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League of Legends Wiki
Nilah OriginalCentered
Nilah (Universe)Nilah (Universe)
Nilah (League of Legends)Nilah (League of Legends)
Nilah (Esports)Nilah (Esports)
Nilah (Teamfight Tactics)Nilah (Teamfight Tactics)
Nilah (Legends of Runeterra)Nilah (Legends of Runeterra)
Nilah (Wild Rift)Nilah (Wild Rift)
Nilah (Development)Nilah (Development)
Nilah (Trivia)Nilah (Trivia)

Nilah is a champion in League of Legends.[1]



Joy Unending

Innate: Whenever Nilah kills a Minion icon minion, she and the nearest allied Champion icon champion gain an additional Experience icon 50% of the experience they would have lost from sharing.

Nilah Joy Unending

Innate: Whenever a nearby allied champion uses an ability to Heal power icon heal or Hybrid resistances icon shield either Nilah or themselves, both they and Nilah receive a bonus amount equal to 7.5% of the healing or 15% of the shielding after a 0.5-second delay. Bonus shielding lasts as long as the shield that triggered the effect, up to a maximum duration of 4 seconds.

  • Nilah will gain a portion of all healing and all shielding from nearby allies that activate either of the effects on themselves while she is within range of them.
    • The same applies to allies that grant Nilah a heal or shield; they gain a portion of the heal or shield given to her by them, even if the heal or shield affects both units.
  • Heal and shields granted by items, runes, and summoner spells will not trigger the increased amount.
  • The heal and shield increases do not trigger from their own heal or shield.
  • Nilah may still gain a shield from her allies' shields even if they are longer than 4 seconds, but the buff of the shield will only last for up to 4 seconds.
  • Nilah can receive a normal shield from nearby allies that gain physical or magic shields.


Formless Blade

Passive: Nilah gains Armor penetration icon 0% − 33% (based on critical strike chance) armor penetration. Her basic attacks and Formless Blade Heal power icon heal her for 0% − 20% (based on critical strike chance) of the post-mitigation damage dealt to Champion icon champions, converting each heal instance beyond maximum health into a Hybrid resistances icon shield that last 6 seconds.

Nilah Formless Blade

Active: Nilah cracks her whip-blade in a line in the target direction that deals physical damage to enemies hit, increased by 0% − 100% (based on critical strike chance). Formless Blade can hit structures and applies Life steal icon life steal at 100% effectiveness.

Minimum Physical Damage:
5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (+ 90 / 95 / 100 / 105 / 110% AD)
Maximum Physical Damage:
10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 (+ 180 / 190 / 200 / 210 / 220% AD)

If Formless Blade is cast during Slipstream Slipstream, Nilah leaves behind a wave that is sent towards her location at the end of the dash, dealing the same damage to enemies hit.

If Formless Blade hits an enemy, Nilah empowers herself for 4 seconds: gaining Range icon 125 bonus attack range and Attack speed icon 10% − 60% (based on level) bonus attack speed, and causing her basic attacks to strike in a cone that deals 100% AD physical damage to enemies hit. Against secondary non-champion targets, this is reduced to 33% AD for Minion icon minions and 10% AD for Monster icon monsters, and additionally executes minions left below Health icon 20 health. On-hit icon On-hit effects are applied only to the primary target.

  • This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.
  • Formless Blade's active cast triggers call for help for dealing damage despite not being a targeted spell.(bug)
  • Applies Death Lotus area damage on the empowered attacks.
  • Spell Shield Spell shield will not block Formless Blade's empowered basic attacks.
  • Parrying effects (Jax Counter Strike old dodge, Spirit's Refuge block, Blind icon blind) will negate Formless Blade's empowered attacks only as the primary target.
  • Formless Blade's damage to the primary target of the enhanced attacks is affected by Infinity Edge Infinity Edge and classified as Basic Attack basic damage.


Jubilant Veil

Nilah Jubilant Veil

Active: Nilah envelops herself in mist for 2.25 seconds, during which she becomes Ghost ghosted, gains Movement speed icon bonus movement speed, reduces all incoming magic damage taken by 25%, and Jax Counter Strike old dodges all non-Turret icon turret basic attacks.

