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League of Legends Wiki

New Cosmetics[]

The following Champion skins have been added to the store:

The following Summoner icons have been added to store:

The following Emotes have been added to the store:


  • New Featured Game Mode icon Featured Game Mode, most similar to ProfileIcon1109 Blood Seal Hunt of the Blood Moon.
  • New Substructure 43 map.
  • Marksman icon Marksman-only team death match (as well as Graves, but excluding Kindred and Twitch).
  • Overcharging: Killing 5 neutral Charge Bots will make the entire team invulnerable (plus other buffs) as well as prevent the enemy team from respawning for a time.
Skin Collection
  • You can now view all owned skins in your Collection.
  • Skins can be sorted by champion, champion mastery, tier, theme, or purchase date.
  • Displays a number of statistics, including the total number of skins, skins in higher tiers, vintage skins and chromas.
  • Tick the box to "Show Unowned" skins and purchase them directly from the collection.
  • Click on any skin in the collection to see the full-sized version of the splash, including the purchase date. If any chromas are available for that skin, you'll be able to see and purchase those as well.
New Lore Blurbs
Skin Splash Portraits
  • About 500 skin portraits in the HUD have been adjusted.
Champion Select
  • New stronger visual cues in champ select, making it harder to miss the countdown.
First Win of the Day
  • Reward changed to 50 BE 50 + 400 XP from 575 XP. Pushed to live servers on November 29th, 2017.
  • Reset time reduced to 20 hours from 22. Pushed to live servers on November 29th, 2017.
Summoner Leveling
  • Leveling difficulty will now normalize once you reach level 50.[1]
Challenger Spectate
  • Can now spectate Challenger-tier games through the Ranked ladder on the profile page.
Battle Boosts
  • Battle boosts will be reactivated in ARAM at some point during patch 7.23.
  • Made several fixes for issues that occurred if players left their client open for extremely long periods of time.
  • Emotes now work in custom games.

League of Legends[]


  • All turrets on Summoner's Rift have gained 300 health.
  • Minion reduced damage to turrets reduced to 40% from 50%.
  • New Effect: After 20 minutes, minions gain +25 movement speed. This change will be enabled several days into the patch so we can more accurately track its impact.
Game Performance
  • Made several fixes to improve in-game FPS and performance, especially in games lasting longer than 35 minutes.
  • "Center Camera on Champion" now always puts your champion in the center of your screen, rather than doing nothing in Locked Camera mode or placing your champion at the last camera offset position in Semi-Locked Camera mode.
Spell Shields
  • Bug Fix: Re-fixed a series of bugs where some channeled effects were interrupted through spell shields by hard crowd control.
Ward Skins
  • The Death Sworn and Omega Squad ward skins have been sized up to match other wards.


