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League of Legends Wiki
Vamp, especially Physical vamp, is not to be confused with Life steal.

Vamp is a category of stat that regroups omnivamp, physical vamp, and spell vamp.


Omnivamp icon Omnivamp is a stat which grants Heal power icon healing equal to a percentage of the post-mitigation Attack damage physical damage, Magic damage magic damage, and Hybrid penetration true damage dealt. It Additive stacking icon stacks additively and does not benefit from Heal and shield power icon heal and shield power.

Omnivamp is reduced to 20% effectiveness for damage dealt to Minion icon minions and Monster icon monsters.

Gold Value ​​​

  • Omnivamp has a gold value of 39 39.666666 per percent point.

Increasing omnivamp[]

This table is automatically generated based on the data from Module:ItemData/data.

Hellfire Hatchet Hellfire Hatchet2500 2500 Gold10%Arena
Hemomancer's Helm Hemomancer's Helm0 0 Gold10%Arena
Hextech Gunblade Hextech Gunblade2500 2500 Gold15%Arena
Talisman of Ascension Talisman of Ascension0 0 Gold0%Arena

Item passives[]

Physical vamp[]

Life steal icon Physical vamp is a subtype of Vamp, which is a stat that grants Heal power icon healing equal to a percentage of the post-mitigation Attack damage physical damage dealt. It Additive stacking icon stacks additively and does not benefit from Heal and shield power icon heal and shield power.

It is reduced to 33% effectiveness for Death Lotus area damage or damage dealt by Summon Tibbers pets.

Increasing physical vamp[]

Physical vamp currently does not have any sources.

Note that Elixir of Wrath Elixir of Wrath is a drain effect that heals only based on physical damage dealt. It is not physical vamp.

Spell vamp[]

Spell vamp icon Spell vamp is a stat which grants Heal power icon healing equal to a percentage of the post-mitigation ability damage dealt. It Additive stacking icon stacks additively and does not benefit from Heal and shield power icon heal and shield power.

It is reduced to 33% effectiveness for Death Lotus area damage.

Gold Value ​​​

  • Spell vamp has a gold value of 27 27.5 per point.

Increasing spell vamp[]

The following grants true spell vamp, or increases the strength of true spell vamp.

Champion abilities[]

Ability drain[]

The following are similar to spell vamp, but aren't actually spell vamp. Drain effects benefit from Heal and shield power icon heal and shield power.

Champion abilities[]

Abilities with ability drain do not have a penalty from dealing area of effect damage, unless otherwise stated.

Single-Target Ability Drain



Interactions with heals and shields[]

Type Heal and shield power icon Heal and Shield Power Spirit Visage Spirit Visage Revitalize Revitalize* Grievous Wounds icon Grievous Wounds Serpent's Fang Serpent's Fang
Health regeneration icon Health regeneration No Yes No Yes No
Life steal icon Life steal No Yes Yes Yes No
Omnivamp icon Omnivamp No Yes Yes Yes No
Life steal icon Physical vamp No Yes Yes Yes No
Spell vamp icon Spell vamp No Yes Yes Yes No
Ravenous Hunter rune Drain effects Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Self heals Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Self shields Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Incoming heals No Yes Yes Yes No
Incoming shields No Yes Yes No Yes
Outgoing heals Yes No Yes No No
Outgoing shields Yes No Yes No No
Health icon Bonus health No No No No No

Increasing healing[]

Champion abilities[]





Last updated: January 18, 2023 - V13.1

Last updated: January 18, 2023 - V13.1

