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Akshan In Search of Things Lost
Akshan (Universe)Akshan (Universe)
Akshan (League of Legends)Akshan (League of Legends)
Akshan (Esports)Akshan (Esports)
Akshan (Teamfight Tactics)Akshan (Teamfight Tactics)
Akshan (Legends of Runeterra)Akshan (Legends of Runeterra)
Akshan (Wild Rift)Akshan (Wild Rift)
Akshan (Development)Akshan (Development)
Akshan (Trivia)Akshan (Trivia)

Raising an eyebrow in the face of danger, Akshan Akshan fights evil with dashing charisma, righteous vengeance, and a conspicuous lack of shirts. He is highly skilled in the art of stealth combat stealth combat, able to evade the eyes of his enemies and reappear when they least expect him. With a keen sense of justice and a legendary death-reversing weapon, he rights the wrongs of Runeterra Crest icon Runeterra's many scoundrels while living by his own moral code: "Don't be an ass."

AkshanSquare"Not everything happens for a reason. Some things need to be sorted out."  Akshan
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Life on the Streets[]

Akshan grew up an orphan in the Shurima Crest icon Shuriman city of Marwi, where brutal warlords ruled by subjugating the civilians and taking what they wanted. As a young boy, Akshan refused to let these misdeeds go unnoticed and often intervened at the sight of injustice. This eventually lead to Akshan making enemies with powerful warlords who eventually beat him to near-death, leaving him unconscious and dying on the street.

Akshan was soon found by an elderly woman named Shadya, who took him into her home and miraculously nursed him back to health. While staying with the old woman, Akshan discovered Shadya was a member of the Sentinels of Light; an ancient order dedicated to protecting the world from horrors of Undead. Despite his shortcomings as a stubborn and troubled youth, Shadya saw immense potential in Akshan due to his dedication to fighting injustice. Shadya offered to allow Akshan to safely live with her and in exchange he'd dedicate himself to the Sentinels of Light order, which Akshan happily agreed to.

Sentinel Training[]

Shadya and Akshan formed a fast bond, as Shadya mentored Akshan everything she knew to survive as a solo Sentinel. As Akshan's Sentinel skills grew under Shadya's tutelage, he slowly noticed his mentor growing more distant. When the time came, Shadya finally revealed to her pupil the source of her concern, that a Harrowing was coming, larger than the world had ever seen with an army of undead from the Shadow Isles Crest icon Shadow Isles. Shadya stated that their only hope in defending against this future threat is laid in a collection of ancient Sentinel weapons buried in Shurima's crypts and tombs. However, they would find most of their weapons gone, pilfered by local warlords who sought to unlock their powers for themselves. The Sentinels would try to negotiate the return of their weapons, but to no avail. With time running out, they would have to make do with what they had left.

As they took stock of their remaining arsenal, one peculiar relic gun would catch Akshan's eye, but it was quickly snatched away by Shadya, who forbade him from ever using it. This weapon was known as the Absolver, a gun that was enchanted to revive anyone who was recently killed by someone, if it kills its target. Shadya believed that only fate should wield the powers of life and death, but Akshan disagreed, believing that fate needed a little help. Akshan continued to pry for more information about the weapon until Shadya revealed the truth, she had used it to revive the young sentinel. Shadya once wielded the Absolver and slayed Akshan's would-be murderer many years ago, restoring him to life. The revelation would cause Akshan ponder what had made him so worthy of being revived. While Akshan questioned the antiquated rules of his order, Shadya continued to press the warlords to return their weapons, leading to tensions between the two groups.

Death of Shadya[]

Things would come to a head on one tragic day, when Akshan would find Shadya murdered on the streets. After burying her within the sentinel base of Shurima, Akshan would disregard his late-mentor's wishes and armed himself with the Absolver, after making a few modifications. Filled with vengeance, Akshan decides to abandon the sentinel's cause and prepares for a new mission: to avenge his fallen teacher. He now hunts for his mentor's killer, delivering comeuppance to one warlord at a time.

Return of the Ruined King[]

The great Harrowing would soon arrive, blanketing the world in Black Mist. Lucian Lucian and a Sentinel Rookie would come to the Shuriman Sentinel base in search of the Absolver. The two would encounter Akshan, who explained what had happened to Shadya and his mission to bring her back. Akshan then departed to hunt down another warlord. The two Sentinels followed Akshan to the warlord's compound and watched the Absolver in action. After dispatching the warlord, the trio raced back to the base to see if Shadya was resurrected. When they find her body still lifeless, Lucian tries to recruiting him, but Akshan remains undeterred, and leaves to face another warlord.

