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Akali OriginalCentered
Akali (Universe)Akali (Universe)
Akali (League of Legends)Akali (League of Legends)
Akali (Esports)Akali (Esports)
Akali (Teamfight Tactics)Akali (Teamfight Tactics)
Akali (Wild Rift)Akali (Wild Rift)
Akali (Development)Akali (Development)
Akali (Trivia)Akali (Trivia)

Akali is a champion in League of Legends.[1]



Assassin's Mark

Assassin's Mark

Innate: When Akali damages an enemy Champion icon champion with an ability, she creates a ring around them for 4 seconds, refreshing on subsequent damaging abilities against champions. For 2 seconds, she gains 30 / 40 / 50 / 60% (based on level) Movement speed icon bonus movement speed while moving away from the center of the ring. Only one ring may be active at a time.

When Akali exits the ring, for 2 seconds, she regains the bonus movement speed while facing nearby enemy champions and becomes empowered with Swinging Kama for 4 seconds, during which she cannot create another ring.

Swinging Kama: Akali's next basic attack is empowered to have its Range icon range doubled and deal 35 − 182 (based on level) (+ 60% bonus AD) (+ 55% AP) bonus magic damage.

  • Enemies cannot see the ring, but can see the empower effect.
  • Swinging Kama gives a static bonus range which doesn't change if Akali's range changes during it (i.e Rapid Firecannon Rapid Firecannon):
    • If Rapid Firecannon fully charges within Swinging Kama's duration, Akali's total range increases to 337.5.
    • If Rapid Firecannon fully charges before gaining Swinging Kama, Akali's total range is increased to 395.
  • The ring will be created around the last target hit by Five Point Strike Five Point Strike.
  • The ring's center is offset 120 units away from the enemy's center, towards Akali.
  • The empowered attack can be Jax Counter Strike old dodged and Spirit's Refuge blocked, and will be mitigated by Blind icon blinds.
  • The empowered attack will trigger but not be consumed nor apply its effects against structures and wards.


Five Point Strike

Five Point Strike

Active: Akali unleashes kunais in a cone in the target direction, dealing magic damage to enemies hit. Targets beyond a certain range are also Slow icon slowed by 50% for 0.5 seconds.

Magic Damage:
45 / 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 (+ 65% AD) (+ 60% AP)

  • Five Point Strike will hit enemies after only 0.188 / 0.169 / 0.15 / 0.131 (based on level) seconds (75% of cast time) into the cast time.
  • This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.

Map-Specific Differences
Arena icon Arena differences edit
  • Base damage changed to 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190.
  • Bonus AD ratio changed to 75% bonus AD.
  • AP ratio changed to 75% AP.


Twilight Shroud

Twilight Shroud

Active: Akali restores Energy icon 100 energy over 0.4 seconds and gains Movement speed icon bonus movement speed that decays over 2 seconds. She also detonates a smoke bomb a fixed distance away in the target direction, creating a circular shroud that expands over the next 5 seconds into a ring. The shroud does not permeate terrain, and will expand toward nearby enemy champions. While the shroud is active, Akali's maximum energy is increased by 100.

Bonus Movement Speed:
30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%
Shroud Duration:
5 / 5.5 / 6 / 6.5 / 7 seconds

Entering the shroud renders Akali Twilight Shroud old2 invisible, unless she is Dash dashing.

Declaring a basic attack or casting an ability will break the invisibility and prevent Akali from entering it for 1 − 0.625 (based on minutes) seconds, refreshing on subsequent attacks and casts.

The marked marked section of Twilight Shroud will linger for the mark's duration, even after the shroud ends.

  • Akali will also not gain the Twilight Shroud old2 invisibility if she is Recalling Recalling.
  • It is possible for Akali to detonate the smoke bomb on the far side of terrain from her current location.
  • The effects are applied before the cast time, and Akali can move during the cast time.

Map-Specific Differences
Arena icon Arena differences edit
  • Energy restoration changed to 150.
  • Bonus movement speed changed to 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60%.
  • Cooldown changed to 10 seconds from 20.


Shuriken Flip

Shuriken Flip

Active: Akali Dash flips backward and, after the cast time, throws a shuriken in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit.

