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League of Legends Wiki

World Atlas is a starter item in League of Legends icon League of Legends. It is exclusive to Summoner's Rift icon Classic Summoner's Rift 5v5.

Builds Into

Cost Analysis

Gold Value

Gold efficiency

  • World Atlas' World Atlas' base stats are 70% gold efficient.


  • The earliest game time that the first Quest charge can be granted is 1:50.
  • Quest's execute against minions counts as a minion kill for the allied champion that was granted the kill gold.
  • "Receives diminishing gold from excessive minion kills":
    • Before 5 minutes, killing (7 ÷ number of support items on user's team) minions or more reduces gold Gold gold from minion kills by 80%.
      • After 5 minutes, killing (4 ÷ number of support items on user's team) minions per minute causes the gold Gold gold from minion kills to be reduced by 50% − 80% (based on number of minion kills).
    • This penalty accounts for all champions on a team that have a Support item; every champion with the item will contribute towards hitting the gold penalty.

Map-Specific Differences

ProfileIcon0785 The Thinking Manatee Ultra Rapid Fire differences edit
  • This item is disabled.


Sound Effects

Minion Executed
Quest Complete

Patch History

  • Quest upgrade threshold reduced to 400 Gold 400 from 500 Gold 500.
  • Gold from minions reduced to 15 Gold 15 from 20 Gold 20.
  • Gold from damage reduced to ( 22 / 20) Gold (Melee role 22 / Ranged role 20) from ( 30 / 28) Gold (Melee role 30 / Ranged role 28).
  • Now limited to 1 Starter item instead of 1 Support / Jungle item.
  • Bug Fix: Minion execute passive can now properly be triggered to grant gold and consume a quest stack if the nearby allied champion was on the very edge of the item's range.
  • Quest recharge timer increased to 20 seconds from 18.
  • First charge timer reduced to 1:50 from 2:08.
  • Removed: No longer provides bonus stacks if purchased later in the game.
  • Bug Fix: Passive no longer appears to trigger despite not doing so if the allied champion was at the edge of the item's passive range.
  • Bug Fix: Executed minions no longer counts toward the reduced gold penalty.
  • New Effect: Minion gold penalty now accounts for all champions that have a Support item, instead of each individual user. Additionally, every champion with a Support item now contributes towards hitting the minion penalty.
V14.1 - Added
  • Cost: 400 Gold 400.
  • Stats: 30 health, 25% base health regeneration, 25% base mana regeneration, 3 Gold 3 per 10 seconds.
  • Unique Passive - Quest: Grants a charge every 18 seconds, up to 3 charges. When an allied champion is within Range model 1050 units of you, consume a charge in two ways:
    • Kill a minion by any means, granting you 20 Gold 20 and the nearest allied champion kill gold Gold gold. Damaging a minion below below (Melee role 50% / Ranged role 30%) of its maximum health Death from Below executes it.
    • Damage an enemy champion or structure with a basic attack or ability, up to one per attack or cast, granting you ( 30 / 28) Gold (Melee role 30 / Ranged role 28).
  • Earn 500 Gold 500 through this quest to automatically upgrade to Runic Compass Runic Compass, gaining the Warding active with 3 wards in stock.
  • Passive: Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.
  • Limited to 1 Support / Jungle item.
  • Caption: "Seek, and you shall find."


List of Items
