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League of Legends Wiki

Flesheater is a distributed item in League of Legends icon League of Legends. It is exclusive to Arena icon Arena.

Cost Analysis

Gold Value Gold efficiency


  • Hack the Meat's resistances reduction is not applied by damage over time effects.

Old icons


  • The first iteration of Flesheater was the only item that grew in power without a cap.
  • The first iteration of Flesheater was only available in the Black Market Brawlers featured game mode.
  • The first iteration of Flesheater was the only item available that offered infinite stat growth, similar to old items Feral Flare Feral Flare and pre-V5.13 Devourer Devourer.

Patch History

  • Hack the Meat resistances reduction per stack increased to 3 from 2.
    • Maximum resistances reduction increased to 30 from 20.
V14.9 - Re-added
  • Available on Arena on May 1st, 2024.
  • Obtained from Prismatic Item Anvils Prismatic Item Anvils.
    • New:
      • Recipe: None.
      • Sell: 2000 Gold 2000.
      • Stats: 70 adaptive force, 18 lethality, 18 magic penetration.
      • Unique Passive - Hack the Meat: Dealing damage reduces the target's armor and magic resistance by 2 for 5 seconds, stacking up to 10 times for a total resistances reduction of 20. Stacks can only be applied to each enemy once every second.
      • Unique Passive - Cannibalize: Scoring a Damage rating takedown against an enemy champion Heal power icon heals you and the allied champion on your team for 12% of the taken down target's maximum health.
    • Old:
      • Recipe: Vampiric Scepter Vampiric Scepter + Long Sword Long Sword + 300 Gold 300 = 1460 Gold 1460.
      • Stats: 20 attack damage, 10% life steal.
      • Unique Passive: Basic attacks generate Flesh charges, up to 5
      • Unique Active - Flesheater: Rip the flesh from the target enemy Minion icon minion, dealing 200 (+ 75% AD) true damage and Heal power icon healing you for 50 (+ 75% AD). Each activation increases Flesheater's attack damage by 1. Can only be used while at 5 Flesh charges.
      • Limitations: This item's passive and active effects are disabled on ranged champions.
      • Caption: "No need to sharpen after use."
V5.15 - Removed (2015-08-10 - Black Market Brawlers end)
  • Removed from the game.
V5.14 - Added (2015-07-30 - Black Market Brawlers release)
  • Flesheater Flesheater
    • Recipe: Vampiric Scepter Vampiric Scepter + Long Sword Long Sword + 300 Gold 300 = 1460 Gold 1460.
    • Stats: 20 attack damage and 10% life steal.
    • Unique Passive: Basic attacks build Flesh charges. At 5 charges, you gain the ability to cast Flesheater.
    • Unique Active - Flesheater: Rip the flesh from the target enemy minion, dealing 200 (+ 75% AD) true damage to the target and healing you for 50 (+ 75% AD) health, as well as permanently increasing this item's AD by 1.
    • Limitations: This item's passive and active effects are disabled on ranged champions.
    • Caption: "No need to sharpen after use."


List of Items
