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League of Legends Wiki
Samira OriginalCentered
Samira (Universe)Samira (Universe)
Samira (League of Legends)Samira (League of Legends)
Samira (Esports)Samira (Esports)
Samira (Teamfight Tactics)Samira (Teamfight Tactics)
Samira (Legends of Runeterra)Samira (Legends of Runeterra)
Samira (Wild Rift)Samira (Wild Rift)
Samira (Development)Samira (Development)
Samira (Trivia)Samira (Trivia)

Samira is a champion in League of Legends.[1]



Daredevil Impulse

Innate: Samira's damaging basic attacks and abilities against at least one enemy Champion icon champion different from the previous damaging hit made against champions generate a stack of Style for 6 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits and stacking up to 6 times.

Samira Style

Style: For each stack, Samira gains Movement speed icon 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5% (based on level) bonus movement speed, up to a maximum of 12 / 15 / 18 / 21% (based on level). At maximum stacks, Samira can cast Inferno Trigger Inferno Trigger.

Daredevil Impulse

Innate: Samira's basic attacks against targets in Range model 200 range use her blade, becoming Projectile non-projectile. Blade attacks post-hit, Blade Whirl Blade Whirl, Wild Rush Wild Rush, and the slash and explosives of Flair Flair deal 2 − 19 (based on level) (+ 3.5% − 10.5% (based on level) AD) bonus magic damage, increased by 0% − 100% (based on target's missing health).

Samira's basic attack against an Stun icon immobilized target is empowered to have an Relentless Force 2 uncancellable windup and deal the attack's damage over 6 strikes in 0.5 seconds. If the target is a Monster icon monster or is Airborne icon airborne, the attack also Airborne icon knocks them up for 0.5 seconds. Samira will Dash dash into her Range icon attack range of the target if they are nearby, though not through terrain.

The empowered attack Bladework resets Samira's basic attack timer, is affected by Critical strike icon critical strike modifiers, applies On-hit icon on-hit effects only once, and cannot occur on the same target more than once every few seconds.

  • The stack count is represented by the grades Samira Rank E Samira Rank D Samira Rank C Samira Rank B Samira Rank A Samira Rank S to the left of Samira's health bar, visible to the player only, as well as a stack counter under the health bar, visible to all players.
  • The empowered attack can trigger on Stun icon immobilizes from both ally and enemy sources.
    • Those applied by the neutral team (e.g. Dragon's Dragon's initial knock back) can be targeted.
    • It cannot trigger against enemies knocked Airborne icon airborne by a Blast Cone Blast Cone triggered by anyone.(bug)
  • The empowered attack's interaction with immunities to crowd control:
  • The empowered attack will not apply the knock up against Stun iconAirborne icon suspended enemies.
  • The empowered attack will only apply the knock up if the target is still Stun icon immobilized or Airborne icon airborne upon being hit. It will not apply if they are no longer disabled when hit.
  • The empowered attack cannot be used against a target with a Spell Shield spell shield.
  • The application of the knock up can occur on any of the missiles of the empowered attack if it had not already occurred on the first missile.
  • While Grounded icon grounded or Root icon rooted, Samira cannot Dash dash into range to use the empowered attack. She can only use it if her target is within her Range icon attack range while under this condition.
  • The on-target cooldown will apply even if the empowered attack is parried.
  • The empowered attack rolls Critical strike icon critical strike for each shot of the flurry.
  • The bonus magic damage dealt with the blade is Umbra Blades default damage. The empowered attack is first 1 instance of Basic Attack basic damage and then 5 instances of Umbra Blades default damage.
    • The attacks do not deal the bonus damage against structures.
  • The empowered attack is unaffected by Attack speed icon attack speed modifiers.
  • Guinsoo's Rageblade's Guinsoo's Rageblade's Phantom Hit and Runaan's Hurricane's Runaan's Hurricane's bolts will not apply the bonus magic damage, since it is a hit effect of specifically the melee attack casts.
  • Attacks with the gun and blade do not count as different attacks for stacking Style.
  • Basic attacks using the blade are still classified as Ranged role ranged.
  • The melee attack's range condition is unaffected by Range icon attack range modifiers (e.g. Rapid Firecannon Rapid Firecannon).
    • Blade range is calculated edge-to-edge just like basic attack ranges are, hence both Samira gaining bonus size or her target increases the total distance at which Samira can attack them with the blade.
  • Since the Airborne icon knock up requires an exterior source to Stun icon immobilize the enemy, Aftershock Aftershock will be swapped with Grasp of the Undying Grasp of the Undying for Samira at the start of the game.
  • Abilities blocked by Spell Shield spell shields will still grant Samira Style stacks.
  • Samira still gains Style stacks from damaging attacks and abilities landed against Command Hallucinate clones.




