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League of Legends Wiki


Sivir OriginalSkin
Original Sivir View in 3D
260 RP 260 / 21-Feb-2009
Sivir WarriorPrincessSkin
Warrior Princess Sivir View in 3D
520 RP 520 / 27-Apr-2010
Sivir BanditSkin
Bandit Sivir View in 3D
750 RP 750 / 21-Mar-2011
Sivir WardenSkin
Warden Sivir View in 3D
750 RP 750 / 17-Feb-2015
Sivir PizzaDeliverySkin
Pizza Delivery Sivir View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 29-Mar-2018
Sivir BloodMoonSkin
Blood Moon Sivir View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 10-Jan-2019
Sivir OdysseySkin
Odyssey Sivir View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 15-Oct-2020
Sivir CafeCutiesSkin
Cafe Cuties Sivir View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 02-Dec-2021
Sivir SolarEclipseSkin
Solar Eclipse Sivir View in 3D
1820 RP 1820 / 28-Apr-2022
Sivir PrimalAmbushSkin
Primal Ambush Sivir View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 24-Jan-2024
Blood Moon Sivir Chromas
Cafe Cuties Sivir Chromas
Odyssey Sivir Chromas
Pizza Delivery Sivir Chromas
Primal Ambush Sivir Chromas
Solar Eclipse Sivir Chromas

Legacy Vault

Sivir SpectacularSkin
Spectacular Sivir View in 3D
975 RP 975 / 08-Jun-2010
Sivir SnowstormSkin
Snowstorm Sivir View in 3D
975 RP 975 / 19-Dec-2013
Sivir MythmakerSkin
Mythmaker Sivir View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 12-Jan-2023
Mythmaker Sivir Chromas
Snowstorm Sivir Chromas

Rare & Limited

Sivir HuntressSkin
Huntress Sivir View in 3D
Special RP Special / 07-Feb-2011
Sivir PAXSkin
PAX Sivir View in 3D
Special RP Special / 25-Aug-2011
Sivir VictoriousSkin
Victorious Sivir View in 3D
Special RP Special / 12-Nov-2015
Sivir NeoPAXSkin
Neo PAX Sivir View in 3D
Special RP Special / 30-Aug-2017
Sivir PrestigeMythmakerSkin
Prestige Mythmaker Sivir View in 3D
Special RP Special / 12-Jan-2023


Sivir SKTT1Skin
SKT T1 Sivir
750 RP 750 / N/A



Always Chase
Multiple (2+) champions hasted with On The Hunt (R)
Sneaky Shield
Abilities blocked with Spell Shield (E)
What Goes Around
Champions hit twice by a single Boomerang Blade (Q)

Big Boomerangs
Multiple champions hit with Boomerang Blade (Q)
Collateral Damage
Champions hit with Ricochet (W) bounces
Tippy Toes
Time spent hasted by Fleet of Foot (P)


Original Sivir Original Sivir
  • Her pose from her second splash art second splash art was reused for the first splash art of her Warrior Princess Warrior Princess skin.
Warrior Princess Sivir Warrior Princess Sivir
  • She references Xena.
Spectacular Sivir Spectacular Sivir
Bandit Sivir Bandit Sivir
  • Her crossblade might be referencing Krull.
Huntress Sivir Huntress Sivir
Snowstorm Sivir Snowstorm Sivir
Chromaskins Chromas: Golden
PAX Sivir PAX Sivir
  • As a promotional or event limited skin, she was given away at gaming conventions and events and has not, is not and will never be available for purchase in the store.[1]
  • A Neo version Neo version of her was released. Additional details are listed below at her own skin trivia.
  • She references Tron.
    • Her crossblade references a D-pad.
  • Other Limited Edition skins that were re-released in another form include:
Warden Sivir Warden Sivir
Victorious Sivir Victorious Sivir
  • She was unlocked by players who achieved Gold+ rank in Season 5 (2015).
Neo PAX Sivir Neo PAX Sivir
  • She was obtainable via using 10 Gems Rare Gems Gems to craft her with Hextech Crafting from 8/31/17 to 1/8/18, as well as by a code given out at Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) West 2017. She was also made obtainable via Hextech Chests.
    • She is still a possible Hextech Chest unlock, though both she and the original PAX Sivir PAX Sivir are considered Limited Edition skins.
  • With her release, she along with a special loading screen border for the original PAX Sivir PAX Sivir was automatically given to all owners of the original skin original skin.[2]
  • She is a recolor of PAX Sivir PAX Sivir.
  • Other re-released versions of Limited Edition skins include:
Pizza Delivery Sivir Pizza Delivery Sivir
Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Catseye, Obsidian, Rose Quartz
Blood Moon Sivir Blood Moon Sivir
Chromaskins Chromas: Citrine, Emerald, Obsidian, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Turquoise
  • The mask she is wearing references the ones used in Japanese Noh theater.
Odyssey Sivir Odyssey Sivir
Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Emerald, Merc, Rainbow, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite
Cafe Cuties Sivir Cafe Cuties Sivir
Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Emerald, Obsidian, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite, Turquoise
Solar Eclipse Sivir Solar Eclipse Sivir
Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Tanzanite
Mythmaker Sivir Mythmaker Sivir
Chromaskins Chromas: Citrine, Emerald, Gilded, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite
Prestige Mythmaker Sivir Prestige Mythmaker Sivir
Primal Ambush Sivir Primal Ambush Sivir
Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Citrine, Emerald, Obsidian, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Turquoise