Magic Damage:
21 / 42 / 63 / 84 / 105 (+ 30% AD) (+ 33% AP)

The shuriken marks and True Sight icon reveals the enemy or the last smoke smoke section hit for 3 seconds, during which Shuriken Flip can be recast to consume the mark.

Shuriken Flip 2

Recast: Akali Dash dashes towards the marked target or smoke section. Against enemies she deals magic damage upon arrival.

Magic Damage:
49 / 98 / 147 / 196 / 245 (+ 70% AD) (+ 77% AP)
Total Magic Damage:
70 / 140 / 210 / 280 / 350 (+ 100% AD) (+ 110% AP)

Akali will not flip backwards if she is Stun icon immobilized or Grounded icon grounded during the cast time. Twilight Shroud Twilight Shroud and Perfect Execution Perfect Execution can be cast during the recast's dash.

  • Akali will track the target if they change locations.
    • She will not stop tracking the target until she reaches them, as there is no maximum tracking distance.
  • Both casts count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such as Sheen item Spellblade and triggering Force Pulse's Force Pulse's passive.
  • Shuriken Flip does not interrupt Akali's previous move or attack orders.
    • The recast does.
  • Shuriken Flip cannot be recast if the target is not Sight icon visible or is Untargetable icon untargetable.
  • Akali will be ordered to basic attack the target after the recast's dash ends.
  • Akali will dash backwards up-to 400 units in a straight line. This dash can cross terrain if the end point is beyond it. If she would end the dash inside terrain, she will instead look for a location in either direction left or right that is outside of terrain and dash there. If there is no such location, she will dash only up to the wall at her normal speed, ending the dash early.
  • This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.
    • The shuriken missile will fire from wherever Akali is at the end of the cast time (usually mid-dash), but always towards and reaching the location that was 825 units in front of her at the start of cast. The only exception is if she moves via Flash Flash, in which case the range of the missile is decreased relative to the distance she blinked.
  • Killing an enemy with the shuriken will still mark the last area of the shroud shroud hit.
  • Attempting to cast Five Point Strike Five Point Strike during either dash will buffer it to cast as soon as the dash ends.
Attacking Disabled
Abilities Twilight Shroud Twilight Shroud is usable. Shuriken Flip Shuriken Flip is disabled for 10 seconds and then interrupts. Both dashes of Perfect Execution Perfect Execution interrupt.
Movement Disabled
Items Usable All the other item-actives are usable
Disabled N/A
Interrupted by Hextech Rocketbelt Hextech Rocketbelt Stridebreaker Stridebreaker
Consumables Usable
Spells Usable Barrier Barrier Clarity Clarity Cleanse Cleanse Exhaust Exhaust Ghost Ghost Heal Heal Ignite Ignite Smite Smite Teleport Teleport Recall Recall
Disabled Hexflash Hexflash
Interrupted by Flash Flash
Interrupted by
  • Death
  • Silence icon Cast-inhibiting effects
  • Map-Specific Differences
    Arena icon Arena differences edit
    • Cooldown changed to 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 seconds.


    Perfect Execution

    Perfect Execution

    Active: Akali Dash dashes 750 units in the direction of the target enemy Champion icon champion, dealing magic damage to enemies she passes through. If this hits an enemy, she flips over them to continue the dash up to the normal range but for at least another 150 units.

    Magic Damage:
    80 / 220 / 360 (+ 50% bonus AD) (+ 30% AP)

    Perfect Execution can be recast after a 2.5-second static cooldown within 10 seconds of the first activation.

    Perfect Execution 2

    Recast: Akali Dash dashes 800 units in the target direction, dealing magic damage to enemies she passes through, increased by 0% − 200% (based on target's missing health).

    Minimum Magic Damage:
    60 / 130 / 200 (+ 30% AP)
    Maximum Magic Damage:
    180 / 390 / 600 (+ 90% AP)

    • Both casts count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such as Sheen item Spellblade and triggering Force Pulse's Force Pulse's passive.
    • With the first cast, Akali can dash up to a maximum of 900 units if the first enemy she hit was at the maximum dash range.
    • Casting Flash Flash during either dashes will interrupt them, but Akali will deal damage to any enemies she comes in contact with at the new location.
      • Enemies already hit by either of Perfect Execution's casts cannot be affected more than once by the same cast.
    • Shuriken Flip Shuriken Flip can be used during the initial dash if it is cast after Perfect Execution's cast time finishes.