Active: Samira fires a shot in the target direction that deals physical damage to the first enemy hit.

Physical Damage:
0 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 (+ 85 / 95 / 105 / 115 / 125% AD)

If a targetable enemy is in front of Samira at the time of cast, she will instead slash with her blade in a cone, dealing the same damage to enemies hit.

If Flair is cast during Wild Rush Wild Rush, Samira deploys explosives in her wake that detonate upon the end of the dash, dealing the same damage to enemies hit.

Flair can Critical strike icon critically strike for (125% + 40% 40%) physical damage and will apply Life steal icon life steal at 66.6% effectiveness.

  • Applies Disintegrate spell damage on the shot and Death Lotus area damage on the slash and explosives.
    • Life steal icon Life steal will always benefit from the damage dealt at 66.6% effectiveness and does not take into account of the ability's spell effects, whereas on the other hand for Omnivamp colored icon omnivamp does, and it will modify the Heal power icon healing accordingly.
  • Flair's shot against an enemy champion will aggro nearby enemy minions.
  • Flair can be cast during Wild Rush Wild Rush even if Blade Whirl Blade Whirl or Inferno Trigger Inferno Trigger are active.
  • The slash and explosives roll their Critical strike icon critical strike against each target individually.
  • The shot and the slash do not count as different abilities for stacking Style Style.
  • Samira's next attack after using Flair will occasionally come out faster.(bug)
  • Samira can use Wild Rush Wild Rush during Flair's cast time.
  • This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.
    • Flair will fire or slash from wherever Samira is at the end of the cast time.
      • Samira will always slash in her facing direction, and she will turn to face the target direction only once at the start of the cast time.
  • Flair can be buffered 0.5 seconds before it comes off cooldown.
  • Only the shot will be destroyed by Projectile projectile-intercepting effects.
  • The explosive placement is illustrated in Wild Rush Wild Rush regardless of whether Flair is available.
    • The VFX always covers the the full dash's distance even if Wild Rush Wild Rush is interrupted mid-dash.


Blade Whirl

Blade Whirl

Active: Samira spins her blade over 0.75 seconds, destroying all hostile non-Turret icon turret Projectile projectiles within the area for the duration.

Samira slashes twice during Blade Whirl, each one dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies. The first slash occurs immediately and the second one occurs after the duration.

Physical Damage:
20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+ 60% bonus AD)
Total Physical Damage:
40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+ 120% bonus AD)

Samira cannot attack nor cast Flair Flair during Blade Whirl. Casting Inferno Trigger Inferno Trigger will end Blade Whirl early.

▶️   "Don't think so."

  • Spell Shield Spell shield will block the damage from one slash.
  • While the ability has a cast time - the cast time has no effect on the ability's usability. All effects begin immediately and Samira can move throughout.
  • Blade Whirl can be buffered 0.5 seconds before it comes off cooldown.
  • Both slashes count as the same ability for stacking Style Style.
  • The effect ending early includes the second slash not being performed, if applicable.
  • Entering Stasis icon stasis will also end Blade Whirl early.
    • Other item actives and channeling Teleport Teleport or Recall Recall will not end the effect early.
  • Samira can ignore the lockout for Flair Flair and basic attacks if she uses Wild Rush Wild Rush and queues up Flair Flair and/or a basic attack at the start of it.(bug)

Tips & Tricks
  • Flair Flair cannot be directly cast during this ability, but can still occur through the Wild Rush Wild Rush + Flair Flair interaction.


Wild Rush

Wild Rush

Active: Samira Dash dashes a fixed distance in the direction of the target enemy or enemy Turret icon structure, dealing magic damage to enemies she passes through. She also gains Attack speed icon bonus attack speed for 3 seconds.

Magic Damage:
50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 (+ 20% bonus AD)
Bonus Attack Speed:
20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%

Scoring a Damage rating takedown against an enemy Champion icon champion within 3 seconds of damaging them resets Wild Rush's Cooldown icon cooldown.

Flair Flair and Inferno Trigger Inferno Trigger can be cast during the dash. Casting Blade Whirl Blade Whirl will buffer it to cast at the end of the dash.

