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Elder Dragon
Elder Dragon (Universe)Elder Dragon (Universe)
Elder Dragon (League of Legends)Elder Dragon (League of Legends)
Elder Dragon (Legends of Runeterra)Elder Dragon (Legends of Runeterra)

The Elder Dragon, a majestic and ancient creature, stands as the epitome of draconic power and wisdom. Its scales, weathered by the passage of countless ages, shimmer with a lustrous blend of gold and silver. Enormous wings, each beat echoing the thunder of centuries, stretch wide, casting a formidable shadow over the land.


The Elder Dragon is a neutral force, rarely intervening in the affairs of lesser beings. Legends and prophecies often speak of the dragon's potential alliance with those who prove themselves capable of understanding and respecting the delicate harmony of the world. However, crossing the Elder Dragon without due cause invites the wrath of a creature whose ageless power knows no equal.


A majestic Elder Dragon with sleek, grey fur cascading from its head to its powerful back. Its eyes gleam with a blend of green and blue, and two imposing horns crown its regal visage. The dragon's mouth, a mesmerizing blend of green and blue, reveals the inner fire of its breath. Enormous wings stretch wide, and a tail snakes behind, adorned with scales of a blueish dark-grey hue.


As the oldest of all dragons, the Elder Dragon exudes a regal and commanding presence. While inherently neutral, its actions are guided by a deep understanding of the balance of the world. Wise beyond measure, the Elder Dragon is a guardian of ancient secrets and keeper of the natural order.




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Starring Champion


  • If Baron Nashor Baron Nashor and Elder Dragon have a 1v1 fight at Baron pit, Baron Nashor will lose.[1]


See also[]
