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League of Legends Wiki
Renekton (Universe)Renekton (Universe)
Renekton (League of Legends)Renekton (League of Legends)
Renekton (Esports)Renekton (Esports)
Renekton (Teamfight Tactics)Renekton (Teamfight Tactics)
Renekton (Legends of Runeterra)Renekton (Legends of Runeterra)
Renekton (Wild Rift)Renekton (Wild Rift)
Renekton (Development)Renekton (Development)
Renekton (Trivia)Renekton (Trivia)

Renekton Renekton is a terrifying, rage-fueled rage-fueled Ascended being from the scorched deserts of Shurima. Once, he was his empire's most esteemed warrior, leading the armies of Shurima to countless victories. However, after the empire's fall fall, Renekton was entombed beneath the sands, and slowly, as the world turned and changed, he succumbed to insanity. Now free once more, he is utterly consumed with finding and killing his brother, Nasus Nasus, who he blames, in his madness, for the centuries he spent in darkness.

RenektonSquare"Blood and vengeance."  Renekton
Read Biography


Early childhood - early Adulthood[]

As a child, Renekton was a fearless fighter, often engaging in street fights out of pride and enjoyment. Although his older brother Nasus Nasus disapproved of his behavior, Renekton continued to fight and fight, completely ignoring his brother's thoughts.

Later on in life, when Nasus left to join the prestigious Collegium of the Sun, he concerned about his brother getting killed by the fights he constantly getting himself into with them grew bigger as days passed. Eventually, he was able to help him enter into the shuriman army, though he was underage.

Shuriman Army[]

In the army, Renekton found a new purpose and fought in numerous battles with the help of his brute strength and Nasus's strategic planning, including in the battle of Zuretta where he single handedly fought 1 to 10 and won, successfully held off until Nasus and his reinforcements intervened. He earned the title of Gatekeeper of Shurima after the act.

As he serves the army for many decades, he earned a reputation for himself, with the aiming to be stronger than any other living entities and even outpower the God-Warriors, but inside that battle-scarred body lies a caring heart and a place for his brother Nasus. When he learned of his brother's impending death due to a curse, he immediately rushed to The Sun Disc, where Nasus lay barely alive. To save his brother's life, Renekton carried him up the stairs of The Sun Disc, knowing that the process would likely obliterate him. Despite his unworthiness thoughts, Renekton's sacrifice led to the ascension of both brothers, with Renekton becoming a powerful crocodile.

Post assentation[]

With his new powers, Renekton continued to lead the Shuriman army to victory for centuries, becoming an unstoppable force topping the power of his old-self, following Shurima's footsteps in every victorious battle. Though as the centuries went on, many believe his mortality was lost when he stepped into the light.

When Nashramae was captured and put under the law of Shurima, the crocodile beast went rampage and destroyed the grand library, completely annihilated it during the siege of the place. Nasus, hearing this, arrived at the scene to confront Renekton, causing his bloodlust dissipated under his brother's stern gaze and he turned away in shame.

Greatest sacrifice[]

During the battle of Void Crest icon Icathia, Renekton fought alongside Aatrox Aatrox, Nasus Nasus, and several other Ascended beings. However, things took a turn for the worse when the Void Crest icon Void was unleashed during the battle , inflicting the dangerous Voidborn upon them.

Around the same time, Azir Azir's ascension was sabotaged by Xerath Xerath, who killed him and stole his power. When the brothers learned of this, they hurried back to the capital. However, upon their return a few days later, Xerath had absorbed so much energy that he had become nothing but solid energy himself, making him the most dangerous [1]Baccai ever unleashed.

In an effort to contain Xerath's power, the brothers managed to trap him within a sarcophagus but it wasn't easy-Xerath retaliates; it took a while for the duos to force him down the tomb of the empire's. Renekton then ordered Nasus to seal the tomb, knowing that he himself would be trapped there with Xerath for eternity. With a heavy heart, Nasus carried out Renekton's order and sealed the tomb, leaving the two trapped in the darkness forever.

Time in the tomb of the Emperor's[]

Trapped within the tomb, Renekton continued to battle Xerath in the darkness. However, as centuries passed, the isolation and the unending battle took a toll on Renekton's mind and willpower, causing him to slowly lose his grip on sanity. Xerath, taking advantage of Renekton's weakened state, began to poison his mind and twist his thoughts.

Renekton soon became convinced that Nasus, his own brother, had been jealous of his power and had taken pleasure in locking him in the tomb with Xerath. This delusion only served to fuel Renekton's anger and despair, leading him to lash out at Nasus whenever he thought of him.

Returning to the surface[]

In the year 989 AN, Sivir Sivir, a treasure hunter hired by Cassiopeia Cassiopeia, ventured into the tomb in search of riches. However, Cassiopeia betrayed Sivir and inadvertently released both Renekton and Xerath from their imprisonment.

