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League of Legends Wiki
Gnar OriginalCentered
Gnar (Universe)Gnar (Universe)
Gnar (League of Legends)Gnar (League of Legends)
Gnar (Esports)Gnar (Esports)
Gnar (Teamfight Tactics)Gnar (Teamfight Tactics)
Gnar (Legends of Runeterra)Gnar (Legends of Runeterra)
Gnar (Development)Gnar (Development)
Gnar (Trivia)Gnar (Trivia)

Gnar Gnar is an excitable yordle whose playful antics can erupt into a toddler's outrage in an instant, transforming him into a massive beast bent on destruction. Frozen in True Ice for millennia, the curious creature broke free and now hops about a changed world he sees as exotic and wondrous. Delighted by danger, Gnar flings whatever he can at his enemies, be it his bonetooth boomerang... or an uprooted tree.

GnarSquare"Gnar!"  Gnar
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Early life[]

Before the ice had given the Freljord its name, there existed a land brimming with wonder—that is, if one could see the world through the eyes of Gnar.

A young yordle with boundless energy, Gnar and others like him lived openly among the hardy tribes of the northlands. Though barely big enough to leave footprints in the snow, his temper rivaled that of beasts ten times his size, and he would erupt with a babble of curses the moment anything went amiss. For this reason, he felt more kinship with the greater and wiser creatures, who kept their distance from mortals. To Gnar, they looked like overgrown, white-furred yordles… and that was good enough for him.

While the tribes foraged across the tundra, gathering wild berries and tasty moss, Gnar collected more essential items, like rocks, pebbles, and the muddy remains of dead birds. His greatest treasure was the jawbone of a drüvask. When he tugged it from the cold earth, he squealed with glee and flung it as far as he could.

It landed two hops away.

Thrilled by this early success, Gnar carried his “boomerang” wherever he went. The world would try its best to offer him new delights—shiny lint, sweet nectar, round things—but none could match the pure joy he felt in throwing and catching his cherished weapon. He now considered himself a hunter, and trailed herds of wild beasts that paid him no mind.

But even he could sense change coming to the land. The sky seemed darker. The winds felt colder. The mortal tribes who had once foraged together, now appeared to hunt each other…

The big white yordles would know what to do. Gnar would go to them.

Using all of his hunting skill, he tracked them into the snow-capped peaks of a vast mountain range, much farther than he had ever wandered before. As he approached unseen, he also saw more mortals than he could count. This was exciting, but no one else seemed too happy about it.

Then the ground shook, and split apart. For the first time in Gnar’s life, it seemed as though everyone else was throwing tantrums. The mortals yelled. The big yordles roared.

But the monster’s arrival silenced them all.

Heaving itself up from the newly opened abyss, it bore huge horns, whipping tentacles, and a single eye, burning with strange light that made the fur on Gnar’s back crawl. While some mortals fled at the sight, he began to feel an odd pain in his chest—it was like the thought of losing his boomerang, or never being hugged again. This horrible thing wanted to hurt his new friends.

And this made him angry. In that moment, Gnar truly raged.

All he could see was the monster. In a flash, he was in the air, leaping toward it. In one paw, he grasped a snowball… or so he thought. In fact, it was a boulder plucked from the mountainside, for Gnar had grown as large as the big white yordles. He would send this monster back where it came from, by walloping its face!

But the blow never landed. Gnar felt a chill colder than any winter, one that seemed to turn the air itself into ice—truly, this elemental magic froze him in place, biting through his shaggy fur. Everything, including the monster, became quiet. The yordle’s strength and anger melted away. A deep tiredness crept into his limbs, and he fell softly asleep.


Gnar napped for a long time. When he finally awoke, he shook the frost from his shoulders, breathing heavily. Everyone else was gone. With no monsters to fight and no friends to protect, he felt very small and alone again.

The land was very different, too. There was snow everywhere, blanketing everything as far as his wide eyes could see. Still, he let out a happy yelp when he saw his beloved boomerang lying beside him, and scurried away to find something to hunt.

Even now, Gnar has no grasp of what took place that fateful day, nor how he escaped. He simply marvels at the world before him, with so many oddities to collect and places to explore.


Like most modern Yordles, Gnar boasts thick fur and prominent pointed ears. His entire body is enveloped in orange fur with white accents. Teal blue hues adorn the fur at the tips of his tail and ears. A distinctive tuft of chestnut-colored fur adorns his upper chest, forming a scarf-like appearance around his neck. Gnar's attire is minimal, consisting of a chestnut-colored loincloth as well as a small bird skull perched atop his head. Unlike modern Yordles, he has a pair of large lower canine teeth that protrude from his mouth.

In his enraged state, Gnar undergoes a significant increase in size. In this transformed state, he lacks full fur coverage, exposing a gray skin underneath. The color of his fur shifts from orange to a deep, dark red. His already sizable lower canine teeth experience further growth, now matching the size of his ears. The teal blue hues that previously adorned the tips of his tail and ears extend to encompass his enlarged arms, chin, eyebrows and upper back.


Gnar has the mentality of a young child. He has boundless energy, a penchant for playfulness, and an occasional tendency toward tantrums. His affinity for collecting seemingly mundane items, like rocks and pebbles, highlights his whimsical nature and childlike curiosity. Gnar's attachment to his makeshift boomerang reflects his genuine happiness derived from the uncomplicated joys of play.

