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League of Legends Wiki

The Red Brambleback is a neutral Monster icon monster on Summoner's Rift icon Summoner's Rift.

Killing the Red Brambleback grants the Crest of Cinders Crest of Cinders, a buff which grants health regeneration out of combat and causes basic attacks to apply a Slow icon slow and a burn that deals true damage over time.

When the map transforms into the Elemental Rift, the Red Brambleback becomes Draconic, gaining this form if alive and respawning in it each time. Killing it in this form leaves behind a buff wisp at the camp's location for 60 seconds. The wisp can be picked up by an allied champion moving near it, granting them the Crest of Cinders Crest of Cinders buff. If the killer did not have Smite Smite, the wisp can only be picked up by a champion that does so.

Once the Baron Nashor Baron Nashor spawns at 20:00, the Red Brambleback becomes permanently corrupted by the Void if it is not Draconic, transforming into a Voidborn with 30% increased health. Killing it in this form grants you and all your allied champions, if alive, the Crest of Cinders Crest of Cinders buff. Any remaining Draconic Red Bramblebacks that are slain respawn as Voidborn instead.


  • Without slows, the Red Brambleback has a movement speed of 275. When its Frenzy mastery 2013 patience runs out its movement speed is increased by 20%, to 330.
  • Red Brambleback deals 5% of the target's current health bonus physical damage with its attacks.


Patch History[]

  • Experience changed to 95 − 142.5 (based on monster's level) from 95 − 137.75 (based on monster's level).
  • Bug Fix: No longer respawns in its voidborn form prior to Baron Nashor's Baron Nashor's spawn after dying in its draconic form for the first time.
  • New Effect: Upon becoming Draconic, killing the Red Brambleback also drops a Crest of Cinders Crest of Cinders wisp at the location of the camp either for the player that has Smite Smite equipped or, if the killer is the Smite Smite user, at most one ally to pick up. The wisp lasts for 60 seconds.
  • New Effect: After Baron Nashor Baron Nashor spawns, all newly-spawned or live non-Draconic Red Brambleback monsters become permanently corrupted by the Void, transforming into voidborn with 30% increased health and granting the Crest of Cinders Crest of Cinders buff to the killer and all allies alive upon slaying it. The Red Brambleback loses its Draconic effects with the Corrupted monster's respawn.
  • Removed: No longer always drops a Crest of Cinders Crest of Cinders wisp lasting for 60 seconds at the location of the camp when a player on the team has Primal Smite Primal Smite equipped.
  • Base armor increased to 42 from 20.
  • Base magic resistance increased to 42 from 20.
  • Base attack damage changed to 66 − 198 (based on level) from 66 − 222 (based on level). Formula changed.
  • Base health increased to 2300 − 6210 (based on level) from 2300 − 4600 (based on level).
  • Gold bounty increased to 90 Gold 90 from 80 Gold 80.
V12.23 - December 14th Hotfix
  • Gold bounty reduced to 80 Gold 80 from 85 Gold 85.
  • Experience increased to 110 − 159.5 (based on monster's level) from 110 − 148.5.
  • Base attack damage reduced to 66 from 78.
  • Base health increased to 2300 from 1850.
  • Leash range reduced to 650 units from 1000.
  • New Effect: Now deals 5% of the target's current health bonus physical damage with its attacks.
  • Gold bounty reduced to 85 Gold 85 from 100 Gold 100.
  • Base experience bounty reduced to 95 from 110.
  • Attack damage reduced to 78 − 234 (based on level) from 82 − 303 (based on level).
  • Health increased to 1850 − 3238 (based on level) from 1800 − 3150 (based on level).
  • Base armor increased to 20 at all levels from -15 / -22 / -26 / -28 / -30 (based on level).
  • Base magic resistance increased to 20 at all levels from 10 / 15 / 18 / 19 / 20 (based on level).
  • Base health reduced to 1800 − 3150 (based on level) from 2100 − 3675 (based on level).
  • Experience increased to 170 − 229.5 (based on monster's level) from 110 − 148.5 (based on monster's level)
  • Experience increased to 110 − 148.5 (based on monster's level) from 110 − 137.5 (based on monster's level).
  • Experience reduced to 110 − 137.5 (based on monster's level) from 115 − 143.75 (based on monster's level).
  • Experience reduced to 115 − 143.75 (based on monster's level) from 115 − 180 (based on monster's level).
  • Experience reduced to 115 − 180 (based on monster's level) from 180 at all levels.
  • Experience reduced to 180 from 200.
  • Base attack speed reduced to 0.5 from 0.6.
  • Initial spawn timer reduced to 1:30 from 1:40.
  • Magic resistance reduced to 10 / 15 / 18 / 19 / 20 (based on level) from 15 / 20 / 26 / 29 / 30 (based on level)
  • Bug Fix: No longer hits the air instead of the ground during his two-handed strike.
  • Experience reduced to 200 from 210.
  • Removed: Both Cinderlings Cinderlings, restoring 20% maximum health upon Smiting Smiting
  • Stats slightly up to compensate.
  • Now has negative armor.
  • Monster Base Health Growth by Level :: 100% - 200% >> 100% - 170%
  • Monster Base Armor Growth by Level :: 100% - 100% >> 100% - 300%
  • Magic Resistance :: 0 >> -5
  • Movement Speed :: 330 >> 250
  • Monsters spawn time changed to 15 seconds earlier (not Dragon or Baron)
  • Blue and Red shove around the small monsters in their camp if those monsters get in their way of getting to their targeted champion.
  • Armor reduced from 20 to 10
  • Experience reward down from 100 to 90
  • Gold reward up from 51 to 58
  • Pathing size of Blue and Red monsters moderately large >>> smaller
  • Leash Range has been reduced to 700 from 750
  • Maximum leashes allowed increased to 6 from 5
  • Losing Monster aggro due to being out of range now also increments its leash counter by 1.
  • Increased XP gained
  • Levels 1-4 unchanged
  • Levels 5-7 3% more base XP
  • Levels 8-10 6% more base XP
  • Level 11-18 10% more base XP
  • Soft leash limit to 5 down from 10.
  • Champions receive less experience if the cleared monster camp is three levels lower than their own
  • Slightly adjusted positioning of Blue/Red buff camps.
  • Gold per camp reduced by 10
  • Gold per large camp added on jungle items