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A passive effect is an effect that is applied as a part of a larger action, or is present throughout the game. They grant added bonuses, some of which directly increase base stats, and may require activation or a condition to be met.

Passive abilities are champion abilities with only passive components.


There are currently three different ways to acquire passive effects in the game.


There are several different types of passive effects, aside from the usual defensive, offensive or utility. These mainly are:

Constant passives[]

These effects are persistent throughout the game no matter what action is taken. They include innate abilities, and both Howling Abyss aura Howling Abyss Aura and ProfileIcon0785 The Thinking Manatee Awesome Buff of Awesomely Awesome Buffing passive bonuses.

Restrained passives[]

These are in effect until a certain action is taken that temporarily disables them.

Stacking passives[]

These passives have an effect which increases each time a certain action is performed.

Aura passives[]

These passives have a small area of effect that affect allies and/or foes.

Buffing passives[]

These passives increase stats such as Attack damage.

Abilities with Passives[]

Aside from innate abilities, some champions have passive effects on their basic or ultimate abilities. These may either be on their own, or alongside a separate active effect. These include:
