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Cassandra Universe Background
Cassandra (Universe)Cassandra (Universe)

"You're a Councilor's daughter. Your actions reflect on the entire body."
Cassandra Cassandra to Caitlyn Caitlyn, 'Oil and Water'

Cassandra Kiramman[2] is the matriarch of Kiramman Clan and a member of Piltover Crest icon Piltover's ruling council. She is also the wife of Tobias Kiramman Tobias Kiramman and the mother of Caitlyn Kiramann Caitlyn Kiramann.


Early Life[]

Cassandra was born and raised into the Kiramman Clan, and inherited her family's position on Piltover's ruling council as an adult. Eventually, she would marry a man named Tobias and have a daughter named Caitlyn.

At some point after she became a politician, Cassandra saw ambition in Jayce Talis Jayce Talis, a young prodigy and aspiring scientist at Piltover's esteemed academy, and decided to fund his education and research as his patron. In order to help him with this, she also granted him access to one of her family's buildings in the city's academy district to serve as his workshop.[3]

Hexgem Incident[]

Several year later, Jayce's workshop exploded after a break-in, exposing his illicit research into the Arcane. Although Cassandra initially had no problem speaking in favor of Jayce during his trial, she quickly turned against him and agreed to the Council's decision to expel him when he spoke about trying to harness magic through science. She also cut the funds to his research and ordered him to stay away from Caitlyn, leaving him with nothing and driving him to the point of suicide.[3]

Piltovan Bicentennial[]

However, thanks to Mel Medarda's Mel Medarda's machinations, Jayce managed to perfect his research (which he came to call Hextech) with the help of Viktor Viktor. As a result, he was given the authority to continue working on it and eventually regained Cassandra's favor and patronage when she became one of the many entrepreneurs in Piltover to benefit from his creation of the Hexgates.[4]

Eventually, Caitlyn chose to become an Enforcer, a decision that Cassandra disapproved of. A few years later, she was nearly killed by an explosion caused by Jinx Jinx, leading Cassandra to have Marcus remove her from the force for her safety.

After Jinx stole one of Jayce's hextech gemstones, the Council agreed to add him to their table as a councilor.[5] Jayce's new position made him aware of the deep corruption that occurred amongst many of the merchants who used the hexgates and he attempted to root it out by himself, causing some of the other councilors to plot against him. Convinced by Mel, Jayce earned back their favor by forging his own deals with each of them, including Cassandra.[4] Thanks to this, Cassandra had no problem supporting Jayce when he moved to expel Heimerdinger from the council and force the yordle into early retirement.[6]

Despite the fact that Caitlyn had lost her job as an Enforcer, she continued to investigate her theories on Zaun Crest icon Zaun's criminal scene with the help of Vi Vi and eventually returned from the undercity a few days later, injured by another explosion caused by Jinx. Although Cassandra was initially concerned by the fact that Caitlyn had broken several laws, she was eventually convinced to schedule an audience with the Council when Caitlyn explained to her just how horrible the living conditions in Zaun had become and how the Council's passiveness towards the problem had only made it worse. After hearing Vi and Caitlyn's testimony on Silco Silco, the Council decided to try negotiating with him in order to avoid a war with the undercity, with Cassandra supporting the decision.[7]

After he ventured into the undercity to take down a shimmer production factory, Jayce later informed the council that he had offered Silco Zaun's independence in exchange for the hextech gemstone and Jinx. Although Cassandra was one of the first to object to his proposal, she eventually agreed to it alongside the other councilors. However, before the councilors could finalize their decision to grant Zaun its independence, the council room was bombed by Jinx with a hextech-powered rocket, leaving Cassandra's fate unknown.[8]


Cassandra is a middle-aged woman with blue eyes, pale skin, and dark brown hair with gray streaks. She is often seen wearing expensive Piltovan attire, with additional accessories such as gloves, earrings, and a bow tie.


Like the stereotypical politician, Cassandra is somewhat selfish, unreasonable, and shallow, as displayed by how she cared more about the impact of Caitlyn's actions on her reputation over all the horrible things that her daughter had seen in the undercity. She is also overprotective and strict towards her daughter, given by how she used her political influence to ensure Caitlyn's safety as an enforcer.

