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League of Legends Wiki

Heal and shield power icon Heal and shield power is a champion statistic that increases the effectiveness of self and outgoing heals and shields. It Additive stacking icon stacks additively.

Gold Value

  • Heal and shield power has a gold value of 68 68.75 per point.

Heal and shield power as scaling[]

Increasing heal and shield power[]


This table is automatically generated based on the data from Module:ItemData/data.

Ardent Censer Ardent Censer2300 2300 Gold8%Nexus Blitz, Arena, Classic Summoner's Rift 5v5, All Random All Mid
Chemtech Putrifier Chemtech Putrifier2500 2500 Gold12%Arena
Dawncore Dawncore2700 2700 Gold16%Nexus Blitz, Arena, Classic Summoner's Rift 5v5, All Random All Mid
Empyrean Promise Empyrean Promise0 0 Gold18%Arena
Forbidden Idol Forbidden Idol800 800 Gold8%Nexus Blitz, Classic Summoner's Rift 5v5, All Random All Mid
Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet500 500 Gold15%Arena
Mikael's Blessing Mikael's Blessing2300 2300 Gold12%Nexus Blitz, Arena, Classic Summoner's Rift 5v5, All Random All Mid
Radiant Virtue Radiant Virtue0 0 Gold12%Arena
Redemption Redemption2300 2300 Gold15%Nexus Blitz, Arena, Classic Summoner's Rift 5v5, All Random All Mid
Sanguine Gift Sanguine Gift0 0 Gold15%Arena
Staff of Flowing Water Staff of Flowing Water2300 2300 Gold8%Nexus Blitz, Arena, Classic Summoner's Rift 5v5, All Random All Mid
Sword of Blossoming Dawn Sword of Blossoming Dawn2500 2500 Gold12%Arena
Talisman of Ascension Talisman of Ascension0 0 Gold0%Arena
Wordless Promise Wordless Promise2500 2500 Gold12%Arena

Item passives[]



Neutral buffs[]


  • The shop menu and the item set creation tools do not currently present a separate filter for heal & shield power.
  • Heal Power stacks additively with itself, but multiplicatively with other heal modifiers.
Type Heal and shield power icon Heal and Shield Power Spirit Visage Spirit Visage Revitalize Revitalize* Grievous Wounds icon Grievous Wounds Serpent's Fang Serpent's Fang
Health regeneration icon Health regeneration No Yes No Yes No
Life steal icon Life steal No Yes Yes Yes No
Omnivamp icon Omnivamp No Yes Yes Yes No
Life steal icon Physical vamp No Yes Yes Yes No
Spell vamp icon Spell vamp No Yes Yes Yes No
Ravenous Hunter rune Drain effects Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Self heals Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Self shields Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Incoming heals No Yes Yes Yes No
Incoming shields No Yes Yes No Yes
Outgoing heals Yes No Yes No No
Outgoing shields Yes No Yes No No
Health icon Bonus health No No No No No