  • Samira gains the attack speed buff at the start of the dash, and it lasts for 3 seconds from that point on.
  • Wild Rush does not deal its damage to turrets.
  • Wild Rush prioritizes targeting champions over turrets.
  • Wild Rush can be buffered 0.5 seconds before it comes off cooldown.
  • Inferno Trigger Inferno Trigger will be buffered to cast at the end of the dash if Flair Flair was cast during the dash.
  • Casting Flash Flash during Wild Rush will interrupt the dash but deal damage to nearby enemies at the location.
    • If Flair Flair was cast during this time, an explosive will also be placed at that location.
  • Wild Rush will also reset if Samira kills or gets assist credit on a Command Hallucinate clone that dies (to hostiles).(bug)


Inferno Trigger

Samira Rank S

Active: Samira unleashes a torrent of shots for 2.277 seconds, reducing her movement speed by 30% and rapidly shooting at nearby enemies over 2.013 seconds at sporadic times in 0.2-second intervals each, dealing physical damage with each shot, reduced by 75% against Minion icon minions.

Physical Damage Per Shot:
5 / 15 / 25 (+ 45% AD)
Total Physical Damage:
50 / 150 / 250 (+ 450% AD)
Minion Damage Per Shot:
1.25 / 3.75 / 6.25 (+ 11.25% AD)
Total Minion Damage:
12.5 / 37.5 / 62.5 (+ 112.5% AD)

Each shot can Critical strike icon critically strike for (175% + 40% 40%) physical damage and applies Life steal icon life steal at 50% effectiveness.

Inferno Trigger 2

A nearby Sight icon visible enemy is required to cast this ability, and targets do not have to be visible to be shot at. Style Style stacks are consumed at the end of the effect.

Samira cannot attack nor cast Flair Flair and Blade Whirl Blade Whirl during Inferno Trigger, but she can still move. Inferno Trigger will end prematurely by all forms of Silence icon cast-inhibiting crowd control as well as Disarm icon disarm.

▶️   "Showtime!"

  • Samira's facing direction remains as it had been or, if she is moving, towards that direction during Inferno Trigger.
  • The Movement speed icon movement speed reduction stacks additively with other movement speed bonuses.
    • It is a negative bonus, not a Slow icon slow, and is thus not reduced by Slow immune icon slow resist.
  • Inferno Trigger's area of effect is fixed around Samira.
  • Spell Shield Spell shield will block the damage of one shot.
  • Inferno Trigger will not end if there are no enemies that remain in range.
  • Inferno Trigger can be buffered 0.5 seconds before it becomes unsealed or off cooldown.
  • The bottom of the player's screen will have a fiery visual effect while Samira is at S rank and Inferno Trigger has at least one rank.
  • Since Inferno Trigger's Inferno Trigger's cooldown is static, Ultimate Hunter Ultimate Hunter will be swapped with Treasure Hunter Treasure Hunter for Samira at the start of the game.

Map-Specific Differences
Arena icon Arena differences edit
  • Base damage per tick changed to 5 / 10 / 15.



Samira splash coin

Samira's taunt Lockout icon 2 prevents her from inputting attack commands and casting non-movement abilities, and she may only interrupt it herself with a movement command. After 3 seconds without interruption, she will toss a Samira splash coin coin in the direction she is facing.

If she has at least 1 Gold 1, the coin deals Successfully enhanced damage true icon Hybrid penetration icon 1 true damage to the first enemy champion hit, triggering Daredevil Impulse Daredevil Impulse but granting them 1 Gold 1 of Samira's gold.

If cast within 1200 units of a Sight icon visible enemy champion, Samira will turn to face towards the closest one to perform the animation.

Samira's Taunt can target and hit dead enemy champions, granting them 1 Gold 1 but not triggering other effects.

▶️   "Buy something nice. On me."

  • Samira must have at least 1 Gold 1 to weaponize her Taunt animation.
  • Using her Taunt does not count as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such as Sheen item Spellblade and triggering Force Pulse's Force Pulse's passive.
  • Flash Flash and Wild Rush Wild Rush can be cast during her Taunt, but neither interrupt the effect.(bug)
    • If Samira's facing direction is changed before the coin is fired (e.g. by casting Wild Rush Wild Rush), she will still turn toward her initial facing direction to toss the coin. Note: facing direction, not toward the location of the target.

