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League of Legends Wiki

New Cosmetics[]

The following Champion skins have been added to the store:

The following Summoner Icons have been added to the store:

The following Ward skins have been added to the store:

League of Legends V6.12[]


  • If one of your players has disconnected or AFK for at least 90 seconds before the 3:00 minutes mark and first blood against your team has not been scored before their leave, your team is given the option to /remake.
    • At the 3:00 minute mark, all players on the shorthanded team receive a message to prompt the vote by typing /remake in chat
  • A game that is remaked is not counted for either team, with the exception of the disconnected player, who will takes a loss and flagged by Leave Buster.
  • Diamond V and above players will also take a loss when the disconnected player is in their premade.


Corki Corki
  • Valkyrie Valkyrie
    • Cooldown changed to 20 / 19 / 18 / 17 / 16 seconds from 26 / 23 / 20 / 17 / 14.
  • Gatling Gun Gatling Gun
    • Base damage increased to 80 / 140 / 200 / 260 / 320 from 80 / 128 / 176 / 224 / 312.
    • Damage ticks per second increased to 4 from 2. Stacking resistance reduction cap unchanged.
Dr Dr. Mundo
  • General
    • Bug Fix: Pool Party Mundo's busted ukelele no longer jitters on the ground at the end of his recall animation.
Elise Elise
  • Cocoon Cocoon
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the stun was cut short if, after casting Cocoon, Elise instantly switched to Spider Form Spider Form and cast Rappel Rappel on the Cocoon'd target.
Fizz Fizz
  • Seastone Trident Seastone Trident
    • Target's missing health damage reduced to 4 / 4.5 / 5 / 5.5 / 6% from 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8%.
  • Playful Playful / Trickster Trickster
    • Cooldown increased to 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 from 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 / 8.
Gnar Gnar
  • General
    • Bug Fix: Restored warning particles when Snow Day Gnar and Gentleman Gnar are about to transform.
  • Hop Hop
    • Bug Fix: Snow Day Gnar's Hop attack speed buff particles no longer cut off at certain angles.
Hecarim Hecarim
  • Onslaught of Shadows Onslaught of Shadows
    • Bug Fix: The spectral riders of Headless Hecarim's Onslaught of Shadows are once again visible. Still spooky, though.
Kindred Kindred
  • General
    • Bug Fix: Shadowfire Kindred's basic attack particles are now easier to see.
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where Shadowfire Kindred's Wolf would appear as two Wolves stacked on top of each other to everyone except Kindred.
Lux Lux
  • Final Spark Final Spark
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a visual bug where Lux could sometimes appear to cast multiple Final Sparks in rapid succession. Only the final Final Spark was real! Ghost lasers should no longer appear.
Shaco Shaco
  • Backstab Backstab
    • Clarity: Now shows the bonus damage from Backstab separately when applied.
Sion Sion
  • Decimating Smash Decimating Smash
    • Bug Fix: Can no longer restart in a different direction by pressing R R + Q Q during Decimating Smash's channel.
Syndra Syndra
Teemo Teemo
  • General
    • Bug Fix: Omega Squad Teemo no longer copies Classic Teemo's movement voiceover lines when both are in the same game.
Xin Zhao Xin Zhao
  • General
    • Base health increased to 600 from 591.16.
    • Health per level increased to 92 from 87.
  • Battle Cry Battle Cry
    • Bug Fix: Attacks on Jax Jax with Counter Strike Counter Strike no longer count as hits for the healing passive.
Zed Zed


Bilgewater Cutlass Bilgewater Cutlass
  • Combine cost reduced to 250 Gold 250 from 400 Gold 400.
    • Total cost reduced to 1500 Gold 1500 from 1650 Gold 1650.
Blade of the Ruined King Blade of the Ruined King
  • Combine cost increased to 900 Gold 900 from 750 Gold 750.
    • Total cost unchanged.
Essence Reaver Essence Reaver
  • Attack damage increased to 70 from 65.
Hextech GLP-800 Hextech GLP-800
  • Mana spent to health conversion reduced to 20% from 25%.
Hextech Gunblade Hextech Gunblade
  • Combine cost increased to 700 Gold 700 from 550 Gold 550.
    • Total cost unchanged.
Hextech Protobelt-01 Hextech Protobelt-01
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a few interactions between Hextech Protobelt-01's active and empowered attacks (ex. Ekko's Ekko's Phase Dive Phase Dive).
Infinity Edge Infinity Edge
  • Attack damage increased to 70 from 65.
Lord Dominik's Regards Lord Dominik's Regards
  • Attack damage increased to 50 from 40.
Mortal Reminder Mortal Reminder
  • Attack damage increased to 50 from 40.
Righteous Glory Righteous Glory
  • Mana into health reduced to 20% from 25%.
Rod of Ages Rod of Ages
  • Combine cost increased to 750 Gold 750 from 650 Gold 650.
    • Total cost increased to 2700 Gold 2700 from 2600 Gold 2600.
  • Mana spent to health conversion reduced to 20% from 25%.
Youmuu's Ghostblade Youmuu's Ghostblade
  • Attack damage reduced to 60 from 65.