Ahri Ahri
Ashe Ashe
    • Bug Fix: Digital screen VFX no longer disappear when moving the camera away and back during her recall animation.
  • Heartseeker Ashe Heartseeker Ashe
    • Bug Fix: The chair in her recall no longer rotates at the end of the animation.
Azir Azir
  • Arise! Arise!
    • Bug Fix: Champion-created units with ward-style health (ex. Gangplank's Gangplank's Powder Keg Powder Keg) can now properly be attacked by his soldiers.
Blitzcrank Blitzcrank
  • Power Fist Power Fist
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the empowered basic attack was fizzling if the buff expired mid-attack. The empowered attacks now properly complete.
  • Lancer Rogue Blitzcrank Lancer Rogue Blitzcrank
    • Bug Fix: Dance SFX are now synced with the animations.
    • Bug Fix: Recall SFX is no longer too quiet.
  • Lancer Paragon Blitzcrank Lancer Paragon Blitzcrank
    • Bug Fix: Dance SFX are now synced with the animations.
Dr Dr. Mundo
  • Infected Cleaver Infected Cleaver
    • Bug Fix: Now refunds the proper health amount when it kills an enemy.
Gragas Gragas
  • Stats
    • New: Now has +8% bonus attack speed at level 1.
Graves Graves
Illaoi Illaoi
  • Prophet of an Elder God Prophet of an Elder God
    • Bug Fix: Tentacle slams no longer fizzle if an enemy dies after being acquired as a slam target.
  • Harsh Lesson Harsh Lesson
    • Bug Fix: Any tentacles that would slam Illaoi's target now do so if her target dies during the leap animation.
    • Empowered attack can no longer be canceled.
Jayce Jayce
Jinx Jinx
Karma Karma
Kog'Maw Kog'Maw
  • Living Artillery Living Artillery
    • Bug Fix: Warning indicator VFX can once again be seen from self/ally view in Medium, Low, and Very Low graphics settings.
Lissandra Lissandra
Lulu Lulu
  • Help, Pix! Help, Pix!
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where multiple instances of the same shielding effect were stacking, rather than refreshing. This bug mostly occurred at high levels of CDR.
Lux Lux
  • Stats
    • Base attack damage reduced to 53.54 from 53.544.
    • Base health regeneration reduced to 5.4 from 5.424.
Master Yi Master Yi
    • Bug Fix: Ring VFX during his taunt no longer disappear when moving the camera away and back.
Nautilus Nautilus
  • Riptide Riptide
    • Bug Fix: The first ring now properly slows enemies hit.
  • AstroNautilus AstroNautilus
    • Bug Fix: Shiny visor VFX no longer disappear when moving the camera away and back.
Nidalee Nidalee
Orianna Orianna
Rammus Rammus
  • Stats
    • Base armor reduced to 36 from 40.
Rengar Rengar
Ryze Ryze
  • Overload Overload
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where multiple instances of the same shielding effect were stacking, rather than refreshing. This bug mostly occurred at high levels of CDR.
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where if his target died during the cast time of Rune Prison Rune Prison or Spell Flux Spell Flux, he wouldn't get the cooldown reset effect of Overload.
Sejuani Sejuani
  • Stats
    • Base armor reduced to 31 from 36.
Shaco Shaco
  • Stats
    • Base armor increased to 30 from 26.
Shyvana Shyvana
  • Stats
    • Base attack damage reduced to 66 from 69.
Sona Sona
  • Aria of Perseverance Aria of Perseverance
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where multiple instances of the same shielding effect were stacking, rather than refreshing. This bug mostly occurred at high levels of CDR.
Taliyah Taliyah
  • Stats
    • Health growth increased to 90 from 87.
    • Armor growth increased to 3.5 from 3.
Thresh Thresh
  • Death Sentence Death Sentence
    • Bug Fix: Chain once again disappears if he hits a spell shielded unit.
  • Dark Star Thresh Dark Star Thresh
    • Bug Fix: Is no longer missing his VO when collecting souls.
Urgot Urgot
Vel'Koz Vel'Koz
Vi Vi
  • Excessive Force Excessive Force
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the empowered basic attack was fizzling if the buff expired mid-attack. The empowered attacks now properly complete.
Xayah Xayah
Yasuo Yasuo
Zoe Zoe - New Champion
  • More Sparkles! More Sparkles! (Innate)
    • Innate: After casting an ability, Zoe's next basic attack or bubble within 5 seconds deals 17 − 140 (based on level) (+ 25% AP) bonus magic damage.
  • Paddle Star Paddle Star (Q)
    • First Cast: Zoe hurls a star in the target direction that collides with the first enemy hit, dealing 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+ 66% AP) magic damage in a small area, increased by 0% − 150% (based on distance traveled), up to 100 / 175 / 250 / 325 / 400 (+ 165% AP).
    • If the star does not collide with an enemy, it remains stationary for up to 1 second. Zoe can reactivate Paddle Star at any point to redirect the star to a new location near her, albeit resetting the current damage modifier.
    • Both the initial cast and reactivation will prime More Sparkles!.
    • Target Range: 800
    • Mana Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
    • Cooldown: 7.5 / 7 / 6.75 / 6.5 / 6.25 seconds
  • Spell Thief Spell Thief (W)
    • Passive - Spell Thief: Whenever enemy champions cast a summoner spell or item active, they drop the corresponding Spell Shard onto the ground. Spell Shards last for 40 seconds. Some enemy minions spawn with random Spell Shards that only drop to the ground if killed by Zoe.
    • Collecting a Spell Shard allows Zoe to activate Spell Thief within the next 60 seconds, and she cannot pick up another Shard until she does.
    • Active: Zoe mimics the active of the collected Spell Shard.
    • Passive - Summoner Specialist: Casting Spell Thief or one of her own summoner spells grants Zoe 10 / 25 / 40 / 55 / 70% bonus movement speed for 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 seconds as well as summoning three bubbles that orbit her for a short duration. The bubbles autonomously hurl themselves at nearest enemy, prioritising her attack target, dealing 23.3 / 38.3 / 53.3 / 68.3 / 83.3 (+ 13.3% AP) magic damage.
    • Mana Cost: No cost
    • Cooldown: 0.25 seconds
  • Sleepy Trouble Bubble Sleepy Trouble Bubble (E)
    • Active: Zoe kicks a ball that detonates on the first enemy hit, dealing 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+ 40% AP) magic damage and making the target Drowsy. After a brief delay, the Drowsy target falls Sleep icon asleep for 2 seconds.
    • Sleeping targets take double damage from the next attack or ability to hit them, up to a cap of Sleepy Trouble Bubble's damage, but are awoken early upon taking damage.
    • The ball's range is doubled when it passes through terrain. If the ball does not hit an enemy, it lingers on the ground as a trap for 4 seconds, which primes after a brief delay.
    • Putting a target to Sleep icon asleep refunds 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% of Sleepy Trouble Bubble's cooldown.
    • Target Range: 800
    • Mana Cost: 80
    • Cooldown: 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14 seconds
  • Portal Jump Portal Jump (Ultimate)
    • Active: Zoe targets a location and then dives into a portal that she opens beneath her, blinking to the target location after a very brief delay. After 1 second, she falls back through the portal and blinks back to her cast location.
    • Zoe remains able to attack and cast abilities during Portal Jump, and can Sight icon see over walls, but cannot move.
    • Target Range: 575
    • Mana Cost: 50
    • Cooldown: 11 / 8 / 5 seconds


