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Cithria (Universe)Cithria (Universe)
Cithria (Legends of Runeterra)Cithria (Legends of Runeterra)

▶️  "Demacia! Now and forever."
��� LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 Cithria the Bold

Cithria is a member of the Dauntless Vanguard Crest icon Dauntless Vanguard, and is well respected among comrades such as Garen Crownguard Garen Crownguard. She is deft with a sword,[1] and while she was raised to fear magic, is likely questioning these views after the escape of Sylas Sylas.


Cithria of Cloudfield[]

"Each night before bed, my mother would tell me stories of Demacia's greatest heroes as she sharpened her sword. My dreams were full of adventures, and today I'll begin a story all my own."
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Cithria of Cloudfield

Early Years[]

Cithria was born in the village of Cloudfield. A dedicated and honest girl, she often played tellstones with her father, eventually surpassing his skill. During her younger years she took part in the Yellow Spring Festival of Cloudfield as a flower bearer.

Cithria heard stories of the Demacia's greatest heroes, and felt a personal calling to protect the country. Once she was old enough, she set off to start her own adventure, traveling to Demacia City to enlist and hopefully join the Dauntless Vanguard.

Military career[]

During Cithria's early years as a soldier, she was stationed at the East Wall under the Ninth Battalion of Captain Eldran. She would experience things most of her squadmates could not stomach, things that would harden her resolve to protect Demacia and her people as best as she could. She would later sign in for the Dauntless Vanguard training, hoping to join the prestigious military order.

The Weight of Expectations[]

During her training days under Proctor-Corporal Pell, Cithria played a game of King's Gambit, a Dauntless Vanguard version of Tellstones. There she met Sergeant Merrek, second-in-command to Sword-Captain Garen Sword-Captain Garen. Eventually she lost the game against him, but learned a great deal about tactics, strategy, and what it means to be a Vanguard.


During an assignment on the East Wall, Cithria was tasked with escorting a mage from the Arbormark Kingdom to the Capital, as tensions were at their highest in Demacia, with more mages than ever being prosecuted as a result of Sylas' Sylas' rebellion and his subsequent escape. During this time she realized that a difficult time has come to Demacia, and it was seen that some of the people themselves find the practices of the Mageseeker Crest icon Mageseekers objectionable.

Cithria, Vanguard Squire[]

"Everyone I met, every journey I took taught me something new. But the more I learned and the stronger I became, the more I realized I had much further to go..."
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Vanguard Squire

Cithria on a boat looking outward towards what appears to be an island covered with Black Mist

In the future, Cithria may take on the role of a squire to a member of the Dauntless Vanguard.[2] It appears that she may have been part of the Demacian expedition to the Shadow Isles Crest icon Shadow Isles.

First Shield[]

Due to the death of Helmar of the First Shield, Cithria was recruited straight into the First Shield of the Dauntless Vanguard Crest icon Dauntless Vanguard from the Testing Grounds. Her test scores were as high as those of Garen Garen himself.

The First, Fourth, and Eighth Shield of the Vanguard are sent to the Nockmirch under the command of Garen. Their mission is to find out what happened to the Demacian ambassador in Alderburg, but when they arrive, they find out the Lord Castellan of the Nockmirch has allied with Noxus Crest icon Noxus. The soldiers have to make a final stand on the bridge between Nockmirch and Rijenland, to buy Ranger-Knight Quinn Ranger-Knight Quinn the time she needs to get back to Demacia. Quinn, however, is wounded, and so the Dauntless Vanguards have to break through the enemy lines. During their last battle, when the soldiers are surrounded, raptor-knights arrive to scatter the Noxians. Cithria and most of the First Shield survive the mission, less than a dozen soldiers in total.

Cithria the Bold[]

"Legends, tales--they were never just fiction to me. They were adventure calling my name. I left Cloudfield to discover my own adventure, only to find I would have many. And they're just beginning."
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 Cithria the Bold

In the future, Cithria may prove herself in the Dauntless Vanguard until she earns the title Cithria the Bold.[2]

Cithria, Lady of Clouds[]

"Who else could Demacia send to save her prince than the Lady of Clouds herself?"
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator7 King Jarvan III

In another timeline, Cithria has become a legendary warmaster in Demacia, leading her Silverwings to the rescue of Prince Jarvan IV Jarvan IV.









Read More

Starring Champion

Garen First Shield Cover 02

Demacia Crest icon

Short Story

Garen: First Shield

By Anthony Reynolds Lenné

The King is dead. Demacia is mourning. And in the eyes of Garen Crownguard, it’s his fault. But can he rise to the challenge when Demacia needs him again? While on a peacetime expedition beyond the borders of Demacia, Garen, Quinn, and the Dauntless Vanguard uncover a plot that threatens to destroy long-standing alliances. As the knight-ranger Quinn tries to get word back to Demacia, Garen and his comrades make a desperate last stand. How long can they last, and at what cost?

Demacia Tellstones King's Gambit

Demacia Crest icon


Tellstones: King's Gambit (Video)

Can you play like a champion?

Demacia The Weight of Expectations 01

Demacia Crest icon

Short Story

The Weight of Expectations

By Amanda Jeffrey

Cithria hacked at the ground with the mattock, her shoulders burning with the exertion.

Demacia Turmoil

Demacia Crest icon

Short Story


By Anthony Reynolds Lenné

Why send us all the way out here?

Alternate Universes

LoR Breathe

Runeterra Crest icon

Music Video


By Numerous creators

It’s your time to be legendary.




Runeterra Adventure Demacia

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