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League of Legends Wiki
Ekko OriginalCentered
Ekko (Universe)Ekko (Universe)
Ekko (League of Legends)Ekko (League of Legends)
Ekko (Esports)Ekko (Esports)
Ekko (Teamfight Tactics)Ekko (Teamfight Tactics)
Ekko (Legends of Runeterra)Ekko (Legends of Runeterra)
Ekko (Wild Rift)Ekko (Wild Rift)
Ekko (Development)Ekko (Development)
Ekko (Trivia)Ekko (Trivia)


Z-Drive Resonance

Z-Drive Resonance

Innate - Resonance: Ekko's basic attacks On-hit icon on-hit and damaging abilities apply a stack of Resonance to enemies hit for 4 seconds, which refreshes on subsequent hits and stacking up to 3 times. The third stack consumes them all to deal 30 − 142 (based on level) (+ 70% AP) bonus magic damage. Z-Drive Resonance deals 110% damage against Monster icon monsters.

Resonance cannot affect the same target more than once every few seconds.

Z-Drive Resonance 2

Innate - Stolen Time: Triggering Resonance against a Champion icon champion grants Ekko 40 / 50 / 60 / 70% (based on level) Movement speed icon bonus movement speed for 2.5 seconds.

  • Ekko's basic attacks have different animations based on how many stacks his target has. His attack pattern is as follows:
    • DownwardsUpwardsSideways
      • If the target has already been affected by Resonance, Ekko's basic attack animations will kick or attack the target sideways.
  • Resonance stacks will not be applied nor consumed if the basic attack is Jax Counter Strike old dodged or Spirit's Refuge blocked or if the attack Blind icon misses.

Map-Specific Differences
Arena icon Arena differences edit
  • Base damage changed to 33 − 154 (based on level).



Active: Ekko throws a temporal grenade in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit.

Magic Damage:
60 / 80 / 100 / 120 (+ 30% AP)

At 700 units or upon hitting an enemy Champion icon champion, the grenade slows down for 1.75 seconds to gradually expand into a Temporal Sickness field that Slow icon slows nearby enemies, travelling for another 190 units.

30 / 40 / 50 / 60%

Afterwards, the grenade contracts and homes back to Ekko at an increased speed, dealing magic damage to enemies hit.

Magic Damage:
40 / 75 / 110 / 145 (+ 60% AP)
Total Magic Damage:
100 / 155 / 210 / 265 (+ 90% AP)

Enemies can be hit only once per pass.

  • Spell Shield Spell shield will block only a single instance of damage.
  • This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.

Parallel Convergence

Passive: Ekko's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage equal to 3% (+ 2% per 100 AP) of the target's missing health against enemies below Health icon 30% of their maximum health. The damage has a minimum threshold and is capped at 158 against Minion icon minions and Monster icon monsters.

Parallel Convergence

Active: Ekko calls upon an afterimage that bats a device to the target location, granting Sight icon sight of the area for 2.5 seconds after 2 seconds. After 3 seconds, the device will expand into a field for 1.5 seconds, Slow icon slowing enemies within by 40%.

If Ekko enters the field, it detonates to grant him a Hybrid resistances icon shield for 2 seconds and Stun icon WR stun enemies within for 2 seconds.

Shield Strength:
70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+ 150% AP)

Enemies can see the indicator for Parallel Convergence after 2 seconds.

  • Applies Wit's End item proc damage for the passive.
  • Ekko can detonate the expansion even while Playful untargetable (i.e. Chronobreak's Chronobreak's dash), but not if he is Revival icon resurrecting.
  • Parallel Convergence will continue to Slow icon slow enemies even if its expansion is detonated.

Phase Dive

Phase Dive

Active: Ekko Dash dashes in the target direction, then empowers his next basic attack within 3 seconds to have a 0.25-second cast time, gain Range icon 250 bonus range, cause him to Flash blink within 125 range of the target, and deal bonus magic damage.

Bonus Magic Damage:
60 / 90 / 120 / 150 (+ 40% AP)

Phase Dive Bladework resets Ekko's basic attack timer. Ekko can cast any of his abilities during the dash.

  • The Dash dash distance can be extended to up-to X units when targeting across terrain. It will only extend for the distance needed to cross the wall.
  • While Root icon grounded or Root icon WR rooted, Ekko loses the Range icon bonus attack range from Phase Dive.
  • Phase Drive's attack can be Spirit's Refuge blocked or Jax Counter Strike old dodged, consuming the basic attack without dealing any damage. If the attack Blind icon misses, the same will happen.
  • If the target becomes Playful untargetable, Death dies, or is too far away during the empowered attack's cast time, it is cancelled but not consumed.


Passive: Upon learning Chronobreak or if its current cooldown is lower than 3.5 seconds, Ekko reveals a time-delayed afterimage of himself that constantly tracks where he was 3.5 seconds ago.


Active: Ekko enters Stasis icon stasis at the start of the cast time, and afterwards Heal power icon heals himself and Dash dashes to his afterimage's current location over 0.5 seconds. Upon arrival, the stasis ends and he creates an explosion that deals magic damage to nearby enemies.

Magic Damage:
150 / 300 / 450 (+ 175% AP)
100 / 150 / 200 (+ 50% AP) (+ 3% per 1% of health lost in the past 3.5 seconds)

Ekko is immune to all Airborne icon WR displacements during Chronobreak.

▶️   "One more time!"

  • Ekko will attempt to basic attack the closest target after appearing at the cast location, but can do so quicker if he manually attack commands after the dash, except if Phase Dive Phase Dive is primed.
  • The afterimage's location will explode even if Ekko's Dash dash is interrupted.
  • The afterimage is always visible to Ekko and his allies. To enemies, the afterimage can only be seen if they Sight icon sight of it.
  • A link can also be seen between the afterimage and Ekko that traces along his path.
    • The link follows the same visibility rules as the afterimage.
    • Upon activation, Ekko travels full distance through the link, and thus will detonate Parallel Convergence Parallel Convergence that the link passes through.
  • Enchants are disabled during the dash.

Tips & Tricks
  • The afterimage instantly spawns upon learning Chronobreak. This may be used once per match for a stealth Chronobreak usage.

Patch history[]

For the expanded patch notes, see here.
  • Timewinder Timewinder
    • First pass base damage increased from 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 to 70 / 90 / 110 / 130.
    • Second pass base damage increased from 40 / 75 / 110 / 145 to 50 / 85 / 120 / 155.
  • Chronobreak Chronobreak
    • Cooldown reduced from 80 / 60 / 40 to 70 / 55 / 40.
  • Stats
    • Base movement speed increased from 340 to 350.
  • Stats
    • Base health increased from 570 to 610.
    • Base armor increased from 35 to 40.
    • Base mana increased from 340 to 390.
  • Timewinder Timewinder
    • Damage against monsters increased from 100% to 130%.
  • Parallel Convergence Parallel Convergence
    • Base damage increased from 2% target's missing health to 3%.
    • AP health ratio increased from 1.5% target's missing health per 100 AP to 2%.
  • Phase Dive Phase Dive
    • AP ratio increased from 30% AP to 40%.
V3.2 - Added
  • Released May 12, 2022 (00:01 UTC).

See also[]

