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League of Legends Wiki

Shield of Molten Stone is a distributed item in League of Legends icon League of Legends. It is exclusive to Arena icon Arena.

Cost Analysis

Gold Value
  • 300 health = 800 Gold 800
  • 100 armor = 2000 Gold 2000
  • Total Gold Value = 2800 Gold 2800
Gold efficiency

Patch History

V14.9 - Added
  • Available on Arena on May 1st, 2024.
  • Obtained from Prismatic Item Anvils Prismatic Item Anvils.
    • Sell: 2000 Gold 2000.
    • Stats: 300 health, 100 armor.
    • Unique Passive - Immovable as the Earth: Increase your total armor by 20%. Additionally, basic attacks that hit you have a 0% − 50% (based on armor) chance of being Spirit's Refuge blocked.


List of Items