Bonus Movement Speed:
15 / 17.5 / 20 / 22.5 / 25%

Allied champions she touches will also be enveloped for 1.5 seconds, gaining the same effects.

  • Allies may only be affected by Jubilant Veil only once every 6 seconds.
  • Jubilant Veil's cooldown is not affected by Spear of Shojin Spear of Shojin Dragonforce.(bug)



Nilah Slipstream

Active: Nilah Dash dashes a fixed distance in the direction of the target unit, dealing physical damage to enemies she passes through.

Physical Damage:
65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165 (+ 20% AD)

Nilah periodically stocks a Slipstream charge, up to a maximum of 2.

Slipstream Bladework resets Nilah's basic attack timer. Formless Blade Formless Blade and Apotheosis Apotheosis can be cast during the dash.

  • Slipstream has a very brief cast time before the start of the dash.(bug)
  • Formless Blade used during Slipstream might not register, rendering it on cooldown without being casted.(bug)
  • Slipstream has a chance of visually not using charge, causing it to showing one available charge without possibility of using it.(bug)
  • Dashing to target through a wall within casting range will cancel the dash if wall is longer than dash range.(bug)



Nilah Apotheosis

Active: Nilah whirls her whip-blade over 1 second, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies every 0.25 seconds. She then unleashes a burst that deals physical damage and Airborne icon pulls them 250 units towards her. Each hit also Slow icon slows targets by 10% for 3 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits.

Physical Damage per Tick:
15 / 30 / 45 (+ 20% bonus AD)
Total Physical Damage:
60 / 120 / 180 (+ 80% bonus AD)
Burst Physical Damage:
125 / 225 / 325 (+ 120% bonus AD)
Maximum Total Physical Damage:
185 / 345 / 505 (+ 200% bonus AD)

Nilah Heal power icon heals herself and nearby allied champions for 20% − 50% (based on critical strike chance) of the post-mitigation damage dealt to Champion icon champions, reduced to 10% against non-champions, converting each heal instance beyond maximum health into a Hybrid resistances icon shield that last 6 seconds.

Nilah is unable to basic attack and cast her other abilities during Apotheosis, but she is able to move.

  • Apotheosis can pull enemies through walls and can knock them across Nilah's location.
  • Spell Shield Spell shield will only block the burst damage.
  • Apotheosis shielding reuses indicators from Joy Unending Joy Unending.
  • The following table refers for interactions while Nilah is performing Apotheosis:
Attacking Disabled
Abilities Disabled
Movement Allowed
Items Usable All the other item-actives are usable
Interrupted by N/A
Consumables Usable
Spells Usable Barrier Barrier Clarity Clarity Cleanse Cleanse Exhaust Exhaust Ghost Ghost Heal Heal Ignite Ignite Smite Smite Flash Flash Teleport Teleport Hexflash Hexflash
Disabled Recall Recall
Interrupted by N/A
Interrupted by
  • Death
  • Champion skins[]

    This article section only contains champion skins. For all associated collection items, see Nilah (Collection).
    Nilah OriginalSkin
    RP 975
    Nilah is an ascetic warrior from a distant land, seeking the world's deadliest, most titanic opponents so that she might challenge and destroy them. Having won her power through an encounter with the long-imprisoned demon of joy, she has no emotions other than unceasing jubilation—a small price to pay for the vast strength she now possesses. Channeling the demon's liquid form into a blade of unparalleled might, she stands defiant against ancient threats long forgotten.
    ActorSandra Saad
    ArtistPan Chengwei
    Loot eligible Loot eligible

    Patch history[]

