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League of Legends Wiki
Navori Quickblades (League of Legends)Navori Quickblades (League of Legends)
Navori Quickblades (Wild Rift)Navori Quickblades (Wild Rift)
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This article or section may contain obsolete information, but exists here for historical purposes.

  • This item has been removed on patch V14.10.

Navori Quickblades was a legendary item in League of Legends icon League of Legends.


Navori Quickblades item
Navori Quickblades
3300 Gold 3300 (300 Gold 300)

Similar items


  • Impermanence will not amplify Basic Attack basic damage or damage that does not originate from your champion's passive, Q, W, E or R spell directly.
  • Transcendence will not trigger if the user declares the attack while Blind icon blinded.
  • Transcendence will also trigger from abilities that apply on-attack effects.


  • The search term 'crit shojin' references Spear of Shojin Spear of Shojin.
  • The item's name references Navori, a region of Ionia.
Ionia Crest icon

Patch History

V14.10 - Removed
  • Item type changed to Legendary from Mythic.
  • New Recipe: Pickaxe Pickaxe + Caulfield's Warhammer Caulfield's Warhammer + Cloak of Agility Cloak of Agility + 725 Gold 725 = 3300 Gold 3300.
  • Attack damage reduced to 60 from 65.
  • Transcendence cooldown refund reduced to 12% from 15%.
  • Removed: No longer has a Mythic passive granting 5 bonus attack damage per Legendary item.
  • No longer limits the user to 1 Mythic item.
  • Now limits the user to 1 Unbounded item.
  • Removed Masterwork Masterwork item: Flicker Flicker.
  • Bug Fix: Mythic passive now properly grants additional attack damage based on each Legendary item.
  • New:
    • Recipe: Caulfield's Warhammer Caulfield's Warhammer + Pickaxe Pickaxe + Cloak of Agility Cloak of Agility + 825 Gold 825 = 3400 Gold 3400.
    • Stats: 60 attack damage, 20 ability haste, 20% critical strike chance.
    • Unique Passive - Transcendence: Your basic attacks on-attack reduce your basic abilities' current cooldowns by 12% of their remaining cooldowns.
    • Unique Passive - Impermanence: Your ability damage and proc damage dealt by abilities is increased by 0% − 20% (based on critical strike chance).
    • Mythic Passive: Empowers other Legendary items with 5 ability haste.
    • Limited to 1 Mythic item.
    • Ornn's Ornn's Masterwork Masterwork item: Flicker Flicker.
      • Stats: 80 attack damage, 30 ability haste, 20% critical strike chance.
  • Old:
    • Recipe: Caulfield's Warhammer Caulfield's Warhammer + Pickaxe Pickaxe + Cloak of Agility Cloak of Agility + 825 Gold 825 = 3400 Gold 3400.
    • Stats: 60 attack damage, 20 ability haste, 20% critical strike chance.
    • Unique Passive - Transcendence: If you have at least 40% critical strike chance, basic attacks on-attack reduce your basic abilities' current cooldowns by 12% of their remaining cooldowns.
    • Unique Passive - Impermanence: Your ability damage and proc damage dealt by abilities is increased by 0% − 20% (based on critical strike chance).
    • Limited to 1 Crit Modifier / Marksman Capstone item.
    • Limited to 1 Ability Haste Capstone item.
  • Transcendence cooldown reduction reduced to 12% from 15%.
  • Bug Fix: Now is properly tagged as a critical strike chance item in the shop.
  • Transcendence threshold reduced to 40% critical strike chance from 60%.
  • Ability haste reduced to 20 from 30.
  • Removed Unique Passive - Deft Strikes: Basic attacks on-attack that Critical strike icon critically strike reduce your basic abilities' current cooldowns by 20% of their remaining cooldowns.
  • New Unique Passive - Transcendence: If you have at least 60% critical strike chance, your basic attacks on-attack reduce your basic abilities' current cooldowns by 15% of their remaining cooldowns.
  • New Unique Passive - Impermanence: Your abilities deal 0% − 20% (based on critical strike chance) bonus damage.
  • Limited to 1 Crit Modifier / Ability Haste Capstone item.
V10.23 - Added
  • Recipe: Caulfield's Warhammer Caulfield's Warhammer + Pickaxe Pickaxe + Cloak of Agility Cloak of Agility + 825 Gold 825 = 3400 Gold 3400.
  • Stats: 60 attack damage, 20% critical strike chance, 30 ability haste.
  • Unique Passive - Deft Strikes: Critical strikes with basic attacks reduce your basic ability cooldowns by 20% of their remaining cooldown.
  • Limited to 1 Navori Quickblades.


List of Items