Champion skins[]

This article section only contains champion skins. For all associated collection items, see Samira (Collection).
Samira OriginalSkin
RP 975
Samira stares death in the eye with unyielding confidence, seeking thrill wherever she goes. After her Shuriman home was destroyed as a child, Samira found her true calling in Noxus, where she built a reputation as a stylish daredevil taking on dangerous missions of the highest caliber. Wielding black-powder pistols and a custom-engineered blade, Samira thrives in life-or-death circumstances, eliminating any who stand in her way with flash and flair.
ActorEmily O’Brien
ArtistJessica 'OwleyCat' Oyhenart
Loot eligible Loot eligible

Patch history[]

For the expanded patch notes, see here.
  • Soul Fighter Samira Soul Fighter Samira
    • Bug Fix: Pentakill celebration is no longer partially missing confetti and spotlight VFX.
V14.10 - May 16th Hotfix
  • Stats
    • Attack damage growth reduced to 3 from 3.3.
  • Blade Whirl Blade Whirl
    • Bonus AD ratio per hit reduced to 60% bonus AD from 80% bonus AD.
      • Maximum bonus AD ratio reduced to 120% bonus AD from 160% bonus AD.
  • Inferno Trigger Inferno Trigger
    • AD ratio per hit reduced to 45% AD from 50% AD.
      • Maximum AD ratio reduced to 450% AD from 500% AD.
  • Stats
    • Base health increased to 630 from 600.
  • Taunt Taunt
    • Bug Fix: Now properly grants a Style Style stack when the coin hits an enemy champion.
  • Flair Flair
    • Bug Fix: Can no longer cast the ability again despite being on cooldown after launching the empowered attack from Daredevil Impulse Daredevil Impulse.
  • Daredevil Impulse Daredevil Impulse
    • Bonus movement speed per stack changed to 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5% (based on level) from 1 / 2 / 3 / 4% (based on level).
      • Maximum bonus movement speed changed to 12 / 15 / 18 / 21% (based on level) from 6 / 12 / 18 / 24% (based on level).
  • Daredevil Impulse Daredevil Impulse
    • Bonus movement speed per stack changed to 1 / 2 / 3 / 4% (based on level) from 3.5% at all levels.
      • Maximum bonus movement speed changed to 6 / 12 / 18 / 24% (based on level) from 21% at all levels.
  • Inferno Trigger Inferno Trigger
    • Life steal effectiveness reduced to 50% from 66.6%.
  • Stats
    • Base mana increased to 349 from 348.88.
    • Base mana regeneration increased to 8.2 from 8.18.
  • Wild Rush Wild Rush
    • Bug Fix: Cooldown is no longer reset from scoring a takedown against an enemy clone.
  • Stats
    • Attack damage growth increased to 3.3 from 3.
  • Flair Flair
    • AD ratio increased to 85 / 95 / 105 / 115 / 125% AD from 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120% AD.
  • Stats
    • Base health increased to 600 from 530.
    • Health growth increased to 108 from 94.
    • Armor growth increased to 4.7 from 3.5.
    • Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3 from 0.5.
  • Stats
    • Health growth increased to 94 from 88.
    • Armor growth increased to 3.5 from 3.
  • Inferno Trigger Inferno Trigger
    • Static cooldown reduced to 5 seconds from 8.
  • Inferno Trigger Inferno Trigger
    • Base damage per shot increased to 5 / 15 / 25 from 0 / 10 / 20.
      • Maximum base damage increased to 50 / 150 / 250 from 0 / 100 / 200.
  • Flair Flair
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where it did not apply life steal when cast during Wild Rush Wild Rush.
  • Blade Whirl Blade Whirl
    • Bug Fix: Second slash now properly always deals damage.
  • Stats
    • Attack damage growth increased to 3 from 2.3.
  • Flair Flair
    • AD ratio increased to 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120% AD from 80 / 87.5 / 95 / 102.5 / 110% AD.
  • Inferno Trigger Inferno Trigger
  • Daredevil Impulse Daredevil Impulse
    • AD ratio changed to 3.5% − 10.5% (based on level) AD from 7.5% AD.
  • Flair Flair
    • AD ratio changed to 80 / 87.5 / 95 / 102.5 / 110% AD from 100% AD at all ranks.
  • Blade Whirl Blade Whirl
    • Duration reduced to 0.75 seconds from 1.25.
  • Wild Rush Wild Rush
    • Dash speed reduced to 1600 from 2050.
    • New Effect: Can now be cast on enemy structures to dash through them, but will target champions over structures.
      • Damage is not applied against structures.
    • Removed: Can no longer be cast on allies.
  • Inferno Trigger Inferno Trigger
    • Cooldown increased to 8 seconds from 3.
  • Daredevil Impulse Daredevil Impulse
    • New Effect: Empowered attack now applies the knock up to enemy champions and minions only if they are Airborne icon airborne, rather than if they are Stun icon immobilized.
      • Empowered attack still applies the knock up to immobilized monsters.
    • Undocumented: Empowered attack now only applies the knock up if the target is still immobilized/airborne upon being hit, rather than applying regardless.
  • Flair Flair
    • Life steal effectiveness reduced to 66.6% from 100%.
    • Bug Fix: Critically striking now deals the proper bonus damage.
  • Inferno Trigger Inferno Trigger
    • Life steal effectiveness reduced to 66.6% from 100%.
  • Daredevil Impulse Daredevil Impulse
    • AD ratio reduced to 7.5% AD from 10% AD.
    • Dash range reduced to 650 / 727.5 / 805 / 882.5 / 960 (based on level) units from 800 / 850 / 900 / 950 / 1000.
  • Daredevil Impulse Daredevil Impulse
    • Bug Fix: Empowered attack can no longer be used on immobilized targets that have a spell shield or are untargetable.
  • Stats
    • Base attack damage reduced to 57 from 59.
    • Base armor reduced 26 from 28.
  • Wild Rush Wild Rush
    • Cooldown increased to 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 seconds from 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11.
    • Bonus attack speed reduced to 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% from 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%.
  • Undocumented: Samira's Samira's Taunt Taunt no longer triggers on-cast effects.
