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A Poro Guardian

Guardians are cosmetics in Legends of Runeterra icon Legends of Runeterra that appear on the board, except lab matches. During a match, the player has a guardian displayed on the bottom right of the screen, and the opponent's in the top right, in the Guardian's nest, where the creature reacts to the events of the match and can interact with the player. Guardians can be purchased from the Collection or Store tabs, and owned ones can be viewed in the Collection tab.

Most Guardians are inspired by creatures that appear in the Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime universe while others a creatures from the wider League of Legends intellectual property.

Development of guardians was discontinued in 2023 due to the costs exceeding return on investment.[1]

List of Guardians[]

Default Guardians[]

Default Guardians are given to every player automatically upon account creation.

Name Rarity Cost Collection Description
LoR Poro Guardian
Common Default None
  • Personality: Joyful
  • Loves: You
  • Poros are found all over Runeterra, but they mostly want to be found next to you.

Store Guardians[]

Store Guardians are permanently available in the store.

Name Rarity Cost Collection Description
LoR Astra Guardian
Common 590 Coin 590 Targon
  • Personality: Gentle
  • Hobby: Floriculture
  • Where Astra flies, the night blooms.
LoR Baley Guardian
Common 590 Coin 590 Freljord
  • Personality: Innocent
  • Hobby: Staring contest
  • The most adorable omen of death you'll ever see.
LoR Basilisk Guardian
Common 590 Coin 590 Noxus
  • Personality: Feisty
  • Hobby: Biting
  • Once you start the belly rubs, it's dangerous to stop.
LoR Chip Guardian
Common 590 Coin 590 Targon
  • Personality: Grounded
  • Best Friend: LoR Champion Indicator7Malphite
  • The most popular companion for legends with allergies.
LoR Cosmo Guardian
Common 590 Coin 590 Targon
  • Personality: Loyal
  • Hobby: Chasing stars
  • Who's the best Celestial? You are! Yes, you are!
LoR Dragonling Guardian
Common 590 Coin 590 Ionia
  • Personality: Calm
  • Origin: Ionian rivers
  • A smooth surface hides a swift current.
LoR Ellie Guardian
Common 590 Coin 590 Targon
  • Personality: Clumsy
  • Best friend: LoR Champion Indicator1Zoe
  • Can we address the magical floating elephant in the room?
LoR Festive Faeling Guardian
Festive Faeling
Common 590 Coin 590 Demacia
  • Personality: Precious
  • Loves: Pumpkin Pie
  • Get festive with faeling and friends at the harvest festival!
LoR Friendly Faeling Guardian
Friendly Faeling
Common 590 Coin 590 Demacia
  • Personality: Affable
  • Loves: Treats
  • This faeling is friend, not food.
LoR Gloomtooth Guardian
Common 590 Coin 590 Shadow Isles
  • Personality: Dopey
  • Hobby: Chariot Racing
  • Most sharks don't breathe air. This shark doesn't breathe at all.
LoR Gromp Jr. Guardian
Gromp Jr.
Common 590 Coin 590 Summoner's Rift
  • Personality: Jittery
  • Hobby: Inflation
  • It hop while you bop.
LoR Infernal Drake Guardian
Infernal Drake
Rare 740 Coin 740 Demacia
  • Personality: Firey
  • Favorite food: Barbecue
  • If magma could fly. And had an attitude.
LoR Infernal Gloomtooth Guardian
Infernal Gloomtooth
Common 590 Coin 590 Infernal
  • Personality: Impulsive
  • Hobby: Swimming through hoops of fire
  • Found in volcanic pools, this free-spirited creature loves a good adventure.
LoR Infernal Silverwing Guardian
Infernal Silverwing
Common 590 Coin 590 Infernal
  • Personality: Hot-headed
  • Eats: Flaming worms
  • Don't get him too fired up, if you value your things.
LoR Lunar Beast Guardian
Lunar Beast
Common 740 Coin 740 Lunar Squad
  • Personality: Rascally
  • Dislikes: Loud noises
  • Appears once a year to wreak delightful havoc on mortals.