    Champion skins[]

    This article section only contains champion skins. For all associated collection items, see Akali (Collection).
    Akali OriginalSkin
    RP 790
    Abandoning the Kinkou Order and her title of the Fist of Shadow, Akali now strikes alone, ready to be the deadly weapon her people need. Though she holds onto all she learned from her master Shen, she has pledged to defend Ionia from its enemies, one kill at a time. Akali may strike in silence, but her message will be heard loud and clear: fear the assassin with no master.
    ActorKrizia Bajos
    ArtistJessica 'OwleyCat' Oyhenart
    Loot eligible Loot eligible

    Patch history[]

    For the expanded patch notes, see here.
    • Shuriken Flip Shuriken Flip
      • Shuriken base damage reduced to 21 / 42 / 63 / 84 / 105 from 30 / 56.25 / 82.5 / 108.75 / 135.
      • Shuriken AD ratio increased to 30% AD from 25.5% AD.
      • Shuriken AP ratio reduced to 33% AP from 36% AP.
      • Dash base damage reduced to 49 / 98 / 147 / 196 / 245 from 70 / 131.25 / 192.5 / 253.75 / 315.
      • Dash AD ratio increased to 70% AD from 59.5% AD.
      • Dash AP ratio reduced to 77% AP from 84% AP.
    V14.8 - April 18th Hotfix
    • Twilight Shroud Twilight Shroud
      • Bug Fix: No longer restores 200 energy instead of 100 upon cast.
    • Stats
      • Base health increased to 600 from 570.
    • Assassin's Mark Assassin's Mark
      • New Effect: Empowered attack can no longer expire during its windup against a target.
      • Bug Fix: No longer becomes unable to cast abilities for about 1.5 seconds if she uses the empowered attack at the last second.
    • Five Point Strike Five Point Strike
      • Base damage increased to 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 from 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140.
      • Energy cost reduced to 110 / 100 / 90 / 80 / 70 from 130 / 115 / 100 / 85 / 70.
    • Five Point Strike Five Point Strike
      • Base damage increased to 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 from 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130.
    • Shuriken Flip Shuriken Flip
      • Bug Fix: Can now properly cross walls with the dash.
    • Twilight Shroud Twilight Shroud
      • Bonus maximum energy increased to 100 from 80.
      • Energy restore increased to 100 from 80.
    • Assassin's Mark Assassin's Mark
      • Bug Fix: Spinning animation while the empowered attack is active no longer is delayed when issuing a movement command.
    • Stats
      • Base health increased to 570 from 500.
      • Health growth increased to 119 from 105.
      • Armor growth increased to 4.7 from 3.5.
      • Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05 from 1.25.
    • Assassin's Mark Assassin's Mark
      • Base damage increased to 35 − 182 (based on level) from 29 − 170 (based on level).
      • AP ratio increased to 55% AP from 40% AP.
    • Stats
      • Base health regeneration increased to 9 from 8.
      • Health regeneration growth increased to 0.9 from 0.5.
    • Five Point Strike Five Point Strike
      • Removed: Can no longer be cast during Shuriken Flip's Shuriken Flip's recast.
        • Attempting to cast the ability during either dash will buffer it to cast as soon as the dash ends.
    • Perfect Execution Perfect Execution
      • Second cast minimum base damage reduced to 60 / 130 / 200 from 75 / 145 / 215.
        • Second cast maximum base damage reduced to 180 / 390 / 600 from 225 / 435 / 645.
    • Shuriken Flip Shuriken Flip
      • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where she would deal double damage if her target was very close to a wall.
    • Shuriken Flip Shuriken Flip
      • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where the tooltip would not update its damage numbers when buying or selling items.
    • Stats
      • Base health reduced to 500 from 575.
      • Health growth increased to 105 from 95.
    • Assassin's Mark Assassin's Mark
      • Removed: No longer restores 10 / 15 / 20 (based on level) energy.
    • Five Point Strike Five Point Strike
      • Energy cost changed to 130 / 115 / 100 / 85 / 70 from 120 / 115 / 110 / 105 / 100.
      • Removed: No longer deals 25% bonus damage against minions and monsters at max rank.
    • Twilight Shroud Twilight Shroud
      • New Effect: Now increases her maximum energy by 80 while the shroud is active.
      • Undocumented: Energy restore is now gained over 0.4 seconds, rather than instantly.
    • Shuriken Flip Shuriken Flip
      • Shuriken base damage reduced to 30 / 56.25 / 82.5 / 108.75 / 135 from 50 / 85 / 120 / 155 / 190.
      • Dash base damage increased to 70 / 131.25 / 192.5 / 253.75 / 315 from 50 / 85 / 120 / 155 / 190.
        • Total base damage increased to 100 / 187.5 / 275 / 362.5 / 450 from 100 / 170 / 240 / 310 / 380.
      • Shuriken AP ratio reduced to 36% AP from 50% AP.
