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League of Legends Wiki

Symbiotic Soles is a boots item in League of Legends icon League of Legends.


Symbiotic Soles item
Symbiotic Soles
900 Gold 900 (600 Gold 600)
Boots item
300 Gold 300

Builds Into

Cost Analysis

Gold Value

Gold efficiency

  • Symbiotic Soles' Symbiotic Soles' base stats are 46.67% gold efficient.

Similar items

Map-Specific Differences

Arena icon Arena differences edit
  • This item is disabled.


Void Crest icon

Patch History

  • Undocumented: Empowered Recall Recall passive now has the name Voidborn.
  • Undocumented: Quest passive now has the name Symbiosis.
V14.10 - Added
  • Tier 2 Boots.
  • Recipe: Boots Boots + 600 Gold 600 = 900 Gold 900.
  • Stats: 35 movement speed.
  • Unique Passive: Gain Empowered Recall Empowered Recall.
  • Unique Passive: After traveling for a total of 150,000 units of distance, capped at 500 at a time, upgrade this item to Synchronized Souls Synchronized Souls.
  • The item's tracker will count down the thousands of units required until upgrade.
  • Caption: "With each step, your mind slips..."
  • Limited to 1 Boots item.


List of Items