Upon his release, Renekton, driven by the scent of his brother, immediately set out to find Nasus. However, he soon discovered that the world he knew eons ago had changed drastically, as he now wandered a desert landscape vastly different from the one he remembered. He wandered across the familiar scorching desert of Shurima he once known, and continued his search with a single-minded focus.

With teeth[]

As Renekton searched the desert for his brother, he stumbled upon a group of sandtrawlers led by Sai-Surtha's. Upon discovering the group's latest victim, Uksem Heartsplitter, Renekton demanded to know the whereabouts of his brother. Instead of answering his question, Sai-Surtha's challenged Renekton to a duel.

Even when being haunted by memories of Xerath's power, Renekton emerged victorious from the battle, though he was sliced into pieces before re-forging himself and throwing the sandtrawler's body into the jaws of a nearby predator. Turning his attention to the remaining members of the group, Renekton confronted Raz Bloodmane, who suggested that Nasus might be found near the cliffs of Azuma.

Choosing to spare Raz's life, Renekton left the group behind and continued his search for Nasus.

Empire of ascended[]

*warning, the next section is based on information found within LOR, take this section with a grain of salt.*

While searching for Nasus, Renekton encountered a sand runner who had been sent by Azir to collect a medallion from the Sandthrasher's cavern. Cornering the runner near a sand spire after escaping the Bloodthirsty Marauder, Renekton attempted to take the medallion, but the runner managed to escape by dodging Renekton's axe and triggering a cave-in.

Later on, Renekton joined forces with the Sandthrashers and found a tower where Nasus was being held. However, upon seeing his brother, Renekton was consumed by the poison thoughts that Xerath had implanted in his mind eons ago. He crashed into the wall and found himself in the Chamber of Renewal with both Nasus and the sand runner from earlier.

In a fit of rage, Renekton attacked Nasus, allowing the scout to use the portal that Nasus had just gone through to escape. As the battle between the two brothers continued, they both grew to gigantic size, towering over everyone else. The outcome of the battle and their fates afterward remain unknown.


Renekton is a hulking monstrosity, being bipedal like a human but with the head of a crocodile. His body is covered in scales, green in the back and pale tan in the front. His beady, yellow-orange eyes seem to glow with pure rage. Each limb has only four digits, all with sharp, black claws. He has a long, crocodilian tail.

He generally wears only a few pieces of armor, silver and intricately crafted, on his head, shoulders, neck, forearms, and shins. Aside from this, he only wears a faded greenish-brown loin cloth. His weapon of choice is a massive crescent-shaped ax.


Even when Renekton was still a noble warrior, he has always had a violent side, liking to get into fights as a result of his hotheaded and unpredictable nature. When Renekton became an Ascended, he sometimes embraced his animalistic side while in battle, destroying entire cities in ways that shocked even those who saw him as a hero. While he was renowned for his cruelty and ruthlessness in battle, Renekton was still good at heart and cared deeply for his brother Nasus, even willing to sacrifice himself to save him, but these traits left Renekton vulnerable to Xerath's influence in the millennia they were locked away, and ultimately became Renekton's defining traits in his insanity.

While Nasus believes his brother is truly gone, some remain hopeful that the old Ascended hero could one day reclaim his old humanity to defeat his new, tyrannical master.


  • God-Warrior: Renekton Is an Ascsended, Bless by the power of the sun directed In the sun disk.
    • Immortallity: They do not need to eat, sleep, or anything a normal Mortal would need to do to survive.
    • God-like strength: Even before Ascending, Renekton was a powerful warrior.
  • Blood magic
    • Renekton Is able to use blood magic to Heal himself from almost any wound, as seen in his duel against Sai-Surtha and Him holdingXerath Xerath At bay for so long.
    • He also Able to Increases his size tenfold by using blood magic, seen in his ultimate.
  • Combat ability's
    • Renekton was a ruthless warrior, slicing and deicing with his crescent ax, He also was the one who taught Azir in combat.


Nasus Nasus[]

Nasus is the older brother of Renekton and became Ascended at the same time as him. While Nasus planned the battles, Renekton was the one to win the battles. When Xerath forced his Ascension, both Renekton and Nasus went to stop him and were the only two God-Warriors there. After a fierce battle, Renekton ordered Nasus to close the Tomb of the Emperors.

Azir Azir[]

Renekton respects Azir and willingly serves him. Azir hopes that it would help him remember what he had forgotten. Renekton also trained Azir in the ways of combat.

Xerath Xerath[]

Renekton spent eons battling Xerath within the tomb of the emporers. During this time, Xerath manipulated his slowing breaking mind to make him hate Nasus. Saikhal, Xerath's birthplace, was conquered by Renekton. Xerath was likely taken as a child slave at that time.

Sivir Sivir[]

Sivir's interference allowed Renekton to escape the Tomb of the Emperors.