Ancient Coin Ancient Coin
  • Bug Fix: The Bandit mastery 2016 Bandit passive no longer incorrectly grants gold for nearby minion deaths while you're dead.
Berserker's Greaves Berserker's Greaves
  • New Effect: Is now limited to one pair of boots.
  • Bug Fix: Tooltip has been fixed.
Boots of Mobility Boots of Mobility
  • New Effect: Is now limited to one pair of boots.
  • Bug Fix: Tooltip has been fixed.
Boots of Speed Boots of Speed
  • New Effect: Is now limited to one pair of boots.
  • Bug Fix: Tooltip has been fixed.
Boots of Swiftness Boots of Swiftness
  • New Effect: Is now limited to one pair of boots.
  • Bug Fix: Tooltip has been fixed.
Eye of the Equinox Eye of the Equinox
  • Bug Fix: The Bandit mastery 2016 Bandit passive no longer incorrectly grants gold for nearby minion deaths while you're dead.
Eye of the Oasis Eye of the Oasis
  • Bug Fix: The Bandit mastery 2016 Bandit passive no longer incorrectly grants gold for nearby minion deaths while you're dead.
Eye of the Watchers Eye of the Watchers
  • Bug Fix: The Bandit mastery 2016 Bandit passive no longer incorrectly grants gold for nearby minion deaths while you're dead.
Face of the Mountain Face of the Mountain
  • Bug Fix: The Bandit mastery 2016 Bandit passive no longer incorrectly grants gold for nearby minion deaths while you're dead.
Frostfang Frostfang
  • Bug Fix: The Bandit mastery 2016 Bandit passive no longer incorrectly grants gold for nearby minion deaths while you're dead.
Frost Queen's Claim Frost Queen's Claim
  • Bug Fix: The Bandit mastery 2016 Bandit passive no longer incorrectly grants gold for nearby minion deaths while you're dead.
Hextech Gunblade Hextech Gunblade
  • Active base damage increased to 175 − 253 (based on level) from 175 − 250 (based on level).
Ionian Boots of Lucidity Ionian Boots of Lucidity
  • New Effect: Is now limited to one pair of boots.
  • Bug Fix: Tooltip has been fixed.
Mercury's Treads Mercury's Treads
  • New Effect: Is now limited to one pair of boots.
  • Bug Fix: Tooltip has been fixed.
Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
  • New Effect: Is now limited to one pair of boots.
  • Bug Fix: Tooltip has been fixed.
Nomad's Medallion Nomad's Medallion
  • Bug Fix: The Bandit mastery 2016 Bandit passive no longer incorrectly grants gold for nearby minion deaths while you're dead.
Relic Shield Relic Shield
  • Bug Fix: The Bandit mastery 2016 Bandit passive no longer incorrectly grants gold for nearby minion deaths while you're dead.
Slightly Magical Boots Slightly Magical Boots
  • New Effect: Is now limited to one pair of boots.
  • Bug Fix: Tooltip has been fixed.
Sorcerer's Shoes Sorcerer's Shoes
  • New Effect: Is now limited to one pair of boots.
  • Bug Fix: Tooltip has been fixed.
Spellthief's Edge Spellthief's Edge
  • Bug Fix: The Bandit mastery 2016 Bandit passive no longer incorrectly grants gold for nearby minion deaths while you're dead.
Talisman of Ascension Talisman of Ascension
  • Bug Fix: The Bandit mastery 2016 Bandit passive no longer incorrectly grants gold for nearby minion deaths while you're dead.
Targon's Brace Targon's Brace
  • Bug Fix: The Bandit mastery 2016 Bandit passive no longer incorrectly grants gold for nearby minion deaths while you're dead.


