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This article was last edited by Spideraxe30 on 20-Dec-2021 13:32.





Card Backs[]

Card Updates[]


LoR Champion Indicator5Level 1
  • Mana cost increased to 6 from 5.
LoR Champion Indicator5Level 2
  • Mana cost increased to 6 from 5.
LoR Champion Indicator6Level 1
  • Power increased to 5 from 4.
LoR Champion Indicator6Level 2
  • Power increased to 6 from 5.
LoR Champion Indicator4Level 1
  • Power increased to 3 from 2.
LoR Champion Indicator4Level 2
  • Power increased to 4 from 3.
LoR Champion Indicator5Level 2
  • Text becomes: "Attack: For each other attacking ally, deal 1 to it and drain 1 from the enemy Nexus."
    • Old Text: "Attack: For each other attacking ally, deal 1 to it and 1 to the enemy Nexus."
Keyword Skill Crimson Pact
  • Added due the updated LoR Champion Indicator5Vladimir (Level 2)
    • Text: "For each other attacking ally, deal 1 to it and drain 1 from the enemy Nexus."
LoR Champion Indicator5Level 1
  • Health reduced to 4 from 5.
LoR Champion Indicator5Level 2
  • Health reduced to 5 from 6.


LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 Armored Tuskrider
  • Text becomes: "Enemies with 4 or less Power cannot damage me."
    • Old Text: "I cannot be damaged by enemy units unless they have 5+ Power."
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Boomcrew Rookie
  • Health reduced to 4 from 3.
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator8 Captain Farron
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator5 Greathorn Companion
  • Power increased to 5 from 4.
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 Grizzled Ranger
  • Power reduced to 3 from 4.
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Kindly Tavernkeeper
  • Power increased to 3 from 2.
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 Laurent Chevalier
  • Health increased to 2 from 1.
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Legion Rearguard
  • Health reduced to 1 from 2.
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 Longtooth
  • Health increased to 2 from 1.
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Loyal Badgerbear
  • Power reduced to 3 from 4.
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Monkey Idol
  • Health increased to 5 from 4.
Petty Officer
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Petty Officer
  • Undocumented:
    • Rarity changed to "Rare" from "Common".
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Petty Officer (summon LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator0 Powder Keg version)
  • Undocumented:
    • Renamed from Petty Officer A.
    • Added flavor from LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Petty Officer.
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Petty Officer (summon ally 1 cost version)
  • Undocumented:
    • Renamed from Petty Officer B.
    • Added flavor from LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Petty Officer.
Ren Shadowblade
Keyword Skill Fatal Strike
  • Undocumented:
    • Data is removed.
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Slotbot
  • Power increased to 1 from 0.
  • Health increased to 4 from 3.


LoR Spell Slow Indicator6 Brood Awakening
  • Mana cost increased to 6 from 5.
LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator5 Deep Meditation
  • Mana cost increased to 5 from 4.
LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator4 Stand Alone
  • Mana cost increased to 4 from 3.

Text Clarity[]


Alternate Artworks[]

  • Undocumented: Some cards now have alternate artwork.
  • Undocumented: Some cards have some tweaks to alternate artwork.



  • Rising Tides archetypes no longer twice as likely to appear in initial Champion Picks.


  • Cloning Program




Hotfixes since last patch[]

New fixes[]
