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League of Legends Wiki
Wild Rift Champion Promo 02

Wild Rift Champions

Wild Rift icon Wild Rift champions are directly based on their counterparts from League of Legends. Their visuals were updated to better match their appearances in Lore and some of their abilities were changed to better work on mobile and consoles.

Not all champions from League of Legends icon League of Legends will be released onto Wild Rift. There are 115 champions currently available.


Original Champion Roster[]

These are the list of champions included in the official release.

Champion Differences[]

Note: These champion differences are made in comparison to champions in League of Legends. Some differences may be missing.

Ability Differences[]

The maximum level for champions is 15 instead of 18, and basic abilities have a maximum rank of 4 instead of 5.

Ultimate abilities can be leveled up at levels 5 / 9 / 13 instead of 6 / 11 / 16.

Many champions in LoL have been ported over, several champions' abilities have been modified to accommodate either the twin-stick control scheme or the smaller scope of the match.

Champion Abilities
  • Ahri's Ahri's Essence Theft Essence Theft's healing limitation is changed to after using 3 abilities, her next ability will heal. Additionally, it doesn't count for health recovery per enemy hit, it just simply heals for a certain amount.
Active Champion Abilities
  • Added actives to several previously passive only abilities:
    • Vayne's Vayne's Silver Bolts' Silver Bolts' active grants bonus attack speed for 3 attacks for a duration and triggering the passive during this time grants healing equal to the damage dealt by Silver Bolts.
    • Vi's Vi's Blast Shield Blast Shield has switched places with Denting Blows Denting Blows. Blast Shield is now an active ability. Passively, a stack of Blast Shield is gained whenever Vi attacks or casts an ability, up to 5 stacks. Casting Blast Shield will consume all stacks to grant Vi a Hybrid resistances icon shield and a burst of bonus movement speed for 3 seconds.
      • Denting Blows Denting Blows is now Vi's innate. Bonus attack speed now scales with her level. The bonus physical damage dealt is changed to 4% of her target's maximum health at all levels and its AD ratio has been increased.
    • Twisted Fate's Twisted Fate's Stacked Deck's Stacked Deck's active increases the passive bonus attack speed for 3 seconds.
    • Teemo's Teemo's Guerrilla Warfare Guerrilla Warfare has switched places with Toxic Shot Toxic Shot. Guerrilla Warfare is now an active ability and uses Ambush 2 camouflage instead of Twilight Shroud old2 invisibility. It can only extend its stealth in the Brushmaker Brush and has a five second duration when not on the brush.
      • Toxic Shot Toxic Shot is now Teemo's innate. Attacks deal Bonus magic damage and increases per level and it's damage over time scales per level.
      • Move Quick Move Quick allows Teemo to tumble when activated aside from getting its movement buff.
Passive Indicators

A new passive indicator on the health bar has been implemented for certain champions:

Artwork Differences[]

While many of the game assets are directly ported from LoL, some assets have been tweaked/updated to better match newer assets. Some assets have gone through censorship due to cultural reasons.

The following default skin(s) have received a new splash art
The following skins have received a new splash art
The following default skin(s) have received an adjusted splash art (censored or general)
The following skins have received an adjusted splash art (censored or general)


Exclusive/Unique Skins[]

These skins are released uniquely to Wild Rift, as either exclusive- or First to Wild Rift.

Skins ported over to League of Legends icon League of Legends[]

Some First to Wild Rift skins are directly ported from Wild Rift to LoL

Skins ported over to Teamfight Tactics icon Teamfight Tactics[]

Some First to Wild Rift skins are directly ported from Wild Rift to TFT

Skins ported over to Legends of Runeterra icon Legends of Runeterra[]

Some First to Wild Rift skins are directly ported from Wild Rift to LoR


Some skins in Wild Rift, have what is called Augments. Augments functions as chroma and/or skin upgrades (either be model or vfx). Some Augments are exlusive to specific regions.


  • Some of Teemo's Teemo's and Wukong's Wukong's changes in Wild Rift were originally tested in the PC version but were ultimately pushed back due to negative community feedback at the time.


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