    For the expanded patch notes, see here.
    • Stats
      • Base health regeneration increased to 6 from 4.
      • Armor growth increased to 4.5 from 4.2.
    • Stats
      • Selection radius increased to 120 units from 75.
    • Formless Blade Formless Blade
      • AD ratio reduced to 90 / 95 / 100 / 105 / 110% AD from 90 / 97.5 / 105 / 112.5 / 120% AD.
      • Damage critical strike chance ratio reduced to 0% − 100% (based on critical strike chance) from 0% − 120% (based on critical strike chance).
      • Bonus attack speed increased to 10% − 60% (based on level) from 10% − 50% (based on level).
    • Jubilant Veil Jubilant Veil
      • New Effect: Cast can now be buffered during the lockout of other abilities.
      • New Effect: Can now be cast during the windup of other spells.
    • Slipstream Slipstream
      • Adjusted the casting of it in combination with Formless Blade Formless Blade to be more consistent.
    • Formless Blade Formless Blade
      • Bonus attack speed reduced to 10% − 50% (based on level) from 10% − 60% (based on level).
    • Apotheosis Apotheosis
      • Bonus AD ratio per tick reduced to 20% bonus AD from 28%.
    V12.23 - December 14th Hotfix
    • Formless Blade Formless Blade
      • AD ratio reduced to 90 / 97.5 / 105 / 112.5 / 120% AD from 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130% AD.
      • Damage critical strike chance ratio increased to 0% − 120% (based on critical strike chance) from 0% − 100% (based on critical strike chance).
      • Healing increased to 0% − 20% (based on critical strike chance) of damage dealt from 0% − 15% (based on critical strike chance).
    • Apotheosis Apotheosis
      • Bonus AD ratio per tick reduced to 28% bonus AD from 35%.
      • Healing changed to 20% − 50% (based on critical strike chance) of damage dealt from 30% − 45% (based on critical strike chance).
    • Stats
      • Base mana regeneration increased to 8.2 from 8.18.
    • Formless Blade Formless Blade
      • Bug Fix: Passive shield duration now properly matches the ability tooltip.
    • Joy Unending Joy Unending
      • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that caused it to be audible from the Fog of War.
      • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that caused it to trigger with Oceanic Will Oceanic Will.
    • General
      • Bug Fix: SFX from locking in the champion while in champion select is no longer louder than intended.
    • Joy Unending Joy Unending
      • Bug Fix: No longer unintentionally triggers Fimbulwinter's Fimbulwinter's Everlasting.
    • Formless Blade Formless Blade
      • Bug Fix: Empowered attack now does not last for a longer duration if used during Slipstream Slipstream.
      • Bug Fix: Empowered attacks no longer deal damage to the caster themself while they are affected by Berserk icon berserk.
      • Bug Fix: VFX for the empowered attacks are now properly shown.
    • Jubilant Veil Jubilant Veil
      • Bug Fix: Now is properly grayed out in the HUD while Apotheosis Apotheosis is being casted.
    V12.13 - July 14th Hotfix
    • Stats
      • Base health reduced to 570 from 590.
      • Base armor reduced to 27 from 30.
    • Joy Unending Joy Unending
      • Increased healing modifier reduced to 7.5% from 10%.
      • Increased shielding modifier reduced to 15% from 20%.
    • Formless Blade Formless Blade
      • Empowered attack AD ratio reduced to 100% AD from 110% AD.
        • Secondary minion AD ratio reduced to 33% AD from 36.3% AD.
        • Secondary monster AD ratio reduced to 10% AD from 11% AD.
      • Bonus attack speed reduced to 10% − 60% (based on level) from 15% − 65% (based on level).
    • Slipstream Slipstream
      • Recharge cooldown increased to 26 / 22.5 / 19 / 15.5 / 12 seconds from 24 / 21 / 18 / 15 / 12.
    V12.13 - Added
    • Joy Unending Joy Unending (Innate)
      • Innate: Whenever Nilah kills a Minion icon minion, she and the nearest allied Champion icon champion gain 50% of the experience they would have lost due to sharing, in addition to the normal amount of shared experience.
      • Innate: Nilah receives 10% increased Heal power icon healing and 20% bonus Hybrid resistances icon shield strength from allied champions' abilities. Allies that grant a heal or shield to themselves or Nilah gain the increased amount as well. If the ally granted it to themself only, Nilah gains the amount too.
