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League of Legends Wiki

New Skins in the Store[]

The following skins have been added to the store:

The following Summoner Icons have been added:


  • You can now read articles in the client, rather than being redirected to your web browser.

League of Legends V5.5[]


Party Rewards
  • Play with friends and earn bonus IP.
  • Prizes vary from nothing to 16x IP.
  • "Stack" with IP boosts. Unclear if this means that you can receive both, or whether Party Rewards will modify the boosted IP for double-double IP!
  • You have a better chance of winning and winning better prizes with larger parties.
  • Each queue has a modified list of rewards:
    • Super rare rewards (16x) are only available in Matchmade Summoner's Rift.
    • Co-Op games have the poorest pool of rewards.
  • Party rewards are only earned by your party members. In the event of two parties being matched together (e.g. a pair and a trio), they won't affect or gain each other's rewards.


Texture Rebalance Part 8
  • Cho'Gath Cho'Gath - Classic, Nightmare, Loch Ness, Jurassic and Gentleman.
  • Janna Janna - Classic, Tempest, Hextech, Frost Queen and Victorious.
  • Taric Taric - Classic, Emerald, Armor of the Fifth Age and Bloodstone.
  • Warwick Warwick - Classic, Grey, Urf, Big Bad, Tundra Hunter, Feral, Firefang and Hyena.
Bard, the Wandering Caretaker Bard, the Wandering Caretaker
  • New champion.
Azir Azir
Sand soldiers deal damage in a fixed-length line that extends beyond their maximum attack range. Last patch's reduction to their attack range is being reverted, and the bonus range is instead being reduced.
  • Stats
    • Base attack speed increased to 0.625 from 0.6.
  • Arise! Arise!
    • Sand Soldiers
      • Attack range increased to 375 from 325.
      • Damage range beyond attack range reduced to 50 from 100. Total range remains at 425.
Gangplank Gangplank
  • Grog-Soaked Blade Grog-Soaked Blade
    • Fixed a bug where targets with slow immunity would also resist the damage over time.
Gragas Gragas
  • Stats
    • Base mana increased to 400 from 299.96.
  • Drunken Rage Drunken Rage
    • Max damage dealt to monsters increased to 300 from 250.
Karma Karma
  • Defiance Defiance
    • Fixed a bug where allies surrounding Karma's target were granted the inspire portion of the shield, instead of half of the defiance damage.
Karthus Karthus
  • Wall of Pain Wall of Pain
    • Fixed a bug where enemies champions were sometimes not slowed if they dashed through the wall.
Kassadin Kassadin
  • General
    • Model upgrade to all skins.
    • Some new animations.
    • New ability icons.
  • Riftwalk Riftwalk
    • Range increased to 500 from 450.
    • Mana cost reduced to 50 / 100 / 200 / 400 / 800 from 60 / 120 / 240 / 480 / 960.
    • Cooldown reduced to 6 / 4 / 2 seconds from 7 / 5 / 3.
Katarina Katarina
  • General
    • New ability icons.
Lissandra Lissandra
  • Ice Shard Ice Shard
    • Base damage reduced to 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 from 75 / 110 / 145 / 180 / 215.
Nautilus Nautilus
  • Titan's Wrath Titan's Wrath
    • Base damage reduced to 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 from 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100.
    • Shield increased to 9 / 11 / 13 / 15 / 17% of maximum health from 7 / 9.5 / 12 / 14.5 / 17%.
  • Riptide Riptide
    • Ability power ratio reduced to (+ 30% AP) from (+ 50% AP).
      • Maximum ability power ratio reduced to (+60% AP) from (+100% AP).
    • Slow duration reduced to 1.25 seconds from 2.
    • Cooldown reduced to 7 / 6.5 / 6 / 5.5 / 5 seconds from 10 at all ranks.
    • Mana cost reduced to 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.
Nidalee Nidalee
  • Bushwhack Bushwhack
    • Base damage increased to 40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 from 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100.