      • Dash AP ratio increased to 84% AP from 50% AP.
        • Total AP ratio increased to 120% AP from 100% AP.
      • Shuriken AD ratio reduced to 25.5% AD from 35% AD.
      • Dash AD ratio increased to 59.5% AD from 35% AD.
        • Total AD ratio increased to 85% AD from 70% AD.
    • Perfect Execution Perfect Execution
      • First cast base damage changed to 80 / 220 / 360 from 125 / 225 / 325.
      • First cast damage type changed to magic from physical.
      • New Effect: First cast now scales with 30% AP.
    • Five Point Strike Five Point Strike
      • Energy cost increased to 120 / 115 / 110 / 105 / 100 from 120 / 110 / 100 / 90 / 80.
    • Stats
      • Base attack damage reduced to 62 from 62.4.
    V10.25 - December 15th Hotfix
    • Assassin's Mark Assassin's Mark
      • Bonus movement speed reduced to 30 / 40 / 50 / 60% (based on level) from 40 / 50 / 60 / 70% (based on level).
      • Base damage reduced to 29 − 170 (based on level) from 39 − 180 (based on level).
      • AP ratio reduced to 40% AP from 50% AP.
    • Five Point Strike Five Point Strike
      • Energy cost reduced to 120 / 110 / 100 / 90 / 80 from 120 / 115 / 110 / 105 / 100.
    • Five Point Strike Five Point Strike
      • Base damage reduced 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 from 35 / 60 / 85 / 110 / 135.
      • AP ratio reduced to 60% AP from 65% AP.
    • Five Point Strike Five Point Strike
      • Base damage increased to 35 / 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 from 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130.
    • Shuriken Flip Shuriken Flip
      • Damage type changed to magic from physical.
    • Five Point Strike Five Point Strike
      • Base damage increased to 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 from 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 / 125.
      • AP ratio increased to 65% AP from 60% AP.
    V10.3 - February 6th Hotfix
    • Shuriken Flip Shuriken Flip
      • Base damage increased to 50 / 85 / 120 / 155 / 190 from 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160.
    • Perfect Execution Perfect Execution
      • Cooldown reduced to 120 / 90 / 60 seconds from 160 / 130 / 100.
      • First dash base damage increased to 125 / 225 / 325 from 85 / 150 / 215.
    • Five Point Strike Five Point Strike
      • Energy cost increased to 120 / 115 / 110 / 105 / 100 from 100 / 95 / 90 / 85 / 80.
    • Twilight Shroud Twilight Shroud
      • Removed: No longer gains 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% bonus movement speed while in the shroud.
      • New Effect: On-cast, now gains 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% bonus movement speed that decays over 2 seconds.
    • Perfect Execution Perfect Execution
      • First cast targeting changed to champion targeting from free targeting.
      • First cast target range increased to 675 units from 575.
      • First cast dash distance increased to 675 / 690 / 705 / 720 / 735 / 750 / 765 / 780 / 795 / 810 / 825 (based on distance from target) units from 575.
    • Five Point Strike Five Point Strike
      • Removed: No longer has a hitbox behind herself.
      • Bonus damage at max rank against minions and monsters reduced to 25% from 33%.
    • True Damage Akali True Damage Akali
      • Loading screen border is now uniquely colored per True Damage skin.
    • Perfect Execution Perfect Execution
      • Second base minimum base damage increased to 75 / 145 / 215 from 65 / 140 / 215.
      • Second cast maximum base damage increased to 225 / 435 / 645 from 195 / 420 / 645.
    • Perfect Execution Perfect Execution
      • Removed: No longer stuns for 0.5 seconds on first cast.
      • Second cast minimum base damage reduced to 65 / 140 / 215 from 85 / 150 / 215.
      • Second cast maximum base damage reduced to 195 / 420 / 645 from 255 / 450 / 645.
      • Cooldown increased to 160 / 130 / 100 seconds from 120 / 110 / 100.
    V9.14 - July 22nd Hotfix
    • Twilight Shroud Twilight Shroud
      • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where she wasn't immediately stealthed after casting.
    V9.14 - July 18th Hotfix
    • Stats
      • Base health increased to 575 from 550.
      • Base health regeneration increased to 8 from 6.
    V9.14 - July 17th Hotfix
    • Perfect Execution Perfect Execution
      • Bug Fix: Travel speed when casting Perfect Execution is no longer slower than intended.
    • Stats
      • Base magic resistance increased to 37 from 32.1.
      • Health growth increased to 95 from 85.
    • Five Point Strike Five Point Strike
      • AP ratio increased to 60% AP from 50% AP.
    • Twilight Shroud Twilight Shroud
      • Removed: No longer causes all sources of True Sight icon true sight (except for Turret icon turret targeting) to grant Sweeper Drone icon obscured vision instead. Now only gains Twilight Shroud old2 invisibility in the shroud.
