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  • Needs to be greatly expanded with info, including info about the backline, about the 6 unit spaces.
This article was last edited by BossKeyser on 25-Apr-2024 17:26.

EditA unit is one of the main card types and can be either a Champion card Champion or a Follower card Follower card. A unit card can be played by spending LoR mana icon alt Mana equal to its cost, and fulfilling any additional conditions in the card text, which Keyword Summon summons it. A unit has a Cost, LoR Power Power and LoR Health Health. A unit can also have additional card text that has its own effects, usually only when the unit is alive.

Ally in card text refers to an allied unit. Enemy in card text refers to one of your opponent's units.



Champions are a type of Unit card Unit.

A champion is able to Keyword Level Up Level Up to transform it and every other allied copy of it in the game that could ever exist into a new card instantly, keeping all effects applied to it and damage taken, which has its own interactions as well. While there is an allied champion alive, any copies of it in hand are instead a Champion Spell.



Followers are a type of Unit card unit card in Legends of Runeterra icon Legends of Runeterra, with numerous cards that only interact with them.


  • A player can control a total of 6 units and/or Keyword Landmark landmarks on their bench at a time.
    • A player can play additional units or landmarks while their bench is full, but will need to replace one of their existing units or landmarks. The replaced unit or landmark is Keyword Obliterate obliterated before the newly played card enters the board.
    • If playing a unit/landmark would cause the player's existing unit or landmark to leave the board (e.g. playing LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator0 Ravenous Butcher or playing a Titanic unit while controlling LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Sigil of the Storm), they will not need to replace a unit/landmark.
  • When units Keyword Attack attack, they temporarily leave the bench until the attack is complete. Up to six attacking units can be present in a single attack.
    • Attacking units temporarily do not count toward the number of spaces on the bench, meaning that summoning attacking units during the attack can cause a player to temporarily control more than 6 units/landmarks.
    • If units are summoned during the attack and cause the player to control more than 6 units or landmarks total, then after the attack, units that attacked will return to the bench in the order that they entered play, then any that cannot fit are Keyword Obliterate obliterated.