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League of Legends Wiki

Stealth is the mechanic that renders a unit invisible for a determined period of time. Stealth is divided into three categories: Ambush 2 Camouflage (or Strategic stealth), Twilight Shroud old2 Invisibility (or Tactical stealth) and Noxious Trap Stealthed traps.

Camouflage screenshot

A camouflaged unit and their detection radius

Invisibility screenshot

An invisible unit


Reveal icon
Invisibility Shimmer
  • This icon indicates that the unit is being revealed, although it does not necessarily mean the unit will be revealed through stealth, as both sources of true sight reveal and standard sight reveal use the same icon.
  • Units that are stealthed will have their silhouette shimmer with a visual and ▶️   audio indicator, if they are damaged while they are stealthed.
  • Stun icon Crowd control effects do not break stealth with the exception of Taunt icon taunt, which forces the unit to attack.
  • Stealth grants Ghost ghosting inherently when not being revealed.
  • Senna's Senna's Curse of the Black Mist Curse of the Black Mist will still grant the Wraith Form buff to allies that have stealth of their own. They can still be seen as a Wraith even with their own stealth active.
  • A unit with multiple sources of camouflage is revealed based on the radius of the smallest detection radius.
  • A unit with camouflage and invisibility will have their camouflage reveal radius be removed for the duration of the invisibility.
  • Camouflaged units will also be revealed while inside the line of sight of nearby enemy Command Hallucinate clones.
  • Voltaic Cyclosword Voltaic Cyclosword and Sudden Impact Sudden Impact interact with stealth.


EditCamouflage is a form of stealth that renders a unit hidden from enemy Sight icon vision for a long period of time. It is usually activated preemptively in order to ambush an enemy or to bypass the surveillance of hostile Ward icon wards patrolling an area. It also grants Ghost ghosting.
  • Camouflaged units are revealed while being inside the line of sight (e.g. not in the fog of war, behind terrain, or blocked by Nearsight icon nearsight) of a nearby enemy Champion icon champion (with the range depending on the ability), when within the vision radius of an enemy Control Ward Control Ward (900 units), or from sources of True Sight icon True Sight.
  • Stealthed units shimmer their character model for 0.6 seconds whenever they take damage.
    • A unit will shimmer for every instance of damage they take, and shimmering does not make the unit targetable nor remove the stealth effect, but grants positional information to the enemy.
  • When a camouflaged unit can be seen, they will be warned by an exclamation mark above them indicating they have been spotted.

Camouflage provides indicators that distinguish the state of the stealth effect.

(Only visible to the stealthed unit and their allies and enemy champions do not need to be Sight icon visible for them to appear)

Champion abilities


EditInvisibility is a form of stealth that renders a unit hidden from enemy Sight icon vision for a short period of time. It can be utilized to sneak in on opponents as well as the ability to reposition in-combat or simply to flee from a skirmish. It also grants Ghost ghosting.
  • Invisible units can only be revealed by True Sight icon True Sight.
  • Stealthed units shimmer their character model for 0.6 seconds whenever they take damage.
    • A unit will shimmer for every instance of damage they take, and shimmering does not make the unit targetable nor remove the stealth effect, but grants positional information to the enemy.

Champion abilities

Stealthed traps and wards[]

EditStealthed traps are units that are hidden from enemy Sight icon vision for a set duration until triggered by an enemy. They can only be revealed by True Sight icon True Sight, Control Wards Control Wards, Oracle Lens Oracle Lens, and A Harmless Scarecrow A Harmless Scarecrow.

Champion abilities

Stealth Ward icon Stealth Wards or Totem Ward icon Totem Wards from:

Stealth detection[]

There are various ways for a champion to gain the ability to see stealth. True Sight icon True sight is a form of vision that directly reveals stealth. All Turret icon turrets have true sight reveal as well as some champion abilities. Sweeper Drone icon Obscured vision will reveal stealthed units through a partially translucent outline, but does not render them targetable. When a revealed stealthed unit leaves the revealed area that unit does not experience a fade time; the unit immediately turns stealthed again. The following is a list of possible ways to detect stealthed champions:

Champion Abilities[]

Summoner Spells[]


The following items only reveal traps and wards:

Jungle Plants[]

Breaking stealth[]

Stealth is lost immediately when starting or completing the attack windup of a basic attack or casting an ability, unless otherwise stated. Using consumables or trinkets do not break stealth. Casting summoner spells and item actives vary. Starting a Recall Recall channel will always break stealth.

Summoner Spells[]

The following summoner spells will break stealth upon activation:

The following summoner spells will not break stealth upon activation:


The following item actives will break stealth upon activation:

The following item actives will not break stealth upon activation:


Presence detection without reveal[]

Leap Strike Unit-targeted effects cannot be cast on stealthed enemies, as they require Sight icon sight of targets. Electrical Surge Auto-targeted effects that do not require sight will indicate whether or not they can be cast, lighting up in the HUD and becoming available to use even if the target in range is not visible. The following abilities are examples of informing the presence of a hidden unit:

Skill shots[]

Sear Direction-targeted abilities, also known as skillshots, will still hit enemies that are not visible, but does not grant Sight icon sight of them unless the ability in question did. Note that the visible Projectile projectile will stop short of its trajectory, meaning visual and audio effects (e.g. Infected Bonesaw Infected Bonesaw will make a splatter and show a small eruption of blood upon impact) indicating if a non-visible unit is hit, providing knowledge of their whereabouts. Examples of this are Light Binding Light Binding and Grasping Roots Grasping Roots, which visibly entrap units hit even if they cannot be seen.