Despite all this, Cassandra cares deeply about her family, especially her daughter, and generally supports her decisions, as displayed when she gave Caitlyn and Vi an audience with the council.


  • Diplomacy: As the head of the Kiramman Clan and the matron of her family, Cassandra had to become skilled in the art of diplomacy to strengthen her clans status in Piltovan politics. At some point she would become Councilor in the Piltovan Council.
  • Hunting: Just like the rest of her family, Cassandra has an interest in hunting as a hobby.
  • Rifle Proficiency: Like her husband and daughter, Cassandra is skilled with a rifle. She would also use a rifle to defend her home of any would-be invaders.


Tobias Kiramman Tobias Kiramman[]

Cassandra appears to be the matriarch of the family while Tobias is a supportive husband and father. Tobias often plays the peacemaker between Cassandra and their daughter, Caitlyn, as the two would frequently quarrel.

Caitlyn Kiramman Caitlyn Kiramman[]

Cassandra Kiramman expects Caitlyn to be a good example worthy of the Kiramman name. Thus she disapproves of Caitlyn's career path as a Piltover Enforcer as she believes it is not a job befitting her station. Cassandra would use her influence as Councilor to make sure Caitlyn was posted in unexciting, safe guard duty. Furthermore, when Caitlyn almost died in an explosion caused by Jinx, Cassandra used her influence to get her fired from her job. Caitlyn is vexed by her mother preventing her from seeing the real world and would actively avoid her because of it. She also thinks Cassandra is more concerned about the optics of her actions than helping the victims of Silco's criminal activities. Cassandra in turn disapproves of Caitlyn being a misfit that breaks laws to do meaningful police work. Even so, Cassandra cares about her daughter and approves of her service to people despite her disapproval of her methods. When Caitlyn asked her to let her present evidence of Silco's conspiracy to the Piltover Council, Cassandra obliged even though her police work was unsanctioned and could reflect badly on the family. She also encourages Caitlyn to go after Vi when there is trouble in their relationship.

Jayce Talis Jayce Talis[]

Cassandra sponsored Jayce Talis because she admired his ambition and believed society would benefit from his talents. Although Caitlyn and her mother were in agreement to speak in defense of Jayce during his trial, it ultimately still went against his favor. After Jayce's expulsion from the Piltover Academy (due to him revealing to the Council of his desires to create magic), the Kirammans who sponsored him shunned him since he became a social embarrassment. Caitlyn's parents forbade Caitlyn of any further interactions with Jayce. This lasted until his successful Hextech experiment, which proved Hextech a viable and revolutionary practice. Jayce's services once again became in demand, after which he regained the Kirammans' favor and was yet again sponsored by them.

Once Jayce became a councilor himself, Councilor Cassandra was one of the many councilors who was enticed by Jayce's sweetheart deals in exchange for her support of his agendas. She was surprised by how adept at politics he became, and nervously supported him when he called for Heimerdinger's expulsion from the Council. Nevertheless, she was willing to push back on his more radical proposals, such as when he proposed giving Zaun its independence. However, after further debate, she was convinced to approve his motion.

Vi Vi[]

Although Cassandra is patronizing to Vi (for example, she calls her a "stray" when she first catches Vi and Caitlyn together), she has been hospitable to her and recognizes that she is important to her daughter. She even encouraged Caitlyn to go after Vi when there was trouble in their relationship.

Arcane Show Appearances[]

Season One appearances: 6/9
Welcome to the Playground:
Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved:
The Base Violence Necessary for Change:
Happy Progress Day!:
Everybody Wants to Be My Enemy:
Appears and flashback
When These Walls Come Tumbling Down:
The Boy Savior:
Oil and Water:
The Monster You Created:

Read More

Starring Champion

Caitlyn Jayce Jinx Vi Viktor Arcane Promo 01

Runeterra Crest icon


Arcane (TV Series)

Every legend has a beginning.

Mentioned Champion

Council Archives 01

Piltover Crest icon

Short Story

The Council Archives

By Ty Sheedlo

The Council Archives. You'd heard stories at the Academy, of course, but words could not describe the breathtaking magnitude of its contents. The entire history of your city: its glorious achievements, its sinister secrets, painstakingly documented, waiting to be read.



See also[]