      • This effect only triggers if Nilah or the ally are near each other, with the increased amount triggering after 0.5 seconds of the heal or shield being granted. Shields granted last the same duration as the shield that triggered the effect, up to a maximum duration of 4 seconds.
      • Effect Radius: Range model 1000.
    • Formless Blade Formless Blade (Q)
      • Passive: Nilah gains 0% − 33% (based on critical strike chance) armor penetration. Her basic attacks and Formless Blade Heal power icon heal her for 0% − 15% (based on critical strike chance) of the post-mitigation damage dealt to champions, with healing in excess of her maximum health being converted to a Hybrid resistances icon shield. Each instance of shield gained by this effect lasts for 6 seconds.
      • Active: Nilah cracks her whip-blade in a line in the target direction, dealing 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (+ 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130% AD) physical damage to all enemies struck, increased by 0% − 100% (based on critical strike chance). Formless Blade can hit structures.
      • Casting Formless Blade during Slipstream Slipstream causes a wave to be sent towards Nilah's location at the end of the dash, dealing the same damage to all enemies hit.
      • If Formless Blade hits an enemy, Nilah's whip-blade becomes enhanced for the next 4 seconds, granting her 125 bonus attack range and 15% − 65% (based on level) bonus attack speed and causing her basic attacks to strike in a cone, dealing 110% AD physical damage to enemies hit. Against secondary non-champion targets, this is reduced to 36.3% AD for Minion icon minions and 11% AD for Monster icon monsters. On-hit icon On-hit effects are only applied to the primary target.
      • Mana Cost: 30.
      • Cooldown: 4 seconds.
      • Range: Range model 0 - 600 / Range center -150 - 500, Width: Range model 150, Cast Time: 0.25 seconds.
    • Jubilant Veil Jubilant Veil (W)
      • Active: Nilah envelops herself in mist for 2.25 seconds, during which she becomes Ghost ghosted, gains 15 / 17.5 / 20 / 22.5 / 25% bonus movement speed, Jax Counter Strike old dodges all non-Turret icon turret basic attacks, and reduces all incoming magic damage taken by 25%.
      • While active, touching allied Champion icon champions also envelops them in the mist, granting them the same effects for 1.5 seconds.
      • Mana Cost: 60 / 45 / 30 / 15 / 0.
      • Cooldown: 26 / 25 / 24 / 23 / 22 seconds.
      • Cast Time: None.
    • Slipstream Slipstream (E)
      • Active: Nilah Dash dashes a fixed distance towards or through the target unit, dealing 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165 (+ 20% AD) physical damage to enemies she passes through.
      • Nilah periodically stocks a Slipstream charge, up to a maximum of 2.
      • Slipstream Bladework resets Nilah's basic attack timer. Formless Blade Formless Blade and Apotheosis Apotheosis can be cast during the dash.
      • Cost: 30 mana + 1 charge.
      • Static Cooldown: 0.5 seconds.
      • Recharge: 22 / 19.5 / 17 / 14.5 / 12 seconds.
      • Target Range: Range center 550, Range: 450, Collision Radius: Range model 150, Speed: 2200, Cast Time: None.
    • Apotheosis Apotheosis (R)
      • Active: Nilah whirls her whip-blade over 1 second, dealing 15 / 30 / 45 (+ 35% bonus AD) physical damage to nearby enemies every 0.25 seconds. Afterwards, she bursts to deal them 125 / 225 / 325 (+ 120% bonus AD) physical damage and Airborne icon pull them 250 units towards her. Each hit Slow icon slows the targets by 10% for 3 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits.
      • Nilah Heal power icon heals herself and nearby allied champions for 30% − 45% (based on critical strike chance) of the post-mitigation damage dealt to champions, reduced to 10% against non-champions, with healing in excess of maximum health being converted to a Hybrid resistances icon shield. Each instance of shield gained by this effect lasts for 6 seconds.
      • Nilah is unable to basic attack and cast her other abilities during Apotheosis, but she is still able to move.
      • Mana Cost: 80.
      • Cooldown: 110 / 95 / 80 seconds.
      • Effect Radius: Range center 450 / 1500, Cast Time: None.


    See also[]