Gnar possesses a fiery temper. When faced with the arrival of a threat, Gnar's protective instincts and anger emerge, showcasing his loyalty to his newfound friends and a courageous, albeit impulsive, readiness to confront danger. Despite his fierce temper, Gnar's quickness to forgive and his fundamentally nice nature shine through, especially when others reciprocate kindness.


  • Yordle Physiology: Gnar is a Yordle, a being coming from the Spirit Realm and possesses several abilities natural of his species.
    • Immortality: Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.
    • Yordle Magic: Just like any Yordle, Gnar is capable of performing yordle magic, which he utilizes in tandem with his skills as a hunter.
  • Atavism: Being a prehistoric Yordle, Gnar has certain characteristics that modern Yordles don't have, such as sharp fangs and tails.
  • Transformation: If Gnar gets too angry, he will transform into a massive beast of immense destructive power.
  • Skilled Hunter: Gnar is excellent at finding and capturing prey.


  • Gnar was accidentally frozen when Lissandra Lissandra unleashes an icy catastrophe to bury the Watchers.
  • Gnar will befriend nearly everyone that is kind and will play with him.
    • Potential candidates include Lulu Lulu, Pix Pix, Annie Annie, Lux Lux, and the Poros Poros.
    • Heimerdinger Heimerdinger may be very interested in Gnar for the evolutionary insights he might provide regarding Yordle.

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Gnar OriginalCentered

Freljord Crest icon


The Missing Link

By Michael Luo, David Slagle

Starring Champion

Gnar A Curious Journey

Bandle City Crest icon


A Curious Journey (Video)

As our journey comes to an end, Ava races home to save the Bandlewood Festival—but will she make it in time?

Gnar Discovering the Link

Freljord Crest icon


Discovering the Link

By Unknown Author

Something stirs in one of Valoran's ancient caves...

Gnar Promo Crop

Freljord Crest icon

Short Story

Snow Day

By Michael Luo

Snow falls all morning, blanketing the earth in fresh coats of white. One by one, feathery flakes trickle from the sky, gently at first, and then rapidly in unison. Soon, the howling blizzard muffles all sounds save for a peculiar racket coming from a nearby cave, where a shock of orange and blue bounces up and down, left to right.

The Hunter Hunted

Ixtal Crest icon

Short Story • 2 Minute Read

The Hunter Hunted

By Leslee Sullivant Heintz

The jungle does not forgive blindness. Every broken branch tells a story.

Mentioned Champion

Song of Nunu Cover

Freljord Crest icon


Song of Nunu

By Tequila Works

Alternate Universes

Snowdown Showdown 2016 Concept 01

Runeterra Crest icon


A Snowdown Snowtale

The Poro King sends a young poro on an urgent mission: find the one with the magnificent mustache to save Snowdown!

Snowdown 2017 Promo

Runeterra Crest icon


Be Your Best Santa

Santa Draven, Ambitious Elf Jinx, and Snow Fawn Poppy step up to help Santa Braum with this year’s Snowdown festivities. But with Jinx and Draven at the frontlines, the celebrations could easily snowball into shenanigans!

Worlds Ignite

Runeterra Crest icon

Music Video


By Numerous creators

Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...

Worlds RISE

Runeterra Crest icon

Music Video


By Numerous creators

Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.


  • Gnar is a prehistoric yordle, at the very least older than 10,000 years, dating back to a time when there were no massive civilizations on land.
    • He was able to survive for millennia due to hibernation and being encased in True Ice.
  • He is unaware that he transforms but that may change when he grows older.
    • He retains his personality as Mega Gnar.
  • The tribal paintings in 'Discovering the Link' depict Gnar and his family living in peace until a one-eyed entity with two horns/tentacles (speculated to be a Frozen Watcher or one of Vel'Koz's Vel'Koz's Voidborn species) attacked them. It knocks Gnar's family away, triggering his Rage Gene Rage Gene therefore turning Mega, and promptly fighting the entity to unknown success.
    • Originally, a defeated Anivia Anivia encased Gnar for centuries in True Ice to preserve him and ultimately awakens him again to fight the Frozen Watchers on the brink of their return.[1] However, in the current lore, Lissandra Lissandra is the one who imprisoned the Watchers with the True Ice catastrophe.
  • Gnar learned to use a boomerang from and fashioned his after his father's.
    • The boomerang is hidden in Mega Gnar's fur when he transforms.[2]
  • Gnar is the only Yordle in modern times to have a tail due to his antiquity.
    • Part of the reason Gnar is the way he is relates to how he grew up near prehistoric beasts and was raised by yetis. He's also young (or at least, he still has the mind of a youngster) so he tantrums a lot, obviously.[3]
  • The Hunter Hunted was originally written from Rengar's Rengar's point of view. However, with the later established timeline and map settings, the hunter that encountered Gnar from the story is unlikely to still be him should the story be still canon.[4]

Change log[]

Character blurb
Enemy Missing pingMISSINGEnemy Missing ping Updated to current version.
Enemy Missing pingMISSINGEnemy Missing ping Original version.
Gnar is a primeval yordle whose playful antics can erupt into a toddler's outrage in an instant, transforming him into a massive beast bent on destruction. Frozen in True Ice for millennia, the curious creature broke free and now hops about a changed world he sees as exotic and wondrous. Delighted by danger, Gnar flings whatever he can at his enemies, be it his bonetooth boomerang, or a nearby building.


See also[]