      • Cooldown changed to 20 seconds at all ranks from 25 / 22 / 19 / 16 / 13.
      • Energy restore increased to 80 at all ranks from 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80.
      • Removed: Duration is no longer extended by 2 seconds if Akali breaks and re-enters stealth.
    • Shuriken Flip Shuriken Flip
      • Shuriken base damage reduced to 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 from 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210.
      • Shuriken AD ratio changed to 35% total AD from 70% bonus AD.
      • New Effect: Shuriken damage now scales with 50% AP.
      • Dash base damage reduced to 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 from 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170.
      • Dash AD ratio changed to 35% total AD from 70% bonus AD.
      • New Effect: Dash damage now scales with 50% AP.
    • Perfect Execution Perfect Execution
      • Cooldown increased to 120 / 110 / 100 seconds from 100 / 85 / 70.
    • Assassin's Mark Assassin's Mark
      • Energy restoration reduced to 10 / 15 / 20 (based on level) from 10 / 20 / 30 (based on level).
      • Bonus AD ratio reduced to 60% bonus AD from 90%.
      • AP ratio reduced to 50% AP from 70% AP.
    • Twilight Shroud Twilight Shroud
      • Bonus duration reduced to 2 seconds from 3.
        • Maximum duration reduced to 7 / 7.5 / 8 / 8.5 / 9 seconds from 8 / 8.5 / 9 / 9.5 / 10.
      • Cooldown increased to 25 / 22 / 19 / 16 / 13 seconds from 21 / 19 / 17 / 15 / 13.
    • Twilight Shroud Twilight Shroud
      • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the cooldown was incorrectly calculated with her cooldown reduction.
    • Assassin's Mark Assassin's Mark
      • Movement speed duration gained from moving towards the edge of the ring increased to 2 seconds from 1.25.
      • Movement speed duration gained from moving towards enemies increased to 2 seconds from 1.25.
    • Twilight Shroud Twilight Shroud
      • New Effect: Is now only revealed by towers if she is within attack range rather than sight range.
      • New Effect: Now only needs to exit and re-enter the shroud once to extend the duration by 3 seconds, instead of 6 times.
    • Shuriken Flip Shuriken Flip
      • Shuriken base damage increased to 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.
      • Dash base damage reduced to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.
    • Perfect Execution Perfect Execution
      • Cooldown reduced to 100 / 85 / 70 seconds from 120 / 100 / 80.
    • Stats
      • Base health regeneration increased to 6 from 3.5.
    • Five Point Strike Five Point Strike
      • Removed: If cast at 180 energy or above, no longer heals for 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (+ 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% AD) (+ 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% AP).
    • Twilight Shroud Twilight Shroud
      • Removed: Twilight Shroud no longer prevents turrets from revealing Akali.
      • Cooldown increased to 21 / 19 / 17 / 15 / 13 seconds from 21 / 18.5 / 16 / 13.5 / 11.
    • Twilight Shroud Twilight Shroud
      • New Effect: Akali now briefly obscures (opponents can see her outline but not target her) before stealthing or re-stealthing even if enemies don't have true sight in the area.
      • New Effect: Targeted abilities and uncancellable basic attacks (e.g. Nasus' Nasus' Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike) are no longer canceled when Akali stealths or re-stealths.
      • Re-stealth timing changed to 1 / 0.9 / 0.825 / 0.725 / 0.625 (based on minutes) seconds from 0.9 / 0.8 / 0.725 / 0.625 (based on levels).
      • Base duration increased to 5 / 5.5 / 6 / 6.5 / 7 seconds from 4 / 4.5 / 5 / 5.5 / 6.
      • Maximum duration increased to 8 / 8.5 / 9 / 9.5 / 10 seconds from 6 / 6.5 / 7 / 7.5 / 8.
    • Twilight Shroud Twilight Shroud
      • Base duration reduced to 4 / 4.5 / 5 / 5.5 / 6 seconds from 5 / 5.5 / 6 / 6.5 / 7.
      • Maximum duration reduced to 6 / 6.5 / 7 / 7.5 / 8 seconds from 8 / 8.5 / 9 / 9.5 / 10.
    • K/DA Akali K/DA Akali
      • Bug Fix: Transition into her slowed animation has been restored.
      • Perfect Execution Perfect Execution
        • Bug Fix: SFX volume no longer stacks when hitting multiple targets.
    V8.23 - November 21st Hotfix
    • General
      • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that made her attack speed higher than intended.
    • General
      • No longer has 4 last-hit assistance.
    • Twilight Shroud Twilight Shroud
      • Cooldown increased to 21 / 18.5 / 16 / 13.5 / 11 seconds from 17 / 15.5 / 14 / 12.5 / 11.
    • Perfect Execution Perfect Execution
      • First and second cast base damage changed to 85 / 150 / 215 from 100 / 150 / 200.
    • Perfect Execution Perfect Execution