LoR Minion Guardian

Common 590 Coin 590 Summoner's Rift
  • Personality: Giddy
  • Hobby: Coin collecting
  • With you all the way to the last hit.
LoR Powder Monkey Guardian
Powder Monkey
Common 590 Coin 590 Bilgewater
  • Personality: Cheeky
  • Hobby: Hot Potato
  • Hanging out with this one is a blast.
LoR Ruined Gentleman Basilisk Guardian
Ruined Gentleman Basilisk
Common 590 Coin 590 Ruination
  • Personality: Sophisticated
  • Prefers: The finer thing in death
  • Distinguished AND Dangerous? Get yourself a guardian who can do both.
LoR Scaled Snapper Guardian
Scaled Snapper
Common 590 Coin 590 Ionia
  • Personality: Timid
  • Diet: Herbivore
  • There's so much world out there! Snappers go when they're ready.
LoR Silverwing Guardian
Common 590 Coin 590 Demacia
  • Personality: Earnest
  • Likes: Courage
  • Those chirps are cheers for you. And justice. Always for justice.
LoR T-Hex Guardian
Common 590 Coin 590 Piltover
  • Personality: Eager
  • Trait: Rechargeable
LoR Umpa Guardian
Common 590 Coin 590 Freljord
  • Personality: Frosty
  • Likes: Eating snowflakes
  • Adominable, adorable - depends on the mood.
LoR Urf Guardian
Rare 740 Coin 740 Urf
  • Personality: Extra
  • Favorite food: Pancakes
  • Carpe spatula!
    Keep an eye out for flying fish...
  • Urf has special visual effects when you tap or rub him.
LoR Von Yipp Guardian
Von Yipp
Common 590 Coin 590 Piltover
  • Personality: Devious
  • Hobby: Unregulated experimentation
  • Unrivaled genius in Zaun. Beloved companion in Piltover.
LoR Worldbreaker Chip Guardian
Worldbreaker Chip
Common 590 Coin 590 Worldbreaker
  • Personality: Solid
  • Loves: Rocking out
  • Chip was supposeed to shatter the world, but he took a nap instead.

Bundle Exclusive Guardians[]

Bundle Exclusive Guardians are available in limited-time bundles and are generally not available after the bundle has left the store.

Name Rarity Cost Collection Description
LoR Blue Minion Guardian
Blue Minion
Common Bundle Exclusive Summoner's Rift
  • Personality: Envious
  • Hobby: Cosplay
  • Best friends can come from either side of the battlefield.
LoR Chrono-Chip Guardian
Common Bundle Exclusive Shurima
LoR Firecracker T-Hex Guardian
Firecracker T-Hex
Common Bundle Exclusive Lunar Squad
  • Personality: Bombastic
  • Hobby: Setting off fireworks
LoR Nightshade Dragonling Guardian
Nightshade Dragonling
Rare Bundle Exclusive Spirit Blossom
  • Personality: Mysterious
  • Attracts: Burning passion
  • Thse who fear their darkness will never move past it.
LoR Nyandroid Von Yipp Guardian
Nyandroid Von Yipp
Rare Bundle Exclusive Zaun
  • Personality: Supervillain
  • Evolution: Glorious
  • Science isn't about why—it's about why not.
LoR Rainbow Ellie Guardian
Rainbow Ellie
Common Bundle Exclusive with 0 Coin 0 Limited
  • Personality: Supportive
  • Loves: Everyone, just the way they are
  • Showing your true colors is always worth celebrating!
LoR Rainbow Monkey Guardian
Rainbow Monkey
Common Bundle Exclusive with 0 Coin 0 Limited
  • Personality: Joyous
  • Loves: Having fun with loved ones
  • Celebrate love with an explosion of color!
LoR Rainbow Poro Guardian
Rainbow Poro
Common Bundle Exclusive with 0 Coin 0 Limited
  • Personality: Accepting
  • Loves: Love
  • Rainbow Poros are known for having the biggest hearts and brightest colors in all of Runeterra.
LoR Snow Day Umpa Guardian
Snow Day Umpa
Common Bundle Exclusive Snow Day
  • Personality: Festive
  • Favorite food: Peppermint snowcones
  • Also hold the records for most gingerbread eaten in one sitting.
LoR Surfrider Fen Guardian
Surfrider Fen
Common Bundle Exclusive Pool Party
  • Personality: Mellow
  • Hobby: Vibing
  • Early tales of mermaid sightings were later attributed to manatees, but... we have other theories.