    • No longer deals bonus damage equal to 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / 18% (+ 2% per 100 AP) of target's current health.
    • Now scales with (+ 20% AP).
Rek'Sai Rek'Sai
  • Tunnel Tunnel
    • Tunnels are now numbered when you put your cursor over the ability icon, allowing you to easily tell which tunnel will be replaced.
Shyvana Shyvana
  • Flame Breath Flame Breath
    • Maximum health damage increased to 2.5% from 2%.
Singed Singed
  • Fling Fling
    • Fixed a bug where Fling would often fail to root targets when they landed in Mega Adhesive.
Sion Sion
  • Decimating Smash Decimating Smash
    • Mana cost reduced to 45 at all ranks from 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65.
    • Minimum AD ratio increased to 65% from 60%.
    • Maximum AD ratio increased to 195% from 180%.
  • Roar of the Slayer Roar of the Slayer
    • Mana cost increased to 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 from 35 at all ranks.
Skarner Skarner
  • Crystal Slash Crystal Slash
    • Base physical damage increased to 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 from 18 / 28 / 38 / 48 / 58.
    • Base magic damage increased to 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 from 18 / 28 / 38 / 48 / 58.
  • Fracture Fracture
    • Base damage increased to 40 / 75 / 110 / 145 / 180 from 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120.
Sona Sona
Soraka Soraka
  • Starcall Starcall
    • Fixed a bug where the sweetspot multiplier was not affecting the AP ratio.
Tristana Tristana
Trundle Trundle
  • King's Tribute King's Tribute
    • Range increased to 1400 from 1000.
  • Frozen Domain Frozen Domain
    • Healing modifier increased to 20% at all ranks from 8 / 11 / 14 / 17 / 20%.
  • Subjugate Subjugate
    • Fixed a bug that caused Subjugate to only steal 36% of the target's resistances instead of 40%.
Urgot Urgot
Varus Varus
  • Piercing Arrow Piercing Arrow
    • Cooldown now begins on the first cast instead of when the arrow is fired.
Veigar Veigar
  • Baleful Strike Baleful Strike
    • Missile speed increased to 2200 from 1750.
    • Fixed a bug where Baleful Strike would fail to cast if you got CC'd during the cast.
  • Event Horizon Event Horizon
    • Delay reduced to 0.5 seconds from 0.75.
    • Warning particle effect is now placed immediately instead of after the 0.25 second cast time. "Consequently, enemies still have 0.75 seconds to react."
Vi Vi
  • Stats
    • Base movement speed reduced to 345 from 350.
  • Assault and Battery Assault and Battery
    • Base damage reduced to 150 / 300 / 450 from 200 / 325 / 450
Volibear Volibear
  • Frenzy Frenzy
    • New Effect: Using Frenzy's Frenzy's active against a monster reduces the cooldown by 50%.
Xin Zhao Xin Zhao
  • Battle Cry Battle Cry
    • Base heal increased to 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 from 26 / 32 / 38 / 44 / 50.
  • Audacious Charge Audacious Charge
    • Base damage increased to 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 from 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210.
Zac Zac
  • Unstable Matter Unstable Matter
    • Zac can now pre-emptively reduce the cooldown of his next Unstable Matter by up to 1 second if he picks up chunks while Unstable Matter is already available.
  • Elastic Slingshot Elastic Slingshot
    • Knockback duration increased to 1 second from 0.5.
Zilean Zilean
  • Time Bomb Time Bomb
    • Cooldown reduced to 10 / 9.5 / 9 / 8.5 / 8 seconds from 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8.


Bami's Cinder Bami's Cinder
  • Recipe: Ruby Crystal Ruby Crystal + 600g = 1000g
  • Stats: 300 health
  • Unique Passive - Immolate: Deals 5 (+ 1 per champion level) magic damage per second to nearby enemies. Deals 50% bonus damage to minions and monsters.