Arcane Comet Arcane Comet
Electrocute Electrocute
  • Bug Fix: Allies can no longer help you activate Electrocute if they're running it as well.
Ghost Poro Ghost Poro
  • Poro channel is only interrupted if you take damage, from if you enter combat.
Hextech Flashtraption Hextech Flashtraption
  • Bug Fix: Taking the rune no longer prevents you from buffering inputs when casting your normal Flash Flash.
Kleptomancy Kleptomancy
Manaflow Band Manaflow Band
  • Bug Fix: Ally portraits no longer incorrectly display an empty mana bar if their Manaflow Band rune is off cooldown.
Predator Predator
  • Base damage increased to 60 − 180 (based on level) from 60 − 140 (based on level).
  • Cooldown reduced to 150 − 100 (based on level) seconds from 180 − 120 (based on level).
Presence of Mind Presence of Mind
  • Bug Fix: Champions with clone abilities no longer trigger it when their clones expire.
Revitalize Revitalize
  • New Effect: Tooltip specifies that incoming heals from other allies are not increased.
Summon Aery Summon Aery
  • Base damage reduced to 15 − 40 (based on level) from 20 − 60 (based on level).
  • Bug Fix: Now deals the correct adaptive damage type based on your stats.
The Ultimate Hat The Ultimate Hat
Zombie Ward Zombie Ward
  • New Effect: Killing a Zombie Ward now grants 1 Gold 1.


Baron Nashor Baron Nashor
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where it could spawn before Rift Herald Rift Herald returned to the Void.


November 22nd Hotfix[]

Zoe Zoe
  • Paddle Star Paddle Star
    • Base damage increased to 45 / 75 / 105 / 135 / 165 from 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160.