Event Guardians[]

Event Guardians are earned or purchased during certain events and are generally not available after the event has concluded.

Name Rarity Cost Collection Description
LoR Ascended Cosmo Guardian
Ascended Cosmo
Rare Reward Shurima
  • Personality: Awe-inspiring
  • Enjoys: Being the bestest boy.
  • More worshippers means more treats.
LoR Corrupted Stella Guardian
Corrupted Stella
Common Reward Corrupted
  • Personality: Feisty
  • Likes: Mischief-making
  • Leads travelers astray with its deceptively cute smile.
LoR Cosmic Construct T-Hex Guardian
Cosmic Construct T-Hex
Common Reward Dark Horizon
  • Personality: Astute
  • Hobby: Calculating possible futures
LoR Cosmic Genius Von Yipp Guardian
Cosmic Genius Von Yipp
Common Reward Dark Horizon
  • Personality: Mercurial
  • Loves: Long naps near suns
  • Don't even get the professor started on String Theory.
LoR Dark Star Drake Guardian
Dark Star Drake
Rare Reward Dark Horizon
  • Personality: Insatiable
  • Favorite Food: Star systems
  • He once got the Dark Emissary's autograph.
LoR Dark Star Von Yipp Guardian
Dark Star Von Yipp
Common Reward Dark Horizon
  • Personality: Beguiling
  • Loves: Batting planets out of orbit
  • Don't let his cute widdle paws distract you from the promise of Armageddon in his eyes.
LoR Dark Storm Guardian
Dark Storm
Rare Reward Battle Boss
  • Personality: Stealthy
  • Skill: Spying
  • Stealth mode, activate.
LoR Detective Pup Guardian
Detective Pup
Rare Reward Arcane
  • Personality: Inquisitive
  • Hobby: Reading detective novels
  • There's no crime he can't sniff out.
LoR Elderwood Stella Guardian
Elderwood Stella
Common Reward Bandle City
  • Personality: Mystical
  • Lives: Underneath the bramblefoot tree
  • Quiet, or you'll scare it away!
LoR Festival Bloomtooth Guardian
Festival Bloomtooth
Common Reward Spirit Blossom
  • Personality: Simple-minded
  • Hobby: Flower arrangement
  • Pink sharks are a rare sight in ether realm.
LoR Fen Guardian
Rare Reward Shurima
  • Personality: Clever
  • Hobby: Sand surfing
  • The desert holds many wonders, and Fen may just be the cutest of them all.
LoR Festival Kitt Guardian
Festival Kitt
Rare Reward Spirit Blossom
  • Personality: Spirited
  • Attracts: Playful temptation
  • Playtime with spirits? What could go wrong.
LoR Gunner Pup Guardian
Gunner Pup
Rare Reward Bandle City
  • Personality: Dogged
  • Loves: The smell of gunpowder
  • Beware of the dog.
LoR Hector Guardian
Common Reward Arcade
  • Personality: Gallant
  • Loves: Polishing his armor
  • He'll catch up to Hecarim, just you wait!
LoR Hextech Beast Guardian
Hextech Beast
Common Reward Arcane
  • Personality: Fierce
  • Eats: Scraps of Metals
  • Nothing gets past the mechanical guard beast.
LoR Hextech Dragonling Guardian
Hextech Dragonling
Common Reward Arcane
  • Personality: Debonair
  • Hobby: Modeling
  • The very model of elegance.