Enchantment: Cinderhulk Enchantment: Cinderhulk

  • Recipe: Tier-2 Jungle Item + Bami's Cinder Bami's Cinder + 350g = 2200g
  • Stats: 350 health
  • Unique Passive: + 25% bonus health
  • Unique Passive - Immolate: While in combat, deals between 16 (+ 1 per champion level) and 24 (+ 1.5 per champion level) magic damage per second to nearby enemies based on the time spent in combat.

Enchantment: Juggernaut Enchantment: Juggernaut

  • Removed.
Luden's Echo Luden's Echo
  • Recipe: Needlessly Large Rod Needlessly Large Rod + Aether Wisp Aether Wisp + 650g = 3100g
  • Stats: 120 ability power and 7% movement speed.
  • Unique Passive: Gain charges upon moving or spellcasting. At 100 charges, the next instance of ability damage you deal will expend the charges to deal 100 (+ 15% AP) bonus magic damage to a single target and summon up to 3 lesser bolts that target nearby enemies (prioritizing enemies damaged by the ability, and champions over minions). The splash damage will apply spell effects.
Ohmwrecker Ohmwrecker
  • Point Runner now works with fallen turrets and Sun Discs.
Raptor Cloak Raptor Cloak
  • Armor increased to 40 from 30.
  • Point Runner now works with fallen turrets and Sun Disc Sun Disc.
Righteous Glory Righteous Glory
  • Health increased to 650 from 500.
Sunfire Cape Sunfire Cape
Sweeping Lens Sweeping Lens
  • Reduced cooldown at level 9 increased to 75 seconds from 60.
Zz'Rot Portal Zz'Rot Portal
  • Armor increased to 60 from 50.
  • Magic Resist increased to 60 from 50.
  • Point Runner now works with fallen turrets and Sun Disc Sun Disc.
  • Voidspawn
    • Base attack damage increased to 50 from 20 (damage to minions).
    • Base ability power increased to 100 from 50 (damage to turrets).
    • Time before decaying increased to 5.5 seconds from 4 seconds.
    • Target acquisition range versus inhibitors increased to 350 from 300.
    • Target acquisition range versus towers increased to 450 from 300.

Summoner's Rift[]


  • Outer Turret
    • Gains 3 bonus damage to minions every 90 seconds, starting at 10:30.
  • Inner Turret
    • Health increased by 300.
    • Mid lane only: Champion Vanguard removed.
    • Outer lanes only: Turret Vanguard's shield strength reduced to 30 from 200.
    • Gains 3 bonus damage to minions every 90 seconds, starting at 10m50.
  • Inhibitor Turret
    • Global gold reduced to 50 from 175.
    • Global experience reduced to 0 from 100.
  • Nexus Turret
    • Global gold reduced to 50 from 175.
    • Global experience reduced to 0 from 100.


Caster minions
  • Health increased by 3 every 90 seconds, starting at 9:00.
Melee minions
  • Health increased by 6 every 90 seconds, starting at 9:00.
Siege minions
  • Health increased by 9 every 90 seconds, starting at 9:00.


  • New Nexus destruction/End Of Game announcement animations.
  • Classic Stealth and Visions wards now have a spawn and death animation.
Dragon Buff Counter
  • Now visible in Spectator mode.


Crimson Raptor Crimson Raptor
  • Damage reduced to 45 from 55.
Greater Murk Wolf Greater Murk Wolf
  • Gold on kill increased to 53 from 42.
Gromp Gromp
  • Stats
    • Damage reduced to 83 from 90.
  • Gift of the Toadstool Gift of the Toadstool
    • Damage adjusted to 10 (+ 10% bonus health) from 4 + (8  ×  level).
Murk Wolf Murk Wolf
  • Gold on kill increased to 16 from 12.
Raptor Raptor
  • Damage reduced to 16 from 20.
Rift Scuttler Rift Scuttler

Undocumented Changes[]

Patch Rundown[]


Patch Rundown 5.5

