casting no longer cancels basic attack windups.
  • Bug Fix: No longer fails to grant the bonus movement speed to the affected ally if the ally did not have Heal Heal equipped themselves.
  • Heal reduced to 80 − 318 (based on level) from 90 − 345 (based on level).
  • Cooldown reduced to 240 seconds from 270.
  • Cooldown increased to 270 seconds from 240.
V6.12 Howling Abyss
  • Cooldown reduced to 144 seconds from 240.
  • Heal reduced to 90 − 345 (based on level) from 95 − 475 (based on level).
  • Movement speed duration lowered to 1 second from 2 seconds.
  • Heal once again applies the 35 second debuff on subsequent allied Heal Heals.
V4.5 Reworked
  • Heal increased to 95 − 475 (based on level) (patch notes state 90 − 495 (based on level), actual values are different) from 90 − 345 (based on level).
  • Only affects the caster and one allied champion following a priority order:
    • Heal prioritizes the allied champion closest to the cursor at the time the ability is cast.
    • If no allied champions are near the cursor, Heal will target the most wounded allied champion in range.
  • Range increased to 700, up from a radius of 300.
  • Cooldown reduced to 240, down from 300.
  • Healed targets are cleansed of healing reduction effects and gain 30% movement speed for 2 seconds after being healed.
  • Heal no longer applies a 35 second debuff that reduces all subsequent summoner Heal Heal by 50%.
  • New particles and sounds.
  • Health restored per level reduced to 15 from 25
  • Amount allies are healed for increased to 100% from 50%
  • Improved Heal now increases your champion's max Health by 5 per level instead of increasing the Heal amount by 10%
  • Cooldown increased to 300 seconds from 270
  • Heal amount reduced to 100 from 145.
    • Base heal reduced to 75.
  • Base heal amount reduced to 120 from 140.
  • Recently Healed debuff duration increased to 35 seconds from 25.
  • Improved Heal reduced to 10% extra healing from 15%.
  • Heal Heal amount per level increased to 25 from 20.
  • Improved Heal no longer reduces the cooldown but now increases the amount healed by 15%.
  • Heal Heal now removes stealth when used.
  • Mender's Faith (mastery) changed to 30 second cooldown reduction on Heal Heal, from +10 × level health bonus.
  • A debuff is now placed on champions healed by Summoner Heal Heal for 25 seconds. Subsequent Summoner Heals will have their effect diminished by 50% on allies with the debuff. Your Champion will still receive the full amount of the heal if cast by your Summoner.
  • Mender's Faith (mastery) now provides 10 × level bonus health on Summoner Heal Heal from 75 flat bonus health and 10 seconds cooldown reduction.
  • Cast range updated.
  • Reduced area of effect healing to 50% of total from 60%.
June 26, 2009 Patch
  • Mender's Faith (mastery): Increases the amount healed by Heal Heal by 75, and reduces the cooldown by 10 seconds.
June 12, 2009 Patch
  • Now scales with level, Heal now = 150 + 25 × Level, and heals surrounding allies for 66% (heals less early, and more late).
Alpha Week 4
  • Heal Heal cooldown increased to 5 minutes from 4.5 minutes.
  • Mender's Faith (mastery) increased Heal Heal amount by 75 instead of 100.