LoR Hextech Drake Guardian
Hextech Drake
Rare Reward Arcane
  • Personality: Robotic
  • Loves: Getting new upgrades
  • Your piercest defender... until the battery runs out.
LoR Hextech Minion Guardian
Hextech Minion
Common Reward Arcane
  • Personality: Straightforward
  • Hobby: Running in a straight line
  • Doing the same routine every game... I mean, everyday.
LoR Hextech Poro Guardian
Hextech Poro
Common Reward Arcane
  • Personality: Breathless
  • Hobby: Relaxing in the furnace
  • One poppin hot poro, fresh from the smithy!
LoR Ina Guardian
Common Reward Star Guardian
  • Personality: Devoted
  • Loves: Drinking Boba
  • There's no hurdle too high for LoR Champion Indicator5Kai'Sa's faithful familiar.
LoR Infernal Poro Guardian
Infernal Poro
Common Reward Infernal
  • Personality: Warm-hearted
  • Hobby: Juggling fire
  • Who needs furnace when you've got this little critter?
LoR Kitt Guardian
Common Reward Spirit Blossom
  • Personality: Enchanting
  • Likes: Admiration
  • Some chase their entire lives to only ever catch a glimpse.
LoR Lil’ Rhaast Guardian
Lil' Rhaast
Rare Reward Corrupted
  • Personality: Devious
  • Likes: Manipulating LoR Champion Indicator5Kayn
  • Try not to listen when he whispers in your mind.
LoR Minionaut Guardian
Common Reward Dark Horizon
  • Personality: Spacey
  • Loves: Moonwalking
  • That's one small step for minions…
LoR Moonstruck Poro Guardian
Moonstruck Poro
Common Reward Limited
  • Personality: Welcoming
  • Loves: Being first
  • Moonstruck poros are only found by those on a journey before dawn.
LoR Nightshade Gromp Guardian
Nightshade Gromp
Common Reward Spirit Blossom
  • Personality: Poisonous
  • Hobby: Realm-hopping
  • Found where only the foolish tread.
LoR Popstar Stella Guardian
Popstar Stella
Rare Reward K/DA ALL OUT
  • Personality: Artistic
  • Likes: Brown sugar milk tea
  • "Feeling like I'm floating, never weighed down."
LoR Prof. Snappington Guardian
Prof. Snappington
Common Reward Bandle City
  • Personality: Easygoing
  • Loves: Taking life at his own pace
  • Blazing trails and eating snails.
LoR Puffcap Pup Guardian
Puffcap Pup
Common Reward Bandle City
  • Personality: Trusty
  • Loves: Rolling in mud
  • “Bark woof” means this pup’s reporting for duty!
LoR Pulsefire Chip Guardian
Pulsefire Chip
Common Reward Pulsefire
  • Personality: Unchanging
  • Hobby: Time-traveling back to his favorite moments with Papa
  • The ideal companion for time travelers who need some stability.
LoR Pulsefire Tibbers Guardian
Pulsefire Tibbers
Rare Reward Pulsefire
  • Personality: Frenzied
  • Loves: Charging through portals
  • Stunning you in the past, present, and future.
LoR Queen Kitt Guardian
Queen Kitt
Common Reward K/DA ALL OUT
  • Personality: Charismatic
  • Hobby: Stealing the show
  • "So keep your eyes on me now..."
LoR Rebel Monkey Guardian
Rebel Monkey
Common Reward K/DA ALL OUT