V10.19 - September 22nd Hotfix
  • Stats
    • Base health reduced to 530 from 600.
  • Inferno Trigger Inferno Trigger
    • Base damage per shot reduced to 0 / 10 / 20 from 10 / 20 / 30.
    • AD ratio per shot reduced to 50% AD from 60% AD.
V10.19 - Added
  • Daredevil Impulse Daredevil Impulse (Innate)
    • Innate - Style: Damaging basic attacks and abilities against at least one enemy Champion icon champion different from the previous damaging hit made against them grants Samira a Style stack for 6 seconds, up to 6 stacks, refreshing on damaging attacks and abilities against enemy champions. The stack count is represented by the grades Samira Rank E Samira Rank D Samira Rank C Samira Rank B Samira Rank A Samira Rank S to the left of her health bar for Samira herself, and a stack counter underneath the bar that is visible to all units.
    • Samira gains 0% − 21% (based on Daredevil Impulse Style grade) bonus movement speed.
    • Innate: Samira's basic attacks against targets in Range model 200 range use her blade, becoming Projectile non-projectile. Basic attacks On-hit icon on-hit within this range and Blade Whirl Blade Whirl, Wild Rush Wild Rush, and the slash and explosives of Flair Flair deal 2 − 19 (based on level) (+ 10% AD) bonus magic damage, increased by 0% − 100% (based on target's missing health).
    • Additionally, Samira's basic attacks against Stun icon immobilized enemies deal the attack's damage over 6 rapid attacks and Airborne icon knock up the target for 0.5 seconds. This causes her basic attack timer to Bladework reset and the attack to become Relentless Force 2 unstoppable. If the target is not within attack range, Samira will Dash dash into it from up to 800 / 850 / 900 / 950 / 1000 (based on level) units and then attack. This effect cannot occur on the same target more than once every 10 seconds.
    • The empowered attack can Critical strike icon critically strike. On-hit icon On-hit effects are only applied once.
  • Flair Flair (Q)
    • Active: Samira fires a shot in the target direction, dealing 0 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 (+ 100% AD) physical damage to the first enemy it hits.
    • If a targetable enemy is in front of Samira, she will slash with her blade instead, dealing the same damage to all enemies hit in a cone.
    • Casting Flair during Wild Rush Wild Rush will cause Samira to deploy explosives along her path which detonate upon the end of the dash, dealing the same damage to enemies within the covered distance. This can be done while performing Blade Whirl Blade Whirl and Inferno Trigger Inferno Trigger.
    • Both the shot and slash can Critical strike icon critically strike for (25% + 25% 25%) bonus physical damage and apply Life steal icon life steal at full effectiveness.
    • Mana Cost: 30.
    • Cooldown: 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 seconds.
    • Width: 120 / 130.
    • Cast Time: 0.25 seconds.
    • Speed: 2600.
  • Blade Whirl Blade Whirl (W)
    • Active: Samira slashes around herself twice over 1.25 seconds, the first slash occurring immediately and the second being performed 0.25 seconds before the duration ends, each one dealing 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+ 80% bonus AD) physical damage to nearby enemies.
    • Samira destroys all hostile non-Turret icon turret Projectile projectiles that enter or are in her vicinity during this time.
    • Samira cannot attack nor cast Flair Flair during Blade Whirl. Casting Inferno Trigger Inferno Trigger will end Blade Whirl early without performing the second slash.
    • Mana Cost: 60.
    • Cooldown: 30 / 28 / 26 / 24 / 22 seconds.
    • Cast Time: None.
  • Wild Rush Wild Rush (E)
    • Active: Samira Dash dashes in the direction of the target allied or enemy unit and slashes all enemies in her path, dealing 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 (+ 20% bonus AD) magic damage and gaining 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% bonus attack speed for 3 seconds.
    • Damage rating Takedowns on enemy Champion icon champions reset Wild Rush's cooldown.
    • Mana Cost: 40.
    • Cooldown: 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 seconds.
    • Target Range: 600 / 650.
    • Width: 100.
    • Cast Time: None.
    • Speed: 2050.
  • Inferno Trigger Inferno Trigger (R)
    • Active: Samira unleashes a torrent of shots from her weapons, rapidly shooting at all nearby enemies every 0.2 seconds over 2 seconds, Slow icon slowing herself by 25% and dealing 10 / 20 / 30 (+ 60% AD) physical damage with each shot, reduced by 75% against Minion icon minions.
    • Each shot can Critical strike icon critically strike for (100% + 25% 25%) bonus physical damage and applies Life steal icon life steal at full effectiveness.
    • Inferno Trigger cannot be cast unless the Samira Rank S Style Style cost is satisfied, and will reset the grade back to 0 stacks when the effect ends.
    • Samira cannot attack nor cast Flair Flair or Blade Whirl Blade Whirl during Inferno Trigger, but she is still able to move. Inferno Trigger will end prematurely by all forms of Silence icon interrupting Stun icon crowd control.
    • Cost: 100 / 50 / 0 mana + Samira Rank S 6 Style.
    • Static Cooldown: 3 seconds.
    • Cast Time: None.
  • Taunt Taunt (Ctrl + 2)
    • Taunt: If Samira does not interrupt the emote for 3 seconds, she tosses a Samira splash coin coin in the direction she is facing. If she has at least 1 Gold 1, the first enemy Champion icon champion hit, including Death dead ones, takes an insulting 1 Hybrid penetration true damage but also receives 1 Gold 1 from Samira.
    • If cast while a Death corpse of an enemy champion is within range, Samira will turn to face towards the closest one.
    • This spell counts as an ability for Daredevil Impulse Daredevil Impulse.
    • Target Range: Range center 950.
    • Width: Range model 120.
    • Width: 1400.


