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League of Legends Wiki

Slow immune icon Slow resist, also Slow resistance, is a stat that reduces the strength of multiplicative (= percentage) Slow icon slows. It affects percentage slows that are enemy-sourced and self-sourced (also called "self-slows" — e.g. Overdrive Overdrive, Piercing Arrow Piercing Arrow).

Slow resist is a percentage, and it indicates by how much the slow's percentage strength is reduced.

This is not to be confused with Tenacity icon tenacity, which affects the duration of slows.

Increasing Slow Resist[]

Slow resist can be increased from abilities, buffs, items, and runes.


Champion abilities[]


Neutral buffs[]

Slow Immunity[]

Slow immune 2 Slow immunity is different from 100% slow resist as it prevents Slow icon slows from being applied in the first place. It prevents the slow from Drowsy icon drowsy but does not prevent Sleep icon sleep.

Note that if the slow has a cripple within the same status effect, such as Wither Wither, Remove Scurvy cleanses that remove slows will also remove the accompanying cripple.

Champion abilities[]


Cripple Immunity[]

Cripple immune Cripple immunity prevents Cripple icon cripples from being applied.

Champion abilities[]



These formulas can calculate how much slow resist you have, based on your movement speed and on the slow applied to you.

Formula 1

Formula 2

Formula 3

Formula 4


  • Slow Resist is the amount of slow resist you currently have.
  • Final MS is your movement speed after being slowed, already considering your slow resist.
  • BaseMS is your base movement speed.
  • BonusMS is the sum of all additive flat movement speed bonuses.
  • MS Multiplier is the sum of all additive percent movement speed bonuses.
  • Slow is the strongest slow currently applied on your champion.
  • Slow Resist, MS Multiplier, and Slow are percentages (e.g. 50% is 0.5 in the formula).


  • Slow resist does not affect abilities that reduce the target's movement speed by / to a flat amount (e.g. Jack in the Box Jack in the Box, Shield of Durand Shield of Durand, Whimsy Whimsy).
  • Rift Scuttler Rift Scuttler gains 100% slow resist while not fleeing.
  • If a champion with Boots of Swiftness Boots of Swiftness and 400 movement speed is affected by a 40% Slow icon slow, they will have that slow decreased to 30%.
    • Base reduction of a 40% Slow icon slow: 400 Ã— (1 âˆ’ 0.4) = 240, for a total reduction of 160 movement speed.
    • Reduction of a 40% Slow icon slow with 25% slow resist: 400 Ã— (1 âˆ’ (0.4 Ã— 0.75)) = 280, for a total reduction of 120 movement speed.

Last updated: February 29, 2024 patch V14.4

Relevant mathematics
1 - ((1 - 0 0.4) Ã— (1 - 0 0.25) Ã— (1 - 0 0.75) Ã— (1 - 0 0.25) Ã— (1 - Rune shard Tenacity and Slow Resist 0.1) Ã— (1 - 0 0.05 Ã— 4)) = 93.925%

Patch History[]

  • Now stacks multiplicatively instead of additively. Can no longer go above 100% slow resist, thus increasing movement speed with slows.
V1.0.0.145 added