  • Personality: Rebellious
  • Hobby: Burning rubber
  • "I'm trouble and you're wanting it."
LoR Royal Powder Monkey Guardian
Royal Powder Monkey
Common Reward Shurima
  • Personality: Gilded
  • Enjoys: Gold. Lots of Gold.
  • All that glitters belongs to the Monkey.
LoR Ruined Urf Guardian
Ruined Urf
Rare Reward Ruination
  • Personality: Fiendish
  • Favorite food: Burnt Pancakes
  • Many champions will enter his arena... NONE SHALL LEAVE!
LoR Seamstress Doll Guardian
Seamstress Doll
Common Reward Shadow Isles
  • Personality: Delightful
  • Hobby: Cross-stich
  • There's nothing a needle and thread can't mend.
LoR Sentinel Gloomtooth Guardian
Sentinel Gloomtooth
Common Reward Sentinels of Light
  • Personality: Hopeful
  • Wants: To prove themselves
  • A reformed wraith of the Shadow Isles, Gloomtooth now vows to fight the very darkness they were born from.
LoR Sentinel Hauntling Guardian
Sentinel Hauntling
Common Reward Sentinels of Light
  • Personality: Bright
  • Nemesis: Viego Hauntling
  • An unfaltering light to keep the shadows at bay.
LoR Sharpsteel Silverwing Guardian
Sharpsteel Silverwing
Common Reward Spirit Blossom
  • Personality: Honorable
  • Hobby: Polishing armor
  • For justice—and honor.
LoR Spirit Blossom Silverwing Guardian
Spirit Blossom Silverwing
Common Reward Spirit Blossom
  • Personality: Valorous
  • Likes: Guarding the spirit realm
  • A warrior honors both tradition and beauty.
LoR Star Guardian Doll Guardian
Star Guardian Doll
Common Reward Star Guardian
  • Personality: Sparkling
  • Loves: Watching mateorite showers
  • Sewn on with starlit thread, that twinkle in her eye can’t be faked.
LoR Star Guardian Drake Guardian
Star Guardian Drake
Rare Reward Star Guardian
  • Personality: Benevolent
  • Radiates: Moonbeams
  • Born from the constellations, this little creature gives off a faint glow.
LoR Stella Guardian
Common Reward Targon
  • Personality: Cuddly
  • Likes: Soaring
  • A beacon of hope for weary travelers.
LoR Storm Guardian
Rare Reward Arcade
  • Personality: Sharp
  • Loves: Flying in a V-shaped formation.
  • Don't underestimate her wings of steel.
LoR Sunbeam Baley Guardian
Sunbeam Baley
Common Reward Shurima
  • Personality: Sunny
  • Enjoys: Being your sunrise on a cloudy day.
  • Dark omen of the desert, or adorable guide through the dunes? You decide!
LoR Tibbers Guardian
Common Reward Noxus
  • Personality: Protective
  • Eats: Honey Chili
  • "Have you seen my bear, Tibbers?" - Annie
LoR Viego Hauntling Guardian
Viego Hauntling
Common Reward Ruination
  • Personality: Lovesick
  • Favorite color: Black, like his heart
  • There is no salvation from the darkness... not even darkness this cute.
LoR Voxel Chip Guardian
Voxel Chip
Common Reward Arcade
  • Personality: Foundational
  • Eats: Pixels
  • Found in the Voxel Forest, this unassuming critter is Arcadia's oldest specimen.

