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This article was last edited by Spideraxe30 on 01-Jan-2022 17:37.





Card Backs[]


Targon LoR Region Targon[]

  • Added.


LoR Set 3 icon Call of the Mountain[]

Card Updates[]


LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator4 Sejuani's Fury of the North
  • Text becomes: "Give an ally +3|+4 this round. Shuffle a Sejuani into your deck."
    • Old Text: "Give an ally +4|+4 this round. Shuffle a Sejuani into your deck."
LoR Champion Indicator5Level 1
  • Undocumented:
    • Text becomes: "Attack: For each attacking ally other than Vladimir, deal 1 to it and 1 to the enemy Nexus."
      • Old Text: "Attack: For each other attacking ally, deal 1 to it and 1 to the enemy Nexus."
LoR Champion Indicator5Level 2
  • Undocumented:
    • Text becomes: "Attack: For each attacking ally other than Vladimir, deal 1 to it and drain 1 from the enemy Nexus."
      • Old Text: "Attack: For each other attacking ally, deal 1 to it and drain 1 from the enemy Nexus."


LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Sump Dredger
  • Text becomes: "Play: Discard a card to draw 1."
    • Old Text: "To play me, discard 1 and draw 1."
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 Trifarian Assessor
  • Mana cost increased to 5 from 4.
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Zaunite Urchin
  • Text becomes: "Play: Discard a card to draw 1."
    • Old Text: "To play me, discard 1 and draw 1."


LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator4 Fury of the North
  • Text becomes: "Give an ally +3|+4 this round."
    • Old Text: "Give an ally +4|+4 this round."



Region Road Updates[]

Ranked Rewards & New Season[]


Micro Update[]

  • A new Lab was added: Inventor. In this Lab, your deck is full of 'Invent!', a spell which offers you the choice between three random cards.
  • LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 Zephyr Sage was changed in an earlier hotfix so that it no longer copies itself. This is to prevent infinite combos involving copying another 0-cost Zephyr Sage.
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed an issue where LoR Champion Indicator5Lux would become invincible when Keyword Silence Silenced on the same turn she leveled up.
    • Fixed an issue where Unit card units Keyword Support supported by LoR Champion Indicator3Lulu would incorrectly remain healed when the support effect wore off.
    • Fixed an issue where casting LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator2 Hush on a leveled-up LoR Champion Indicator3Kalista would permanently stop her ability from triggering.
    • Fixed an issue where Keyword SpellShield Spellshield wouldn’t properly block LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator8 Judgment or LoR Spell Slow Indicator5 Possession.
    • Fixed an issue where units transformed by LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator4 Whimsy! wouldn’t properly transform back into themselves.


  • The day after this patch was released, a hotfix was put out that no longer made only the Targon background the only one that displayed, and disabled the associated cutscene.
  • Some users were stuck in a patch loop on 2nd September 2020, a hotfix was pushed for this.[1]
  • LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 Zephyr Sage's text was changed so it could no longer copy itself in hand. This was to prevent infinite combos involving copying another 0-cost Zephyr Sage in hand.[2]