As the two Sentinels prepare to return to headquarters, they notice that Viego Viego is in the town below, searching for another fetter. As they confront the Ruined King, he unleashes an army of ghouls against them, making short work of the sentinels. As they lay dying, Akshan returns, having had a change of heart, and quickly dispatches the ghouls and takes their bodies back to the base. The two reawaken, realizing they were revived by the Absolver. Finally understanding Shadya's life goal was the sentinel's cause, Akshan finally agrees to join them and returns to Sentinel headquarters. Senna Senna scolds Lucian and the Rookie for leaving in the middle of night for a secret a mission and at Akshan for his dress code violations.

Akshan joins the rest the Sentinels and Gwen Gwen as they mount their final assault against Viego on the Shadow Isles. As Senna draws out Viego, the Sentinels ambush him. Viego quickly turns the tide of the battle and quickly dispatches Senna and Gwen and creates a portal to Camavor and takes the fetters through. Akshan manages to slip through the portal as well and tries to take Viego out with the Absolver, but soon realizes his weapon is ineffective against the Ruined King. However, he is prompted by the recently revived Queen Isolde to shoot her instead, and he fires at the queen, returning her to eternal rest once again. With Isolde gone, Viego begins to weaken and Senna and Gwen are brought back to life. With their combined efforts, they manage to defeat the Ruined King and imprison him with Hallowed Mist.

They return to the Shadow Isles and reunite with their allies until they sense another dark presence approaching. Thresh Thresh arrives and reveals that he is now unbound from the Shadow Isles. He demands one of their souls in exchange for Senna's escaping, or all of their souls if none comply. The Sentinels try to resist him, but he proves too powerful. The Rookie offers their soul to Thresh instead, but as he prepares to harvest soul, the Rookie unleashes their wayfinder and teleports everyone back to headquarters instead. With Viego defeated, Akshan decides to return to Shurima and continue to honor Shadya's legacy.

After returning to Shurima, Akshan begins to forget his mentor and tries to find mementos to keep her memory alive. One day he recognizes a peculiar bracelet on the arm of a street urchin, realizing it once belonged to Shadya, he interrogates the child. The young girl reveals that she stole it from one of the warlords, determined to reclaim his master's lost jewelry, Akshan prepares to confront the warlord. Later that night, Akshan sneaks into the warlord's palace and holds him at gunpoint, demanding a confession. The sentinel orders the warlord to admit that he killed Shadya, after finding the rest of her jewelry in his possession, but he refutes the claim and asks what he really wants instead. Taking a second to ponder the question, Akshan realizes he wants peace and executes the warlord.

As Akshan walks back to city, his memories of Shadya continue to fade. He knows that she would not have approved of him killing the warlord out of vengeance, but he had done it for himself, yet it did not grant him the peace he desired. Looking towards the bracelets for solace, he notices an inscription on one of them, an old sentinel mantra: "Give all, and all may live." The sentinel suddenly has an epiphany and fires his grappling hook, he swings from building to building until he finds his target, the urchin from yesterday. He finds the young girl sleeping in an alley and wakes her, he then offers her Shadya's remaining bracelets, knowing it is what she would have wanted. Despite parting with the last remnants of his mentor, he now has the peace he was looking for, knowing Shadya would approve.


Akshan is an attractive young man with olive-colored skin, brown eyes, a short beard, and long, dark chocolate brown hair. He mainly wears a cloak with the emblem of the Sentinels of Light, wears no shirt and exposes his bare chest, wears black pants, black boots with gold stripes, and has several Shuriman amulets on his arms and hands.


Akshan is a charming young man who carries himself with confident swagger, boasting about his own abilities and quipping about his enemies. Underneath his usual charismatic demeanor, Akshan wishes to get revenge on those who wrong others, to the point where he prioritizes his own thirst for vengeance over his allies' wishes. Although he is unsure of whom killed his master, he has decided to kill all of the warlords not just as a trial-and-error method to bring Shadya back, but also to get revenge on all of them for getting away with their injustices.

In spite of this, Akshan favors justice at heart, and fights to defend people who can't defend themselves, and his resolve prevents him from losing his morals and letting his vindictiveness get the better of him. He cares about his master Shadya the most, and ultimately wants to bring Shadya back to life.


