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Bolbok Universe Background
Bolbok (Universe)Bolbok (Universe)

"The Arcane is the curse of our world. My race was nearly destroyed by it."
Bolbok Bolbok, 'Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved'

Bolbok is a Piltover Crest icon Piltovan aristocrat and a member of Piltover's ruling council.


Early Life[]

At some point during his life, Bolbok obtained a seat on Piltover's ruling council. He also developed a fear of the arcane, as his entire race was apparently almost annihilated by magic.[1]

Hexgem Incident[]

When the workshop of Jayce Talis Jayce Talis was robbed and accidentally blown up in the process, his unauthorized research into the Arcane was exposed and he was put on trial to be judged by the council. Bolbok moved to banish Jayce, but Heimerdinger Heimerdinger was able to convince him and the other councilors to expel him from the Academy and destroy his research instead. However with the help of Mel Medarda Mel Medarda and Viktor Viktor, Jayce was able to perfect his research, which he came to call Hextech, and he was given the authority to continue working on it. In time, Bolbok became one of the many entrepreneurs in Piltover to benefit from Jayce and Viktor's creation of the Hexgates.

After Jinx Jinx stole one of Jayce's hextech gemstones, Bolbok supported Mel's idea to add him to their table as a councilor. Jayce later went out of his way to forge a business deal with Bolbok, earning him the cyborg's favor, and as a result, Bolbok was quick to support Jayce when he moved to expel Heimerdinger from the council and force the yordle into early retirement.

Following Jinx's second attack on Piltover and the discovery of Marcus' Marcus' treasonous actions against them, the Council convened to discuss their next move. There, they learned from Caitlyn Caitlyn, a rookie Enforcer and Cassandra's Cassandra's daughter, about the all the horrible things she'd seen in the undercity and how Silco Silco was responsible for almost all of them. Although Jayce wanted to go into the undercity and retrieve his stolen hextech gemstone by force, the other councilors, including Bolbok, disagreed out of the fear of triggering a war and decided to negotiate with Silco instead.[2]

After he ventured into the undercity to take down a shimmer production factory, Jayce later informed the council that he had offered Silco Zaun's independence in exchange for the hextech gemstone and Jinx. Although Bolbok quickly objected to his proposal, he eventually agreed to it alongside the other councilors. However, before the councilors could finalize their decision to grant Zaun its independence, the council room was bombed by Jinx with a hextech-powered rocket, leaving Bolbok's fate unknown.[3]




Like the stereotypical politician, Bolbok is a shallow and prideful individual who cares for little else aside from his own wealth and power. He is also noticeably short-sighted, as displayed by how he initially refused to believe that Silco was a criminal even though it was obvious that Marcus had been covering for him the whole time. Mel even went as far to tell Amara Amara that Bolbok was a fool and that if she ended up doing business with him, the only thing she'd wind up doing was "investing in the past."[4]





Arcane Show Appearances[]

Season One appearances: 6/9
Welcome to the Playground:
Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved:
The Base Violence Necessary for Change:
Happy Progress Day!:
Everybody Wants to Be My Enemy:
When These Walls Come Tumbling Down:
The Boy Savior:
Oil and Water:
The Monster You Created:

Read More

Starring Champion

Caitlyn Jayce Jinx Vi Viktor Arcane Promo 01

Runeterra Crest icon


Arcane (TV Series)

Every legend has a beginning.


  • Bolbok does not consume sustenance.[5]


See also[]
