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League of Legends Wiki

Shuriken Flip recast may include attachment status[]

I recently witnessed an instance of Akali's Akali's Shuriken Flip Shuriken Flip recast that resulted in an unexpected interaction, one that implies that the damaging animation (the kick) includes a forced, unit-offset You and Me! attachment status with a target unit, rather than causing Akali to simply stop at the target initially. She may move relative to her target to finish the animation if a Flash blink occurs during the animation. One such instance appears when LeBlanc's LeBlanc's Distortion Distortion is recast during this animation. Shuriken Flip's recast damage is dealt immediately on arrival, though the animation being interrupted during Distortion's recast results in Akali continuing most of the animation at LeBlanc's former position, then instantly repositioning to a unit offset of LeBlanc's new position as the animation ends. There is recorded evidence of this occurring in patch 12.12 (a KR match with GEN Chovy and T1 Faker on opposing teams, playing Akali and LeBlanc respectively, at 4:55-4:58, there are a few recordings of this floating around on the internet,) although this may have changed between patches. It is possible that this action is programmed similarly to Nunu's Nunu's Biggest Snowball Ever! Biggest Snowball Ever!, which behaves as a unit-offset affixation until recast, destroyed, or the channel otherwise ends. This information may be worth formally testing (as I assume a match recording is not sufficient evidence) and including on the info tab for Shuriken Flip, and possibly on the page for You and Me! attached status. -- Starsxsage (talk) 21:21, August 8, 2022 (UTC)