      • First and second cast base damage reduced to 100 / 150 / 200 from 120 / 180 / 240.
    • Perfect Execution Perfect Execution
      • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where it dealt damage to all opponents based on the health of the last enemy struck, rather than calculating damage individually for each.
    V8.15 - Full Relaunch
    • General
    • Stats
      • Base movement speed reduced to 345 from 350.
      • Attack speed delay increased to 0 from -0.1.
      • Base attack speed reduced to 0.625 from 0.694.
      • Base attack damage increased to 62.4 from 58.376.
      • Base armor reduced to 23 from 31.38.
      • Base health reduced to 550 from 593.
      • Base health regeneration reduced to 3.5 from 8.5.
      • Attack speed growth increased to 3.2% from 3.1%.
      • Attack damage growth increased to 3.3 from 3.2.
      • Health growth reduced to 85 from 90.
      • Health regeneration growth reduced to 0.5 from 0.65.
    • Assassin's Mark Assassin's Mark (Innate)
      • Akali's ability damage against enemy champions creates a 500-unit ring around them for 4 seconds, granting her 40 / 50 / 60 / 70% (based on level) bonus movement speed for 1.25 seconds while moving towards the edge of the ring.
      • When Akali breaks through the ring, she regains the bonus movement speed towards enemy champions and gains Swinging Kama for 4 seconds.
      • Swinging Kama: Akali's next basic attack gains 125 bonus range, deals 39 − 180 (based on level) (+ 90% bonus AD) (+ 70% AP) bonus magic damage and restores 10 / 20 / 30 (based on level).
    • Five Point Strike Five Point Strike (Q)
      • Active: Akali throws a flurry of kunais in the target direction, dealing 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 (+ 65% AD) (+ 50% AP) magic damage to enemies hit. Enemies hit at maximum range are also Slow icon slowed by 50% for 0.5 seconds.
      • If cast at 180 energy or above, Akali also heals for 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (+ 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% AD) (+ 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% AP).
      • At rank 5, deals 33.3% bonus damage to minions and monsters.
      • Target Range: 500.
      • Energy Cost: 100 / 95 / 90 / 85 / 80.
      • Cooldown: 1.5 seconds.
    • Twilight Shroud Twilight Shroud (W)
      • Active: Akali restores 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 energy and detonates a smoke bomb in the target direction for 5 / 5.5 / 6 / 6.5 / 7 seconds. The smoke cloud begins as a circular area, expanding over the next 5 seconds to form a ring. The smoke cannot expand through terrain.
      • While inside the smoke, Akali is Twilight Shroud old2 invisible, gains 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% bonus movement speed and causes all sources of True Sight icon true sight, including turrets, to grant Sweeper Drone icon obscured vision instead.
      • Akali's basic attacks and abilities will break the invisibility for 0.9 / 0.8 / 0.725 / 0.625 (based on levels) seconds and extend Twilight Shroud's duration by 0.5 seconds, extending aswell whenever she leaves or enters the cloud.
      • Twilight Shroud's duration cannot exceed 8 / 8.5 / 9 / 9.5 / 10 seconds unless marked marked, in which case the marked section will linger for the mark's duration.
      • Target Range: 250.
      • Energy Cost: No cost.
      • Cooldown: 17 / 15.5 / 14 / 12.5 / 11 seconds.
    • Shuriken Flip Shuriken Flip (E)
      • First Active: Akali dashes backward and fires a shuriken forward, dealing 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+ 70% bonus AD) physical damage to the first enemy hit and marking them.
      • If the Shuriken reaches maximum range without hitting an enemy, or the enemy dies because of the shuriken, it will mark the furthest most portion of Twilight Shroud Twilight Shroud it travelled through if applicable.
      • While a target is marked, Akali can reactivate Shuriken Flip within the next 3 seconds.
      • Second Active: Akali dashes towards the marked target, dealing the same initial damage.
      • Target Range: 650 / Global.
      • Energy Cost: 30.
      • Cooldown: 16 / 14.5 / 13 / 11.5 / 10 seconds.
    • Perfect Execution Perfect Execution (R)
      • First Active: Akali dashes in the target direction, dealing 120 / 180 / 240 (+ 50% bonus AD) physical damage and Stun icon stunning enemies hit for 0.5 seconds.
      • After 2.5 seconds, Perfect Execution can be reactivated within the following 7.5 seconds.
      • Second Active: Akali dashes in the target direction, dealing 120 / 180 / 240 (+ 30% AP) magic damage to enemies hit. The base damage is increased by 0% − 150% (based on target's missing health), and the scaling damage is increased by 0% − 200% (based on target's missing health).
      • Target Range: 575 / 750.
      • Energy Cost: No cost.
      • Cooldown: 120 / 100 / 80 seconds.