Aatrox Aatrox,Varus Varus,Rhaast Rhaast,Xolaani Xolaani, Anaakca, baalkux, horazi, ibaaros, Joraal, Naafiri Naafiri, Naganeka, Praa, Styraatu, and Tarrosh were all part of Host of God-Warriors, and all served Shurima Crest icon Shurima together with Renekton.

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Renekton OriginalCentered

Shurima Crest icon


The Butcher of the Sands

By Anthony Reynolds Lenné

Starring Champion

Shurima Risen From The Sands 01

Shurima Crest icon

Short Story • 4 Minute Read

Darkness Renews

By Graham McNeill

Am I a god?

Cassiopeia Sivir Descent into the Tomb

Shurima Crest icon


Descent into the Tomb

Scroll after scroll in Noxian libraries chronicle the power buried within Shurima. Now Cassiopeia thinks she's found the key. Learn how the saga began.

Azir Empires of the Ascended

Shurima Crest icon


Empires of the Ascended (Video)

A buried empire. A brother’s betrayal. A relic that could change everything.

Fall of the Empire 1

Shurima Crest icon


Fall of the Empire

By Numerous creators


Shurima Crest icon

Short Story

With Teeth

By Graham McNeill

Firewood was precious in the desert, but the blackened ruins of Vekaura offered a plentiful supply of charred timbers to hurl on bonfires.

Mentioned Champion

Shurima Market Of Illumination

Shurima Crest icon

Short Story • 36 Minute Read


By Graham McNeill

Taliyah had almost forgotten how much she'd missed the furnace heat of Shurima – the sweat and crush of hundreds of people pushing, cursing, haggling and speaking with such passion and speed that outsiders often thought they were fighting.

Varus Darkin A Legacy Of Pain

Shurima Crest icon

Short Story

Dark Kin

By Graham McNeill

Varus followed a river running through the desert. Its water was gritty, but drinkable. The new body he had wrought to bear his bow was beautiful, fast and strong, but it came with the weaknesses of flesh. It hungered. It thirsted.

Shurima The Ruins Of Shurima

Shurima Crest icon

Short Story • 4 Minute Read


By Ryan Verniere

Nasus walked at night, unwilling to face the sun. The boy followed in his wake.

Shurima The Rebirth

Shurima Crest icon

Short Story • 9 Minute Read

Sai Kahleek (Short Story)

By Odin Austin Shafer

Six boys and a camel, and the boys were cheaper to replace. Some were orphans and escaped slaves, but most were off casts — teenagers abandoned by families too poor to keep them. When Shahib offered him the work, Jaheje hadn't eaten in days.

Sivir OriginalCentered

Shurima Crest icon


The Battle Mistress

By Rayla Heide

Nasus OriginalCentered

Shurima Crest icon


The Curator of the Sands

By Anthony Reynolds Lenné

Azir OriginalCentered

Shurima Crest icon


The Emperor of the Sands

By Graham McNeill

Xerath OriginalCentered

Shurima Crest icon


The Magus Ascendant

By Graham McNeill

Shurima Water and Shade To You 01

Shurima Crest icon

Short Story

Water and Shade To You

By Graham McNeill

For the first time Khari could remember, flowers grew on the street leading from the town square to the Cut.

Void The Fall Of Icathia

Void Crest icon

Short Story • 22 Minute Read

Where Icathia Once Stood

By Graham McNeill

My name is Axamuk Var-Choi Kohari Icath'or.

Alternate Universes

Worlds Road to the Cup

Runeterra Crest icon


Road to the Cup

As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?

Worlds Warriors

Runeterra Crest icon

Music Video


By Numerous creators

The battle begins, and sixteen teams across the globe are fighting towards one goal – to win the League of Legends World Championship.


  • Renekton is inspired by the Egyptian god Sobek, specifically based on the military prowess and animal aggression that both share in their lore.
  • Renekton is the younger brother of Nasus, being born over 3796 years ago.
    • Nasus Nasus fought alongside Setaka for 3 centuries before she died in the battle of Icathia, which happened around 2500 BN.
    • They both ascended around the same time, and are some of the later ascended.
  • Renek was one of the nations that belonged to the ancient Shurima Crest icon Shurima Empire and was possibly located somewhere near the Renek River. The siblings may have originated from here and Renekton may have been named after it.
  • As it took several days for nasus and Renekton to run from Void Crest icon Icathia to the Sun disc, It to be assumed that the normal ascention Ritual take a while, and Xerath Xerath kept it going far longer than was normal (hence his body now being of arcana magic)
  • Renekton is having a big struggle of trying to regain his sanity, but constantly slipping back and forth between lucidity and utter madness.
    • His humanity is still in there, just somewhere deep down, and maybe he could come back, but only with the right motivation.

Change log[]

Character blurb
13 June 2021 (just as V12.3) Completely overhauled the wiki, Added in most of the Missing details and Bio along with the information found within LOR
3 Feb 2021 (during V11.3) Added.


See also[]