Double-Edged Sword mastery 2016 Double-Edged Sword
  • Removed: Ranged role Ranged conditioning. i.e.: Both Melee role Melee and Ranged role Ranged deal 3% increased damage and take 1.5% increased damage.
Fervor of Battle mastery 2016 Fervor of Battle
  • Stack per ability cast reduced to 1 from 2.
Grasp of the Undying mastery 2016 Grasp of the Undying
  • Damage component increased to 3% of your max. health from 2.5% of your max. health Melee role Melee / Ranged role Ranged adjustments unchanged.
  • Heal component reduced to 1.5% of your max. health from 2.5% of your max. health. Melee role Melee / Ranged role Ranged adjustments unchanged.
Natural Talent mastery 2016 Natural Talent
  • Bonus AD changed to 0.4 / 0.8 / 1.2 / 1.6 / 2 + (0.089 / 0.178 / 0.267 / 0.356 / 0.444 × level) from 0.111 / 0.222 / 0.333 / 0.444 / 0.556 × level. Maximum bonus AD unchanged.
  • Bonus AP changed to 0.6 / 1.2 / 1.8 / 2.4 / 3 + (0.133 / 0.267 / 0.4 / 0.533 / 0.667 × level) from 0.167 / 0.333 / 0.5 / 0.667 / 0.833 × level. Maximum bonus AP unchanged.
Veteran's Scars mastery 2016 Veteran's Scars
  • Bonus health increased to 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 from 9 / 18 / 27 / 36 / 45.

Summoner Spells[]

Clarity Clarity
  • Cooldown increased to 240 seconds from 180.
  • Mana restoration for self increased to 50% from 40%.
  • Mana restoration for allies reduced to 25% from 40%.
Mark / Dash Mark / Dash
  • Cooldown increased to 80 seconds from 40.
  • Snowball width reduced to 80 from 100.
  • New: Added a glow effect to make snowballs more visible.


The following only applies to ARAM.


Bard Bard
  • Traveler's Call Traveler's Call
    • Chime spawn rate reduced to 40 seconds from 50.
      • Initial spawn unchanged at 50 seconds.
Nasus Nasus
Thresh Thresh
  • Damnation Damnation
    • Each soul captured counts as two souls instead.


Oracle's Extract Oracle's Extract
  • Cost increased to 300 Gold 300 from 250 Gold 250.
  • Removed: Falling off upon death.
  • New Effect: Grants warning of units and objects inside brushed akin to the Sweeping Lens Sweeping Lens / Oracle Alteration Oracle Alteration.
Entropy Entropy - Reworked
  • Renamed into Guardian's Hammer.
    • New Effect: Cannot purchase more than one Guardian's item.
  • Basic item.
  • Costs 950 Gold 950.
  • +150 health.
  • +15 attack damage.
  • +10% lifesteal.
Guardian's Horn Guardian's Horn - Reworked
  • New Effect: Cannot purchase more than one Guardian's item.
  • Basic item.
  • Costs 950 Gold 950.
  • +150 health.
  • +20 health per 5 seconds.
  • Unique Passive: Blocks 12 damage from all champion sources (3 damage vs. damage over time abilities).
Orb of Winter Orb of Winter - Reworked
  • Renamed into Guardian's Orb.
    • New Effect: Cannot purchase more than one Guardian's item.
  • Basic item
  • Costs 950 Gold 950.
  • +150 health.
  • +30 ability Power.
  • +10 mana per 5 seconds.
Poro-Snax Poro-Snax
  • On first turret kill, all team members receive an additional Poro-Snax.


  • New Effect: Champions get Homestart, grating 50% movement speed for 10 seconds upon spawning for the first 5 minutes of the game.
  • New Effect: Howling Abyss' aura grants 40% cooldown reduction on Summoner Spells.
  • Less experience is needed to reach level 18.
  • Champion kills grant less total experience.
  • Ambient gold increased to 25 Gold 25 per 5 seconds from 22 Gold 22 per 5 seconds.
  • Gold per champion kill increased to 160 Gold 160 from 140 Gold 140.
  • Melee minion gold increased to 28 Gold 28 from 26 Gold 26.
  • Caster minion gold increased to 20 Gold 20 from 19 Gold 19.
  • Cannon minion gold increased to 45 Gold 45 from 42 Gold 42.
  • Super minion gold increased to 45 Gold 45 from 42 Gold 42.
  • Removed: Minion gold rewards increasing over time.
  • Health pack mana restore reduced to 60 – 158 from 120 – 315.
  • Health pack respawn time increased to 60 seconds from 40 seconds.
  • New: Champion Mastery can be earned in matchmade ARAM games.
    • But it will not work for Champion Mastery 6 and 7.

Summoner Spell[]

Flash Flash
  • Cooldown reduced to 180 seconds from 300.
Heal Heal
  • Cooldown reduced to 144 seconds from 240.
Cleanse Cleanse
  • Cooldown reduced to 126 seconds from 210.
Exhaust Exhaust
  • Cooldown reduced to 126 seconds from 210.
Ignite Ignite
  • Cooldown reduced to 126 seconds from 210.
Barrier Barrier
  • Cooldown reduced to 108 seconds from 180.
Ghost Ghost
  • Cooldown reduced to 108 seconds from 180.
Mark / Dash Mark / Dash
  • Cooldown increased to 48 seconds from 40.
  • Snowball width reduced to 80 from 100.
  • New Effect: Added a glow effect to make snowballs more visible.
Clarity Clarity
  • Cooldown reduced to 144 seconds from 180.
  • Mana restoration for self increased to 50% from 40%.
  • Mana restoration for allies reduced to 25% from 40%.

Twisted Treeline[]

  • Champion Mastery can be earned in matchmade Twisted Treeline games, up through Champion Mastery 5.