    Akali, the Fist of Shadow Akali, the Fist of Shadow
    • Akali's dance referenced Single Ladies by Beyoncé.
      • A side-by-side comparison can be seen here.
    • Akali was the only energy-based champion to have any associated cost on their ultimate ultimate (one Essence of Shadow).
    • Shadow Dance Shadow Dance was going to be a skillshot but became single-targeted instead.
    • Akali used to gain the 'Law of Inverse Ninja Strength' 'Law of Inverse Ninja Strength' cosmetic Easter egg debuff ("This unit is a flippin' ninja!" - "Ninjas are more effective when they work alone. For every Ninja on your team beyond yourself, you lose 1 health.") when she, Kennen Kennen, Shen Shen, and/or Zed Zed found themselves on the same team. It was removed in V3.14 for unknown reasons.
    • In the V1.0.0.115 April Fools' Day patch, the following change regarding Akali was jokingly listed:
      • Akali is no longer a ninja.
    Akali, the Rogue Assassin Akali, the Rogue Assassin
    • Due to Japanese rhotacism, Akali may sound identical to Japanese 明かりakari "light, brightness, gleam", from Old Japanese stative verbal root *aka(-r-) "to be red, to be bright" (> aka(-i) 赤(い) "red")
    • Akali is the second champion, after Yasuo Yasuo, to have an emote that will orient itself the same (facing towards the camera), no matter what direction Akali was facing.
      • However, she is the first to always reposition herself to face the camera when using the emotes, and has this function on both her dance and joke emotes.
    • Akali's Series 1 Eternals make the following references:

    See also[]