  • Samira, Elise Elise, Gnar Gnar, Jayce Jayce, Kayle Kayle, and Nidalee Nidalee are the only champions to be conditionally considered both Ranged role ranged and Melee role melee.
  • Samira was accidentally pushed to PBE prior to the supposed reveal.
  • Samira is one of 20 champions without a single Ability power icon ability power ratio on any ability: Aatrox Aatrox, Camille Camille, Darius Darius, Dr Dr. Mundo, Draven Draven, Garen Garen, Kayn Kayn, Kled Kled, Naafiri Naafiri, Nilah Nilah, Olaf Olaf, Pyke Pyke, Riven Riven, Sett Sett, Talon Talon, Urgot Urgot, Xayah Xayah, Yone Yone, and Zed Zed.
  • Unlike conventional emotes, Samira's Taunt Taunt has mechanical functions. It creates a coin skillshot that, if Samira has 1 Gold 1 to spare, deals 1 damage and gives 1 Gold 1 to enemy champions.[2] It also automatically aims towards dead enemy champions in range.[3]
  • Samira comes from either Sanskrit Samīra समीर "wind, breeze, air"[4] or Arabic سميرة Sāmira "night-companion, nighttalker", feminine active participle of سَمَرَ samara "to spend the night".[5]
  • Samira's movement animations change form depending on whether her recent attack used the gun or blade.
  • The blocking animation of Blade Whirl Blade Whirl has Samira explicitly shoot every single incoming projectile.[6]
  • Samira was teased ingame with the Style- Rank S Emote Style: Rank S loot item earnable in patch V10.17. It was awarded by scoring a takedown after fighting in a manner like Daredevil Impulse Daredevil Impulse.
  • If players look at the Daredevil Impulse Daredevil Impulse stacks in the slot, it will show "Why are you looking? Go style on your enemies!"

See also[]