Special Guardians[]

Special Guardians cannot be earned or purchased. They are equipped automatically and cannot be changed or removed.

Name Rarity Cost Collection Description
LoR Mega Guardian
Legendary Board Exclusive Dark Horizon
  • Always equipped when in use LoR Dark Emissary's Realm Board icon Dark Emissary's Realm Board.
LoR Mega Robo-Veigar Guardian
Mega Robo-Veigar Guardian
Legendary Board Exclusive Arcade
  • Always equipped when in use LoR The Final Stage Board icon The Final Stage Board.



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Patch History[]


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Corrupted Stella Guardian Corrupted Stella added.
    • LoR Lil’ Rhaast Guardian Lil' Rhaast added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Seamstress Doll Guardian Seamstress Doll added.
    • LoR Star Guardian Doll Guardian Star Guardian Doll added.
    • LoR Star Guardian Drake Guardian Star Guardian Drake added.
    • LoR Ina Guardian Ina added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Tibbers Guardian Tibbers added.
    • LoR Pulsefire Chip Guardian Pulsefire Chip added.
    • LoR Pulsefire Tibbers Guardian Pulsefire Tibbers added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Storm Guardian Storm added.
    • LoR Dark Storm Guardian Dark Storm added.
    • LoR Dark Storm Guardian Hector added.
    • LoR Voxel Chip Guardian Voxel Chip added.
    • LoR Mega Robo-Veigar Guardian Mega Robo-Veigar Guardian added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Worldbreaker Chip Guardian Worldbreaker Chip added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Hextech Beast Guardian Hextech Beast added.
    • LoR Hextech Minion Guardian Hextech Minion added.
    • LoR Detective Pup Guardian Detective Pup added.
    • LoR Hextech Dragonling Guardian Hextech Dragonling added.
    • LoR Hextech Poro Guardian Hextech Poro added.
    • LoR Hextech Drake Guardian Hextech Drake added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Elderwood Stella Guardian Elderwood Stella added.
    • LoR Gunner Pup Guardian Gunner Pup added.
    • LoR Prof. Snappington Guardian Prof. Snappington added.
    • LoR Puffcap Pup Guardian Puffcap Pup added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Ruined Urf Guardian Ruined Urf added.
    • LoR Sentinel Gloomtooth Guardian Sentinel Gloomtooth added.
    • LoR Sentinel Hauntling Guardian Sentinel Hauntling added.
    • LoR Viego Hauntling Guardian Viego Hauntling added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Surfrider Fen Guardian Surfrider Fen added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Minionaut Guardian Minionaut added.
    • LoR Dark Star Drake Guardian Dark Star Drake added.
    • LoR Cosmic Genius Von Yipp Guardian Cosmic Genius Von Yipp added.
    • LoR Dark Star Von Yipp Guardian Dark Star Von Yipp added.
    • LoR Cosmic Construct T-Hex Guardian Cosmic Construct T-Hex added.
    • LoR Rainbow Ellie Guardian Rainbow Ellie added.
    • LoR Mega Guardian Mega added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Chip Guardian Chip added.
    • LoR Chrono-Chip Guardian Chrono-Chip added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Anniversary Poro Guardian Anniversary Poro added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Urf Guardian Urf added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Ascended Cosmo Guardian Ascended Cosmo added.
    • LoR Fen Guardian Fen added.
    • LoR Royal Powder Monkey Guardian Royal Powder Monkey added.
    • LoR Sunbeam Baley Guardian Sunbeam Baley added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Lunar Beast Guardian Lunar Beast added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Ellie Guardian Ellie added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Nyandroid Von Yipp Guardian Nyandroid Von Yipp added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Umpa Guardian Umpa added.
    • LoR Snow Day Umpa Guardian Snow Day Umpa added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Popstar Stella Guardian Popstar Stella added.
    • LoR Queen Kitt Guardian Queen Kitt added.
    • LoR Rebel Monkey Guardian Rebel Monkey added.
    • LoR Stella Guardian Stella added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Infernal Drake Guardian Infernal Drake added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Astra Guardian Astra added.
    • LoR Blue Minion Guardian Blue Minion added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Cosmo Guardian Cosmo added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Dragonling Guardian Dragonling added.
    • LoR Nightshade Dragonling Guardian Nightshade Dragonling added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Festival Bloomtooth Guardian Festival Bloomtooth added.
    • LoR Festival Kitt Guardian Festival Kitt added.
    • LoR Kitt Guardian Kitt added.
    • LoR Nightshade Gromp Guardian Nightshade Gromp added.
    • LoR Sharpsteel Silverwing Guardian Sharpsteel Silverwing added.
    • LoR Spirit Blossom Silverwing Guardian Spirit Blossom Silverwing added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Von Yipp Guardian Von Yipp added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Rainbow Poro Guardian Rainbow Poro added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Baley Guardian Baley added.
    • LoR Moonstruck Poro Guardian Moonstruck Poro added.
    • LoR Powder Monkey Guardian Powder Monkey added.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Minion Guardian Minion added.
  • Silverwing and Gloomtooth make fewer noises while idle.
  • Basilisk's tail and Gromp Jr's legs no longer clip through certain boards.


  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Basilisk Guardian Basilisk added.
    • LoR Silverwing Guardian Silverwing added.
    • LoR Gloomtooth Guardian Gloomtooth added.

Open Beta

  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Gromp Jr. Guardian Gromp Jr. added.
    • LoR Scaled Snapper Guardian Scaled Snapper added.
    • LoR T-Hex Guardian T-Hex added.
  • Collections tab added—unlock and manage your boards & guardians here.
  • Loadout functionality for boards and guardians added to all modes.

Announce Preview

  • Guardians added.
    • LoR Poro Guardian Poro added.