  • Absolver: Absolver: Akshan wields the Absolver; a legendary weapon of the Sentinels of Light that has been enchanted with the ability to revive revive the dead. The exact method of the Absolver's reviving magic isn't entirely known, but it has been shown to take the life of a killer and restore the lives of their most recent victims. Due to being an invention of the Sentinels, the Absolver is created with their signature relic stones and is capable of harming the undead wraiths of the Shadow Isles Crest icon Shadow Isles. Though initially wielded by Shadya, Akshan has taken up the Absolver and made various modifications to it.
    • Boomerang Proficiency: Boomerang Proficiency: Akshan has modified the Absolver to include a boomerang attachment, which he can easily detach and throw at long distances before returning to his hand.
    • Grapple Hook Proficiency: Grapple Hook Proficiency: Akshan's absolver has been modified to include a grapple hook, allowing him to travel far distances by firing it and swinging from the attached rope.
  • Rogue Combat Mastery: Rogue Combat Mastery: Akshan has a particularly informal style of combat as a rogue vigilante, utilizing stealth and cunning in combat. This is due to having grown up on the streets as a child as well as his lack of formal training within the Sentinels of Light, aside from his mentor Shadya.



Shadya was the mentor and superior of Akshan. She revived Akshan with the use of the Absolver from the clutches of brutal warlords, recognizing his potential and dedication to fighting injustice. As a member of the Sentinels of Light Crest icon Sentinels of Light, Shadya imparted her knowledge and skills to Akshan, forging a strong bond between them. However, their relationship becomes strained when Shadya withholds information about the Absolver, a powerful relic gun she once used to save Akshan's life. Shadya's death at the hands of an unknown warlord becomes the catalyst for Akshan's journey of vengeance.

Lucian Lucian[]

Lucian Lucian is a seasoned Sentinels of Light Crest icon Sentinel of Light in search of the Absolver, a weapon that could both kill and revive. Initially seeking the relic for its potential in combating the Wraiths, Lucian encounters Akshan, who shares the story of Shadya's murder and his mission for retribution. Although Lucian attempts to recruit Akshan to the Sentinel cause, the young and vengeful Akshan remains resolute in his personal quest. Lucian's interactions with Akshan reveal a clash of ideologies and priorities, with the seasoned Sentinel trying to instill a sense of duty in the determined and rebellious Akshan. Akshan has mentioned that he sees a lot of Shadya in Lucian Lucian.

Senna Senna[]

Akshan's initial encounter with Senna Senna is met with mixed reactions by the commanding officer of the Sentinels of Light Crest icon Sentinels of Light. She scolds Akshan for his dress code violations and is not sure this young Sentinel is up for the task. He would prove her wrong by mercy-killing Isolde Isolde, thereby bringing back Senna Senna and Gwen Gwen from death.

Vayne Vayne[]

Vayne's Vayne's initial reaction to Akshan's Akshan's recruitment is met with disdain, wanting to kill him for his brash remarks towards her and other members of the Sentinels of Light Crest icon Sentinels of Light. After sealing of Viego Viego, she and him would stand on neutral terms, recognizing his abilities.

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Starring Champion

Akshan Graves Lucian Senna Vayne Absolution

Shadow Isles Crest icon


Absolution (Cinematic)

Two souls entwined by fate. One life for the other’s freedom.

Akshan In Search of Things Lost

Shurima Crest icon

Short Story

In Search of Things Lost

By John O'Bryan

Shadya had only been dead a few weeks, and already Akshan could feel all traces of her slipping away.

Sentinels of Light Promo 01

Runeterra Crest icon


Rise of the Sentinels

By John O'Bryan

Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that means you Rookie!

Steadfast Heart 5 Cover 01

Shurima Crest icon


Steadfast Heart: Issue 5

By Ian St. Martin

Senna trains the new Sentinels of Light, as Lucian searches for the wielder of a legendary weapon in Shurima. Meanwhile, the Ruined King gains allies of his own.

Steadfast Heart 6 Cover 01

Shadow Isles Crest icon


Steadfast Heart: Issue 6

By Ian St. Martin

The final showdown between Light and Darkness - the fate of Runeterra lies in the balance!

Mentioned Champion

Graves Twisted Fate The Boys and Bombolini 01

Bilgewater Crest icon

Short Story

The Boys and Bombolini

By Jared Rosen

There existed, among the multitude of disgusting Bilgewater shipping warehouses filled with rusted knives and arms-length carnivorous rats, one Bilgewater shipping warehouse devoid of such things.

Alternate Universes

Star Guardian 2022 Promo 01

Runeterra Crest icon


Another Sky

By Jared Rosen, Taylor Dinwiddie, Ty Sheedlo

As a new generation of Star Guardians prepares to fight back the forces of chaos, rising star Akali finds herself wracked with doubt. Does she have what it takes to be a Star Guardian? Or will the darkness she senses inside spell doom for her and her friends?


Change log[]

Character blurb
22 July 2021 (V11.15) Added.


See also[]
